Destination X - March 21, 2010 - General Discussion thread

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What better way to ignite the division? A show like this will automatically set up storylines and contenders throughout the division, and make the title mean more than "just another belt". This could either legitimize the belt as a mid-card title, or it could make it a stand alone belt again, like it was years ago.

I'm not saying the show, on it's own, will be great, but it will be very impactful storyline-wise. A true "landmark" show.
I think this could possibly work out, if they bring in foreign talent and indy talent like they've done with the world x cup, bring in the upper echelon of talent, and perhaps even have a knockouts match.
Lets take a look at who we've got:
AJ Styles, D'Angelo Dinero, Samoa Joe, Daniels, Jeff Hardy
Mistico, Tanahashi, Jushin Liger, Ultimo Guerrero, Alex Kozlov, Tyson Dux, Volador Jr., PAC
Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt, Jimmy Rave, Super Smash Bros, Teddy Hart, Jack Evans, Matt Cross
Kiyoshi, Lethal Consequences, Suicide, Doug Williams, Amazing Red, Homicide, Shannon Moore, MCMG, Generation Me, Brian Kendrick, Shark Boy, Orlando Jordan, Sean Morley
Sarita, Taylor Wilde, Hamada, Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky

From my point of view, while they obviously won't get all of the indy stars, if any, and wont get all the global stars, if any, they still have a great roster on their hands.
If we take the indy and global roster out of the equation, we could put together this card-

World Championship
AJ Styles(C) vs. Jeff Hardy
A match that would sell well, and sticks with the X division theme really well.

Battle of the Classics
Samoa Joe vs. Daniels
Though its been done a few times, would stilll produce a great match and be a nice little selling point.

Return Match
Suicide vs. D'Angelo Dinero
These two had a great feud, and could reignite it one more time for this PPV

No.1 Contendership to the tag titles
MCMG vs. Consequences Creed vs. Generation Me
I think this match would make anyone jizz, and involves the tag titles

No.1 Contendership to knockouts tag titles
Ladder Match
Sarita and Taylor Wilde vs. The Beautiful People
A good way to include the knockouts, Sarita and Wilde definetely being X division style wrestlers, and the Beautiful People are X division as much as Doug Williams is, and the ladder stipulation only adds to the high flying, and would showcase the knockouts well.

X Division Title
Ultimate X Match
Doug Williams vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Amazing Red vs. Homicide vs. Shannon Moore
5 of the top X Division wrestlers doing battle for the X Division title in an X Division specialty match.

So, you could get a great card right now. Personally I would pay to watch this, and I think even casual fans would pay for sometghing like that.
But if they got all the stars in, they could put on an extravaganza like this-

World Title
AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy
Already been explained

Mistico vs. Daniels
A phenomenal X division match that could be incredibly entertaining.

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Suicide
Already been explained

Samoa Joe vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger
This is an indy dream match that TNA could put on.

No.1 Contendership to the tag titles
MCMG vs. Lethal Consequences vs. Generation Me vs. Super Smash Brothers
Just adding the Super Smash Brothers into the mix

Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt vs. Teddy Hart and Jack Evans
Because it would be awesome

No.1 Contendership to knockouts tag titles
Ladder Match
Taylor Wilde and Sarita vs. Beautiful People
Already Explained

Future vs. Foreign
Sean Morley and Orlando Jordan vs. Tanahashi and Volador Jr.
Some may remember Tnaahashi and Volador teaming up in TNA back in 2008 (?) a couple of times, and it would be interesting to see them against TNA's new superstars

X Division Title
Ultimate X
Doug Williams vs. PAC vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Shannon Moore vs. Ultimo Guerrero vs. Amazing Red vs. Matt Cross vs. Alex Kozlov vs. Homicide vs. Jimmy Rave
This match would be absolutely incredible, showcasing the past in Jimmy Rave, the foreign in PAC, Ultimo Guerrero and Alex Kozlov, the present in Doug Williams, Brian Kendrick and Amazing Red, and the future in Matt Cross and Shannon Moore, in an epic match.

The thing is, though the second ppv looks like it would be better, the first ppv would probably sell better than the second, and the matches would get more time.
So TNA are perfectly capable of putting on the ppv as they are, and it would actually hurt them IMO to bring more people in.
i think this is a awsome idea personaly it will lead to bring the x-title back into the picture i believe it would work doing it like a ranking with the winner going to ultimate x for the title so these are who could appear and a match listing that i think would be good

alex shelley
amazing red
chris sabin
doug williams
gen me
eric young
jay leathel
rob terry (could defend global title and make it like a us or ic title or leave it global but defend it anywhere)
samoa joe
shark boy
petey williams

ultimate x qulifyers(spelling wrong i know)

Daniels vs Shark Boy
winner Daniels

Amazing red vs homicide vs Jay leathel (three way because tna likes doign things with the xdivision)
winner Jay leathel

tag match winning team goes to ultimate X

MCMG vs Gen Me (impact match would be but to shame if done right)
winners MCMG

Samoa Joe vs Global title holder (rob terry now)
winner samoa joe try and get credit back to the title with a long run and the old samoa joe

creed vs eric young vs kiyoshi vs mystery person ( turn out to be petey)
winner petey williams

have aj want in and easy e says he can have a match against a former X division champ making his return 2night aj say petey already is in, easy e says ull see

