Does Goldust Deserve to be in the Hall of Fame???

Yes, Put this man in the hall of fame someday.

VERY underrated, one of the most controversial wrestlers ever.
He pushed the envelope and made you believe he actually was a freak.. Played a massive part of Attitude and what the fuck during the attitude era.

Great worker
Absolutely he should go in... not just for his Attitude era work, but for the renaissance he had in the last 2 years... At times he was near the hardest working guy on the roster and seemed to be defying his age to be better than ever... Sadly his injury curtailed it, but you have to remember it's his career as a whole... Many who only see him as Goldust forget he was part of major angles as far back as DiBiase and Virgil's break-up at Rumble 1991. Sure then it was cos he was "Dusty's Kid" but he went to WCW and learned his craft...

Dustin has always been someone who is a mid-carder, but he found his niche as a top midcard performer and for 20 years he was used prominently... that's before you get into the impact of the Goldust character...
Goldust will most likely be a future hall of famer due to his ic champ status. Although it might be in a couple of years because it seems the midcarders from the 80s are only getting inducted now.
There are plenty of people who should go in before him, but he could go in, I mean his character at the time was very innovative and controversial. He's had a decent length career from WCW to WWF. I don't see why not.
Man I wish I was older during the AE! Woulda appreciated it better but anyway, G Dust deserves a Hof nod because of success with a difficult gimmick, in which he was successful with, & originality... Cant beat that
This thread just caught my eye. I personally believe he absolutely deserves to be in the the great late 90s attitude characters, and made a good IC champ. I'll actually look forward to it, minus the Seven character lol.
After initially considering him out, I think he should be in the HOF. His father is The American Dream, his son is a future WWE champ - to have both of them being recognized and not Goldust wouldn't make sense. Plus GD chose WWF over WCW, a decision that Vince has to like.

Goldust's career with the WWE isn't over yet, as he's a backstage agent, so I would suspect he will enter the HOF in the future, not any time soon.
His father is The American Dream, his son is a future WWE champ - to have both of them being recognized and not Goldust wouldn't make sense.

Who are you saying is the "future WWE Champ. Goldust (Dustin Rhodes) is the half brother of Cody Rhodes, Cody Rhodes is not his son. :banghead:
I dont know if Goldust will get in, I hope Dustin does though. He was really good and had some classic matches in WCW. I mean Goldust the character was good to. He had some great fueds with Hall and Piper. He played that character very well.
This past Smackdown they had Goldust/ Dustin Rhodes come out and trashed his brother Cody and he got beat up... This could mean that soon their will be a feud betweeen Cody and him... What about the Title or Career match Goldust has been campaing for... And if goldust lost would he be Hall of Fame worthy?

Goldust is definitely one of or maybe the most bizarre WWE superstars ever... But does that grant him a spot in the Hall of Fame?

Your thoughts???
General Discussion???

Before Goldust sees HOF, he should be used to help launch the IC division. It is really good that they have Christian as the champion right now. They need Goldust to be a main IC contender and dominate contenders and be used to put over new rising superstars such as guys like Cody and Ryder
I could see him in there as being a front runner of the attitude era with his whole gimmick. When you look at where wrestling was at in the early 90s and where it went from there transforming into the attitude era quite a few names stand out in helping WWE transform. One of those names is Goldust with his flamboyant ways and walking that fine line of raunchy tv. So yes he is worthy of the Hall of Fame if just for being a fore runner of the acclaimed attitude era.
Wow. This is a good question and thread. Is Golddust worth a Hall of Fame induction? More importantly is Dustin Rhodes career wroth an induction into the Hall of Fame? This is really close in my mind.

I could just say that his career does not stand out, because title wise it doesn’t. However, character wise he is truly one of the most interesting characters the WWE/WWF ever created. I honestly feel that this is a debate of statistics or rings in any major sport. Would you rather have a person in the hall of fame with five or six titles to his name, or a person who rank in the top five in almost every category but never got a ring? Of course in wrestling this is a lose comparison due to the fact you don’t really have categories such as rushing yards, strikeout, or goals scored. But you do have in wrestling the comparison of titles won versus character and career longevity.

Title wise Golddust comes up short. According to Wikipedia, Golddust won six WCW titles. Four of these titles came with some type of partner, and two of them were winning the United States Title, which can be to some as an accomplishment. At the end of his WWE career Golddust has eleven titles. Most notably Golddust won the Hardcore Championship seven times and ranks twenty-third with a total of 13 days of total reign. In total though that mean that Golddust held a title seventeen times in his career. I don’t think this is probably bad for the business, but certainly isn’t amazing. This though brings me to Golddust the character.

Maybe it is just me but when I think attitude era in the WWE, Golddust is one of the top five people I think of. Maybe it was because I was too young to say up to see the main events, but at this point I think of DX, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Golddust, and the Undertaker. Golddust’ gimmick at the beginning perfectly fit of the era and played great in my mind. His “Shattered Dreams” was something as a boy I feared, because well you know that would really hurt. Honestly, watching Golddust is the first memory I have as a wrestling fan. Golddust was able to turn into a comedy act, and able to be successful with it. More importantly his character was able to grow and mature from dark and rather scary, to comedic and lovable.

His most recent release gives me cause for concern as the finish of the match that caused him to be released. It looked bad I admit but it seemed not something that was worth getting fired over. Maybe there was something more than what we can see going on?

Overall, I have to say that Yes Dustin “Golddust” Rhodes is destined to be in the hall of fame. He will never be a headliner, but some day he will get in.

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