Hogan and Nasty boys mock Lethal


Dark Match Jobber
PWTorch.com is reporting that several talents in the TNA locker room reacted negatively to The Nasty Boys and Hulk Hogan mocking Jay Lethal recently backstage at an Impact taping.

Apparently, Jerry Sags questioned how long Lethal will be employed by TNA as he feels the "Black Machismo" gimmick is somewhat of a slap in the face to Randy Savage.

now to me this is a slap in the face to Jay Lethal is only doing a gimmick assigned to him,

how can Hogan who is meant to be leading TNA to new better highs, and here he is with 2 of his cronies making fun of who i think is one of the most talented wrestlers on their roster, and for The Nasty boys to be doing it too, these are 2 guys who are in TNA because of their friendship with Hogan, they of all people shouldnt mock someone like this, cos they wouldnt have jobs if not for Lethal in the first place, he helped build this company to the point where they can come in,

i hope the people who are not happy make it known, they cant be allowed to do this

seems also Bubba is very much disliked backstage too,

i really hope Hogan doesnt mess up all TNA's hard work by letting his cronies do and say whatever they like as seems to be way at the moment,
1. I just went to PWTorch, and I didn't see this listed anywhere. ANy chance of getting a link or a source?

2. This doesn't make any sense, because Hogan and Savage are on notoriously bad terms, why would he care about a gimmick that "slapped Savage in the face"?

3. Even if any of this IS true, this has the ring of that "backstage news" you hear that is completely overblown.

4. The "Black Machismo" thing is definitely lame and played out. THat's not really Lethal's fault, of course, but sometimes a bad gimmick can be the end of the line for a good wrestler. I hope that's not the case and they just repackage him.
Well, I definitely don't agree with the mocking part, if that is what happened. I don't think that is any way to lead in the Locker Room, and if I were Dixie or Bischoff, I would work to put a stop to this. That is not how you build morale, which is what TNA needs in the back.

At the same time, I do agree that the Black Machismo gimmick needs to come to an end immediately. I do think it is a slap in the face to Randy Savage and while maybe funny to do for a week or two ... or maybe even a month ..... adopting Randy Savage's exact character to a T and making it into a long term character is unacceptable in my eyes. That is basically theft and points to a clear sign of unoriginality. Lethal and Creative need to work on a new and individual character for Lethal and quit this nonsense of stealing Randy Savage's gimmick.

If I were Savage, I would be hot at this, personally.
Instead of mocking Lethal they should help him find a new gimmick, if they think the Savage one isn't working. (which it isn't) If Hogan and co decided to help stars who they think their gimmicks aren' working, this would certainly boost morale in the locker room
Wow what a shocker the nasty boys who aren't over putting down a young kid who has been over with this gimmick for about 4 yrs now. hey Saggs and hogan maybe if he did one of you guys that would be better but he'd have to get drunk and look like an ass and have his kid put some other kid in the hostpital..
.At the same time, I do agree that the Black Machismo gimmick needs to come to an end immediately. I do think it is a slap in the face to Randy Savage and while maybe funny to do for a week or two ... or maybe even a month ..... adopting Randy Savage's exact character to a T and making it into a long term character is unacceptable in my eyes. That is basically theft and points to a clear sign of unoriginality. Lethal and Creative need to work on a new and individual character for Lethal and quit this nonsense of stealing Randy Savage's gimmick.

If I were Savage, I would be hot at this, personally.

