Goldust: World Heavyweight Champion?

Honestly, I have heard worse ideas, but after all of the years Goldust has been wrestling and not getting near the title I don't think now would be the time to give it too him. I could see him challenging for the WHC as a way to mix up the title scene, but I just can't see them putting the strap on him. Not for any length of time. Let him run with the IC title if they really want to go that route, but I just don't think a WHC run is in the cards for Goldust.
I can't see Goldust ever winning the World Heavyweight Championship. Maybe the Intercontinental Title, maybe the tag-team titles but never the World Heavyweight. Goldust was a solid performer in his prime and was the definition of a mid-card. Reliable, good gimmick and capable of putting on quality matches/feuds. I don't think that putting the World Title on him would be a good move and he is wasn't at that standard in his prime, now he is slightly older, he certainly isn't at that standard.
Cody could win the RR and challenge Goldie for the WHC, when was the last time someone won the RR and didnt challenge the WWE title?? Bring back WHC reverence.

The Royal Rumble winner actually challenges for the World Heavyweight Championship FAR more often.

2003 - WWE Championship (Rumble winner didn't have an option, he just got a shot at his brand's title)

2004 - World Heavyweight Championship

2005 - World Heavyweight Championship

2006 - World Heavyweight Championship

2007 - World Heavyweight Championship

2008 - WWE Championship

2009 - WWE Championship

2010 - World Heavyweight Championship

2011 - World Heavyweight Championship

2012 - World Heavyweight Championship

2013 - WWE Championship

I really don't see how you got to your conclusion. If, for some insane reason, WWE did have Goldust win the World Heavyweight Championship, and he held it at WrestleMania, statistically he's far more likely to be the challenged-for champion.
I could never see him as a World Heavyweight Champion, but Goldust could still have another Intercontinental Championship reign, even if it is short. I would say Goldust is arguably among the most recognizable Intercontinental Champions to have never won a WWE or World Heavyweight Championship in any major wrestling company. He's in a similar class to Mr Perfect and Razor Ramon in that regard.

Goldust is one of the few personalities that is so versatile, his character could still work in today's WWE. There's no shame in him having best one of the best mid-card talents of the last 20 years.
What harm could it do? It's not like he would be the worst superstar to ever capture the World title.

But with that being said, I personally don't want to see it. Even if Dustin was in the best shape in his life (which he's not), has appeal for younger fans (which he doesn't), and was in his prime (again, nope), that still brings in the age old question:

Can he put asses in seats?

I don't think so. He's a great novelty act and highly underrated, even in his younger days. Seriously, watch his old vignettes on YouTube- his shit is loads better than what we see now. He's Hall Of Fame material even. But his best days are behind him, and as a product WWE should put more stock into the future and not on golden oldies so to speak.

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