Goon-ass Birds (largish images)

latino World order

Dang it Bobby
For the last few days this stupid cunt has been waking me up early in the morning by being a complete ******. It doesn't even yell or anything like a normal bird, it just decides to bash it's beak on the window like a dumb ******.

There it is. Sitting on my window sill like a fucking asshole.

After waking me up, it will return throughout the day just to make sure I'm still living in misery. Look at that goddamn ****** face of his. What is your fucking problem bird?

Stupid cunt. Taunting me. Have some honor you fucking bird, you've already defeated me.

I already have an alarm clock set in the morning, I don't need your ******ry as well.

get the fuck out

There used to be a bird outside my window that made a noise that sounded like it was loudly whispering Baby, only saying it like BAYBAY. It did it every morning at 4AM, until one day I shot it. That's right.
I had a bird like that do the same thing to me last year. It eventually killed itself by bashing too hard.
How long did you cook the guts?
You leave that bird alone! He's nice!
He's a snake-in-the-grass, Brisk drinking Son of a Bitch
That bird's head is leaning sideways and its eyes are wide open...ITS GANGSTA BIRDY.

it's gotta nest nearby maybe.
Got a good pattern.
you're a good pattern lololol~
thread of the year
no you
Eventually that bird will be an Internet meme. I can feel it already.
Birds don't use the computer, silly.
God damn Rhode Island birds, with their ******ry. When are these silly things going to go extinct already?

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