Hell In A Cell 2015: HIAC Match - The Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar


During a video presentation discussing Brock Lesnar's Hell tour, or whatever the hell it was, it was announced that his third confrontation with The Undertaker will take place at the Hell in a Cell ppv in a HIAC match.

They met in a HIAC match back in the early 2000s, it was a classic outing that Lesnar won. Ultimately, I see Lesnar scoring the win here in order to fully move onto something else.
Horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE decision. This final match NEEDED to be at WrestleMania, and it NEEDED to be a clean victory for The Undertaker. Now it's clear that it's just going to another ego-stroking for Brock Lesnar. They'll probably just have Lesnar win in two minutes, then he and Heyman will drop their pants and dump a load all over Undertaker, doing to him what WWE has already done to his legacy.
Undertaker's legacy is more important than Brock Lesnar's ego, and if you don't think so, you're clearly not a wrestling fan, you're just a Lesnar fanboy.
Didn't these 2 already face each other in Hell in a Cell years ago when Taker was the American Badass and Lesnar at the time he was still a rookie I think and their match was for the title? But either way seeing them all these years later inside Satan's structure yet again doing battle again I wonder if they will have Taker go over Lesnar again but this time doing it cleanly so then that way their rivalry ends up being over once and for all? Or are they going to have Brock go over Taker to end this rivalry once and for all? Because if Brock goes over then it is safe to say that Taker at Mania he'll face someone else but if Taker goes over then I think it is safe to say that Brock will be facing someone else either way at Mania
Didn't these 2 already face each other in Hell in a Cell years ago when Taker was the American Badass and Lesnar at the time he was still a rookie I think and their match was for the title? But either way seeing them all these years later inside Satan's structure yet again doing battle again I wonder if they will have Taker go over Lesnar again but this time doing it cleanly so then that way their rivalry ends up being over once and for all? Or are they going to have Brock go over Taker to end this rivalry once and for all? Because if Brock goes over then it is safe to say that Taker at Mania he'll face someone else but if Taker goes over then I think it is safe to say that Brock will be facing someone else either way at Mania

Yeah, but what's ironic in this situation is that this match is taking place in the same building where they wrestled each other for the very first time
I think Brock gets the win here. It's obvious WWE has big plans for him, dedicating the whole month of October for him. I just wonder what that means for Taker and his role at WrestleMania.
Undertaker's legacy is more important than Brock Lesnar's ego, and if you don't think so, you're clearly not a wrestling fan, you're just a Lesnar fanboy.

Undertaker's legacy is secured after more or less, a quarter century in the business. Brock Lesnar will be around after Taker leaves. The smart money is in Brock going over for the long term. The faster you understand that, the better your WWE viewing experience will be.

I remember when I said this would obviously happen and people were like "NO IT HAS TO BE AT WRESTLEMANIA 32, THAT'S CLEARLY WHAT THEY'RE BUILDING TO!!!11!!"

You were wrong. I was right. Suck a dick.

Lesnar's going over. Glory, glory, Brock Lesnar.
Undertaker's legacy is secured after more or less, a quarter century in the business. Brock Lesnar will be around after Taker leaves. The smart money is in Brock going over for the long term. The faster you understand that, the better your WWE viewing experience will be.


Brock Lesnar could be gone again tomorrow if someone else offers him more money, or if he suddenly decides his "real passion" is playing badminton, or women's field hockey. Lesnar has no respect for wrestling and never did. Undertaker going over is best for business, but WWE doesn't do what's best for business, they do what makes Brock happy so Vince can keep him around. WWE is better off without Brock Lesnar.

