Have you ever felt so utterly lost and scared shitless


Pre-Show Stalwart
because thats the way I am feeling right now. Threw up this morning can't think straight and am having a hard time staying on my feet.

The wife was supposed to have a heart cath today so that they could see exactly how her heart is looking before her surgery on Thursday. They couldn't do it. They have to lay you flat and she has to much fluid on her, it would all drift into her lungs.

They have to vent her a day early to be able to do the heart cath so tommorow they are going to vent her and sedate her from then on until after her surgery. Gonna have to say see ya soon an love you. She is so drugged up and not thinking straight and still scared. fuckin hell. nerves are shot dunno how much i have left.

Hope to hell none of you ever have to go through this because it is a nightmare.

Best of luck with everything tomorrow and beyond, mate. Honestly, things will only get better for you once all of this is sorted out. Try not to worry yourself too much, which will naturally be easier said than done. My thoughts are with you, home-brew.
Man I certainly wish the absolute very best for you and your wife. I hope that everything turns out well for your family. Best of luck to you and stay positive, I know it's hard but sometimes staying positive can make the difference.
Good luck with your wife man. That's some scary stuff, but hopefully your wife is in capable hands; it sounds like she has some good doctors who know what they're doing... a lesser doctor may have tried the procedure anyway.

Like Sly said, once you get over this hump, things are only going to get better. Having a loved one in surgery is never ever easy, but for all the anxiety you have when she goes in, you'll feel an equal amount of relief when she comes out okay. Hopefully that relief comes very soon for you.

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