Do People Not See The 4th Wall?


Lord And Master
Staff member
Yes, of course. CM Punk went from hottest thing in pro wrestling to casually re-positioned back behind John Cena and HHH upon HHH's return.

Punk created outsider gimmick for himself and WWE handed it over to Miz and Truth.

CM Punk not ready to be face of WWE. HHH said so himself on RAW when he pointed to roaring crowd and told Punk if he wanted to "make it in this business" he needed to get over with them first. HHH said as much when he called Punk "skinny-fat" twice in front of everybody. Good guys don't do that. But HHH does. Because HHH cannot handle anyone he thinks shouldn't be over, getting over. HHH saw Punk getting over and couldn't take it, so he had to come back and beat him in the ring, and take his spotlight.

Personal ego is only logical explanation for taking a hard left once Punk lit the world on fire. How dare "skinny-fat", junked up tattooed, loud-mouthed punk from the Indy's aka the total opposite of HHH, become face of the WWE. HHH will never let that happen.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

For the first time in a long time I actually became a regular RAW viewer this past Summer when Punk started to gain momentum. But HGH came back immediately to convulate things and steal the spotlight. I've since stopped watching but I come on here to read whats going on and it appears it's back to being the Triple H show. I also read now that Vince mcmahon is back! Yeah it's all about the McMahon family again! The only time I was ever interested in the McMahon family, including HGH, was when they were getting sprayed with beer by Steve Austin. Theres NO reason for any mcmahon to be on screen ever again. Especially HGH. He is the single most boring overrated performer in the history of the business. Why the majority of fans worship and bow down to him is beyond me.

Punks just another smiley babyface now. He never should have come back after MITB. Imagine ending your WWE career on that high of a note. What a way to go out. He should have actually shook things up by doing what he said he was going to do and go to ROH or something. Really shake the wrestling industry up. The wrestling business needed a major shake up alot more than it needed another smiley babyface for WWE.

I have no doubt that his push will return early next year. He'll probably win the Rumble and go to Mania. But it will be a watered down WWE version of Punk. It wont be the guy who cut that scathing promo back in the summer. It'll be the smiley Punk who's buddies with HGH and Cena. And that is not a character I'm interested in watching.

People actually thought Triple H was being honest about Punk not being good. Better yet, they really bought that they would build him up and just let him go. What the fuck happened to education? Or logic?
Originally Posted by MMK View Post
Couldn't have said it better myself.

For the first time in a long time I actually became a regular RAW viewer this past Summer when Punk started to gain momentum. But HGH came back immediately to convulate things and steal the spotlight. I've since stopped watching but I come on here to read whats going on and it appears it's back to being the Triple H show. I also read now that Vince mcmahon is back! Yeah it's all about the McMahon family again! The only time I was ever interested in the McMahon family, including HGH, was when they were getting sprayed with beer by Steve Austin. Theres NO reason for any mcmahon to be on screen ever again. Especially HGH. He is the single most boring overrated performer in the history of the business. Why the majority of fans worship and bow down to him is beyond me.

Punks just another smiley babyface now. He never should have come back after MITB. Imagine ending your WWE career on that high of a note. What a way to go out. He should have actually shook things up by doing what he said he was going to do and go to ROH or something. Really shake the wrestling industry up. The wrestling business needed a major shake up alot more than it needed another smiley babyface for WWE.

I have no doubt that his push will return early next year. He'll probably win the Rumble and go to Mania. But it will be a watered down WWE version of Punk. It wont be the guy who cut that scathing promo back in the summer. It'll be the smiley Punk who's buddies with HGH and Cena. And that is not a character I'm interested in watching.

How can someone misspell HHH so much? Am I missing something? Hunter Gearst Helmsley?
gracias, 'maru

I just read D-man's debate(if you can call it that) with alexikosalov and had myself a good laugh. I swear it seems like it's just easy for him to make people look like the morons they are and, needless to say, it's hilarious to watch.

D-man officially made my day.

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