Here Comes The Pain - Brock Lesnar Returns Spam Zone Version

My perspective on it is that Lesnar didn't want to live with regrets, and wanted to at least give football a shot while he was still young. :shrug:

MMA was probably him not wanting to turn tail back to the WWE too quickly. But, here we are.

Remember, Brock didn't play organized football from the time he was 17 until he was in his mid 20's. He made it to the last days of training camp before getting cut. Not bad at all for a guy trying out for a pro team.

And he was supposed to come back to the WWE in 2005 and put Batista over at Summerslam that year. Vince decided to stroke his ego and make Lesnar start from the bottom up. Lesnar was willing to come back after the failed NFL career, but then that shit started and off to MMA land Lesnar went.
I am still very skeptical that Brock would come back anything close to full time.

I am too, his health has been shit lately.

No way he's full time. He burned out too badly last time. Brock is very reclusive. He needs his down time to recoup. It might piss guys in the locker room off, but those guys don't draw like Brock.

With as many near death illnesses the man has had, I doubt he's around for very long or working too many programs. His body won't hold up.
I don't think Lesnar is really passionate about wrestling. It seems he's here solely because it is his last option. Because of that, I don't know if I can invest in him.

Read his book, that is all I can say. He loves wrestling, he said that Wrestlemania 19 was the greatest night of his life, but he hates the travelling schedule and that is why he dislikes wrestling, because he finds it isolating.

I am too, his health has been shit lately.

He went through a very tough training camp before the Overeem fight, I'm sure he can handle professional wrestling. But it does appear he hasn't lifted a weight since around the time of that fight.
I have never,ever marked out so fucking hard in my entire life. I wanted this too happen for a very,very long time and now the time has come,for the return of the pain. Best moment in my entire years of watching wrestling,the best.
Rumors are he's got a 1 yr. deal, that has him working part time, somewhere inbetween what Taker has & what Goldberg had. I wouldn't expect to him wrestle more than a handful of times over the next year
Can anyone turn Lesnar f-5ing Cena into an animated gif for me? :) Will rep

I found this elsewhere:

I don't know what you want with it, but just so you know, you can't use it as your signature here.
I loved it, and I was never a huge Brock mark. Good wrestler, though.

I'm sure we'll have to listen to jaded Cena fans cry about part-timers for another year, but I can deal with it. Part-timers draw straight cash, homie. Deal with it.
I loved it, and I was never a huge Brock mark. Good wrestler, though.

I'm sure we'll have to listen to jaded Cena fans cry about part-timers for another year, but I can deal with it. Part-timers draw straight cash, homie. Deal with it.

Randy Moss is a fucking dumbass.
Man with all those remixes they did over the past few weeks... you'd think they would have given him something a tad more up today, same rifts and what not, just not as shitty and generic.

I like that he came back and F5'ed Cena, but why the fuck didn't Cena try to fight out of it?
Man with all those remixes they did over the past few weeks... you'd think they would have given him something a tad more up today, same rifts and what not, just not as shitty and generic.

I like that he came back and F5'ed Cena, but why the fuck didn't Cena try to fight out of it?

People like Lesnar's theme. Like is where people are fond of something, I know form your constant negative posts you know nothing of the sort, but people like Brock's theme because it is one of the best WWE theme songs for getting you pumped, now if you knew anything about wrestling, which you don't, that is the meaning for an entrance theme, that and to, for some, describe your character through music.

Brock's theme is a major pump up theme.
You know, I read "Death Clutch" and I didn't get the vibe that he "loves wrestling." I do recall reading the part about WM 19, but aside from that, wrestling was cast with a negative light.

Like I said in another thread, I can't lie - I marked out slightly for the return of Brock Lesnar. Anytime a fresh face returns and there is a shaking up at the main event level, it captures my interest.

However, I do feel that Brock Lesnar is as overrated as they come. While he's extremely gifted athletically, especially for a man his size, he doesn't have staying power or the skillset required for carrying a feud. I get that the audience went batshit crazy for him, I get that he'll get that dominate monster push, I get all that. At the end of the day, to quote John Cena, he doesn't have the club in his bag. Cena and Rock pulled off a year long build because they have charisma and the ability to convey that charisma via a microphone in art form that is known as a "promo." Brock Lesnar could not pull off a year long build (if that is what they intend to do) because he's no Rock on the mic. Hell, he isn't Don "The Rock" Muraco on the mic. What am I saying - he isn't even Rocco least he had "Here Comes The Hotstepper." You get the point. This is wrestling, not MMA. The reason why Steven Austin, The Rock, Ric Flair, John Cena, Hulk Hogan, Roddy Pipper are all amazing at what they do has little to do with their "athletic ability" and much more to do with their ability to read audiences and respond accordingly either during a match or on the stick. Brock, for all his talents, cannot do that.
However, I do feel that Brock Lesnar is as overrated as they come. While he's extremely gifted athletically, especially for a man his size, he doesn't have staying power or the skillset required for carrying a feud. I get that the audience went batshit crazy for him, I get that he'll get that dominate monster push, I get all that. At the end of the day, to quote John Cena, he doesn't have the club in his bag. Cena and Rock pulled off a year long build because they have charisma and the ability to convey that charisma via a microphone in art form that is known as a "promo." Brock Lesnar could not pull off a year long build (if that is what they intend to do) because he's no Rock on the mic. Hell, he isn't Don "The Rock" Muraco on the mic. What am I saying - he isn't even Rocco least he had "Here Comes The Hotstepper." You get the point. This is wrestling, not MMA. The reason why Steven Austin, The Rock, Ric Flair, John Cena, Hulk Hogan, Roddy Pipper are all amazing at what they do has little to do with their "athletic ability" and much more to do with their ability to read audiences and respond accordingly either during a match or on the stick. Brock, for all his talents, cannot do that.

Neither could Andre The Giant and he did pretty well for himself. 80,000 at Wrestlemania III? Or how about The Undertaker? Hasn't been one of the most talkative guys ever? And who said Lesnar will go for a one year build, he is reported to have agreed a schedule more than The Rock but less than Goldberg, that could be like 12 matches for all we know, he can just go back to ripping people apart like he used to and then face the big guns on pay-per-view.
Neither could Andre The Giant and he did pretty well for himself. 80,000 at Wrestlemania III? Or how about The Undertaker? Hasn't been one of the most talkative guys ever? And who said Lesnar will go for a one year build, he is reported to have agreed a schedule more than The Rock but less than Goldberg, that could be like 12 matches for all we know, he can just go back to ripping people apart like he used to and then face the big guns on pay-per-view.

Goldberg worked a pretty hectic schedule. For all we know Brock be back semi part time working twice a month or more.
I legitimately marked out. That doesn't happen too often. I think I turned into Daniel Bryan for a moment, what with my screaming, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" because I almost didn't expect it to really happen.

I mean, it's been rumored so many times before. I wasn't about to believe it until I saw it with my own two eyes.

If the WWE itself were a physical entity, I would give it the biggest hug ever right now.
I like this interaction between Cena and Lesnar. They too have a phenomenal story to tell. You could argue that before John Cena finally got that main event push, it was Lesnar they were turning into "The Man." You could almost say Cena just subbed in for Lesnar. I hope that's the kind of angle they go with.

I am so pumped for this, I never thought we would see Brock back in the ring.

Great time to be a WWE fan!
Man that 8 year wait was worth it! I'm still shaking, the RAW taping I'm going to in 2 weeks is going to be insane!

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