Goldust: World Heavyweight Champion?

Jimmy Carter

Occasional Pre-Show
Honest question. Consider the multitudes of reasons plus these ones I just barfed out me noggin:

-It gives Alberto Del Rio something to do after (presumably) retaining against RVD. Should Goldust have a job after Sunday, he can be easily placed into a program for the belt. He's a veteran who has competed for the top prize before, and pursuing the WHC would be the realization of a lifelong dream as well as a note of personal redemption for Dustin.

-It'll benefit Damien Sandow. He will look like a huge ass cashing in on Goldust, whether it be immediately after a grueling victory or a vulnerable moment after being laid to waste by say, The Shield.

-It will help continue the rise of his brother Cody. If Sandow leaves Goldust badly beaten after cashing in on his carcass, that will make their rivalry more personal than it already is. Cody can then chase the championship that his dad and brother held while dethroning his best friend turned bitter enemy.

-Has anyone else realized how damn good that big gold belt will look on Goldust, especially during his letterbox entrance?

In summation, Goldust running with the World Title for (at most) a couple months may just be the effective transitional champion to spark a feel-good victory, provide Sandow with spiteful reactions and help position Cody to avenge his brother's defeat. This can work, especially since The Bizarre One has still got it, as the crowds like to remind us. What say you folk?

This is one of the problems that fans have: they reach too far. Goldust is in his 40s, has been around for over 22 years, and has NEVER been a main event guy. At the end of the day, no one would buy him as a world title contender after having been a glorified comedy guy since about 1999. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a middle of the road guy for your entire career and that's what Goldust has done. It can't be that bad as he debuted in 1995 and is getting guest spots 18 years later.

If you want to give him a nostalgia run towards the US or Tag Team Titles, fine. Just don't go overboard or it stops being fun and starts being stupid. If you need proof of this, look at Eugene in 2004. Same idea.
No. Awful idea. Goldust should not be anywhere near the midcard belts, let alone the World Heavyweight Championship. Having him possibly win the giant pennies with Cody in a Rhodes Brothers tag team is one thing.... but someone like Goldust who is way past his prime, winning a world title? Come on. I get it, Sandow needs a face to cash in on. Why can't it be RVD? Or Dolph Ziggler? Or even CM Punk? Heck, they could have Cody win the belt before Sandow does and then he cashes in on his former partner.

Goldust was never World Heavyweight Championship material, even in his prime, and he is far from it now. I wouldn't worry about Alberto needing a new face challenger, or Sandow needing a face to cash in on. There's plenty of faces on the roster who could be placed in that role, and just about every single one of them would be better than Goldust. The world titles need to be reserved for wrestlers higher up on the card who are believable in the role of holding the top two belts in the federation.
Wow, although the World Heavyweight Champions of the Wrestlezone forums are arguing against you, I'm going to say yeah! That would make the feud between Cody and Damien even deeper and darker. Screwing Cody at MitB was first blood. Screwing over his brother with the briefcase he won from doing so is the salt in the wound! It's very poetic. I like it. Could push the feud to the next level.

As far as not being main event material, yeah, that's probably true. But Mark Henry and Christian are sitting awkwardly in the corner while we're having this conversation. More than that, Goldust's been solid for, what, twenty years now, and has one of the most entertaining characters I've ever seen. A month-long run isn't going to hurt anything. Plus, again, it's not really about him--it's about slingshotting Cody [and by proxy, Sandow] to the next level.

Plus, OP, the belt would look awesome on him, you're right.
Goldust no... Dustin Rhodes yes... Why can't his story be that having restored the pride to the Rhodes name and beating the "evil corporation" at their own game he renounces their name for him and goes by Rhodes once more...

The story can see him trying to fulfil his destiny and "make up for wasted time" as Goldust. Whether he wins it is debatable, after all Regal never did but... for me the Sandow/Cody stuff is almost too good not to go there... Have Sandow end Dustin's career with the cash in and Cody have to step up.