Aj vs the returning KAZ (as kaz he was when he was facing christain cage)
winner Kaz aj buts him over to make the x division look crediable

so the final match would be Ultimate X for the title

Doug williams (only because hes the champ)
Jay leathel
petey williams

i think they should have daniels or petey williams win so they can start a fued with each other and kaz that would be a good starting spot for the x division

there could be other people brought in 2 agian like Dutt which would be nice to see he was with tna from the start and gave them everything

well that i think would work with of course good buil threw the week and with aj and the global champ match it will but a little bit of main event talent on the card, you also cant count out former x champs now in the main event scene like angle either to bring star power to the ppv, but if you have seen old ppv the matches i said ya would have great story lines but they can show of what the x division is a high spot fest with quick in ring work. dont get me wrong its amazing but alot of them arnt great on the mic or storyline
Despite what people say about too many titles, I think that Destination X would be a perfect time to introduce what would be a very much-needed title, that being an X-Division tag belt. 4-Way of Beer Money vs. MCMG vs. Generation Me vs. Lethal Consequences in an Ultimate X? It is all about "no limits," after all...

...with that "no limits" thing in mind, I think they're going to focus on X stars, but not build an exclusive X-Division PPV. There simply aren't enough over X stars to make it happen. But besides the above match (I'd pay to see it, if no one else would), I can easily AJ & Desmond Wolfe (managed by Flair), in a no DQ tag against The Pope & Samoa Joe, and Eric Young (w/Nash) vs. Syxx-Pac (w/Scott Hall), as well as Doug Williams vs. Kaz for the X Belt...Triple X could come back (man, do I miss Elix Skipper!), Petey Williams could come back, they have the rest of the British Invasion, Kendrick, Red, Suicide, and Homicide to use, plus "heavyweights" who pick fights with the smaller guys just to prove that the X Division sucks...which, hopefully, will not be a one-sided affair in either direction.

Ultimately, TNA really seems to be pushing Lockdown a lot more, but Destination X could really be a good PPV, and they have plenty of overall starpower to make it happen.

Hell...maybe we could even see a DGUSA crossover? I'd love to see some more Masato Yoshino, like in that killer 12-man World X-Cup match from a couple of years ago...

...oh, and the big surprise that would totally fit and could sell big? The return of RVD! Not to mention that Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore are with TNA and would fit this PPV perfectly!
From what I heard, this ISN'T an all X-Division PPV anymore, it will just be highlighting the X-Division. while I wouldn't mind seeing an X-Division pay per view, Hogan hasn't given them a lot of time lately. I have a feeling they'll get some more air time come March 8th and on, to show the fans one of the things they have that WWE doesn't.
Is there a PPV coming up this month. It sure doesn't look like it. There hasn'T been that much promotion about it. Sure you got a tag title match between Beer Money and Morgan/Hernandez. But it been threated like and afterthought. Sure you got the X-divison title match between KAz and Doug Williams. Again been treated has a afterthought and KAz wasn'T even on T.V last week. Sure you got the ultimate X match but they don'T mention it at all or when they talk about it it just for a few seconds like if it's not that important.

For the last three week there wasn'T even a run down of the card on IMPACT to remind the fan of what to expect at Destination X. They've been so busy talking about the big move to monday nights that they completly forgot about the PPV just like they did for Genesis back in january. Then they wonder why people don'T buy their PPV's. It's because you don'T care enough about promoting it. The idea of featuring the X-division during the PPV is a great idea but if you don't see the X-division on T.V. every week, why would you want to pay 35$ to see them on PPV.

TNA should realise that the PPV's are the most important part of the revenue stream and they should focus on promoting them so that the casual fan would care enough to buy a PPV. If they don'T care why should we and that's exactly what Destination X is becoming a PPV that TNA doesn'T care about to promote it so if they don'T care about it, why should we?
This ppv could well be a disaster because there's be ZERO build up for it whatsoever. To be perfectly honest, I'd completely forgotten about the ppv until earlier in the week when I read about it online. TNA seems to have almost entirely stopped doing anything relevant with its mid-card, tag team and women's division for the most part and now, with so much attention spent on Hulk Hogan within the past month or so in particular, it seems that building up and trying to sell ppvs is next up on the list. I know I'm definitely not paying $35 bucks for it.
Well TNA did a better job at promoting the pay per view tonight. Destination X has its matches all lined up for March 21st, and it is actually a PPV that I am looking forward to. Not only do we get to see the Hogan Flair protege match up for the Title, but we also get a Ultimate X match with two great tag teams involved. I am also looking forward to the Angle/Anderson matchup, because I can see this is a great up and coming feud that could last a while.
Is anyone going to order this thing at all?

23 mins from showtime, and I was thinking about doing it, or really any talk about it. Dud?

I'm interested in another Anderson/Angle match. I could watch the Hogan/Flair antics, though I don't feel that's worth any money. Morgan heel turn? Ultimate X match? These are things I'd like to see, but is it worth the money?

I'd like to see TNA do a better job of building up a PPV in the future. True that the competition right now is Wrestlefreakinmania, but that's no reason to coast through to Lockdown. This should have been a X Division building show, and instead we get Shannon Moore.
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