C.M. Punk's Going To Get Buried

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Its sad that Vince doesnt realise that fans are no longer into this bodybuilder-wrestler crap.The fans want guys who are not only good show men outside the ring,but can actually wrestle.People want more of the Hardyz,CM Punk,Nitro,Carlito,Benjamin etc. instead the want to shove Umaga,Khali and Lashley down our throats.I knew CM Punk was destined to be buried when he was eliminated from the E.C first.Half the crowd had CM Punk shirts on,and he was the most over,yet they decided to get rid of him first.
I feel CM Punk probably believed in ECW because he thought he would be able escape the boring "WWE style" of wrestling and revert to his R.O.H& OVW roots,instead he's being forced to job to Holly.If R.O.H had like a huge cable deal or something,it would be totally smokin' the WWE.WWE relies on creating media stars not wrestlers.
This whole thing is supposed to be about not paying his dues??? Well then what the hell has Lashley done to pay his? At least Punk as worked the indy scene and ROH along with TNA over the last couple of years. Lashley shows up and within a year has a World title, whats with that?

It also amuses me that Arn(who was great in ring so dont get me wrong) is talking seeing as he wouldnt and didnt amount to shit without Ric Flair and the Horsemen. Finlay has never been anything but a mid-carder. Only reason he was ever in the title hunt was cause of Smackdown's putrid looking roster.

Vince just need to get his head out of his own ass and worry about putting together a better product and not worry about whos heel and whos face. If he put half the effort into his entire product that he does DX and Cena there wouldnt be an issue.
Lashley was getting too big for his britches on Smackdown as a lot of people would've rather seen him in the title hunt than Doofus Dave. That's why they had no clear winner in their one match, and shortly thereafter Lashley up and vanished to ECW like a fart in the wind. They gave Lashley the belt because they think that they can just make another WWE show with three letters in the name that once stood for wrestling excellence and the general masses will eat it up if they stick the belt on a green-as-a-pine-tree paper champion who needs AT LEAST two years of seasoning before he can carry any belt higher than midcard status. That's just it, it used to be that Vince was strictly motivated to design the top wrestling product, but with all of the other side ventures and overly bloated talent base he commands, not to mention the underqualified creative teams, he doesn't know what the hell to do with all of it. It's just as bloated as WCW became in 1998 when they had the largest, deepest, most equipped roster in the history of the business and they still produced lots and lots of $hitty television.
Lashley was getting too big for his britches on Smackdown as a lot of people would've rather seen him in the title hunt than Doofus Dave. That's why they had no clear winner in their one match, and shortly thereafter Lashley up and vanished to ECW like a fart in the wind. They gave Lashley the belt because they think that they can just make another WWE show with three letters in the name that once stood for wrestling excellence and the general masses will eat it up if they stick the belt on a green-as-a-pine-tree paper champion who needs AT LEAST two years of seasoning before he can carry any belt higher than midcard status. That's just it, it used to be that Vince was strictly motivated to design the top wrestling product, but with all of the other side ventures and overly bloated talent base he commands, not to mention the underqualified creative teams, he doesn't know what the hell to do with all of it. It's just as bloated as WCW became in 1998 when they had the largest, deepest, most equipped roster in the history of the business and they still produced lots and lots of $hitty television.

I couldn't agree with what you just said anymore than I do right now. You hit it right on the money. Vince has lost sight of his product. He's lost sight of how inferiror it's become. It's become a bland, hollow, worthless, predictible and most of all boring shell of what it used to be. And this whole deal with Bobby Lashley getting the belt when he knows for a fact that we wanted RVD to get that belt back. Instead of giving the fans what we want, he's trying to give us what he thinks we want. The title belts have lost all of it's meaning in the WWE. The tag team titles are worthless. The United States title, the Cruiserweight, the WWE title, all of them reduced into a dismal state of mediocrity. The Intercontinental belt is no better but barely hanging on because of Jeff Hardy. If Vince McMahon thinks he can just ignore the chants of TNA and chants like "WE WANT WRESTLING", yeah good luck with that. It's gonna get to him if all of that is what he keeps hearing and it keeps airing on most of his shows. And I know some people say that TNA is not a threat and they're not concerned. If that's the case, why did Vince cancel all press conferences? Why did Coach snap and actually mention TNA by name at a press conference? Why have they been shaking over the fact that the buyrates for the last 2 TNA PPVs were up? Vince is scared. And until he pulls his head out of his ass, starts recognizing talent like CM Punk and giving the fans both something fresh and original and more importantly what the fans want, he's going to be the downfall of the WWE. Yes, I said it. The one who helped to build the WWE will be the element of it's demise.
I don't think that Punk has to worry. To me wwe is setting up for Punk to take the title from Lashley @ WM23. WWE wants ECW to survive, so they will establish Punk as the man to carry ECW. I have a feeling that Punk will defend the title against RVD @ ONS. Thus RVD will pass the torch to Punk before he leaves WWE.
A lot of people are talking:

1) Lost to Hardcore Holly

2) Winning a match due to interference by Kelly Kelly against Matt Striker.

