Hell in a Cell World Heavyweight Championship picture.


Getting Noticed By Management
It was reported here earlier today that the WWE officials don't know what to do with Lesnar and the WWEWHC for the next PPV, Hell In A Cell. Putting aside how tedious and stupid this is, the obvious solution is have Cena vs Lesnar inside the cell. Give the feud a closure with Lesnar going over, hoping that we see some difference in Cena's personality and Lesnar keeping the title etc.

Now, if they don't wanna do Lesnar vs Cena again, they can add someone else in the mix. To me, even if I generally am against Cena being constantly in the main event, I believe that he has to be in it now just for the closure. You can add Orton or Ambrose or even Bray Wyatt to mix it up completely. Lesnar would still go over.

On the other hand, if they can't get Lesnar to work HIAC, they can always have a #1 contender's match as the main event for the show. Someone has to be proven good enough to be a viable threat to Lesnar, which is the exact reason for that match to take place. Since Dean and Seth have their feud, you can have those two fight over the #1 contender's spot, even though it isn't needed nor does it make sense, since Seth is already mr. MITB. The obvious solution is a Cena vs Orton vs maybe Kane, and hell, you can even add Dean and Seth in the mix to stall their feud for TLC.

The WWEWHC missing from a PPV is a rare occasion, but it happened back in 2012 with Cm Punk, and the PPV wasn't so bad (we got that 6 man tornado tag and that Ziggler vs Cena ladder match). I suppose that having a decent #1 conteder's match and Dean vs Seth in the cell should sell the show. Of course, if Brock works HIAC, as stated above, it is either Brock vs Cena or you can add Orton to the mix. Orton (and Kane) is showing his displeasure towards Rollins lately, and also had a fight with HHH recently which means he might get away from the Authority, thus chaning the dynamic of the main event scene.

It's not rocket science, creative... Heyman could have come out and say that "someone needs to prove they are good enough, they have what it takes to face Brock and may be able to come out on top." This way, he doesn't specify if the challenger will face Brock at HIAC or in a later PPV, or when that challenger will be revealed, but it definitely buys the WWE some time and gives the fans some explanation / update to what is gonna happen. Not having Paul come out at all just because they don't know how to go on is completely stupid to me, but them not knowing what to do is even more stupid... No wonder why their ratings plummeted this week.
Honestly, there are only two feuds right now that are worthy of a Hell in a Cell match. That's part of my problem with the HiaC PPV to begin with...you have to have a red hot feud every October to warrant that kind of match, and a lot of times the WWE fails to do that.

This year though, we've got Lesnar Vs. Cena and Rollins Vs. Ambrose. I have no problem with either match. Cena and Lesnar need their final match after the non-finish at NoC. Rollins and Ambrose have been absolutely brutal, and are practically a lock for the Cell.
I have been clamoring for Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins in a Hell in a Cell match for months now. That would be the only satisfying ending to their feud in my opinion.

Regarding the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, if Lesnar doesn't show up I hope they don't do something stupid like John Cena and Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins and Randy Orton. That would be a horrible idea and while I get it because it's not like Cena and Orton would have anything to do, it would be ******ed to add them into the Cell match.

Put Ambrose vs Rollins as the main event and have a battle royal or fourway match with Cena, Orton, Kane, Sheamus or anyone else for the title match at Royal Rumble or whenever Brock is going to show up next.
A tough question, the obvious pick would be Rollins because of the NoC interference. But that would be pointless and actually dumb to put a MITB holder in a title match.
It's probably just gonna be Cena Vs Lesnar again, but then that would be kind of dumb if Cena lost. However, I'm sure it will be Cena because of the interference.

I see how they are having trouble coming up with someone.
They might just leave Brock off the card until another PPV.
TBH, you can do a HiaC with Ambrose and Rollins, but then have a LMS or an I Quit match for Cena and Lesnar, have Cena win, and have Rollins finally cash in and win. Then, Ambrose and Rollins finish their feud, Cena and Lesnar finish their feud, and now Cena and Rollins get 3 PPVs. Ambrose is used against Orton/HHH for the next 3 PPVs, and now all 5 of your guys are on top, Lesnar takes the winter off, and returns at RR to reclaim his title.
To me it has to be Seth vs Dean.. They have been feuding since June,and it slowly has been building and building.. Building in a good way,this has HIAC written all over it.. Seth in a way is taking credit for putting Roman on the shelf and he has a eulogy for Dean Ambrose.. Which BTW was beautiful *Sniff*

This is the best feud going so far this year IMO.. They work very well together and a HIAC is total closure to his feud.. Come on,WWE Creative dont mess this golden Opportunity up..
The absolute WORST thing that the WWE can do at this point is to make the HiaC a Triple Threat and inject John Cena into the Rollins v. Ambrose feud.
The absolute WORST thing that the WWE can do at this point is to make the HiaC a Triple Threat and inject John Cena into the Rollins v. Ambrose feud.


Too bad we can't be sure they aren't that stupid.

I do hope its Ambrose vs Rollins and Lesnar vs Cena as the 2 HiaC matches this year.

