Does Goldust Deserve to be in the Hall of Fame???

20-1 Taker

Dark Match Jobber
This past Smackdown they had Goldust/ Dustin Rhodes come out and trashed his brother Cody and he got beat up... This could mean that soon their will be a feud betweeen Cody and him... What about the Title or Career match Goldust has been campaing for... And if goldust lost would he be Hall of Fame worthy?

Goldust is definitely one of or maybe the most bizarre WWE superstars ever... But does that grant him a spot in the Hall of Fame?

Your thoughts???
General Discussion???
No! I don't think so , don't get me wrong I like Golddust but he don't deserve to be in the hall of fame! He hasn't done anything outstanding enough to put him in there with guys like. HBK , Austin and Flair.
I could see him possibly being in the Hall Of Fame, he is one of the most bizarre superstars ever and I know for a fact when he no longer wrestles, I'll always remember him for how bizarre he was, plus he can wrestle as well. He may not be as big as others that are in the Hall Of Fame like HBK for example, but I think he's made quite a big impact in the company.
Yes. I believe his uniqueness and all his years of work might make a case for him being in the Hall of Fame.

Also, I expect him to keep doing backstage work in the WWE long after he retires from in-ring work.
Of course he deserves a place in the HoF, from his work as the Natural in WCW to being an Attitude character almost a year before Austin3:16 was born, Dustin had 8 straight years as a very over character. Unfortunately, the Goldust gimmick became bigger than him and the only notable periods he had from '99 on were when he returned to the 'Bizarre One' persona in the WWe. Even these had their highlights, including his partnership with Booker T and his good work as enhancement on ECW.

Walker456: To suggest he doesn't belong because HBK, Austin and Flair are also there is ludicrous. There is, generally, only one headline guy each year (see your examples) with the rest of the class made up of mid-carders, non-WWe performers and celebrities. Are you saying that Dustin isn't just as worthy as guys like George Steele, Jimmy Snuka, John Studd, Greg Valentine, Koko B Ware or Jim Duggan (don't even get me started on the celebrity wing)? He is a 2 time US Champion, 3 time IC Champion and 4 time World Tag Team Champion - in anyone's book that should be HoF worthy.
He will join the hof someday because look at the gimmick he was given a pretty awful one and he was lived off it for 15 years and made it one of the funnest gimmicks ever the stuff he did with Booker T was good also for the work in did in WCW. Overall there have been alot worse inducted into the hof and isnt he a agent nowadays which mite give a few more brownie Points
No. I've got nothing against Goldust, but I've never seen him as anything even remotely approaching a top star, and his work in the ring is slightly above average at best. He's nothing special in my opinion.
It's a tough one to call. Goldust has never been a main event level superstar, which would eliminate him from ever being a leading entry in any years HOF class. However, he has had a pretty decent level of success in a very unique character over many years, and consistently remained over in all the time he has been in WWE. I could possibly see him as a lower entry going into to the HOF one year, but I think there would be alot of wrestlers higher up the WWE's list of HOF entry before Goldust.
He wasn't just a bizarre character; his persona was unique in every way. He wasn't just the gimmick and nothing else; he combined that with some terrific wrestling. Dustin was....and is.... one of the smoothest technical wrestlers in the business and I'll bet everyone liked working with him because he fit his ring routine into theirs and never seemed to injure anyone.

But the gimmick had everyone talking about him and had us guessing where the character was going. He fought the big guys and beat a lot of them, although the obvious "end" of the road would call for Goldust to lose to the hero. At the height of his career, that ending came when he faced Roddy Piper at Wrestlemania. ("I'll make a man out of you yet!") That was one of the best matches I ever saw, from the "car scene" outside the arena to the inevitable end of the contest in the ring. I remember being genuinely excited as the match went on.....and not even sure I wanted Piper to win.