Anybody that has seen this guy wrestle in ROH and other Indy shows knows that Punk is an amazing talent! In fact, in his ECWWE debut he got a standing ovation against an ECW alumni in New York! So, it's not like he hasn't "paid his dues". His reputation as an amazing athlete has followed him to every organization he has wrestled for.

What do you think?
I think it is downright stupid that guys like Arn Anderson and Finlay are keeping this guy down simply because of an issue backstage. This is the type of thing that makes people want to go to TNA. The guy is a great talent, yet now he is on a mini-slide. The crowd was absolutely dead for his match with Striker (except for the Kelly part) and that is very undeserving of him and Striker. This may be the end to Punk's great start in the WWE. He is one talent who I think truly deserves to be pushed as the next big thing, and sticking him on ECW could be a right move, if he is able to show off his true skill. The guy can wrestle but unless he sorts out any problems backstage, the WWE will keep him from being the star he deserves to be.
I heard awhile back that Vince wanted to turn Punk into a heel. if that's thye case then that's where the Kelly-Kelly thing will lead. I mean Punks only addiction is compition right? What's more un-competitive than having a girl flash your oppent allowing you to win? THe fans will obviously back Kelly when Punk finally snaps.

But, that's just my opinion.
I heard awhile back that Vince wanted to turn Punk into a heel. if that's thye case then that's where the Kelly-Kelly thing will lead. I mean Punks only addiction is compition right? What's more un-competitive than having a girl flash your oppent allowing you to win? THe fans will obviously back Kelly when Punk finally snaps.

But, that's just my opinion.

Actually . . .
That sounds amazing.
I can see Punk as a heel because I never liked him in the beginning.
He seemed stuck up.
Actually . . .
That sounds amazing.
I can see Punk as a heel because I never liked him in the beginning.
He seemed stuck up.

He kind of did didn't he? I think the whole straight edge gimmick would come off a little better being played by a heel. It just seems to have endless possibilites.

I'd have him fued with Sandman first. That way he can get over as a heel with the hardcores. A nice warm up from where I project he go next.

Then he should feud with RVD. RVDs got that very subtle pothead sorta gimmick going on. They don't even really have to acknowledge it. Just keep it very subtle. Punk walks into a room RVD is doing stretches burning "inscents" or whatever.

I doubt WWE will do that though especially since Van Dam did get busted for pot. But, they did talk up the fact that Eddie had his "demons". So it could work.
CM Punk's face personality is that of his own while being a Straight Edge Punk guy dude whatever. His Heel one is where he claims he is better than everyone because he is Straight Edge. That could lead to feuds with RVD and the Sandman at the same time. I watched a match on youTube of his against Vampiro as a heel it was intresting to see the Heat he was getting while wrestling in the crowd.
I rather have CM Punk as a heel because I felt that whole "I'm better than you because I'm Straight Edge" when he first entered.
You could tell in his match with Striker that he has been toned down alot more and slowed down alot in the ring. I kind of chuckled when Joey Styles mentioned the Arn Anderson move with the arm behind the back slam thing..
I personally think that CM Punk should be in the ECW Title hunt. It's ridiculous that he's being held back because Anderson and Finlay don't like him. All they need to do is listen to the crowd and they'll know that he's the most over star in ECW, and should be the frontliner of ECW over Bobby Lashley any day.
Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

CM Punk's push is now completely dead. Almost nobody backstage likes him as they feel he's got an attitude that only the top guys should have. If he was a "top guy" like Kevin Nash people would think his comments were funny and cool, but as he's not a main eventer he's got an attitude problem. He won't be cut however as there is concern that he could become a star in TNA.

I can understand why a wrestler may not deserve a push, I can understand that attitude and "paying your dues" is very important in this business...but I also understand that without a push of some "new blood" to the top ranks of the WWE the product will continue to grow stale and repetitive. RVD and C.M. Punk have all the potential in the world and can achieve great things in this business but it seems as though they dig themselves into a hole and their big push is put on the back burner. It would be great to see RVD win the Rumble...just for a change and bring some new action back to the WWE title picture...or to see Punk get the I.C. and have a long program with an established vertran....but again, these guys know what they have to do (or not to do) and they just cant seem to get it right...guys like RVD, Punk, and Nitro are the future of the company but 2 out of the 3 have p!ssed away their push...whose fault...the WWE or theirs?
It is the WWEs fault in the CM Punk case but it is RVD's in his case. It is WWEs fault in CM Punks case because they seem to think that time in the Indies isn't having done his dues. They also pissed away a shot to actually have D2D actually be a decent PPV. The main reason for his depush is because he disagreed with Arn Andersen about the layout of the EEC.

