HHH true ascension as king

Carpathian Florist

Pre-Show Stalwart
Obviously Triple H took the King of Kings moniker awhile back, however perhaps now is the time to truly apply that to him.

Wrestlemania 32 is going to be a disaster. Plenty of people will defend certain mediocre aspects of the product, because a few small splinters of gems will stand out brighter against mountain of turd than they would normally.

So this should be incorporated into the post-Mania Raw, with vague allusions to the bullshit backstage ruining the product, never breaking kayfabe but suggesting the true talent gets placed in mediocre matches that go nowhere, whereas those that are favoured get put in positions that help them succeed. Then of course, the mocking begins. It's well known Vince's daddy denied him the pleasure of being a wrestler himself. Something that VKM has always aspired to be. The announcers and various wrestlers could point this out, Vince saw himself as a certain type of wrestler and allowed those to dominate his company to the detriment of the product, simply to prove to himself and to the memory of his dead father that Vince Senior was wrong to deny him of his wrestling destiny. He can't give up his grip, as it would mean admitting not only was he wrong, but he was doomed to fail as daddy dearest predicted all along. Vince is a broken man, but the pride prevents those cracks from splintering outward and demolishing him completely.

Then a heel from the past steps in, personally I would like to see Raven in this role, however another dark and charismatic heel could slip in here rather nicely, perhaps Jake 'the snake' Roberts or Kevin Sullivan. They get in Vince's ear about proving himself finally, about winning back the respect and admiration of his wrestling troops by overcoming the odds and proving he had what it took all along.

As the manager Raven (or whoever) picks opponents for Vince early on, jobbers all too willing for the TV time and exposure to go one on one with ths boss, the most enduring name in Sports Entertainment, albeit for a nice feee on the side and some instructions to follow. Raven knows not to throw Vince to the sharks immediately, however small they be. A little poison every day allows you to build up an immunity to it, bit by bit.

Initially Vince's opponents put up a fight, but do not wrestle with their full capabilities. Allowing Vince to slowly but surely dose himself up for the big hits.
Crushing these jobbers early on, who offer a realistic amount of offense in return lets Vince build up his ring prowess, abilities and confidence, until around Summerslam when he gets his first PPV match against an established midcarder and wins a gruelling almost evenly matched bout, almost by fluke.

Of course a lot of this amounts to nothing more than a wrestling version of Rocky Balboa...

Meanwhile, in other segments of Raw and Smackdown, we reluctantly feature dopey Mick Foley criticising various aspects of the product and generally being in denial of the fact he hasn't been relevant since he last threw himself off something high up or onto something sharp.

This continues week after week, until Vince finally earns a shot at the WWE title at the Royal Rumble. Having slowly but surely built consistency and credibility over the last 8 or so months, coupled with the weak champions WWE loves to push, Vince pulls out a win with the help of Raven and becomes champion. Later that evening dopey Mick enters the Royal Rumble match as a surprise entrant, after endless whining and eventually supplants the intended Jim Duggan (or whoever is old and barely relevant these days). Dopey then rolls in the ring, across the ring and right back out the other side, where he proceeds to join the commentary team and whines on in his own deluded way, believing he really is a STAR.

So Triple H, seeing the support for and popularity of Vince grow, fears for his position in the company as backstage Vince's ego, spurred on by Raven, is out of control and thus inserted himself into the Rumble too, hoping to usurp Vince's growing power with a power display of his own. Foley, being so consumed by his own rantings and ego, misses HHH throwing his final opponent *through* the ropes, not over them. Dopey only notices HHH alone in the ring when he pauses for breath during a lengthy tirade about how he carried the Attitude Era. HHH, focused on where (lets say) Daniel Bryan fell doesn't notice the human mudslide sneak up behind him, enabling an easy elimination for the self obsessed one. DB deftly destroys Foley for a few seconds and then becomes the Rumble winner.

Foley, seething and sweating, storms the ring with a microphone and begins a nonsensical abusive rant towards the fans, blaming them for every numerous failure he's endured in life, claiming they killed wrestling because he was going to be the saviour of TNA, (had his millions of imaginary fans followed him there) but derides them for being 'too lazy to change the goddamned channel' because, in his mind, if they had, there would be 2 world class promotions in competition with each other by now, with the whole world thanking him for it.
This begins a worked shoot riot, where the fans storm the ring to murder Dopey Mick. HHH, hero that he is, fights off the first wave of dissenters whilst Foley slithers back to the locker room. HHH is trampled to death in the ensuing chaos and thus, dies for the sins of Mankind.

On Raw Daniel Bryan asked for his title match at Elimination Chamber or whatever February PPV they're running now, because he doesn't want his Wrestlemania moment to be destroying an elderly gentleman, but a competitive 5 star match against a worthy opponent for the belt.

At Elimination Chamber, Vince with the help of Raven looks to be on the verge of pulling out a surprise victory over DB. Foley, insane with jealousy that a 70 year old civilian is more over than he could have ever hoped to be, interferes in the match, but of course this attempt is just as inept as every other aspect of his life and merely guarantees Vince the victory.

So Wrestlemania is set to be DB vs Vince vs Foley, until the final Raw before WM 33 when Triple H is resurrected and sets the match, him vs Vince for the title and DB vs Foley in a career threatening match.

DB utterly destroys Foley for 6 to 8 minutes and his contract his burnt in the ring.

Triple H goes over Vince in the main event. Vince then ascends to the heaven of retirement, HHH is now God of the WWE and savior of wrestling, as he brings the NXT style booking to the main rosters and puts over DB clean at the next PPV.

WM 33 ends with Foley crucified in mid-ring, as WWE staff hand the crowd various items to throw at him.
Not a Foley fan I'm guessing

Being new to the product, I had assumed Mankind was quite a unique character but then I realised he borrowed so much from Cactus Jack. I loved seeing him get thrown off of/onto stuff when I was younger. Then he just deteriorated heavily and rapidly.
Now he ****es himself all over social media. The bus was late and thus I killed a bit of time venting through... fantasy booking, I guess
Of course he borrowed heavily from Cactus Jack. It's not like he was good for much else (and I love Foley).

As for "deteriorated rapidly & heavily" I'm not sure if you mean character wise or physically.

Character wise they had to change him. He was great when feuding with 'Taker as the Psychotic heel willing to do anything but the fans fell off in love with him.

Physically of course he deteriorated by the time he became Mankind be had already been going full out in a hardcore style for over a decade. That'll take a toll on the healthiest man & Foley was never Mr. Universe
Raven in the present WWE, Foley and Vince wrestling, mentioning TNA in a promo, HHH is god, Vince as champion, out of character decisions and promos, the total foley smear campaign. Did I miss anything?

Wowsers. This has got to be troll or drugs. I hope its drugs because I want to know what they are and if I can get them in Australia
Yup, because nothing besides Raven teaming with Vince, a crippled Foley & a storyline that rivals the worst WWE game story mode could possibly turn things around...

Plus, a HHH/McMahon title match is one if the last things we need right now. Fuck all the other logical and more deserving guys to fight for the strap & bring us in to the future.
Yup, because nothing besides Raven teaming with Vince, a crippled Foley & a storyline that rivals the worst WWE game story mode could possibly turn things around...

Plus, a HHH/McMahon title match is one if the last things we need right now. Fuck all the other logical and more deserving guys to fight for the strap & bring us in to the future.

I wrote something I thought up in a spam zone of a forum. You're reacting like I just sold this pitch to Vince :icon_neutral:

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