Now it's far more likely that he will replace Show in Triple H's faction or they end up tag champions but he is easily someone who can have a one off title match who people aren't gonna hate to see win or cashed in on...
Goldust is not, nor has he ever been, main event material. Goldust has no business even challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship, let alone winning it. Frankly I couldn't even take him seriously as an Intercontinental Champion.
I wouldn't mind seeing Goldust as a transitional WHC. Y not? ADR has had a long boring run. Goldust is plenty entertaining and like previous posters have said. It would add fuel to the budding rivalry between Cody & Sandow. I think we'll get more Rhodes/Shield before this happens though.
I wanna say: "Goldust?? No, not a chance in hell" and then laugh derisively till my throat is raw.


Once upon a time I had that very reaction when someone suggested a World Championship run for Mark Henry.

And not too long before that I had a similar reaction (minus the laughter) when people suggested Christian or Kane as champions.

I guess what I'm saying is that in a scripted environment everything is possible and it wouldn't be the first time they rewarded a veteran with a short run with the big gold belt. And in some cases (Henry) that run may even exceed all expectations.

So, speaking with all of my accumulated wisdom and experience, I humbly say:

I like it, and hear this out! ADR retains the title against RVD and The Rhodes beat the shield at BattleGround. The Rhodes continue their feud against the corporation for a while until Goldust wins a number one contender match for the WHC faces and beats Del Rio. (It not only solidifies goldies career and maybe even makes him a hof candidate.) he then retains the title in the rematch but also gets a two or three month run with the big gold belt changing his character to Dustin Runnels the heel. (Kind of like Gregory Helms from the Hurricane with the cruiserweight title) he then feuds with his brother Cody who says he sold out once he got his job back. Then they FINALLY face off at WrestleMania for the WHC (maybe the American Dream special ref??) And after Cody gets his big moment and wins the title at Wrestlemania out of the shadows his former best friend Damien Sandow cashes in and steals his big moment...AGAIN

Side notes i was thinking the goldie cody match could be at RR and then Sandow Cody could be at WM??
Cody could win the RR and challenge Goldie for the WHC, when was the last time someone won the RR and didnt challenge the WWE title?? Bring back WHC reverence.

Sorry if the post looks a bit sloppy, i just got too excited with this idea and had to type it out before i forgot :eek:
No ... Goldust's recent run might be interesting but he is no longer in the position to be holding the World Heavyweight Championship.

Though I could see the argument being "oh the WHC is no longer prestigious anyways so if guys like Swagger, Ziggler, Sandow, and Del Rio (upper to middle mid carders) can hold it why not Goldust". It's a valid argument if you want the WHC to go even further into irrelevance as a World Title. I for one do not want to see that and I say giving the title to Goldust is another step back for the WHC.

@berlinbrawler the diffrence between Goldust and Mark Henry is that Mark Henry beat Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Title and not long before that Christian, Edge, Kane, Undertaker, Jericho, and Mysterio were the previous World Champions (yeah I purposely neglected Jack Swagger since that's part of the problem). The recent lineage was still strong and Henry beating a certified main event talent like Orton still kept the World Title prestigious and elevated Mark Henry. Plus Mark Henry is believable as World Champion because he was a big guy and it made sense he could man handle Randy Orton.

Goldust is a bit different since Del Rio isn't exactly a top talent and much less the other recent World Title contenders (minus Christian and RVD), giving it to Goldust means he wins the World Title that has been diluted against an opponent that's treading as a pseudo-main eventer.
I'm not really seeing this. Making Goldust the World Heavyweight Champion might deliver something of a feel good moment in the eyes of a lot of fans, especially long time Goldust fans, but it'd be a novelty run at best. Goldust, AKA Dustin Rhodes, is someone that's still got a lot of juice left in the tank. He's someone who really proven that before his release last year. He's also, quite probably, in better physical condition now than he was when he was in his 30s. At 44 years of age, however, it's highly unlikely that he'll be winning the World Heavyweight Championship.

The past few years, generally speaking, WWE has focused mainly on building up wrestlers who they feel could be long term stars with the WWE. Making Goldust WHC is something that definitely goes against that grain. I think the overall use of Goldust, and even Dusty Rhodes for that matter, in this angle is as part of what will eventually be a strong push for Cody Rhodes. If anything, I think that Cody Rhodes is the one who has the probability of being World Heavyweight Champion, possibly winning at WM XXX. Cody has youth on his side as he's only 28 years old, he's paid his dues in WWE over the course of more than 6 years on the main roster and he's been a consistently strong mid-card player whose only improved since stepping out from Orton's shadow as a member of Legacy about 3.5 years ago. If a Rhodes is going to be WHC, then Cody is the only one that really makes any sense.

