Wrestlemania 28: Undertaker vs. Triple H - Hell in a Cell

Is it possible that, if this was Undertaker's last match, they shared the spotlight?

Stealing the spotlight is a strong accusation that you seem to try to make softly. Undertaker winning followed by HHH snapping up and hitting Undertaker with a pedigree would be more like stealing the spotlight.

You make a lot of "what if" assumptions. What if this was HHH's last match? What if he doesn't get a valid send-off on Raw? If all of your casual assumptions magically became fact, I'd still disagree with you on how HHH should be recognized for his role as a wrestler. He can save the tear felt speech for a Hall of Fame induction, that's the only way it would get a reaction out of me.

Examples of stealing the moment would be Hogan running around with the belt to hand to Savage after he defeated Ric Flair. Or you could go with Hogan having to hand over the belt to Ultimate Warrior at WM6
taker is not retiring i see him and brock at mania next year and taker will beat brock then i see taker losing at mania 30 to a rising star who can take the win and use it to become the next austin rock cena etc
When has Taker ever been about all focus on me?
That's his beauty he's not selfish....
and who said anything about that being the last match for Triple H or Taker
both aren't on a regular schedule anyway.

and what match were you watching? Triple H was meant to dominate that was the whole point, he did it last year too and the focus for most of the match was equally on Triple H and Taker.

If that was indeed Takers last match it was a decent farewell however i don't see that being the case, we need to come full circle and end the way it started in his case so mark my words he's not done yet

as for Triple H well he rode off into the sunset a year ago and said his farewell to the ring so everything beyond is just icing on the cake.

The ending of an era for me atleast meant,
for the people who keep pushing for that to return they were saying, get over it here's 1 final attitude style moment and it wont happen again that era is done.
Just so happened that Triple H, HBK and Taker were main players in the start of the Attitude era so they ended it amongst themselves.

Now saying that the talk of Rock going for the title again and HBK vs Triple H for next year sais to me that style is far from over.
Nitpicking at its finest here.

Who in the bluest of blue hell gives two shits of a rats ass whether or not Undertaker hits these two moves? When the match features as much storytelling as it did, why does it matter? What kind of fan just so happens to over look the emotion this match displayed. Not only did Undertaker actually hit the Old School maneuver early on during the match, how do you expect the Undertaker to hit his patented Swan Dive when there is a giant steel wall not five feet from the ring. This match was excellent; no need to nitpick at something that doesn't determine the quality of the match.

It's not nitpicking.

There was no point of the cell. They did nothing in that cell that they couldn't do in the regular ring without the cell. It was simply a plain old no disqualifications match. And I'm not looking for climbing to the top of cell either or stuff similar. The cage was not used in the match at all. Nor did the idea of no escape factor play into the story line. It was useless. It only served as a cool intro. Actually it had a better intro than Hunters or Undertakers (lame for his potential last Wrestlemania) entrance.

And as far as can't able to hit the swan dive because of the limited space is total garbage at it's finest.

Ever heard of angles? Yeah, nobody can dive over on angle. :rolleyes:

5 feet? Guess you have no idea the length in the corners do you. Which I might ad are better floor protected than the metal ramp.

Do you even watch wrestling? Have you seen any cage matches before this? Have you not seen hundreds of guys diving over, under, etc... into opponents, slamming them into cage walls, front row barriers, announce tables, etc...

It could be done, and has been done
I thought it was the match of the night on the biggest pay per view of the year - so it wasn't bad at all.

Being honest - I didn't like the idea of the match to start with. But the story telling before the match and during the match drew me into it. Much like HBK did - you actually had the feeling that the streak was in real trouble even though I always knew that Undertaker would win in the end.
It's not nitpicking.
You're telling me it's not nitpicking when you completely overlook the fact that this match was filled with emotion and tons of storytelling. You're telling me it's not nitpicking when you didn't like the fact that The Undertaker didn't dive over the top ropes? Yeah, that's nitpicking.
There was no point of the cell. They did nothing in that cell that they couldn't do in the regular ring without the cell. It was simply a plain old no disqualifications match. And I'm not looking for climbing to the top of cell either or stuff similar. The cage was not used in the match at all. Nor did the idea of no escape factor play into the story line. It was useless. It only served as a cool intro. Actually it had a better intro than Hunters or Undertakers (lame for his potential last Wrestlemania) entrance.
That was not in your first post. While I can understand you here, it still doesn't matter in the slightest.
And as far as can't able to hit the swan dive because of the limited space is total garbage at it's finest.