Although, I'd be interested to see what they do with two former Shield guys after such a match, whilst I'd hope Brock beats Cena and moves onto the next challenger(hopefully not Big Show, who should be putting over Rusev at HiaC itself)
Since a lot of people think Dean vs Seth should end their feud inside the Cell, here is what I think. I love their feud and I don't want it to finish. At the Cell you can have some sort of draw. The match becomes so brutal etc that they will just have to end it. This way, it seems like both guys can't get the upper hand and the feud continues at TLC ot whatever the next PPV is.

The thing I agree on is that you can't have many options after either one of them wins (cleanly might I add). But, you can always have them feud over the case. Have Dean win the the cell, next night on Raw, Seth is bitching about it and wants to get in Ambrose's face, then Dean says that he puts his case on the line in a TLC match etc. At TLC, you can even have the WWEWHC match go before the TLC for the case. This way, you can have Seth cash in and win BEFORE the TLC match and then we get another WWEWHC match in a TLC match between Dean and Seth. There, we can have any sort of screwy finish with Lesnar / Cena etc running in to cost Seth/Dean the match etc and the feud can continue.
Since a lot of people think Dean vs Seth should end their feud inside the Cell, here is what I think. I love their feud and I don't want it to finish. At the Cell you can have some sort of draw. The match becomes so brutal etc that they will just have to end it. This way, it seems like both guys can't get the upper hand and the feud continues at TLC ot whatever the next PPV is.

The thing I agree on is that you can't have many options after either one of them wins (cleanly might I add). But, you can always have them feud over the case. Have Dean win the the cell, next night on Raw, Seth is bitching about it and wants to get in Ambrose's face, then Dean says that he puts his case on the line in a TLC match etc. At TLC, you can even have the WWEWHC match go before the TLC for the case. This way, you can have Seth cash in and win BEFORE the TLC match and then we get another WWEWHC match in a TLC match between Dean and Seth. There, we can have any sort of screwy finish with Lesnar / Cena etc running in to cost Seth/Dean the match etc and the feud can continue.

I'd be all for Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose lasting all up till Wrestlemania 31 if such a storyline is possible. Especially if the rumour rings true and Reigns becomes the 1 to beat the 1 in 21-1.

Having Dean vs Seth last till Mania, with Roman getting the title by beating(maybe even have Seth cash-in on a bruised Roman at Mania itself), can then open up storyline possibilites involving all 3 guys fighting over the belt post-Mania 31 and officially cement themselves as true Top Guys going forward.
I really am in favor of having no WWE Title match at Hell in a Cell. I think the return of Ambrose is hot enough to ride out as a main event match between Ambrose and Rollins in the cell to really put these two young guys in the spotlight and elevate their feud to the next level and hopefully *fingers cross* become a potentially legendary rivalry.

If you have to include the Title, I think you should have a number one contenders match obviously with guys like Cena, Orton, Cesaro, or maybe, MAYBE Bray Wyatt (Guy can dream). But either way, that match would have to be a fatal four way or a six pack challenge, something like that.

And in a last case scenario if you absolutely HAVE to include a WWE Title Match I think it has to be Cena v Lesnar again. In a cell preferably to add something new, but Lesnar has to win clean at this point with no doubt at all if you really want to add to the momentum he lost from the NoC finish.

But yes, I think WWE could benefit from having no Title match here and then saving the opportunity for Survivor Series where they typically tend to put a higher emphasis on the show quality.
haha this is gonna be old school by me, but let me divulge in a little FANTASY BOOKINZ 101~!!11

I actually think this is really well set up for the second ever Armageddon HIAC. It's a bonafide show selling main event. I'm sure plans are a little out the window with Reigns missing, there is no title defence, it is completely in fitting with the PPV brand.. but more importantly, there are 6 men with intertwining storylines right now. Well almost. 5 are instantly fine.

Cena, Rollins, Orton, Ambrose, Kane are all self explanatory. Half the cell being Authority works really well, Ambrose and Cena worked together on Raw recently, everyone is relevant and credible in the main event.

If only Reigns wasnt injured, obviously he'd be perfect and correct the face/heel balance too. Jericho could work too, but he's off. HHH is always an option, but the balance of the match looks a little skewed with four authority, and "HHH WANTS THE TITLE" isn't really gonna stick much. Rusev would feel thrown in, Big show would feel kinda rash but if the rumours are true about next title defence being him maybe you can promote him in time. You could pull the trigger on a Cesaro/Heyman storyline and shoe him in? Doesn't address the face heel balance though.

I'd go with Big Show. Fits the rumours, he's capable of being elevated at any time, he's a threat in the match and is a face.

A lot of people criticise 6 man main events for thinning the card - i think you can make 6 matches relatively easily right now. Rusev Sheamus, IC title, tag title, Divas. It's a little underwhelming for sure, but you've still got Wyatt, Cesaro etc to pad it out. Could do with a singles upper midcard feud for sure, if only Jericho was around.

