Hogan in D-X ?????


Dark Match Jobber
i dont know if any of u seen summerslam but hogan did a crotch chop and triple h did the ear thing im not syin its happen but i thought that would be werid if hogan would be in D-X

D-Generation X

Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Hulk Hogan


Kevin Nash
Scott Hall
Ya, but I dont think that meant anything at all. If so HHH would have made a comment about it by now

Hogan should retire from wrestling and NEVER return!

by the way , hogan was doing the chops becausw he was making fun of dx. the only reason why HHH was doing hogans moves was because he was just returning the favor to hogan and was trying to get a cheap pop from the crowd. If you remember Hogan had got a louder pop then dx and when HHH came out he was doing things to get cheaps pop. then it was said that hogan was maken fun of dx and hogan had said something like " I got a better pop then one of vinces best stables"

so there is no way hogan will be part of dx and every body knows that would kill the wwe.
jko, that was a nice...i mean utterly useless addition to the conversation...only 3 words and two spelled wrong. i guess u did have to shorten up that long post tho...

anyway hulk hogan joining anything would suck. im prolly the biggest nWo fan alive...which is why i dont want it back.

i can see an nWo appearing every few years with all new people claiming to be the next generation of conquerers, etc. and that could be cool...but they are not being brought back for that...they are coming back to fight an over the hill DX and nothing more, which is dumb.

imagine if bischoff created an all new nWo with WWE stars so storyline-wise he would be stealing vinces guys again and creating an anti-wwe team. guys like masters, shelton, hardy's (who both have been screwed by vince) and more. if its got hall and nash as actual wrestlers ill hate it. but as mentors or managers...hmmm...maybe workable...
mysticx0 said:
jko, that was a nice...i mean utterly useless addition to the conversation...only 3 words and two spelled wrong. i guess u did have to shorten up that long post tho...

Actually its called slang..

But.. No.. The DX crotch chop thing.. No idea what Hogan ment by it.. But Trips only did the ear thing to see if they can get a bigger ovation then Hogan. If you didnt know this.. Hogan and DX have some major backstage heat.
If Hogan joins anyone it will be the n.W.o, but I cant see him turning heel this late into his career. If the n.W.o angle does materialise I think the match would be H.B.K. and Tiple H vs. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash with X-Pac as special referee. The match would mostly be about weather X-Pac would rejoin D-X or the n.W.o.
No...just no.

HHH doing the Hogan taunt was a rib, he was annoyed because Hogan was getting a bigger pop than DX so began to Hogans pose to get a louder reaction.
this would suck bad.i'm a hulkamaniac from way back,hell i was in detroit for wrestlemania 3 and i was 12 at the time.i'm still and always will be a hulkamaniac but i just wish he would stop wrestling.
u crazy dude?
this is just havin fun and summerslam is like 1 month old now?
what sort of topic is this?
u ppl are crazy make something out of nothing
Neither HHH nor HBK like Hogan. When HBK and Hogan had the Icon vs. Legend match, he was so, so pissed about how it all turned out. So pissed that they said he turned back into the old Michaels behind scenes, always pissed and what not. HHH and HBK are not going to let Hogan join THEIR stable. Better believe these guys get what they want and if they don't want Hogan it won't happen.
From all account the Crotch Chop was a very poorly recieved joke on Hogans part. But knowing Hogan its probably just him trying to get himself ever more over. There is no way Hogan would join DX, for that matter I dont think we'll see anything from him until around WrestleMania time, when he'll crawl out of the woodwork to do another WM Match.
Its a well known fact that nobody likes Hogan as a real person, because when it comes down to maybe having to job to a younger star, he is amazingly always hurt or something. Example - Orton vs. Hogan
Trips and HBK hate the guy, along with 80% of the vetrens and mid-vetrens that have worked with him in the past.
HHH said that hogan and hnk were supposed to wrestle again with hbk winning but hogan pussed out with a supposed knee injury
rvjr said:
i dont know if any of u seen summerslam but hogan did a crotch chop and triple h did the ear thing im not syin its happen but i thought that would be werid if hogan would be in D-X

D-Generation X

Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Hulk Hogan


Kevin Nash
Scott Hall

Are U stupid or something?

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