If you would do a little research you would know Lethal has Randy Savage's permission to use the gimmick. He didn't STEAL anything. I hate when people don't know the facts.
The only reason the nastyboys dished on lethal is due to greed. The more TNA talent hogan gets rid of the better it is for the nastyboys to grab a pay increase and others under hogans wing. J lethal is at the top of his game as the black machismo . It would be stupid to get rid of that gimmick. Look at hogan for instance he passes himself off as the best in the wrestling biz but for what? The man never actually wrestled in his life. I'm sorry but the leg drop, elbow smash and the big boot is NOT wrestling,so you can say he lied to everyone most of his career. He's no where near j lethals talent as a wrestler or dare I say it angles talent as a wrestler. Go buy the whole history of WCW and you will see that even as management hogan dosent have a clue cause all he is doing with bishoff is rehashing WCW matches.
I agree with what someone posted earlier. If the "Black Machismo" gimmick isn't working, than change it. I mean, isn't that Hogan's job to begin with? If this supposedly happened than instead of laughing at it, change it. He's a great wrestler. Definitely not one of the guys a fat ass Nasty Boy says should be fired. I mean, if anyone needs to be fired it's the Nasty's themselves, not Lethal. He's young, fit, a great in-ring competitor and should in no way have to suffer the insults of some washed up tag team and the man who is supposed to be running TNA. And as for whomever said that The Macho Man and Hulk Hogan have a notorious feud, look back to about a month ago when Hogan said on Bubba The Love Sponge's show that he would love to work with The Macho Man again. Not sure The Macho Man shares the same sentiments, but if you go by what Hogan says, the feud isn't as bitter as some say.
The sad thing is about all of this is Jay Lethal has more in ring talent in his pinkie finger than all three of those old farts combined! The Nasty Boyz were never over, and never will be over, they will be there to collect there paychecks, and go home and get fatter and dumber. Hulk Hogan has been living off his rep for to long, he never was good in the ring, and every match in the WWE since he returned in the 2000's, the other guy carried him the entire time, Rock, HHH, Taker, Angle, HBK, Orton, hell even Mcmahon carried him to a decent match, so screw all those old guys, and keep doing what your doing Jay Lethal
The Nasty Boyz need to be repackaged, reshipped and removed from the wrestling scene. It may be time to repackage Jay Lethal but what makes them think they can open their fat holes and judge somebody maybe because Nobbs used to spy on Hogan's daughter for him. I respect what Hogan has to say because like love him or hate him he earned that right it doesn't matter what his ability level is now he still a legend.
Near as I can tell from the reports, Hogan wasn't even there, the only reason his name is involved is because Hogan made some joke on the Bubba show about bringing Savage in to manage his "illegitimate son".

That said, as I said before, anyone defending the "Black Machismo" gimmick needs to get a reality check. He's a rip off. It's cheap heat. That's why he's a lower tier guy, and not even a mid-carder. It's not his fault the gimmick sucks, like I said, but it undeniably sucks.

And man, did I get a good laugh out of some of you fools even being able to type the words that Jay Lethal has more talent than Hulk Hogan. I guess hOgan became the most over guy in history by total accident. Fans cheered and were enthralled by his every move, but no talent. I know it's the cool thing in the IWC to hate Hulk Hogan because he didn't do springboard 450's, but the man's the best professional wrestler of all time. Show some respect.
I kinda like the black Machismo gimmick, because it was funny around the first 3 years. As of right now i don't think it is funny because he is losing to out of shape wresters who haven't step foot in the ring for a while. I think that sooner or later Lethal will be feud up with losing that he becomes heel and just drops it all together and say he is tired of being a joke around the locker room, or he will lose his Macho Man gimmick the same way Little Petey Pump lost his gimmick back to Scott Steiner. Back on subject the Nasty Boys don't have any room to talk shit on Lethal because Lethal can still move around the ring without getting winded 5 seconds in the match. Thats right Knobs your face was beat red as soon as you got in the ring, and you couldn't catch your breath when you ran from one side of the ring to the other you fat, out of shape fuckhead
I like Lethal and I think if they dropped his "Black Machismo" nonsense the guy could beome a great threat for the X Title again. Jay actually has some personality when he's not "ooh Yeah"ing his was around the ring. Anyone who remembers his promo on Samoa Joe before their New York show a few years back knows the guy can cut a promo and be serious. He's one of the better wrestlers in the X Division and can do any style. His matches with Joe, Ki & Homicide in ROH show he can fly, brawl, technical wrestle with the best of them. Hell he had me believing he was going to beat Punk for the belt a few years back. Cut the crap, let him be himself and go out there and dominate.
While I think Jay Lethal is doing quite a good impression of Savage, impressions are generally not very entertaining. It may have been two years ago, but it's really served its course now. That being said, the behaviour here is pretty out of order. Savage has said he doesn't care, so why do the Nasty Boys have to say anything? They don't. I've said it before and I'll say it again, those two fat ***** are a pair of shit stirrers and have created a lot of backstage disharmony wherever they go. I'm reluctant to say anything else other than this sort of thing has to be nipped in the bud, because TNA cannot afford to have young talented guys like Lethal alienated.
The fact that the Nasty Boys had the balls to stand there and try to make fun of ANY wrestler is beyond me. These two are old, slow, and completely ineffective; they are both worse than Scott Steiner who tends to just run that line between legend and old guy no one cares about. I mean sure, they walk a little faster to the ring than they do in normal life (judgment based on Knobbs appearances on Hogan Knows Best and Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling) but that is just adrenaline from the crowd and they both STILL look like they could really use walkers (which Knobbs, at least, has).