(Side Note: 50th post)
It is the WWEs fault in the CM Punk case but it is RVD's in his case. It is WWEs fault in CM Punks case because they seem to think that time in the Indies isn't having done his dues. They also pissed away a shot to actually have D2D actually be a decent PPV. The main reason for his depush is because he disagreed with Arn Andersen about the layout of the EEC.

(Side Note: 50th post)

i agree...i think its a little more then just an argument with arn anderson...i think its what the observer reported and that he just isnt liked backstage....i'm sure we all can remember the attitude matt striker had when he went to smackdown and the taker and benoit took offense....ECW and Smackdown tend to tour and film together....I think its along those lines to an extent...If the boys in the locker room dont like you your in for a rough day at the office.
I have really grown to like CM Punk, and he is so over with the fans. I think it's funny that the WWE is trying to pull back his push, but the fans give him one of the biggest pops every night. Whether the suits like it or not, the fans have decided that CM Punk is definitely over. You can't stop a runaway train. He isn't a mid-card guy...the fans already decided that. Oh, but then again, when does the WWE every care about the fans or the wrestlers who finance their dynasty?
Well, I just saw the Royal Rumble and Micheal Cole kept putting Punk over as to surviving since entering at Number 11. So I'm not sure he is going to get burried. I mean for making out with Maria excessively? That's just ******ed because Vince Mcmahon does it to Candice and in the past he has made out with Trish live. That's kind of wrong. The owner can do it LIVE but Punk can't do it backstage. It just doesn't seem right.

I think Arn Anderson and Finlay are just jealous that Punk is getting way over then they ever could. He is arguably the most over talent in WWECW. It just seems like there biting at small tad bits just to get Punk de-pushed. I mean just give him the title. Sabu, I understand him and RVD are getting de-pushed for getting caught with drugs and Sabu slacking off backstage but CM Punk's reasoning for getting de-pushed is just ******ed.
Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

CM Punk's push is now completely dead. Almost nobody backstage likes him as they feel he's got an attitude that only the top guys should have. If he was a "top guy" like Kevin Nash people would think his comments were funny and cool, but as he's not a main eventer he's got an attitude problem. He won't be cut however as there is concern that he could become a star in TNA.

Why does TNA always have to be brought up..Just because these guys aren't holding the world title or "being pushed" THAT DOESN'T MEAN THEY AREN'T GETTING PAID. At the end of the day I'm sure that big cheque holds more importance than holding a title which isn't even real any day. I will never believe any of this crap about RVD going to TNA it just ain't gonna happen.
^Just like the majority of people were saying about Kurt Angle, right? Sure, these guys are getting paid. However, the base salary that a lower or midcard wrestler gets pales in comparison to what the top line guys rake in. Hell, Austin used to clear $6 million a year. Getting a solid push increases your marketability and your earning power/leverage within the company. Besides, most of the guys who get into the business typically don't start because money is the primary goal. It may help fuel the fire, but ask any indy wrestler what he'd rather have: A decent check and no push, or a decent check and a title.
^Just like the majority of people were saying about Kurt Angle, right? Sure, these guys are getting paid. However, the base salary that a lower or midcard wrestler gets pales in comparison to what the top line guys rake in. Hell, Austin used to clear $6 million a year. Getting a solid push increases your marketability and your earning power/leverage within the company. Besides, most of the guys who get into the business typically don't start because money is the primary goal. It may help fuel the fire, but ask any indy wrestler what he'd rather have: A decent check and no push, or a decent check and a title.

This is true, a good point. While I agree with you, however, I can't help but note that some guys just may not be cut out for those "6 million dollar paychecks" like Austin or The Rock. Austin was in the right place, at the right time when the WWE needed a change and his new "attitude/don't trust anybody" gimmick was perfect for the WWE's new emerging marketing campaign at the time. Aside from that, he was exciting to watch in the ring, and he had great mic skills to boot.

Can we say the same thing about RVD? Sure the guy can wrestle, he's one hell of an athlete. But is he exciting to listen to? And if so, would you say he is any more exciting to listen to than say Tommy Dreamer or the Sandman? Austin was the creator of an era, RVD is part of an era. So lets remember that before we compare the two. Notwithstanding there is the fact that RVD got arrested for drug charges last summer and mysteriously lost his ECW and WWE world championships the next day. Hmm, who messed up there?

And CM Punk should not even be mentioned in the same sentence as Steve Austin or "6 million dollars" for that matter. I mean seriously the guy debuted in '03 which mean he's barely been wrestling for 4 years now professionally. Austin wrestled for 9 years before he won his first WWE title thats 5 years more experience, 5 more years of trial and tribulation through different gimmicks and personas.
lol are u jokeing me this dude have an ego he not going 2 be in the wwe long look at this Many in WWE believe CM Punk's big push by Paul Heyman has gone to his head. Apparently WWE producer/agent Arn Anderson offered Punk some advice, but Punk blew him off.
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