HHH's speech has some flaws (hear me out)

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The whole angle has some flaws in it. I mean what "weird decisions" has Vince been making that the Board felt warranted his removal?

The angle works better if they had let Vince start making weird decisions for a few more weeks, all spurred by Punk winning the belt. He starts randomly firing people. Maybe makes up a new belt, has someone win it, then he just randomly strips them of it cuz he fears another Punk moment.

THEN you bring in HHH and say the Board wants you removed.

I mean all Vince has done is try to suspend someone who crapped on his family and company, threaten to fire someone if they didn't win the title, and tried to sign "the hottest thing" in wrestling. Where's the weird, unfit to serve decisions?
of cause it was flawed, he could have used a telephone.:lol:
But such consistency has never really been that important. HHH did not act very well tho and came out cheesy, that`s more of a problem than the logic of thing.
The whole angle has some flaws in it. I mean what "weird decisions" has Vince been making that the Board felt warranted his removal?

How about threatening to firing the guy who makes them something like 35% of their merchandice income. Or allowing the title to leave the company. It also leaves room for retconing things in. Not all madness is on display.

The angle works better if they had let Vince start making weird decisions for a few more weeks, all spurred by Punk winning the belt. He starts randomly firing people. Maybe makes up a new belt, has someone win it, then he just randomly strips them of it cuz he fears another Punk moment.

What went down was perfect. that would have ruined the feel of what happened.

I mean all Vince has done is try to suspend someone who crapped on his family and company, threaten to fire someone if they didn't win the title, and tried to sign "the hottest thing" in wrestling.

and all of those are the signs of a rational mind, right? and saying Vince has lost his grip on reality is HARDLY a new thing in WWE

Where's the weird, unfit to serve decisions?

Aside from allowing the Punk situation to go down and reacting like he did, I'm sure there's more to be said about that.
Ok so we have all seen the end of RAW. HHH showed up and advised Vince he was fired and HHH was now the Chairman of the board.

Yeah, it was one of the best moments in the E in a long time, even with the slightly awkard "I love you pop" moment.

HHH said he flew from Chicago to Green Bay, then back to Connecticut then back to Green Bay from the time the PPV ended to the moment Vince was about to say "You're Fired" to Cena.

All of this was done in Vince's jet from the way HHH stated what had happened.

Vince was not aware of any of this happening, despite his jet being used.

Vince did not find it strange that HHH suddenly disappeared from RAW

Okay, so let's get this straight, the former employee, and one of the best stick guys of your huge billion dollar corporation just recently took your most prized possession from the company, also, you have to fire your favorite money magnet in John Cena, the face of said company, as well as come up with a new championship strap, and crown a new champion from a group that, let's be real, isn't really A-show carrying material yet. And you're worried about a jet that isn't even at the arena that you are? Yeah, that's a great business mind you have there. You're company is crumbling and you worry about a jet.

Johnny Ace a high ranking VP was not aware

The board met without the Chairman being aware and NOBODY leaked the information to him?

Why does everything have to be leaked these days? If someone is getting removed from office, in a big company that lives on pop moments, you think someone would blow such a huge moment, when the media finds out everything before hand? with all the spoilers and things going around the web, I think that they tried their hardest to keep the biggest moment possibly in WWE history (Not WWF, just WWE) under wraps? Also, how would you want to be the one who did it? The one who told? Yeah, good luck trying to find a job, loser.

HHH had time to meet with the board (he wouldn't as he is a junior VP) and take those instructions. They then make him the NEW chairman (never would happen as a junior VP).

HHH doesn't want to fire Vince but yet as the new Chairman does it anyway?

We've known for a while now that Trips would take over the company eventually, so that part didnt really come as that big of a surprise, it was the deliverance and the fact that it happened in the ring, at a live event, and not in some backstage bs, or in Vince's death. And of course he fired him, he had to, if that's what the meeting was about. He couldn't just say "They want me to fire you, but I won't", then his ass would be out of a job too.

"The Family" supported the decision.. what family? Shane doesn't hold a position in WWE, neither does Linda (she quit as CEO) So Steph then?

The McMahon family has been concerned with Vince's mental health lately, and, being his family, agreed to him not being the chairman anymore. They didn't say that they brought it up, or forced it to happen, just that they agreed. It's like the President being impeached, his family might agree with it because of whatever reason, but just because they don't have power, doesn't mean that their opinion is irrelevant, especially to the head of that family.

He also managed to get in the building at the presise moment Vince was about to say I quit. I assume nobody else knew then why did they queu up his music?

Everyone in the world knows that the biggest moments of the show happen in the last 10 minutes or so. So how is it difficult to believe that he made it to the show at 10:50? I'm sure he was backstage before, but much like I said before, its all about the deliverance. He couldn't have just came out, with it being his big return at a huge moment, making an earthshattering announcement, so he had to come out at the perfect time. What's so hard to see about that? Yeah it's business moment, but it still has to be done right.

