I Need Some Advice Guys...

In my case it didn't. When i got to high school I was pathetic. Scared to do so much as say a word in front of anyone. Now on here pretty much what you see is what I'm like in real life, plus or minus a thing or two.
Who I never would have met sans HS>

now YOU seem to be getting confused.

I mean the social scene and heirarchy of HS. not just being in the same place as other people, as part of a student body. remember, this entire thing started with me saying the junior prom was fucking worthless.
Pedo-fucking-bear.. rocks! :lmao:


I fail to see how anyone could possibly be confused
Will is saying he rocks why?
Well sure the parts of being there with them was part of it, but the social aspect with them was far more important than whatever I learned long enough to pass some test and then forget the next day.
meh, truth stands, you will likely never (want to) speak to 98% of the people you interacted with on a daily basis in HS, ever again in your life
Rusty. WERE the FUCK are we having confusion on the fact your entirely agreeing with me???

Okay let me get this straight, you think school is useless on the social side of things? I DO agree with you there, but I've meet some nice chicks through the school.

Do you think school is useless for the academic side of things?
Yes Rusty. on the social side of things. which was what the whole conversation was abot until you came in. the original post, which you quoted, was in reference to the social aspect. which I addressed in my second post to you.
Okay, so my Junior Prom is coming up soon and I have a few options:

1. ask this girl that i sort of like to go with me (shes about an 8)
2. ask my ex-gf who now has a bf to go with me just as friends (shes a 10)
3. go alone, but meet up with friends
4. dont go
5. shut the hell up, no one cares about junior prom

**Alternate options are also welcome**

I'd automatically take Option #1 cause you might actually have a shot with her & hopefully get out of the friend zone with her. Option #2 would just be weird & nobody wants to do Option #3 (well most people anyways)
High school has a very important influence on most people's lives. Saying otherwise is silly.

As far as to answer your question...why go to prom? Prom is probably the most overrated aspect in life. Nobody cares about the dance, they care about what happens before, and what happens after. It's an exclusive event, which everyone gets to go to at some point.

Prom sucks. I could have gone as a sophomore, and I would have been able to get a couple different dates my junior and senior year. But, prom was always the same night as The Final Four, and I'm no dummy.
I only went one year because I was dragged there by friends. It was a waste of money even though I was voted prom king. Go with option 1. If you chose option 2 and her boyfriend would not be happy about you taking his girl to prom, plus you have a better chance to get some with 1.
I literally sat at my house and watched WWE confidential.

A girl who went with one of my friends (they just went as friends) wanted to hang out with me afterwards, and he told her a big ass pack of lies about how I was gonna try and get her drunk and fuck her, when in fact, he was telling her that, so that HE COULD GET HER DRUNK AND FUCK HER.

ugh. the lengths some raggly ass fuckers will go to try and get pussy. that pathetic fuck never got any, and everyone had a shitty night.

well, besides me, as I was sitting home, watching WWE confidential.

You're my new hero.
Confidential rocked, especially for me, cuz when it was at its prime I was young ad still believed wrestling was completely real, so I never missed an episode. Where the hell is Gene Okerlund?

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