Hey, anyone want to discuss wrestling?


Pre-Show Stalwart

The prison is usually a really crappy place where there isn't much discussion, but I just was hoping there was some people who'd like too discuss some wrestling here.

Smackdown, Raw, Impact, you name it. Anything and Everything can be discussed here and I really hope people check in to what's being said.

What I'd like to talk about is John Cena's promo tonight and how ppl feel about it. Also what do ppl think of HHH/Taker or anything else.
Ok explain to me how will they suspend a Cell in an open air stadium if they can't close it.
Jenks, welcome back.

Cena's promo was pretty good & I feel great about HHH/Taker now it's a Hell In A Cell, what about you? You may wanna discuss wrestling, but you didn't do any yourself :)
John Cena's promo on The Rock was very solid and I think even some of the Cena haters were cheering for it. John Cena was a lot different this week. Between the STD jokes and calling people bitches, he wasn't kid-friendly at all.

I am very excited about the hell in a cell match! The last few cell matches have been crappy but this could be awesome. It's the cell match we have always wanted to see!
John Cena's promo was pure class, got people hyped up again almost instantly.

Really dont give a shit about the Hell In A Cell match, hope its the last we see of either of them.

James Storm is still the best thing in wrestling at the moment for me, although I kinda wish he'd do a few more sit ups, the gut isnt pleasant to look at.
What are you guys expectitng this Monday on RAW? I have some ideas.

-I think it would be cool if The Rock's music kicks off the show, but instead we get John Cena coming out mocking him. If done right, it could be a classic moment. Imagine Cena doing Rocky's poses and all.

-Triple H should cut a promo to hype his match at WrestleMania.

-I think it would be nice if they surprised us with a tag team or US title match.

-Hopefully Eve continues to ****e it up.

-We need some explanation for the really cool cliffhanger ending on SmackDown. Perhaps some sort of remix, or tag team match (Punk & Sheamus vs. Jericho & Bryan would be a kick ass main event).

-And of course a golden Cena vs. Rock promo.
Yeah I quite like wrestling, I am really looking forward to Undertaker vs HHH in a Cell, should be awesome.
Yeah I quite like wrestling, I am really looking forward to Undertaker vs HHH in a Cell, should be awesome.

Really? I'd rather watch paint dry than sit through another snooze fest with those two, they've both been boring for years and the sooner their "era" is over, the better, means I wont have to sit through the cock sucking fest they get all the fucking time.
Really? I'd rather watch paint dry than sit through another snooze fest with those two, they've both been boring for years and the sooner their "era" is over, the better, means I wont have to sit through the cock sucking fest they get all the fucking time.

......are you arguing......with yourself?
......are you arguing......with yourself?

Debating. I'll debate anyone, anytime, at any hour, no matter who they are, or when they want to debate.

Eat your heart out Dagger Dias!!

Really? I'd rather watch paint dry than sit through another snooze fest with those two, they've both been boring for years and the sooner their "era" is over, the better, means I wont have to sit through the cock sucking fest they get all the fucking time.

Your words have enlightened me, it is true, Triple H and Undertaker both have sucked balls for a long time now. Possibly since their debuts even.
Your words have enlightened me, it is true, Triple H and Undertaker both have sucked balls for a long time now. Possibly since their debuts even.

I wouldnt go that far, I am pretty sure there is a time when both men were very entertaining, they were never at the level of some of their counterparts and no amount of WWE revisionism can change that, but they did have a lot to offer.
I wouldnt go that far, I am pretty sure there is a time when both men were very entertaining, they were never at the level of some of their counterparts and no amount of WWE revisionism can change that, but they did have a lot to offer.

Whoa, whoa, okay then, you just keep drinking the WWE Kool Aid pal, you just believe everything the hype machine tells you, as an educated and informed wrestling fan I can tell you that they're both shit and always have been and if you believe otherwise your a fucking ******.
Whoa, whoa, okay then, you just keep drinking the WWE Kool Aid pal, you just believe everything the hype machine tells you,

I dont drink the WWE Kool Aid, I can make my own decisions about who I like and who I dont like, Undertaker and HHH have provided many great moments from a wrestling standpoint, its not my fault your too stupid to see that.

as an educated and informed wrestling fan I can tell you that they're both shit and always have been and if you believe otherwise your a fucking ******.

No, your wrong, your not educated or informed, your the same as nearly every other tool that has an internet connection and posts about wrestling, you know jack shit about anything and think your far more clever than you actually are. Only I am correct. ME!!

I bet your an Ultimate Warrior fan too, douche.

¡Roján!;3739924 said:
The 30 second rule really is a bitch when you're trying to do that, huh?

Enough time for a wank at least.
I dont drink the WWE Kool Aid, I can make my own decisions about who I like and who I dont like,

You clearly cant, considering you've bought into the hype of Sucktaker and Triple Shit.

Undertaker and HHH have provided many great moments from a wrestling standpoint, its not my fault your too stupid to see that.

Not my fault your a dumbass who likes shit wrestling. Watch a clinic from Davey Richards and then get back to me.

No, your wrong, your not educated or informed, your the same as nearly every other tool that has an internet connection and posts about wrestling, you know jack shit about anything and think your far more clever than you actually are. Only I am correct. ME!!

Where are you posting this from, your mothers basement?

I bet your an Ultimate Warrior fan too, douche.

Fuck off, you saw my avatar and jumped to conclusions. I bet you like TNA, idiot.
Fuck off, you saw my avatar and jumped to conclusions. I bet you like TNA, idiot.

I am only going to respond to this part of your post because the rest of it is drivel, whats wrong with TNA? You only dont like it because you buy into the WWE hype machine so much you've forgotten what good wrestling actually looks like and you continue to suckle on the teet of mediocrity.

If you like your wrestling spoon fed to you then by all means continue watching that garbage.

davey Richards is overrated shit. The man no-sells more than Kelly Kelly.

I wouldnt know, I've never seen a Davey Richards match, he seems to be either the Messiah or completely useless depending on who you ask though.
I occasionally enjoy teh wrasslin. Pechully when teh jet dryer is in the process of blowing up on teh other channul.

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