Guys cut the shit


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Originally Posted by Jane
I think Milenko's argument was from Wikipedia.
^^^That is bullshit. I can deal with the making fun of me and calling me out in the bar room. In here I can either ignore you or tell you to fuck yourself depending on my mood. Doing it in other parts of the forum is just low.

While I would like you to stop all together if you feel a burning need to make fun of me keep it in the bar room.
Dude, it's ribbing. Everyone here gets it, even the higher ups. The reason people keep doing it is you keep pointing it out to people. For the sake of your's and my sanity, lighten the hell up!
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I think he said that because you cited a shitload of awards/ratings that you obviously just looked up on Wikipedia.

The fact that you started a thread to get people to stop, is only going to increase the ribbing dude.
Damn, Milenko really wants that award. All shall be revealed Tuesday, but you're running a damn fine campaign, sir.

BTW, for the record, I really don't give a shit that you use Wikipedia. It's meant to be a research tool. But, I do find it funny that people can get such a rise out of you about it.
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I could have been complimenting you. Wikipedia is a good site. You're blowing things way our of proportion. I am sorry though.
Damn, Milenko really wants that award. All shall be revealed Tuesday, but you're running a damn fine campaign, sir.
I don't really care.

BTW, for the record, I really don't give a shit that you use Wikipedia. It's meant to be a research tool. But, I do find it funny that people can get such a rise out of you about it.
i feel my intergrity is being called in to question everytime this happens and having kids I don't even know do it does not make me ahappy person. That is why it gets a rise out of me.
I don't really care.

i feel my intergrity is being called in to question everytime this happens and having kids I don't even know do it does not make me ahappy person. That is why it gets a rise out of me.

It's going to happen a lot. When you spew facts at someone, usually, people think you go to Wikipedia to find out. I'd just ignore it and laugh.
Well Milenko, here's a solution to your problem: Stop just regurgitating Wikipedia articles and people will stop ribbing you for it.

We all use Wikipedia, I myself do as well. But I actually write an original post and don't just cite figures from Wiki. That's not all you do obviously as you always add in a few points of your own, but if you just make your posts all about your opinion, and not about figures from Wiki, people would probably stop.
We all use Wikipedia, I myself do as well. But I actually write an original post and don't just cite figures from Wiki. That's not all you do obviously as you always add in a few points of your own, but if you just make your posts all about your opinion, and not about figures from Wiki, people would probably stop.
Seeing how the quote was from the Video Game Tournament let me ask you a question. Where else am i going to get info on the awards and ratings a certain game has gotten? I don't know it off the top of my head so it has to come from somewhere if not wiki some other site. The fact that people single me out for something I don't do is another layer to this bullshit.

If this keeps up I won't be able to start or contribute to any serious discussion anywhere on this forum.
You can contribute all you want. It's more convenient then us having to look it up on Wikipedia every time.
Pretty much what Murf said. It's not that you bring up these awards, it's that you routinely always resort to looking up statistics like that in your posts. Your punk threads were pretty much just giant Wikipedia articles.

Just tone it down a bit, or add more to the post to even out all of the Wiki stats you always cite. Not a big deal.
Ok, here's what you do. I don't know nor do I care what the stats are, so I'll make some up.

Bret Hart

Wrestling Observer Newsletter
Match of the Year: 96, 98, 99, 2000
Feud of the Year: 94, 97

World Title-3 times
IC Title-3 times
Tag Titles-3 times
2 KOTR wins

You would say,

Hart has won a ton of awards and titles. he won 9 belts, all three major titles three times each in the WWF plus two KOTRs. Meltzer thought highly of him too, giving him four MOTY and two feuds OTY. That's a ton of awards for anyone.

See what I did? got stats from wikipedia, and never once said I got them from there. really not that hard.
or just...dont use stats. I never do. Why would I, I knew I was right when I typed the shit out in the first place. if the person dont belive me, then THEY can go to the effort of looking it up.
While I would like you to stop all together if you feel a burning need to make fun of me keep it in the bar room.

I don't think anyone ever has a burning need to rib you, I think it's because you keep throwing tantrums like this about it.

I have a 6 yr old son. When he starts whining and complaining, I remind him that everyone can see him act like a baby, and he quickly stops. It's not that hard to just ignore it.


Someone had to say it...

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