Heroes and Villains

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I am The Last Baron
Who is the be Marvel Hero/Villain, and state your reasons. This is opinion if you disagree with someone say why you disagree.

For me the Best Hero is a tie between these two Heroes.

Wolverine: Who doesn't love Wolverine, He is the Stone Cold of Comic book characters, His powers are Awesome in the Claws and the healing Ability. Simply put he kicks ass. I mena he has a Smily on this site.:xmen:

Iron Man: You may be surprised by this but I consider Iron Man to be one of the best characters ever, he is a manipulator that is a good guy but he is a bad guy at the same time. I mean look at the Civil War series, he can be interpreted as the Bad Guy or the Good Guy. Even in the current big story arc of World War Hulk, he pushed for Hulk to be exiled from earth and yet he is still fighting to protect the earth. Iron Man/Tony Stark has perhaps the best Dichotomy of a Hero there could ever be.

For me the top Villain is:

Magneto: He has the backstory of a hero but is one of the X-Men's greatest foes. He was persecuted by the Nazis and is now pretty much the exact same thing in what he believes in except that it is Mutants and not Aryans he is promoting. if you look at it Magneto is similar to Hitler in that he is a great man but he is flawed in a way that makes him a menace to society, even though he has now ended that postition after the House of M story arc two years ago.
See, I just can't accept Wolverine as THAT good a hero compared to others out there. Don't get me wrong, I like Logan, just best hero ever material he just isn't for me. For a hero, and I mean real hero, it has to be about truth, justice, and the American way (even though I'm British..), which brings me to:

Captain America - He's all about goodness and truth and whats right. He's not a mutant, he doesn't have super powers, he's just the pinnical of human perfection, thats all the super-soldier serum did to him. He's out-fought Wolverine, and he's not a machien of death like him, he's just THAT good. Even the Hulk himself has been toppled by Cap.

The best villian for myself is Doctor Doom. He's badguy personified, only wants to rule the world because he believes he'd do a better job (and has proved it in various out-of-continuity comics). Will help the good guys because he and only he has the right to beat them. How bad-ass is he.
I have a couple more that I want to add to this list of Favourite Marvel Heroes.

Ghost Rider: I love the New Ghost Rider Comics they are the escence of a good continuing story with a subplot to drive individual Arcs through. Though I do think the latest Foray into World War Hulk was slightly stupid. But a guy that rides a motorbike, that turns into a flaming Skeleton that rides a flaming Bike is awesome anyway.

Ant-man: Not Hank Pym. the Irredeemable Ant-Man, another guy, while his series is a little short(LOL bad Pun) the writer attempts and suceeds in Making the Character Irredeemable. He does what most males would do with a suit of Armour that allows them to shrink to the size of an Ant, perv on Women in the Shower.
Okay, I'll have to stick with bad guy only.. because my post is more related to why noone has posted, who I believe, is one of the, if not "THE" ultimate bad guy..

Apocalypse: En Sabah Nur, if I'm correctly spelling it, is the end-all, be-all to Super villians. First & foremost, the guy (if you can call him that) is practically UNdestructable. How can you truly stop him, he's immortal! The only way, to my knowledge, that anyone has ever stopped him.. is by sealing him in an unbreakable chamber, or making him incorporeal on the astral plain. (which I believe Cable did something to defeat him, but I don't know the full story)
Cyclops- Has been my favorite superhero since i was young and in my eyes has one of the most awesome powers although at the same time it's a curse. He has awesome costumes it sucks that he played a small role in the movie.

Psylock- Shes one of my newer favorites shes very mysterious and has a cool look and she has a very long and complicated background which really builds the character.