Ever heard of angles? Yeah, nobody can dive over on angle. :rolleyes:
Oh yeah because the Undertaker always angles his Swan Dive. :rolleyes:
5 feet? Guess you have no idea the length in the corners do you. Which I might ad are better floor protected than the metal ramp.
No clue what you're trying to prove here.
Do you even watch wrestling?
Classic insult...but very stupid thing to say. You know, because I have 1,656 posts on a website that's based pretty much everything on wrestling. Yeah, I never watch.
Have you seen any cage matches before this? Have you not seen hundreds of guys diving over, under, etc... into opponents, slamming them into cage walls, front row barriers, announce tables, etc...
No, a match doesn't need any of this to make for an excellent cage match. The match told a story, a better one than every match up at Wrestlemania and you want to nitpick at stuff that doesn't matter. And neither guy is a highflyer, Undertaker has always performed his Swan Dive straight onto an opponent. Sorry there weren't enough backflips and falling off the cell spots for you.
It could be done, and has been done
....Didn't need to be done. There's a compelling enough story within the match to not have to rely on the Cell to deliver a solid match.
Wasn't the first 5-10 minutes of this match Taker slamming H's face into the Cell in an attempt to hardway? I'd say that Cell was used quite thoroughly in the beginning. It set the tone for the match early - brutality. IIRC, Taker did a suicide dive in a HIAC match because I doubt a swan dive is possible when there's a cage in his way.
Classic insult...but very stupid thing to say. You know, because I have 1,656 posts on a website that's based pretty much everything on wrestling. Yeah, I never watch.

And that right there is classic case of insecurity. Only thing that proves is that you made 1,656 mistakes.

Nobody cares about the amount of posts you have. NOBODY

Bottom line the Undertaker FAILED to bring the goods. Bottom line. Sub par ring performance, poor entrance, and unnecessary match gimmick that added nothing but a visual.

Hunter & Shawn did their part, Undertaker was average at best. And this is coming from a guy that wrestles once a year. Give it your all brother like all the previous matches. This is a business, and the big performers get paid quite well in most cases. If you can't perform, then it's time to quit. I guarantee if that was Mick Foley in there he would have given it his all. Like I said, Hunter was Hunter. No more, no less. He did his job, despite his limited ring time, and injuries.

And by the way it wasn't emotional. Wrestlemania 26 match with Shawn was emotional. Period, end of story. So stop with the compelling story garbage. Bottom line is that Undertaker should have NEVER wrestled Hunter in the first place. He was just the sacrificial lamb because no upcoming star wanted to start his career push losing against the Undertaker.

Fighting Jericho, CM Punk, Steve Austin, The Rock, Cena all would have been a better choice just to name a few. I could easily wrote a better storyline with those guys in the mix. Even Kane would have been a better choice.

In fact the with what they had on hand. The match should have been a triple threat match, with Hunter, Shawn, and the Undertaker. Why that wasn't the end match is beyond me.
And that right there is classic case of insecurity. Only thing that proves is that you made 1,656 mistakes.

Nobody cares about the amount of posts you have. NOBODY.


Bottom line the Undertaker FAILED to bring the goods. Bottom line. Sub par ring performance, poor entrance, and unnecessary match gimmick that added nothing but a visual.

Apparently having your back look like it has been through a meat grinder is failing to bring the goods. He went through hell in this match. The new jacket and debuting his haircut were great enhancements to an already incredible entrance. Already spoke on the match gimmick.

Hunter & Shawn did their part, Undertaker was average at best. And this is coming from a guy that wrestles once a year. Give it your all brother like all the previous matches.

See above. He took a beating in this match and he looked great. He's 48 years old, don't forget, and still giving it his all. He played just as big of a role in the success of this match as the other two.

And by the way it wasn't emotional. Wrestlemania 26 match with Shawn was emotional. Period end of story.

Not really "Period end of story" when it's your opinion. Pretty sure 70,000 fans disagree with you on this one. Your passing of opinions as facts isn't proof. Live fan reaction is.
Lol thanks for taking the time to show everyone your inability to debate when backed into a corner.