The argument I keep hearing a lot is that true legends go out on their back with a loss. But that's not always true. Some legends, like Ric Flair, Stone Cold, and Shawn Michaels, went out with losses. Others, like Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, and Edge, went out with wins. Undertaker should go out with a win. There's every reason for Undertaker to win and none for him to lose, beyond some fans' simple personal bias where they don't want Lesnar to lose, for any reason, to any opponent. Undertaker winning clean and by submission is the RIGHT move. But it won't happen, because Vince is one of the people most fooled by Brock's fictional "mystique". And even if WWE decided to do the right thing and Undertaker DID win...it's irrelevant, because it's not at WrestleMania. So no matter what happens, Brock's fanboys will be happy, because even if he loses, he won the only one that mattered.
I remember when I said this would obviously happen and people were like "NO IT HAS TO BE AT WRESTLEMANIA 32, THAT'S CLEARLY WHAT THEY'RE BUILDING TO!!!11!!"

You were wrong. I was right. Suck a dick.

Lesnar's going over. Glory, glory, Brock Lesnar.

I agree, Brock is going over, because WWE refuses to do the right thing, which is to have Lesnar tap out clean to Undertaker. I can't believe fans like you, you legitimately disgust me. You actually WANT to see WWE heap more defecation on what's left of Undertaker's legacy, because you're so in love with Brock Lesnar. You're fucking pathetic.
Brock Lesnar could be gone again tomorrow if someone else offers him more money, or if he suddenly decides his "real passion" is playing badminton, or women's field hockey. Lesnar has no respect for wrestling and never did. Undertaker going over is best for business, but WWE doesn't do what's best for business, they do what makes Brock happy so Vince can keep him around. WWE is better off without Brock Lesnar.

The argument I keep hearing a lot is that true legends go out on their back with a loss. But that's not always true. Some legends, like Ric Flair, Stone Cold, and Shawn Michaels, went out with losses. Others, like Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, and Edge, went out with wins. Undertaker should go out with a win. There's every reason for Undertaker to win and none for him to lose, beyond some fans' simple personal bias where they don't want Lesnar to lose, for any reason, to any opponent. Undertaker winning clean and by submission is the RIGHT move. But it won't happen, because Vince is one of the people most fooled by Brock's fictional "mystique". And even if WWE decided to do the right thing and Undertaker DID win...it's irrelevant, because it's not at WrestleMania. So no matter what happens, Brock's fanboys will be happy, because even if he loses, he won the only one that mattered.


To each his own, Aquaman. We had this discussion before, and it is clear your opinion on it won't change.
Just FYI, I am a huge Taker mark, he is in fact my absolute fav from my childhood days.

That said, I am not so deluded to think that at his age, he should be defeating a guy who has been booked as virtually unstoppable and ntm, that he also broke Taker's long standing legendary streak at WrestleMania 30.

Also, there is no reason why Taker has to go off into the sunset after putting over Brock once again. I, for one, still want to see the Icon vs the Phenom at WrestleMania 32, and I sincerely hope that after Taker's Mania and SummerSlam performances, coupled with Sting's Mania and NoC performances, that such an iconic match can occur to celebrate two legendary WWE Superstars in a pure "feel good" feud and match come April 2016.

To each his own, Aquaman. We had this discussion before, and it is clear your opinion on it won't change.
Just FYI, I am a huge Taker mark, he is in fact my absolute fav from my childhood days.

That said, I am not so deluded to think that at his age, he should be defeating a guy who has been booked as virtually unstoppable and ntm, that he also broke Taker's long standing legendary streak at WrestleMania 30.

Also, there is no reason why Taker has to go off into the sunset after putting over Brock once again. I, for one, still want to see the Icon vs the Phenom at WrestleMania 32, and I sincerely hope that after Taker's Mania and SummerSlam performances, coupled with Sting's Mania and NoC performances, that such an iconic match can occur to celebrate two legendary WWE Superstars in a pure "feel good" feud and match come April 2016.