I know its a storyline but none of it makes sense. I doubt it would even possible for him to make all the flights he had too, attend meetings, show up looking as less tired he did, keep it all secret.

Did anyone else think it was just a bit... strange?

I don't know exactly about the flights, but I'm sure if you have a private jet, that makes non stop flights straight to your destination, you could do it. It's not an ordinary flight that has lay overs and delays and such. I know when I fly from Florida to Cali, the actual air time isn't really that painstakingly long, its the waiting that drags it out, and the "going out the way" aspect of it. It all seems perfectly fine to me when you take into the context of when and how it took place. Now if everything had been perfect, like an ordinary day, then maybe, but it was easy to see how Vince could have been distraught and missed some of the stuff you pointed out. Also, with X-Pac's recent comments, and many other sources saying things, it seems like the actions are true, no matter how "staged" it sounded, because after all, it was on a stage. I take it for what it is, a real life event, told in the middle of a ring for a company built on overreacting and pops. It's like when someone tells you about a story of something that really happens, just stretches it somewhat, yeah some of it sounds strange to you, or doesn't "add-up" but that doesn't take away from what actually happened, and last night, something HUGE happened.
Let's also not forget that Vince tried to stop the championship match by suspending Punk. It was Cena who demanded the match happen.
This may be the dumbest thread I have ever read here and I'm upset that I posted in it. Some people shouldn't be allowed to have opinions (I think the Internet is quickly turning me into a facist).
Word to the wise, never overly think of anything entertaining because you can ALWAYS find flaws in storyline logic whether its a book, movies or television if you look hard enough there is always a flaw.

If you think too much everything will start to not make sense (did it make sense that Punk was leader of Nexus even though he was the first man to be actually attacked?) but instead of over-analyzing the storyline just sit back and enjoy it for what it is. TV isn't supposed to be over logical, its supposed to be entertaining. Of course storylines have to be somewhat logical but they don't have to micro manage every little thing, you sound like one of the only people who have picked the story line apart because of a few things HHH said during his promo instead of looking at the big picture. For the most part its logical and makes sense so who cares?

PS. The big flaw is if WWE is a publicly traded company, the person who owns the most shares is the owner. Since Vince owns the most of the shares he can't be touched until someone owns more shares than he does. Once again it makes for a good storyline *fingers crossed* so why does it matter.
If your gonna bury the storyline for such minor gaps than you should be up in arms at the fact that Undertaker has been buried alive like 4 times. Kane has been thrown into a flzming dumpster. Big Bossman was hung.

HHH regardless of position going into the meeting, was being appointed the new chairman so he HAD to be there. But who cares, its TV SHOW!!!!! Do you make such inquiries about ER, Criminal Minds, CSI, How I Met Your MOther, etc.?
I'm not going to go throught the OP line by line, trying to break down what you're writing and insulting you along the way. Because let's face it, I'm not a cunt. Instead, I'm going to use something which I've seen klunderbunker write. It's wrestling, not Shakespeare.

This shouldn't matter. It's wrestling. If you're thinking this much about one angle, you probably need to re-assess why you're a wrestling fan in the first place. The fact is, I wasn't watching Raw trying to work out how Triple H got from Stamford to Green Bay. Hell, I wasn't even fully concentrating on what he was saying. I was too busy marking out over the fact that Triple H was back and appeared to have big news.

Wrestling has never made sense. Hell, we're talking abut a guy who calls himself Triple H telling his father-in-law that he's been fired on live national TV. None of this is based in reality. It succeeded in entertaining the fans. And that's all that matters.
I can understand why the IWC is so complacent. It seems every single angle WWE runs, people come on here to scrutinize it to death pointing out every flaw possible. To the 90% who don't sign on here it comes across as a great angle with large amounts of realism.

- Vince McMahon is getting old and has put in years on the road.
- John Cena is one of the BIGGEST pieces in the WWE and unless he does something totally unprofessional he's basically untouchable.
- Most people don't understand how BOG's operate and would believe either that the BOG have even shareholds to make a joint decision to relieve him of his duties, or that with "family" support they could oust him.
- Vince crying made me wonder if possibly he is going to step down. The IWC has proclaimed Stephanie as his replacement and HHH as the day to day operator from the wresting standpoint.

Unless you are someone who surfs the internet or knows business law, CNBC stated that the angle broke some SEC violation.

So my take is that if you ignore the internet and to a lesser degree are well versed in business law, this angle comes off as something very legit and very realistic!
If your gonna bury the storyline for such minor gaps than you should be up in arms at the fact that Undertaker has been buried alive like 4 times. Kane has been thrown into a flzming dumpster. Big Bossman was hung.

HHH regardless of position going into the meeting, was being appointed the new chairman so he HAD to be there. But who cares, its TV SHOW!!!!! Do you make such inquiries about ER, Criminal Minds, CSI, How I Met Your MOther, etc.?

THIS! THIS! Ohh and I think I forgot to mention...THIS!