On topic, what does everyone else rate this match? I've only seen it once, so I'd give it a preemptive ****3/4. Had the drama, emotion, brutality, perfect story. Only thing it was missing for me was that one big spot. The hammer to the head spot would've been it, but it almost worked out better with HBK taking the hammer. Definite MOTY frontrunner.
One thing in particular that nobody brought up.

In this match, there was NO Undertaker diving over the top rope & NO top rope walk.

Ummm...Undertaker did do a top rope walk during the match. It wasn't even all that far in. So, pretty much what you just told us was that you don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about. Nobody brought up the fact that he didn't go "old school" (you don't even know what the move is called? Really?) because he DID it.

Basic memory + rudimentary move nomenclature FAIL.

milan22 said:


Considering the arrow ends up pointing directly to your nickname, I would say at least you were capable of one intelligent post.
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You claimed Taker's performance was average, a point I countered by saying average men don't take that kind of punishment if they're half-assing a match. Ask Foley.

You also claimed that the match lacked emotion. I directed you to the 70k+ in attendance who were completely drained until Rock/Cena began 2 hours later.

Anything else?
I brought up Foley already. I don't have to ask anybody.

I do believe I'm not the only one on this thread that has clearly said that it was an average match. Go debate them.

Why would I could care about people in the audience. Most of whom could not even see the match.

Irrelevant. You have nothing to say.

Nothing to say? almost 2,000 non-spam posts say otherwise.

Also, instead of admitting that you were wrong about whether or not the Undertaker went "Old School", your only response was to question the use of the word "ummm"? I find that interesting. Rather than address the content of my post, you go after a throwaway word at the beginning. Should I take the fact that you chose not to address the "Old School" part of mine and many other posters comments to indicate that you are tacitly admitting you were 100% wrong about that? If not, I tell you what. Want to make a little wager? If you are right, and the Undertaker didn't go "Old School" in his match against Triple H at Wrestlemania 28, and can prove it, I will never post on Wrestlezone ever again. No changing my name to try to trick you, no creating an alternate account. I will never post on Wrestlezone in any way, shape or fashion ever again. However, if we are right, and the Undertaker did in fact go "Old School" in his match against Triple H at Wrestlemania 28, you never post on Wrestlezone again. You don't change your name to try to fool us, you don't create an alt, you simply go away and never come back. Or, you simply admit you were wrong. That works too. For all of your ridiculous blustering, the fact is that you are the one who has had very little to say. You are like a little chihuahua, the runt of the dog world, barking up a storm trying to convince everyone that you are a Doberman...when you are nothing but a little chihuahua.

C'mon...let's see how brave you actually are. Put your proverbial money where your big mouth is...

***edit*** Geez, Milan...you keep getting posts removed for spamming like that, and you won't have to accept my little bet, because you will be banned in no time...
Nothing to say? almost 2,000 non-spam posts say otherwise.

Seriously, wow yet another classic case of insecurity.

AGAIN, Nobody cares about the amount of posts you have. NOBODY

It was a poorly scripted match, poor Undertaker entrance. No Undertaker dive. Zero risks.

Gets a low grade.
Seriously, wow yet another classic case of insecurity.

AGAIN, Nobody cares about the amount of posts you have. NOBODY

And yet, like H.A.M., I also have far more rep power than you do. That means that people green rep us for things we say. It means that despite your insistence otherwise, that people do in fact care. At least, people who matter care. That means not you.

Let me know when you want to accept my bet there, tough guy. Did the Undertaker perform an "Old School" move or didn't he?

But, you won't accept the bet, will you? No, you won't. Because you know you are wrong, and rather than man up and own your stupidity, you will continue to bluster and lash out at the most inconsequential parts of other people's posts, because you are nothing but a chihuahua, and will never be anything but a chihuahua.
And yet, like H.A.M., I also have far more rep power than you do. That means that people green rep us for things we say. It means that despite your insistence otherwise, that people do in fact care. At least, people who matter care. That means not you.

Dude, grow up. Stop trolling. Nobody cares about green bars. Seriously, Get a hold of yourself.

Stick to topic. The match was a not that good. It had zero spark. The only highlight was the cage entrance.

What say you? GO
I mentioned him doing a suicide dive during a HIAC match instead of a swan dive due to the probable fact that there isn't enough room to perform a swan dive.
Dude, grow up. Stop trolling. Nobody cares about green bars. Seriously, Get a hold of yourself.

Stick to topic. The match was a not that good. It had zero spark. The only highlight was the cage entrance.

