Great rivalries in the making?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now if you look back in history, all of the greats have had great rivalries, a few a career. But every big guy has always had a person who is their prime rival, the guy who joined around the same as them, the guy who has similar attributes which causes a great rivalry.

Think about it, we have Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock... And in my opinion, John Cena's biggest rival, Randy Orton.

Why am I talking about rivals? Well I believe one is blossoming at the moment. Wade Barrett and Sheamus. Now, this isn't a thread about those guys specifically there's one already here and I think we can all agree that these two have something special. When they both get in the ring, it puts my faith back into the WWE, which is a beautiful thing.

The main question of this thread is, do you see any other rivalries spouting at the moment? And if you could pair two people together to have a career long rivalry, who would you like?
Randy Orton - Alberto Del Rio come to mind. Not because I believe that these 2 will actually become rivals and not just because they're fighting at HIAC. I think both are pretty over hyped honestly, but these 2 could fight and turn into a pretty solid rivalry. I don't know what Orton's been up to as of late, but Del Rio has shifted away from the WHC after failing to win that. Orton and Del Rio could be seen to become the #2 guy on SmackDown.

Kofi Kingston - The Miz - It's Ironic, Kingston is a World Champion away from becoming a Grandslam champion. What better way to push Kingston in that direction would be a title loss (not at HIAC but in the near future) to The Miz. Lately these two have been going at it, and to be honest these two are at the peak of their careers. I know the WWE won't push Kingston into either World Championship titles any time soon, but this could be the big push Kingston needs to get there. And to start it, he'll need a very solid rivalry with the miz and put himself over.

Daniel Bryan - Kane - I know these two have feuded this past year earlier, however, all titles come to an end, right? I don't know if they're mentally stable to return to singles competition, but I don't see these two not feuding at the end of their title run as tag-team champs.

Thats all I can think of at the moment but i would like to see some tag-team rivalries develop. I hope the PrimeTime Players get a solid push in the near future because they work together real well. Also I'd like to see Justin Gabriel develop a feud, I honestly believe he is also too talented to just sit there and not get any ring time.
Considering the match they had on monday. I would definately go for Bryan vs Ziggler. Or Bryan and Punk. I may be a little biased about this but I would love to see Leo Kruger and Justin Gabriel as a major rivalry.
I think Punk and Bryan could and should be able to put on some good matches for years to come with one another. They're probably the two most entertaining wrestlers in and out of the ring currently in WWE and I love the fact that they are both indy veterans. It really gives other indy guys something to look forward to and maybe it will open WWE's eyes to the incredible amount of talent they have all around them and they will start signing more of them. They already have signed a decent amount, Hero, Claudio, Black (even though I find him boring as hell), Sydal, etc. There is still a ton of awesome unsigned talent out there. I think with Punk and Bryan they should try having them feud but this time let Bryan be the face. He might be the most over guy on the roster right now as far as his crowd reactions go.

I also thought back around last years Rumble when Ziggler beat Punk in Chicago they could have really had something to build on there. Unfortunately, it didn't really work out that way. Anyways I would say Punk and Bryan would be the big one, and I would like to see Punk and Ziggler interact more down the line as well as Punk and Sheamus a bit more. I think they have just scratched the surface with these last two. I mean come on WWE, you will give us Sheamus vs. Del Rio for like four PPVs in a row but these other match ups are basically just a flash in the pan.
I honestly wouldn't say Cena's biggest rival is Orton, I wouldn't even say it's Edge, I'd say it's the guy he's currently feuding with...CM Punk. Cena & Punk have had outstanding matches & promos with each other for the last year, they have something special whenever they are in the ring together and they have been far more enjoyable to watch than The Rock vs. Cena feud when it comes to trying to one-up each other in promos and for the #1 spot in the company. This is not only a great rivarly in the making but one that I believe will go down as historic. The WWE isn't exactly spectacular these days but this feud is the one thing that's peaking everyone's interest and keeping them tuning in every Monday on RAW.

I could somewhat agree on Barrett vs. Sheamus too. They've had some good pretty brawls with each other the last few weeks.
I'd agree with John Cena and CM Punk being the greatest rivalry of Cena's career, it created much more interest than both Cena/Edge and Cena/Orton. In the coming years, we will probably see a return to this feud from time to time because the two characters just work so well together. Cena represents sports entertainment, Punk represents professional wrestling. The dynamic between them is simple, but effective. There have been several occasions where Cena and Punk have faced each other one-on-one but they haven't really faced each other in many gimmick matches, so that gives them a place to go in future confrontations. John Cena vs. CM Punk in a 2-out-of 3 Falls Match or Ironman Match would be great, and I could see them having one hell of a Last Man Standing Match as well. To my knowledge I don't even think they faced each other in a Steel Cage Match on a RAW or a PPV, so that's another possibility for down the road.
Edge was Cena's biggest and best rival, they were in constant battle for years, consistently over the top spot in the company. The promos were great, both traded wins, you had Edge's Money In The Bank title win, main eventing the Royal Rumble, even a TLC Match. Edge did way more as an adversary for Cena than Orton, HHH, or Punk have done. Factor in the exact polar opposite nature of their characters, these two were Ric Flair & Dusty Rhodes, Hogan & Randy Savage, Austin & Rock, if Edge wasnt forced to retire due to injury they could have had a run for the ages.