How did Hogan ever think these 2 were going to be a big draw and big deal in TNA?

Jay is a great competitor that has been with the company now for years and has performed a gimmick that was supplied to him. He could just drop the "Black Machismo" part at any time (though it would screw up the "Lethal Consequences" tag-team name) and just go back to being Jay Lethal.
Personally I am not a fan of the gimmick but it seems to be working with the fans. If this is true I think the Nasty Boys and Hogan were wrong. Lethal has more talent in his finger than Hogan, Nasty Boys have put together. Lethal Could really help this company and Hogan and the Nasty Boys should be more careful next time
How "over" is he really? He was x-division champ in the stoneages, and hasn't done anything in quite some time. He's basically been a jobber for quite a minute now. I don't agree with the mocking. Repackage him cause he is a phenomenal athlete with decent charisma. But let's keep things in perspective. And I personally think people are reading too much into this. I mean I know EVERYTHING we read on the internet has to be true, but if the Nastys were mocking him, who cares? If they're as washed up and not relevant as many claim they are, then it's just jealousy. I think Lethal will be fine.
Here's the link in relation to that story regarding the Jay Lethal-Hogan Crony Controversy....I also copied the text from the article to quote it as well. Needless to say, it's more "journalistic excellence" at its best.


There was some eye rolling in the TNA locker room when Hulk Hogan and The Nasty Boys had a laugh at the expense of X Division star Jay Lethal.

Jerry Sags openly questioned how long TNA will keep him employed and laughed at the audacity of his “Black Machismo” character.

Apparently in a tongue in cheek tone, Hogan later cracked during an appearance on The Bubba The Love Sponge Show that TNA should bring in Randy Savage to manage Lethal.

Guys and gals,

Let's not take these internet reports too seriously, are any of you aware that this is professional wrestling? Take any and all of what these people say with a grain of salt, particularly someone like Hulk Hogan, who you can tell stays in character. To be honest, I do wish more people would act like that, because kayfabe is something I miss. Sure, it sounds like Jay Lethal has got his haters if you listen to that comment Sags made, but do they really mean it or not, who knows, who cares? My opinion is that wrestling is not something to take all that seriously, I know I am not. You're talking about people that their whole living is based on fiction...unless you know these people personally and are there to see all those "eyes rolling in the locker room", there's no way of knowing the truth from fiction in this business. And in my mind as long as there are entertaining shows every week that's all I care about

And in closing, the people that call that wrestling news, have not a single idea what journalism truly is, if I found something like this on printed form, I wouldn't even use it as a substitute for toilet paper after a bowel movement.
If you would do a little research you would know Lethal has Randy Savage's permission to use the gimmick. He didn't STEAL anything. I hate when people don't know the facts.

Your name looks really familiar for some reason.

And if you would do a little research:

On May 8, TNA Mobile announced that Randy Savage himself called Jay Lethal and said that he loved the "Black Machismo" character as the two spoke on the phone for several minutes. However, Lethal subsequently expressed doubt over whether he had really spoken with Savage as the Macho Man's trademark voice is easily imitated.


So what I said stands. There is no proof that Lethal spoke with Randy Savage. There are no documents showing Lethal had written permission from Randy Savage to do the gimmick.

Being that Randy Savage has never publicly acknowledged it, I have always went with the assumption that this likely has not transpired, therefore my opinion stands.

So you come here trying to make a name for yourself, and you fall flat on your face. Amateur.
Lethal is the man..regardless if its Black Machismo gimmick or not. He plays it perfectly. He should just be pushed more. Regardless of gimmick. More Lethal in TNA is better for everyone. I dont know why this guy is just sitting on the back burner why the Nasty Boys are in a hot tag feud. WHY
I hope this isn't true, because if it is, that would be a disaster to all three of them.

Nasty Boys: OK, so EVERYONE knows they have a job know b/c they're Hogan's boys. They haven't been on anybody's minds for over ten years now, and suddenly they're a credible team on TNA. The Nasty Boys on the same roster as underpushed/underutilized MCMG and Beer Money? That proves their relationship w/Hogan to the bullseye.

Hogan: This would hurt him even more, because he is one of the leaders of TNA, and degrading one of your best talets on the roster speaks of him as a businessman. It would REALLY hurt Hogan's already diminishing reputation if this is true.

BTW: I still like Lethal's gimmick; I just think it is improperly booked. His talent can carry his gimmick alone.