This guy rules, although he's an old codger he manages to get the job done with his unique powers.

jean grey:she's one of my favorites because of her powers of telepathy, telekinesis, and energy manipulation. and the most important thing is that she is the phoenix and phoenix is most powerful mutant in the series and i always dream that i have powers like hers.


magneto:he is the ultimate bad guy without him there would not be xavier and without xavier there would not be x men i think that this explains why he's my favorite villian of all times.he can control all types of metals and that makes him very powerful
Ive started to read a few more comics and I take back what I said earlier about Wolverine being the Stone Cold of Earth 616. the guy I give that honour to now is...

The Punisher: Ive only just gotten through the first three story arcs and it proves how much of a bad ass he is. He kills indescriminatly it is glorious. Just so you know what comics I have now. Over a around about 2GB of comics. That is a lot of comics.
As far as who I think is the best Marvel Hero? Probably the Hulk. He's the perfect example of psyching yourself up and kicking ass. Like a wrestler, but with more radiation. My runner up would be The Sentry. He's like Superman...but only if he worked a 9-5 shift as a hero and really just turned it into a job instead of caring.

Best Marvel Villain? Probably The Hulk. I mean, when he's in his old "kill everything" state...nobody messed with him. He's still the big guy that can just tear 'em a new one just by getting perturbed. Beat that, Spider-man.
Basically Shadowmancer's old thread but for DC instead of Marvel comics. Just state who you believe to be the best DC villains and/or heroes and why.

Here are mine:

Batman. This is a no-brainer for me. Batman was the superhero that I grew up with. The range of media he's been in is astounding and his character has been pulled off in so many different ways. What's also great is how his story is, generally, within the bounds of reality. He's not some ultra-freak, he's just a guy. A guy with a first for justice. Who'd have thought it? Undisputedly in the top three best super heroes ever. My top.

The Flash:
I've never really read or seen much with the Flash in it. I just like him for one reason: he has the best power ever. And whereas Batman is within the bounds of reality, he's completely beyond it. He can run faster than escape velocity but remain on the Earth, he can run faster than speed or light but yet can perceive both. He can hit stuff at high speeds and despite being as vulnerable as an average human doesn't break into pieces. Usually this is explained with "the speed force" but it's still ultra cool. He's also "been" several different people, which rules and sucks at the same time.

The Joker:
The best villain ever hands down. He makes Lex Luther look like a bitch. Hell, he makes anyone look like a bitch. He's got such a great character, and has featured in some of the greatest stories ever. Really, this guy is just awesomeness personified. If you're not excited about seeing The Dark Knight, you have something wrong with you.
My apologies if this seems like a cop out, but there really aren't any core "reasons" for me thinking the heroes and baddies I'm about to list are the best, I just like them.


Wolverine is a given ^_^

Spider-Man/Peter Parker



The Joker:
The best villain ever hands down. He makes Lex Luther look like a bitch.



As far as Marvel: Damn.

Hero: I love Spidey, but it has to be Wolverine. The complexity and depth of this character now is amazing. t's great how he is a loner, but really he is the soul of the X-Men. The character is strong enough to hold his own series, and has done so for near 30 years on his own, plus he is nearly in all of the X-Men books. Just his powers alone allow for him to be so much

Villians: Crap

I can't decide on one.

Dark Phoenix. Simply because it's probably the most powerful character in all of comicdom, but lets tiny things like joy and pleasure drive it. It's the anti-villian almost. Most Villains want the exact opposite They would give up all of their humanity for power, it's just a great character.

Apocalypse: Just an Awesome Character. The oldest of the mutants, and believes in the basic law of nature, Survival of the Fittest. I think the character is so good because of Mr. Sinister as well, one of the most under appreciated characters around.

Venom: It's nice to see a bad guy that doesn't want anything. No grand scheme, no grand design, just a character that simply hates the hero and wants him dead.
So you like X-men comics there is a new series coming out of the next few months called Endangered Species and there is another series straight after that called Mesiah Complex. This is supposed to Shake up the Mutant World almost as much as House of M and Decimation did. But also which Venom as there are two currently at loose in The Marvel Universe one of them is actually on the "Good" side after Civil War.
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