Right now, Punk vs Ryback has the possibility to be that big, next great rivalry if they let it. Ryback needs some character development beyond squash wins over mid carders, but a brute force, take no prisoners bad a*# fan fave against the cerebral, skilled, rulebreaker with something to prove, this has potential to be classic assuming Ryback has the talent and WWE Creative has the ability to further his character development and make him a legit star worthy of sharing the stage with Punk.
I want to see them actually go forward with this CM Punk / Steve Austin rivalry. Especially with the heat they were giving each other at the WWE '13 interview between the 2.
I think Cena's top 4 rivalries were with Edge, Orton, Punk and Batista. Tough to say which was his best.. to each its own I guess.

Last year WWE had two great rivalries with Cena/Punk and Orton/Christian. IMO nothing so far this year has even come close to those two rivalries.

I think Ryback/Punk has potential if fans dont lose interest in Ryback. Also, Orton doing a heel turn on Sheamus could be really good. A lot would depend on Sheamus though. He needs to stop being so corny and have a real physical intense rivalry.
The Rock-Austin , John Cena-Edge, John Cena-Randy Orton, John Cena-Batista get the picture! also John cena and cm punk is another long storied rivalry which dates back to 2010. At this stage, I don't really see any long term rivalries being made. A feud I would like to see is Sheamus vs John Cena at summerslam, it reminds of me of cena vs batista.
Cm Punk has talked like he may not wrestle for a long time yet. We don't know how early he will retire and I don't know how long he will remain in the WWE championship picture. For some reason (not yet sure why) I think that in the future if CM Punk turns into a face wrestler again, I think he can have a great rivalry with......Damien Sandow.

Give these 2 a great and long rivalry so that CM Punk can put over Sandow and turn him into the next great heel in the WWE and one day become the WWE champion. I quickly started to notice a lot of potential in this guy within the 3rd or 4th time seeing him in the WWE. He's got mic skills and he's great in the ring so I think him and Punk could have some epic matches and promos in this rivalry.
I think I'm going to agree with the flow, and say that CM Punk and John Cena is a rivalry that will last for quite some time. The two of them to be honest, seem like the best two in the company right now. Their personalities match together well, in that they are nearly opposites, yet both incredibly hard workers and have a love for the business. Although I don't think Cena would ever want to leave the WWE, while Punk on the other hand would if he was unsatisfied enough. The two of them have really had some of the best matches in recent years, and have had some great back and fourth promos too. Some of their best work has all be involved around each other, and that's what makes them work great. I'm not sure if it is Cena's greatest feud of all time, at least not yet, but it is for Punk. One thing I do wish would happen for these two, is for them have a feud that gets more personal. Personal like Cena and Edge did back in their feud.

Randy Orton's greatest feud has been with Triple H in my opinion. Randy and Triple H have a long history with each other, and that goes back all the way to Revolution. The two have a pretty large on screen hatred for each other. They've faced so many times, and have gotten so personal with what they did to each other. Orton attacked HHH's wife, he punted Vince, he took out Shane McMahon. Triple H attacked Randy Orton in his own house, he took the WWE Championship off of him, and he stopped him from winning at Wrestlemania. Of course it was Randy who ended up taking that title off of Triple H later on. I don't think it's Triple H's greatest feud though, but for Randy I think it will be.
For close to a year now, I have been hoping we could get a Ziggler/Rhodes rivalry. These guys could put on great match after great match. I would also love to see them have some sort of midcard fued, followed by a main event fued.
I would love to see a fantastic longterm set of feuds with Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. I think they could really bring the house down on a regular basis and they already have a little history to get it started.

I also think that a Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett thing could go longterm and keep popping back up over the next few years.

As for the up-and-coming not-quite-yet main eventers. I think a serious feud between Dolph Ziggler and The Miz could be highly entertaining, of course one of them would have to become a face.
CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. They sowed the seeds for this rivalry with Punk and DBD splitting wins over the past few months. DBD getting a victory over Punk while Punk was the champ is going to be a future talking point, as well as DBD's statement "You're not the best in the world, you're not even the best in this ring!" When he said that, I admit that I marked out a bit.

I'm waiting for either a best of 7 series between the two or a 60 minute iron man match at a PPV. Obviously they're not going to compete against each other any time soon, with DBD reviving the tag division and Punk waiting for Rock at the Royal Rumble. But having the culmination of their rivalry at WrestleMania a few years from now in a 60 minute Iron Man match would be spectacular.

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