If you want Undertaker to lose to Brock Lesnar and be made to look pathetic AGAIN, you're not an Undertaker fan, and to call yourself one is an insult to Undertaker fans. Undertaker has very little left to his legacy thanks to Lesnar. Yet another loss to Lesnar would just ensure that Undertaker will be remembered more for his inability to defeat Lesnar than anything else. 21 years of WrestleMania victories were already rendered irrelevant in 3 seconds. They might as well just take what's left, because it's VERY clear that Vince and WWE have no respect for Undertaker.
If you want Undertaker to lose to Brock Lesnar and be made to look pathetic AGAIN, you're not an Undertaker fan, and to call yourself one is an insult to Undertaker fans. Undertaker has very little left to his legacy thanks to Lesnar. Yet another loss to Lesnar would just ensure that Undertaker will be remembered more for his inability to defeat Lesnar than anything else. 21 years of WrestleMania victories were already rendered irrelevant in 3 seconds. They might as well just take what's left, because it's VERY clear that Vince and WWE have no respect for Undertaker.

Coming from someone who clearly and continuously states that Taker's legacy is null and void due to losing against Brock Lesnar, you really should evaluate your status as a WWE fan...

"21 years of WrestleMania victories were already rendered irrelevant in 3 seconds."
^^ Get serious! You seem like a 10 year old/ some sort of mental patient when you post such rubbish.
I agree, Brock is going over, because WWE refuses to do the right thing, which is to have Lesnar tap out clean to Undertaker. I can't believe fans like you, you legitimately disgust me. You actually WANT to see WWE heap more defecation on what's left of Undertaker's legacy, because you're so in love with Brock Lesnar. You're fucking pathetic.

You're right. It's totally believable for a 60 year old guy that pretends he's a zombie to submit a former UFC Heavyweight Champion.
I'm glad that we're getting a high calibre match at a B level pay per view. It's good that the wwe is using some of the part timers during the the fall months to help draw interest. Lesnar vs Undertaker will be a big draw for Hell in the Cell like it was for Summerslam and it will sell itself. I hope that they let the Undertaker go over clean and we can finally put this feud to bed. i don't want to see this feud drag on until Wrestlemania.
Naw. Just another match to try and get some draw power. Summerslam should have been the end of this feud forever. They had a good match at SS, why ruin it by going into a Hell in a Cell match in an era where hardcore matches aren't allowed to be too hardcore. Why risk putting Undertaker in that kind of match with a Beast who could really end his career in the cage by suplexing him too hard on the steel steps ? Split these two up.
If you want Undertaker to lose to Brock Lesnar and be made to look pathetic AGAIN, you're not an Undertaker fan, and to call yourself one is an insult to Undertaker fans. Undertaker has very little left to his legacy thanks to Lesnar. Yet another loss to Lesnar would just ensure that Undertaker will be remembered more for his inability to defeat Lesnar than anything else. 21 years of WrestleMania victories were already rendered irrelevant in 3 seconds. They might as well just take what's left, because it's VERY clear that Vince and WWE have no respect for Undertaker.

You need to chill out. Sit back and just enjoy the match instead of getting so up yourself about it. Your the on that is pathetic for suggesting a 25 year career is flushed down the swanny due to one fucking loss. Your the disgusting one for even suggesting that 'Takers legacy will be rendered irrelevant due to not beating Lesnar. That's a load of bullshit and you know it.
One a more positive note. Wohoo what a great match up to have. I thought a couple of weeks back we may not have to wait till 'Mania for these 2 but I thought it would potentially be Survivor Series or Royal Rumble they squared up at. The other reason this is good news is because now it opens up a world of possibilities come 'Mania 32.
Aquaman's point of view is valid. The guy is defending Undertaker's legacy and that's fine and understandable, but your points are also valid. Of course his legacy isn't being shattered for losing to Brock Freaking Lesnar. Just calm down all of you.

Now back to the topic, I'll make sure I'll post my prediction probably the day before or in the day of Hell In A Cell, but for now I am really intrigued by this match. Mostly because Undertaker worked heel in their last bout, or at least he left like that. Undertaker tapped out to Brock Lesnar and that's something they will most likely explore here. I want to see the dynamic where The Undertaker knows that Brock can, not only pin him but also submit him. That makes Brock so much more menacing and it will probably make Undertaker a lot more focused to prove he's better than "The Beast", even if he has to use some dirty tactics.