Look I didnt need to overthink it (and piss off a whole lotta people here) when I saw the end of RAW. The way I saw it, if it was true then Triple H has some impeccable timing, showing up right before Cenas fired (as with everything in wrestling the timing is always perfect). Not to mention the legal trouble WWE would be in by appointing Triple H the new chairman. I dont think anyone is seriously considering that this is true. I think Vince might have been crying a little harder if his daughter and son in law had gone behind his back and taken the company from him. And on top of that you have XPac, a member of the Kliq (and we all know how desperate they all are to get into the WWE again) claiming that its true. I would be laughing if XPac took the text HHH sent him seriously and Triple H meant it as kayfabe.
I find it hilarious how the OP was bashed continuously and not one address to the fact that he clearly states he is enjoying the storyline, just questioning the oddities to it.

I thought it was okay. Its clearly leading to something bigger (at least I hope) and it seems to be shaking things up. My interest in regularly watching WWE again has grown some.

What really got me was the crowd's reaction to Vince. It started off with the typical "Na Na Hey Hey (Kiss Him Goodbye)" chant and turned into a "Thank you, Vince" followed by Vince acknowledging their praise.
I haven't seen acting that bad since the Chaperone. Vince was believable....but Hunter? C'mon. As much as HHH has joked in the past, I just couldn't buy it....storyline or not. He was trying to hard to cry and just couldn't do it.
Well, since everything I could say was covered by one well detailed post on the first page.. I suppose there's not a whole lot left to say. You really do need to stop over analyzing it though. Did you do that when HHH "broke into" Randy's house? Or when Undertaker did the whole Ministry of Darkness thing? I really do miss the 90's.. Only because the internet wasn't as big.. And that meant that Wrestling fans didn't think they were smarter than they actually are.
I agree that the OPs points are mostly schematics that are minor compared to any soap opera but this guy does pose a legitimate question...

The whole angle has some flaws in it. I mean what "weird decisions" has Vince been making that the Board felt warranted his removal?

The angle works better if they had let Vince start making weird decisions for a few more weeks, all spurred by Punk winning the belt. He starts randomly firing people. Maybe makes up a new belt, has someone win it, then he just randomly strips them of it cuz he fears another Punk moment.

THEN you bring in HHH and say the Board wants you removed.

I mean all Vince has done is try to suspend someone who crapped on his family and company, threaten to fire someone if they didn't win the title, and tried to sign "the hottest thing" in wrestling. Where's the weird, unfit to serve decisions?

This is a real legitimate quibble - what bad decisions has Vince made? He hasn't been seen for months on end and he reappears a few weeks back and makes the following decisions:

1) He fires Punk for; a} Slandering his company and family, and
b} Stating he plans to do a Flair and walk out with the biggest belt in the company.

Now, to me, any boss in the world would do this so nothing for a 'no confidence' vote here.

2) He agrees to reinstate Punk because Cena insinuates that he is going to do exactly the same as CM has threatened to do. A proviso is inserted that John will be fired if he cannot fulfil what he promises.

Again, this is pretty standard business practice. If an employee talks his boss into a very risky proposition that could prove extremely detrimental to the business, of course he will be fired if the worst case scenario is realised. The plus side of Cena's proposition is also very promising, shutting Punk up and not making it look like you feared his threats.

3) He places two decorated superstars in a handicap match against the Big Show for being dicks.

The boss creating what should have been a fair match-up? The fiend!

4) He agrees to ridiculous contract conditions from Punk (before Cena messes it up).

If giving into ridiculous requests was grounds for being relieved of duty. The owners / chairmen of every big sports club in the world would be in trouble.

5) Attempting to 'screw' Punk at MitB.

The last time Vince did this, it was the catalyst in WWF putting all it's viable competitors out of business and their greatest ever commercial success.

6) Creating a tournament to create a new champion.

What else would the board have him do?

7) [assumption] Firing Cena.

He promised that this would be the repercussion, to NOT do it would be more questionable.

These are the only (visible) decisions we have seen him make in a LONG time and I really don't think any of them are overly questionable. What would clear this up though, is if Mr Levesque (surely as Chairman, he'll have to assume his proper moniker) reveals that Vince was the anonymous GM all along because that cat has made many weird calls.
After reading people be rude, absuive and just plain jerks.. I wonder why I signed up for the forums. Anyway.

It's not just on TV that HHH is Vince's son in law, Kotre. He's married to Stephanie in real life as well, and they have kids.

Asking for a slice of logic here and there is not really all that much. Based on two people's comments it's a 'highly unrealistic show' so it doesn't matter what happens. Okay, in that case I say make Gail Kim the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. Hey it would get ratings, who cares if it makes sense, and it would fit with what you two are saying!

And lastly, the comment about the belt. The 'spinner' belt, as some people still call it, even though it doesn't really spin anymore, had it's time. Stone Cold had his own belt. The Rock did too if I remember right. From time to time, it's needed to move on and take that belt in a new direction. It'll be interesting to see what the new one looks like.

Lastly, I agree with FitFinlay 4 life. I see nothign really vince did that was questionable.
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