What say you? GO

I never said anything about the match quality. My point of contention with your stupidity involved your claim that the Undertaker never performed the "Old School" move, when in fact he did. You have yet to actually address that point, whether to me or to any of the other posters that brought it up. I wonder why? No, that's not true. I don't wonder why, I know why. You refuse to address it because you aren't man enough to admit when you are wrong. You made a dumbass comment, got called out for it's inaccuracy, and rather than admit you made a stupid comment, you lash out at everyone instead. You refuse to accept my challenge because we both know that you are too cowardly to actually stand behind your comments, but you are also so insecure with yourself that you can't ever admit to anyone when you are wrong out of some misguided notion that admitting error means weakness.

Go ahead. Prove me wrong, chihuahua. Prove to me that you are man enough to admit you made a dumb, inaccurate comment, or prove to me that you are man enough to stand by your comment, and accept my wager. Hey, if you are right, and the Undertaker never performed the "Old School" against Triple H at Wrestlemania 28, then you get me off of your back forever, and you will never have to worry about responding to me ever again. If you are correct, what do you have to lose? C'mon, chihuahua. Man up, one way or another.
Have you seen a 6'10", 300-pound, 48-year-old man do it with a cage in his way?

I don't get how a match "isn't good" because one signature move (which was damn near impossible to pull off) was missing and "entrances sucked."
Have you seen a 6'10", 300-pound, 48-year-old man do it with a cage in his way?

So, without saying it. And forget Undertakers size for second. I assume you have seen it before correct? So it is possible. And Undertaker is not like other average wrestlers, correct? Are you doubting his capabilities? We all have seen what the Big Show can do. We all seen John Cena shocking strength. Correct? We are all amazed on the bumps Vince takes. Right?

But it's impossible for the Undertaker, who had done the dive many times before, do it in a cage. On the biggest stage, in his possible last match.

No way in hell you can tell me he couldn't do it. They chose to play it safe.

I don't get how a match "isn't good" because one signature move (which was damn near impossible to pull off) was missing and "entrances sucked."

And I don't get how the match "was good" because those factors were NOT in it.
You must have some pretty high standards.

No point in arguing this because you're obviously set in your ways. If a lack of a swan dive bumps a good match down to subpar, then it's not worth justifying why I think the match was great.
Dude, you are not on my back. I care less about you and your posts & green bar.

Post away son.

Sub par match. Lame entrance. GO!

If you don't care, why do you keep responding?

Why do you continue to avoid admitting that your post claiming Undertaker never performed the "Old School" was full of shit? It's not hard. Simply say "I was wrong, he did the Old School, my bad". That would have been the end of it. In the absence of admitting he did the Old School, because your pride refuses to allow to accept the possibility, then accept my bet and prove me wrong. If you can do that, I have no problems admitting that I was wrong to question your irrefutable intelligence, and then disappear forever, honoring the stipulation that I presented, forever humbled at being owned by someone clearly smarter than I am. You call me a troll...for the purposes of this thread, it's a label I accept proudly. Hell, I will even tell you exactly what I am doing. I am trying to goad you into accepting my bet, knowing full well that you will never honor the terms when you lose. All I will get out of it is a smug sense of self-satisfaction that I got to a loudmouthed, brash moron who doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. You aren't going to deny me my sense of smug self-satisfaction, are you? Meanie.

I don't even think what I am asking you to do is all that unreasonable. You are either man enough to admit you were wrong, or you aren't. So far you have proven you aren't. Either you refuse to admit you were wrong because you are actually correct, in which case the wager I proposed cannot possibly harm you in any way, shape or form, OR, you refuse to admit you were wrong because you are just a stubborn, prideful fool who knows that you cannot defend your ridiculous statement against any kind of scrutiny, so you duck your head under the sand, pretending that if you never address it, it never happened.

Man up, chihuahua.
Please stay on topic, guys. Disagreements and debates are fine, but if you are going to post about anything in this thread other than the Undertaker VS Triple H match, your post will be deleted and you risk getting infracted. Also, this is a non-spam section. DO NOT SPAM!

I personally thought it was an excellent match. All three men did an amazing job and if it ends up being Undertaker's last match then he went out on a great note stealing the show with his friends one last time. It was the best match of the evening because whether it be entrances or the work done in the ring, they did better than anyone else on the card. What a match!

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