BOTTOM LINE IS: put Lethal in a match with all three individually or collectively, and we'll REALLY see who is the embarrassment.
This doesn't surprise me. Lethal is a glorified comedy character, period. Hogan is worth something and the Nasty Boys....well we're told they're worth something by....the Nasty Boys but whatever. This type of stuff happens all the time backstage and while i hate to admit it, the Nastys are worth more to TNA than Lethal is at the moment. Lethal is on TV what, once every two months or so? The Nastys, as ridiculous and stupid as it is, are on TV once a week. They're in a better position than Lethal and due to being Hogan's friends they can get away with it.

It's bullshit and stupid, but it's reality.
I hope this isn't true, because if it is, that would be a disaster to all three of them.

Nasty Boys: OK, so EVERYONE knows they have a job know b/c they're Hogan's boys. They haven't been on anybody's minds for over ten years now, and suddenly they're a credible team on TNA. The Nasty Boys on the same roster as underpushed/underutilized MCMG and Beer Money? That proves their relationship w/Hogan to the bullseye.

Hogan: This would hurt him even more, because he is one of the leaders of TNA, and degrading one of your best talets on the roster speaks of him as a businessman. It would REALLY hurt Hogan's already diminishing reputation if this is true.

BTW: I still like Lethal's gimmick; I just think it is improperly booked. His talent can carry his gimmick alone.

BOTTOM LINE IS: put Lethal in a match with all three individually or collectively, and we'll REALLY see who is the embarrassment.

Hey man, here's a question, why don't you take a first class flight down to Orlando yourself and tell Mr. Hogan you can do a better job. I am sure you have read enough PWTorch articles and get enough inside dirt to think you can write better storylines and push better talent.

As far as the common wrestling fan is concerned, most are going to care less what Hulk Hogan says on a satellite radio show, inside and outside of that ring, Hogan is more or less the guy he portrays, hardly ever does he even really break kayfabe.

As far as the Nasty Boys role in TNA goes, I don't exactly see these guys walking around carrying and getting TNA gold because they're Hogan's friends. The idea of their feud with Team 3D actually works considering each team's roughneck styles, I'm all about giving this idea a chance, despite their being in their mid-40s, the Nasty Boys aren't some pairing that sprang over night. Obviously they're not the most physically astounding or aesthetically pleasing types, but they did only happen to be one of the biggest teams of the 90s. Sure not exactly spring chickens, but they're getting out there and giving wrestling another shot.

Which makes me want to ask you this question next, despite them not being the latest and greatest thing they're still able to get in that ring, so with that being said are you out there attempting to do what they are doing in front of a multitude of wrestling fans. If you think you can man, go ahead and lace up a pair of boots and step through those ropes, amigo.

I wouldn't blow things out of proportion and say that The Nastys are being given a meteoric push, after all Hernandez and Morgan seem to have those tag straps firmly in their possession as of now. As far as your comment about Beer Money, Inc being underutilized, well look at it like this, people can say what they want about Kevin Nash and Sean Waltman, but both those guys have a name in the business, more so Nash these days than Waltman, but bottom line at Genesis, Beer Money got a win over these two. They weren't being fed to the former nWo like many of you smarks were dreading all those weeks heading into the event.

I enjoy Lethal's antics myself and if all holds true, true talent will always rise, after all let's not act like this guy hasn't done anything already in TNA. But then again I guess three TNA X Division Titles, a victory over Kurt Angle and a Tag Team Title reign just to start isn't good enough for you. Maybe, it might be time for Lethal to change things up with his persona, I mean after all how long can you really play off the Randy Savage homage for at the cost of one's own identity?

I feel it would be TNA's loss to fire him. That is of course if we want to totally believe what Hogan said was a shoot. I am not saying it was or wasn't, but I'm just saying don't rule out the possibility that it could just be one big work.

After all, say what you want about businessman this or businessman that in regards to Hogan, but the whole idea of the wrestling business is to play a character. I, myself think Hogan was staying in character, and what the hell, why not? I mean we're talking about a god damn professional wrestler, it's not like Hogan is going to address the United Nations on foreign affairs, this is professional wrestling people, not global politics.

So like I said in an earlier response, take all of what you hear with a grain of salt, because you're not around to know what's really going on behind the doors of TNA, and for that matter neither do I!

Bottom line is this, from what I am listening of your statements, you're offering nothing new in the way of an opinion, it just seems more like a copy and paste of what every other misguided smark on this forum is spewing.

And judging by what you know or what you think you know, I wouldn't even trust you to run a lemonade stand let alone a wrestling promotion.

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