As for now, the best booking decision is, of course give Brock Lesnar the victory. Not only because he's slowly turning babyface, but also because he's the best performer of the two right now and he should be the focus. Odds say that The Undertaker will not face a bigger threat than Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania, so losing here isn't that big of a deal. If they are going with The Undertaker vs. Sting 15 minute snooze fest, fine, I'll enjoy it for the value and I'll rate them differently because they are old and slower, but The Streak is over, so there is no need to keep The Undertaker as this untouchable figure that only God can beat.

Brock however, needs to have that aura. He's The Beast, the Guy That Broke the Streak. He needs to be strong in order to elevate someone come WrestleMania. At The Biggest Stage of Them All I want Lesnar to face someone like Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, Kevin Owens or Bray Wyatt, and I want him to be strong (booking wise) so that losing, makes the other guy that much better. Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar is still probably a strong contender for Match Of The Year and the fact that Reigns went toe-to-toe with him, only made him a viable guy to one day become the face of the WWE. I dare to say that the main event actually turned Reigns haters into "actually a fan", so that is always a good sign that Lesnar needs to be the focus in this type of stories.
Well, there's absolutely no reason for Taker to go over in this one (calm down Aquaman) and I'm happy they're going to end this before Mania rolls around as I was a little worried they were going to pair these two up again. Time for WWE to undo the mistake they made at Summerslam by having Taker go over by fucking submission. I really thought there was no chance that Taker walked out of SS with the win, much less a KO victory, but I could accept it given that they were obviously working towards a rubber match. This one must go to Lesnar... you can't have him lose his current aura in a feud with Taker... there's no payoff to that. Taker can lose and still be completely fine for Mania where a Brock loss will hurt him so much more.

They'll probably end up shaking hands at the end of the match which would be a fantastic ending to over ten years of Taker/Lesnar. A Lesnar win followed by a show of respect would be a great moment in wrestling history. I'm a huge Taker fan, but come on... it only makes sense for Lesnar to win this one.
I have mixed feelings about this match-up, but overally, I don't like it.

Yeah, Taker vs Lesnar III, the rubber match, the one match to end all controversy and on top of that, Hell in a Cell. WWE knows what sells and without a doubt, this match will be a huge selling point.


Taker vs Lesnar inside Hell in a Cell have arleady happened 13 years ago. It was an astonishing match and one of the best HIAC matches in history. It was a turning point in both men's career. When a rematch like that takes place, fans, us, are going to revisit that match in their thoughts. As a result fans will compare these two matches and of course, the first one will come out as the better one. C'mon, there's no way the match in October is going to be anywhere near the level of the match 13 years ago..

My only concern actually is this. I wanted to see a rubber match and quite frankly I never thought we would be getting one. I was shocked to find out that Undertaker was going to compete again this year, but a third match? That's really big news.

To tell the truth I wanted that match to take place at Survivor Series, not Hell in a Cell. Mainly because a HIAC has already happened between these two competitors. Survivor Series is one of the big four PPVs and it has been greatly downgraded the past years. It has lost its spark and it needs to hold a big match now and then. Taker-Lesnar III could do the job. Hell in a Cell could sell easily with Rollins vs Sting II, which I also think would be Sting's title win.

Also, the people that talk about Taker's legacy.. Do you think that a man's legacy can be so easily ruined? Give me a break. Undertaker's legacy has been set in stone for years now. It is not getting any bigger nor any smaller. He's fucking Undertaker, one of the best the bussiness has ever seen. A feud loss to Brock Lesnar isn't going to hurt him. I have to admit, the end of his streak really hurt his drawing ability as a draw for Wrestlemania, but his legacy? Hell no. That's just too legendary to get hurt.

Taker has lost to worst people. His legacy will be fine.