This is one of the problems that fans have: they reach too far. Goldust is in his 40s, has been around for over 22 years, and has NEVER been a main event guy. At the end of the day, no one would buy him as a world title contender after having been a glorified comedy guy since about 1999. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a middle of the road guy for your entire career and that's what Goldust has done. It can't be that bad as he debuted in 1995 and is getting guest spots 18 years later.

If you want to give him a nostalgia run towards the US or Tag Team Titles, fine. Just don't go overboard or it stops being fun and starts being stupid. If you need proof of this, look at Eugene in 2004. Same idea.

Whilst I totally agree with your opinion that Goldust shouldn't be put in the WHC title program. If you look at the plethora of guys that WHC have used in WHC title programs, since it essentially became the second title Goldust was a bigger star / act in his prime than a majority of them. It simply comes down to the fact that the WWE is currently overpopulated by titles that everyone from this era has ridiculous multiple title reigns.
I like this alot.

To push Sandow and Cody.
Have Goldust win the title under Dustin Rhodes. Build him as the old guy looking for one last chance.. give the angle that if he dosent win, he will retire as this is his last trip to the top.

Have him win the title.. but have Sandow cash in IMMEDIATELY after the win. People hate Sandow as he worked for years being under appreciated and overlooked.. only for Sandow to be an ass and ruin all his hard work and dreams. Then have Cody avenge his brother and being screwed by Sandow previous and eventually win the title. As somebody else said, its very poetic for Sandow and Cody give their fued the edge I feel it needs.

Sandow screwed Cody but now he's messing with his family?

Personal fued = money.
Let's face it... the belt is now the IC title, the IC and US are the level of the TV title between them... Sandow is bombing as the MITB guy so why have him cash it in... Have Cody win the case and cash in on his brother instead... Why not have the Rhodes vs each other for the WHC at Rumble/Survior series or even Mania if it really is gonna be this "second tier" title... At least it would be a blood/personal feud. Why does it have to be Ziggler, Sandow et al?

Here's the thing - Dustin Rhodes the man has done not very much wrong during his WWE career (or even before that) - I think he got one Wellness Violation back in 09 but other than that he's done a heck of a lot of good and guys like Trips and Vince see it. Look back at the title reigns of the past and you'll see for every new guy like Hogan or Bret who made it a veteran who no one ever saw getting the title got it like Sheik and Slaughter.

No one is suggesting Rhodes is the future of the business but as that transitional champ over 3 months he can do perhaps more good than someone like RVD or Christian can right now either as Goldust and "it doesn't matter if people think you're weird" or "family is everything" are both pretty good messages WWE can put out there to counter the McMahon's "evil". Plus the whole "I shattered your dreams" stuff would be gold to whoever beat him for the title, especially Cody. Don't dismiss the feelgood moment, WWE screwed up with Bryan getting derailed so if they're really gonna make the fans wait for his run, then this is a good short term boost.
Let's face it... the belt is now the IC title, the IC and US are the level of the TV title between them... Sandow is bombing as the MITB guy so why have him cash it in... Have Cody win the case and cash in on his brother instead... Why not have the Rhodes vs each other for the WHC at Rumble/Survior series or even Mania if it really is gonna be this "second tier" title... At least it would be a blood/personal feud. Why does it have to be Ziggler, Sandow et al?

No one is suggesting Rhodes is the future of the business but as that transitional champ over 3 months he can do perhaps more good than someone like RVD or Christian can right now either as Goldust and "it doesn't matter if people think you're weird" or "family is everything" are both pretty good messages WWE can put out there to counter the McMahon's "evil". Plus the whole "I shattered your dreams" stuff would be gold to whoever beat him for the title, especially Cody. Don't dismiss the feelgood moment, WWE screwed up with Bryan getting derailed so if they're really gonna make the fans wait for his run, then this is a good short term boost.

I bolded some of your statements because I wanted to highlight them. the first being that if we now see the WHC as the equivalent of the IC Title how does Goldust holding the WHC help the prestige of the title? The second bold, problem is if people do see the WHC as a devalued or glorified mid card title how can Goldust winning the title be a feel good moment, Daniel Bryan is rarely acknowledged as a Former World Champion these days since chasing for the WWE Title.
I'm not saying Yes, i'm saying Why not? We're all bored with Del Rio, RVD may be leaving soon, Sandow doesn't need to cash in this soon. And there really isn't anybody that interesting you can put in a feud with Del Rio and make it too interesting.