I think it'd work, and I'd be in. Obv very unlikely, and the show would be pretty weak, but the main event would be hella fun. Ambrose is MADE for a scrappy 6 man hell in a cell, Rollins would excel too.
haha this is gonna be old school by me, but let me divulge in a little FANTASY BOOKINZ 101~!!11

I actually think this is really well set up for the second ever Armageddon HIAC. It's a bonafide show selling main event. I'm sure plans are a little out the window with Reigns missing, there is no title defence, it is completely in fitting with the PPV brand.. but more importantly, there are 6 men with intertwining storylines right now. Well almost. 5 are instantly fine.

Cena, Rollins, Orton, Ambrose, Kane are all self explanatory. Half the cell being Authority works really well, Ambrose and Cena worked together on Raw recently, everyone is relevant and credible in the main event.

If only Reigns wasnt injured, obviously he'd be perfect and correct the face/heel balance too. Jericho could work too, but he's off. HHH is always an option, but the balance of the match looks a little skewed with four authority, and "HHH WANTS THE TITLE" isn't really gonna stick much. Rusev would feel thrown in, Big show would feel kinda rash but if the rumours are true about next title defence being him maybe you can promote him in time. You could pull the trigger on a Cesaro/Heyman storyline and shoe him in? Doesn't address the face heel balance though.

I'd go with Big Show. Fits the rumours, he's capable of being elevated at any time, he's a threat in the match and is a face.

A lot of people criticise 6 man main events for thinning the card - i think you can make 6 matches relatively easily right now. Rusev Sheamus, IC title, tag title, Divas. It's a little underwhelming for sure, but you've still got Wyatt, Cesaro etc to pad it out. Could do with a singles upper midcard feud for sure, if only Jericho was around.

I think it'd work, and I'd be in. Obv very unlikely, and the show would be pretty weak, but the main event would be hella fun. Ambrose is MADE for a scrappy 6 man hell in a cell, Rollins would excel too.

You make a good point about thinning the card, but I have a solution that is actually a blessing in disguise. Instead of having 3 singles matches, you can have the 6-pack HIAC go for 40 minutes, which is pretty much covering 2 singles matches, and to cover the third one, you can have a #1 contendership match for the tag titles and throw 3-4 teams there, along with the regular tag title defense. You can bring the Ascension up there, you can have Henry+Show, the Wyatts, maybe even Slater and Tituts, while the Usos and the Dusties have their regular match. This way, we get an amazing main event, and we get a more elevated tag division by having 2 tag matches that link directly to the title.

As a side note, I don't wanna see Big Show in that 6-pack match. He is a joke now in my opinion and he slows down the matches so much. There were talks about turning Bray babyface by the end of the year, so having the 3 heel - 3 face dynamic with Orton-Seth-Kane and Dean-Bray-Cena in the cell would be amazing in my opinion. It would definitely be a good way to get Bray back on track, let him feud with the Authority also, along with Dean and Cena.
You have to have Ambrose vs. Rollins Hell in a Cell... you have to have Nikki vs. Brie Hell in a Cell or that feud has been a complete waste of everyone's time and pain on our ears we never needed...

I still think Lesnar has the night off with Cena vs. Orton for No. 1 contender
There isn't a title picture. I feel like we're gonna get some kind of number one contender match. I have NO IDEA who Cena's going to go against.

Ambrose vs Rollins in the cell seems like a lock since day one and may even be the only HIAC match in my opinion. Main event too most likely.

But now with Reigns gone, I have no clue.

I kinda also agree it all being thrown together in a number one contender armaggedon style cell match.

Also, No Bray Wyatt ALL WEEK now.
I've got ringside seats for HIAC. If Cena/Lesnar happens, it needs to be just as brutal as Lesnar vs. Taker at No Mercy 2002. That would be worth watching. However, I think the best possible cell match would have to be Ambrose vs. Rollins. Those two have the potential to put on a 5-star match that would be less predictable than Cena vs. Lesnar. Frankly, their storyline is the best thing going in WWE right now and needs to be featured. If Lesnar takes the night off, it could save the event from being a dud.

I would not be upset about not seeing a title match if this scenario happened. Put the MITB case on the line to raise the stakes.
Even if a rematch between Cena and Lesnar is the most probably option, I'd love to see Bray Wyatt in the cell against Lesnar. It could be a very fresh match, totally unpredictable.
I'd like even a fatal four hell in a cell, with Cena, Lesnar, Wyatt and Kane.

Unfortunatley Reigns is out, because another match I'd love to see is a thriple treath in a cell with all the ex shield: Ambrose vs Reigns vs Rollins.
Even if a rematch between Cena and Lesnar is the most probably option, I'd love to see Bray Wyatt in the cell against Lesnar. It could be a very fresh match, totally unpredictable.
I'd like even a fatal four hell in a cell, with Cena, Lesnar, Wyatt and Kane.

Unfortunatley Reigns is out, because another match I'd love to see is a thriple treath in a cell with all the ex shield: Ambrose vs Reigns vs Rollins.

why would you ever want to see Kane wrestle again? The dude is god awful now.

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