I like the fact that we're getting a rubber match, but I dislike the fact that it is Hell in a Cell.
I like that this match is happening now instead of Mania. This tells me that they have something else big planned for Lesnar because they wouldn't complete this feud here if that weren't the case.
Well, there's absolutely no reason for Taker to go over in this one (calm down Aquaman) and I'm happy they're going to end this before Mania rolls around as I was a little worried they were going to pair these two up again. Time for WWE to undo the mistake they made at Summerslam by having Taker go over by fucking submission. I really thought there was no chance that Taker walked out of SS with the win, much less a KO victory, but I could accept it given that they were obviously working towards a rubber match. This one must go to Lesnar... you can't have him lose his current aura in a feud with Taker... there's no payoff to that. Taker can lose and still be completely fine for Mania where a Brock loss will hurt him so much more.

They'll probably end up shaking hands at the end of the match which would be a fantastic ending to over ten years of Taker/Lesnar. A Lesnar win followed by a show of respect would be a great moment in wrestling history. I'm a huge Taker fan, but come on... it only makes sense for Lesnar to win this one.

Undertaker didn't beat Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. They can talk about "it goes in the record book as a win" all they want. That match was booked to show without a shadow of a doubt that Brock Lesnar is invincible and The Undertaker is a pathetic nobody who can't win without cheating. It was disgusting and disrespectful. Undertaker SHOULD have won with a clean submission, but Vince is too terrified to let Brock Lesnar look vulnerable.

Undertaker loses this, it's over. He's nothing. He's just the guy who can't beat Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar's "aura" is completely irrelevant. Brock Lesnar winning and then Undertaker shaking his hand would make me absolutely sick. Nothing could be more disrespectful to Undertaker. Undertaker winning clean and by submission is the ONLY acceptable outcome of this match. Undertaker has lost every match in this rivalry. A loss won't hurt Lesnar. His fanboys will still proclaim him unbeatable and tune in every time Lesnar's wallet is hungry and he decides to show up again. A loss destroys the only shred of his legacy Undertaker has left.

But a loss is exactly what's going to happen. Undertaker will lose clean yet again to Lesnar, because WWE has ZERO respect for Undertaker and everything he accomplished in his career. They've already destroyed his legacy, all that's left now is to flush the pieces down the toilet. Lesnar will win clean, by submission, and probably after laughing his way out of Hell's Gate and kicking out of 478 consecutive Tombstones, because even a nuclear bomb can't hurt Brock Lesnar in Vince's eyes.
Horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE decision. This final match NEEDED to be at WrestleMania, and it NEEDED to be a clean victory for The Undertaker. Now it's clear that it's just going to another ego-stroking for Brock Lesnar. They'll probably just have Lesnar win in two minutes, then he and Heyman will drop their pants and dump a load all over Undertaker, doing to him what WWE has already done to his legacy.

Undertaker's legacy is more important than Brock Lesnar's ego, and if you don't think so, you're clearly not a wrestling fan, you're just a Lesnar fanboy.

You're the one that sounds like a fanboy here. You're clearly still pissed because Taker lost to Lesnar at mania. Get over it, Taker fanboy.

Brock Lesnar could be gone again tomorrow if someone else offers him more money, or if he suddenly decides his "real passion" is playing badminton, or women's field hockey. Lesnar has no respect for wrestling and never did. Undertaker going over is best for business, but WWE doesn't do what's best for business, they do what makes Brock happy so Vince can keep him around. WWE is better off without Brock Lesnar.

Lesnar may not be around much be he's around a lot more often than Taker these days. How is Taker going over Lesnar best for business?

The argument I keep hearing a lot is that true legends go out on their back with a loss. But that's not always true. Some legends, like Ric Flair, Stone Cold, and Shawn Michaels, went out with losses. Others, like Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, and Edge, went out with wins.


Undertaker should go out with a win. There's every reason for Undertaker to win and none for him to lose, beyond some fans' simple personal bias where they don't want Lesnar to lose, for any reason, to any opponent. Undertaker winning clean and by submission is the RIGHT move. But it won't happen, because Vince is one of the people most fooled by Brock's fictional "mystique". And even if WWE decided to do the right thing and Undertaker DID win...it's irrelevant, because it's not at WrestleMania. So no matter what happens, Brock's fanboys will be happy, because even if he loses, he won the only one that mattered.