The entire body of work Dustin did as Goldust more than qualifies him for the Hall of Fame. He was an original. When Dustin Runnels told us no one could have played the character as well as him, I definitely agreed.
This is silly and I'm not even going to advocate him being in HOF. His memorable feuds are with Piper, Val Venus and Marc Mero? If you're going to award a wrestler for years of service and dedication then award Bob Holly too then...rme. Mick Foley, Arn Anderson, Lou Thesz, HTM, Jake The Snake and a posthumous induction for Randy Savage before Goldust.
This is silly and I'm not even going to advocate him being in HOF. His memorable feuds are with Piper, Val Venus and Marc Mero? If you're going to award a wrestler for years of service and dedication then award Bob Holly too then...rme. Mick Foley, Arn Anderson, Lou Thesz

First, his best feud was with Razor Ramon and it was completely new and innovative. Secondly, he was an attitude era character way before DX, NWO, Austin 3:16 were even thought of. Thirdly, his Wrestlemania match with Piper was so innovative it changed the way matches are shot on camera. And finally, Lou Thesz IS in the HOF.
Dustin Rhodes would have no issues being a Hall of Famer. He had a solid 5 year career in WCW, a short run in WWE before his WCW run then a great run as Goldust, including many Intercontinental Reigns and tag team reigns, a former WCW US Champion and Tag Team Champion. Dustin Rhodes has had an exemplery career and would not be out of place in the WWE Hall of Fame.
First, his best feud was with Razor Ramon and it was completely new and innovative. Secondly, he was an attitude era character way before DX, NWO, Austin 3:16 were even thought of. Thirdly, his Wrestlemania match with Piper was so innovative it changed the way matches are shot on camera. And finally, Lou Thesz IS in the HOF.

Considering I'm referring to WWE HOF, he is not in it. Absolutely no way do i see Goldust in the PWHF. Perhaps you need to go back and watch that RR match between Ramon/Goldust because it definitely was mediocre when i watched it years ago. A handful of feuds and on and off again appearances the last 8-9 years does not mean he should be in HOF.
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No! I don't think so , don't get me wrong I like Golddust but he don't deserve to be in the hall of fame! He hasn't done anything outstanding enough to put him in there with guys like. HBK , Austin and Flair.

to be fair....hes done more then koko b. ware and koko is in there :shrug: but honestly if he gets his match i think goldust is going to put his brother over and hang up the boots and uh whatever that ring gear is called but back on topic...well on 1 hand he hasnt done match but on another hand he had a pretty good wrestlemania match with roddy piper and hes a multi time IC champion....based off those facts and the fact guys who have done less then him like hacksaw jim duggan & koko b. ware are in yes i would put goldust into the WWE hall of fame
I'm iffy. He puts a lot of work in now and he had a good gimmick going, he won a few titles but never sniffed the big one.

But he his personal life used to be a mess and that messed with his work ethic and he was lazy at times in the mid to late 90s. I think he even pull a Matt Hardy and no showed some bookings which got him released at one point.

I think in another 10 or 15 so years he will get in as like the 4th or 5th person in a weak class just because of how memorable he was
Golddust=no. If it were probably be Dustin Rhoades but chances of that happening are slim to nothing since he destroyed his creditability with the Golddust character. I don't see him going in unless Dusty has something to do about it.
I say yes. I've been entertained by the guy. Just because he puts make up on, a tight fitting costume and has his persona chosen for him by the creative team more then his own choice (unless he chose that way in his career) does not make him illegible for a spot in what i consider not such a prestigious event anymore. He's done his job and still does from time to time for the nations around the world. If he was not associated with Dusty rhodes i would still say he deserves a spot. Maybe not this year, or even next year, but in the next decade he deserves his spot.
If this were the Hall of realy good, of course. But this is supposed to be the best of the best. Unfortunately, when you have jobbers like Paul Orndorf(never had a singles title) Nikiali Volkoff(no singles title), family members of current stars like "Cowboy" Bob Orton(never held any title in WWF/E), High Chief Peter Maivia and Rocky Johnson(total of one championship between the two, tag-team), "Celbrities" like Drew Carey(one PPV apearance) Mike Tyson(see Drew Carey), the credibility of the Hall is gone. Add to that the lack of Macho Man, Sting(was in WCW and would not be the only wrestler in who never wresled under the WWF/E banner) and the title of Hall really Good seems to fit more.

So yes, with the currrent WWE HALL, Goldust needs to be in. Then they need to burn the whole thing down and start over.

