Guys, I need some advice.....

The Dewbliners

WZ's Whedonite. Now 20% Cooler
None of ya'll knew this, but my girl and I broke up a couple nights ago. Nothing bad. In fact, it was mutual. Her daughters needed her attention more than myself. We're still verrrry good friends. But, I decided I wanted to hook up with my best friend. She want's nothing to do with a relationship with me. Now, I've got two choices:


I've known her since I was four, and we're very good friends, who have often entertained hookin' up.



A very good friend of the family, we are always flirting back and forth.

Which one should I focus my energies on? You've all seen photos of me, which do you think I have a better chance at?
Lee's've just broken up with your girl, do you really want a rebound?
Lee's've just broken up with your girl, do you really want a rebound?

Lee, I appreciate the advice, and I've considered that. I'm just the kind of person who can't stand being single. The way I see it, rebounds are better than being single.
Lee, I appreciate your input. And, I'll take it under advisement. But, you gotta consider:26 yr. old guy, ready to settle down. And, I'm very good friends with both the broads I'm considering right now, and nothing can shake that.
Why don't you very slowly persue both. I don't mean date both of them, just try spending time with both and try to see who you are the most compatable with. I would go after the second one, but I can't see the pictures. If the socond fails, you'd always have your friend.
I kinda understand where you're coming at with the not wanting to be single thing. I've rebounded just like that before. I've also held off on relationships. I think you should go after the second one, just because alot of times real close friends who end up trying to date don't usually work. Plus there could be a case if it doesn't and you try to go to friend #2, friend #2 might be mad at the fact she wasn't chosen. Just personal experience talking man. Good luck regardless.
Just going by looks alone, I'd vote #1 just because she has a nice smile. The smile is very important, ya know.

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