It's so funny that you are throwing such a fit about this calling people out for personal bias being Lesnar fanboys when it's so obvious you arguments are all based on you being a biased Taker fanboy. You're going to be mad even if Taker does win just because it's not mania. The streak wasn't going to go on forever.

I agree, Brock is going over, because WWE refuses to do the right thing, which is to have Lesnar tap out clean to Undertaker. I can't believe fans like you, you legitimately disgust me. You actually WANT to see WWE heap more defecation on what's left of Undertaker's legacy, because you're so in love with Brock Lesnar. You're fucking pathetic.

I know I've said it twice now but since you insist on repeating this I will repeat myself too. No one is coming off as much of a pathetic fanboy as you. Just shut up already.

If you want Undertaker to lose to Brock Lesnar and be made to look pathetic AGAIN, you're not an Undertaker fan, and to call yourself one is an insult to Undertaker fans. Undertaker has very little left to his legacy thanks to Lesnar. Yet another loss to Lesnar would just ensure that Undertaker will be remembered more for his inability to defeat Lesnar than anything else. 21 years of WrestleMania victories were already rendered irrelevant in 3 seconds. They might as well just take what's left, because it's VERY clear that Vince and WWE have no respect for Undertaker.

Yeah, 21 years completely irrelevant because of one loss:rolleyes:. His whole career sucked because he eventually lost at WrestleMania after two decades. Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?

Undertaker didn't beat Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. They can talk about "it goes in the record book as a win" all they want. That match was booked to show without a shadow of a doubt that Brock Lesnar is invincible and The Undertaker is a pathetic nobody who can't win without cheating. It was disgusting and disrespectful. Undertaker SHOULD have won with a clean submission, but Vince is too terrified to let Brock Lesnar look vulnerable.

Undertaker loses this, it's over. He's nothing. He's just the guy who can't beat Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar's "aura" is completely irrelevant. Brock Lesnar winning and then Undertaker shaking his hand would make me absolutely sick. Nothing could be more disrespectful to Undertaker. Undertaker winning clean and by submission is the ONLY acceptable outcome of this match. Undertaker has lost every match in this rivalry. A loss won't hurt Lesnar. His fanboys will still proclaim him unbeatable and tune in every time Lesnar's wallet is hungry and he decides to show up again. A loss destroys the only shred of his legacy Undertaker has left.

But a loss is exactly what's going to happen. Undertaker will lose clean yet again to Lesnar, because WWE has ZERO respect for Undertaker and everything he accomplished in his career. They've already destroyed his legacy, all that's left now is to flush the pieces down the toilet. Lesnar will win clean, by submission, and probably after laughing his way out of Hell's Gate and kicking out of 478 consecutive Tombstones, because even a nuclear bomb can't hurt Brock Lesnar in Vince's eyes.

Undertaker lost a lot before Brock Lesnar beat him at WrestleMania. Khali destroyed him and pinned him with a foot on the chest. Taker somehow survived that. Why is losing to Lesnar such a disgrace? Before you answer just admit that you are arguing from an emotional state because you are a Taker fanboy. There's nothing wrong with being a fanboy in wrestling. It's just sad (in an amusing way) that you call others out for being a Lesnar fanboy when you are clearly a Taker fanboy.
Lesnar may not be around much be he's around a lot more often than Taker these days. How is Taker going over Lesnar best for business?


Undertaker going over is best for business because a loss doesn't hurt Brock Lesnar's "mystique", because his fans are going to buy tickets to see him no matter what. Yet another loss to Lesnar is absolutely devastating to Undertaker, because the ridiculous lopsidedness of this feud is overshadowing everything else Undertaker ever did. At this rate Undertaker is going to be remembered more for a dozen losses to Brock Lesnar than ANYTHING else, because they're building the storyline to emphatically state that The Undertaker CANNOT DEFEAT BROCK LESNAR. That destroys everything Undertaker ever did in his entire career. It makes him worthless and it makes everything he ever did worthless.

And why does my naming Bret Hart as one of the legends who went out with major wins instead of losses confuse you? He went out on a streak of three major victories.

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