Oh, wait, they cant because their isnt really a Hall, just a collection of names that kissed VKMs ass.
If this were the Hall of realy good, of course. But this is supposed to be the best of the best. Unfortunately, when you have jobbers like Paul Orndorf(never had a singles title) Nikiali Volkoff(no singles title), family members of current stars like "Cowboy" Bob Orton(never held any title in WWF/E), High Chief Peter Maivia and Rocky Johnson(total of one championship between the two, tag-team), "Celbrities" like Drew Carey(one PPV apearance) Mike Tyson(see Drew Carey), the credibility of the Hall is gone. Add to that the lack of Macho Man, Sting(was in WCW and would not be the only wrestler in who never wresled under the WWF/E banner) and the title of Hall really Good seems to fit more.

So yes, with the currrent WWE HALL, Goldust needs to be in. Then they need to burn the whole thing down and start over.

Oh, wait, they cant because their isnt really a Hall, just a collection of names that kissed VKMs ass.

People really need to stop seeing the Hall of Fame as some incredible shrine where only the most superhuman physical specimens are allowed in. There are baseball players in the Baseball HOF that have not only never won a World Series, but never even appeared in the playoffs! You don't need to be a decorated, prolific champion to have made an indelible mark on the wrestling industry.

It's not about kissing Vince's ass. If it was, Hogan wouldn't be in. Bret Hart wouldn't be in. Flair wouldn't be in. Abdullah the Butcher sure as hell wouldn't be in. It's a collection of wrestlers who have made significant contribution to the art form of wrestling.

And everyone really needs to stop bashing the celebrity wing. In absolutely NO WAY are they putting Drew Carey on the same pedestal as like, Ric Flair. Celebrities and mainstream media has always had a serious connection to wrestling. It's a fact. Wrestling is and always will be entertainment. If you want a serious sport where only the most finely tuned athletes can go far, you're watching the wrong program.

And I don't know how you can say Tyson shouldn't be in there. He exemplifies what a celebrity induction should be. He loves wrestling, and he was involved in one of the biggest angles of all time. His turning on HBK and knocking him out in 1998 basically started the Attitude Era. Why shouldn't that be recognized?

On topic, yes Goldust definitely should be in. He was one of the better IC champions of the mid 90s, has been involved in wrestling all his life, has an unforgettable character, is a mentor to new wrestlers, and is from a legendary wrestling family. Seems like a no-brainer to me.
I don't think he is Hall of Fame material He probally will though because it doesn't take much to get in there It seems like anyone can get inducted in the Hall of Fame.I'll probally get inducted next for being a big fan all of my life. I'll be in the same class with Nailz and Well Dunn
It's a tough call, but I'd say no to Goldust. He had a very memorable gimmick, was one of the first people to ever hold the IC title more than two times, and comes from a lineage of great wrestlers. But there's just something about him I don't like. I look at Goldust as more of a gimmick and less of an actual wrestler. Look at guys like Bret Hart, HBK, Flair, HHH, Rock, and Austin. Those guys I just mentioned were exaggerations of their actual real-life personas. That's what people loved about them. Dustin Rhodes rarely got over crowds unless he was Goldust.
I believe so. He has had one of the most unique characters of all time. He has the accolades to back it up. Hell Koko B Ware is in the HOF... why not Goldie?
It's not about kissing Vince's ass. If it was said:
Hogan, Flair, and Hart were all under contract when they were inducted into the Hall of Fame. And if it realy is about those who contributed, wheres Savage, wheres Jake the Snake, wheres the Ultimate Warrior, where the hell are the Steiners(greatest tag-team EVER). Once again, people on "good terms" with VKM are in, and if not, you dont get in.

And everyone really needs to stop bashing the celebrity wing. In absolutely NO WAY are they putting Drew Carey on the same pedestal as like said:
Wrestling Hall of Fame. The name says it all. Yes its entertainment but so is football, baseball, basketball, and hockey, yet you wont see Jack Nickolson in the Laker Hall of Fame, even though he goes to every game. You wont see Madonna in the NFL Hall of Fame because she sang at the half time of the superbowl. The WRESTLInG Hall of Fame should be for WRESTLERS
Goldust is a good wrestler, but he is more of a comedic wrestler like Santino Marella. Part of me thinking he shouldn't is due to the fact he had a gimmick that was old 10 years ago, now he was in and out of the company numerous times so it could have been possible to give him a new one. Id say no, love Goldust/Dustin Rhodes. But there are way too many people who are undoubtedly deserving of being in the Hall of Fame.

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