I Need Some Advice Guys...

And how do you get into College? By doing good at this thing called High School.

And you said "high school means nothing to the rest of your life". That could mean everything NorCal. So I don't think I'm a moron ;)

and no you dont have to do well. have you ever heard of scholorship athletes??
Rusty, maybe, just maybe, the person who is still of HS age, shouldnt be telling people WHO HAVE ALREADY DONE IT how things work.

jus sayin
I had a 2.1 GPA in high school. I rarely went to class and just did well on projects and tests, or in classes I was interested in.
Rusty, maybe, just maybe, the person who is still of HS age, shouldnt be telling people WHO HAVE ALREADY DONE IT how things work.

jus sayin

You finished Year 12 with a good exam mark? Tell me more.

not when the entire conversation has been about the social aspect of HS.


True. But you also just mentioned the education side of things.

and no you dont have to do well. have you ever heard of scholorship athletes??

Well it depends what you want to get into. Most people stay through to Year 12 for a good reason.

I had a 2.1 GPA in high school. I rarely went to class and just did well on projects and tests, or in classes I was interested in.

I don't know what that means, but my school is tough as fuck. You don't go to class, bye bye school.
You finished Year 12 with a good exam mark? Tell me more.

True. But you also just mentioned the education side of things.

actually, I did very well. I had exceptional marks.

and I didnt. the original post, in which you conducted yourself as a moron, was not in any way reffering to academics
High school was important to me not for what I learned about academics, but the life lessons I got.

1. If no one gets arrested and no one dies, everything is fine.
2. Your friends are your life's blood. Without them, you'll lose.
3. I learned to play poker and a lot about the stock market in there.
4. I learned how to talk my way out of anything.
5. I came out of my shell and now have a personality.
Well, the "social" side of things may be useful to some people. Either way, I don't care anymore.

it is NOTusefull in any legit, practical way. if anything, the folks who you seem to admire, with good marks and college aspirations, and who excel academically, have to sacrifice a lot of the social aspect, becuase they are mature enough to understand that


but they just realize it at a younger age
it is NOTusefull in any legit, practical way. if anything, the folks who you seem to admire, with good marks and college aspirations, and who excel academically, have to sacrifice a lot of the social aspect, becuase they are mature enough to understand that


but they just realize it at a younger age

Oh really? My parents met at high school. Been married for over 20 years. It MUST mean something ;)
and also Rusty, I would SURELY hope that you werent trying to imply that I did the military becuase I couldnt go to college?? I couldve gone to college FOR FREE and CHOSE the life I have. thanks
and also Rusty, I would SURELY hope that you werent trying to imply that I did the military becuase I couldnt go to college?? I couldve gone to college FOR FREE and CHOSE the life I have. thanks

Fuck no. I just wondered why you though high school was so worthless. To you it probably was, but to others it isn't.

um...no. its called..."leave school, drive to the fire station" and "work at the station on weekends and vacation days"


I thought you meant you worked there full time.
Okay, so my Junior Prom is coming up soon and I have a few options:

1. ask this girl that i sort of like to go with me (shes about an 8)
2. ask my ex-gf who now has a bf to go with me just as friends (shes a 10)
3. go alone, but meet up with friends
4. dont go
5. shut the hell up, no one cares about junior prom

**Alternate options are also welcome**

If you like someone, you should always take the chance to ask that person out. Knowing she turned you down will only hurt for a moment. But never knowing what the answer may have been, will hurt for a lifetime.

Going with your ex, who is currently dating another guy, is a dagger straight through the heart. Don't do it, especially to the Prom. That's suicide.

I never went to my own prom, but I had a decent enough time at Erin's. NorCal is truthful in saying High School is roughly a 4-year span of shit that will never amount to anything as far as school dances are concerned.

But they do make for some interesting photos that you later embarass your children with.


Pedo-fucking-bear.. rocks! :lmao:

well to those others, it should be. if those are the best years of your life, then your life is going to absolutely fucking suck

:lmao: No, I think High School sucks personally, but it's a sacrifice you have to make. For these last few years, I have to give up some of my social life to study. The reward should be worth it. Keep in mind this may not apply to ALL high school students, but I'm basically telling things from my point of view.
I said the social aspect means fuck all, and is generally a waste of time. You, by YOUR ACTIONS show that you feel the same way, as you just said you sacrifice the social aspect to ensure your future success in life.
I said the social aspect means fuck all, and is generally a waste of time. You, by YOUR ACTIONS show that you feel the same way, as you just said you sacrifice the social aspect to ensure your future success in life.

Yeah, but once I leave high school, my social aspect will be at an all time high. It's just a sacrifice for a few years, not a sacrifice for life.

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