BUT, I think the better route would be to throw Cody in there as a face vs Del Rio. Have this program restore the confidence in the Rhodes name. You could have Dustin manage Cody also.

I'd rather see them try it out with Cody rather than Goldust.
I really like the idea. Anything at this point is better than Alberto Del Rio and I honestly think Goldust could do good for more than 1 wrestler by doing exactly what the OP says. Only thing I would change is have Goldust win it in a main event match on raw before Hell in a cell. Triple H gives him the match as a punishment thinking Del Rio will send him back to the shelf and he wins only to be attacked by the shield and cashed in on the same night. Then have Goldust written off TV for the beating he took and let Cody shine by chasing Sandow/Del Rio and winning the title in a one on one match with Sandow. I think it could be really interesting.
I actually thing this is a good idea. People who knew him in the Attitude Era might think of him as a comedy mid card act but he took Orton to the limit a few weeks ago. Recent fans see him as a possible champion. Lets say he wins the WHC from Del Rio. Retains twice after a good long story with Del Rio. But in the final match he gets laid out by Del Rio or the Shield. Sandow cashes in and Cody comes out to check on Goldust. Goldust is injured and out so Cody (whom has been deemed #1 contender once Sandow cashes in) takes revenge by facing Sandow in a nice 2-3 month story which leads to Goldust's return and a match between Cody and Goldust at WM30. I like it. I would love to see this happen. You dont think they are bringing Goldust back just to do the same old song and dance do you?
great idea! i would love to see rhodes and sandow compete for the whc, but only if cody wins the belt when the storyline ends. cody is a great wrestler,
and goldust would be a great whc, but like you said he could keep it for one minute sandow cash in injures goldust.
then cody wins it. and goldust returns wins the rumble's and vs cody for the whc at wrestlemania 30.
Only if one removes the World Heavyweight, and replaced it with World Tag Team Champion. Looking at Dustin now, and the career he's had, both his doing with his drug usage and being stuck with a comedic gimmick, that's his ceiling. As Dustin Rhodes, it's a no because of the poor choices he made previous, combined with his current age. As Golddust, the androgynous character with gold face paint, it's the gimmick, plain and simple.

There's also the factor that Dustin is 44, and as one ages, body parts start to ache more. And what's expected of the World Champion? Not only to wrestle frequently on Raw and Smackdown, but full-time on the road as well. I respect Dustin Rhodes a lot, and the changes he's made, getting healthy both physically and chemically.

I'm not saying he has no will-power, but why put someone in a position where the chances of relapse are only increased? Further, with him in a position of having two strikes against him, and having been released prior due to drugs, and it's a high-cost, low potential reward for WWE, why would they risk it? And don't get me wrong, I like Dustin a.k.a Golddust just fine, and it would be a feel-good moment if he and Cody could win the tag titles together. But he and Cody have yet to even be re-hired, storyline wise, so this is incredibly presumptuous. Combine that with the ceiling on his gimmick and his past issues with drugs, and it's simply not worth it for either party.
I could go either way on this. On the one hand there is defiantly a question of whether or not people would buy Goldust as the WHC. As has been mentioned he has been a comedy act since the mid 90's and it's going to take a lot to get people to buy him as a champion, especially at that level.

At the same time though I have plenty of arguments as to why he could do it. First, who cares if he is in his 40's? The guy can go and much better than a lot of guys at that. He and Orton got a standing ovation from the crowd and the locker room after their match and if you need anymore proof look up Goldust vs. Jericho from his last WWE run. Second with the whole Rhodes/McMahon storyline every member of that family is crazy over right now. Cody is relevant for the first time in years as a singles star, Goldust got a bigger pop coming to face Orton than he arguably ever has before, and Dusty is Dusty and has always gotten a nice pop. The idea of having Goldust carry the WHC is not really that far fetched. After all everyone always says now how it has essentially become the new IC title so what exactly is wrong with him holding it?

Also as far as age goes RVD, you know the guy everyone is praying wins the title from ADR, is 42. That's only 2 years younger than Goldust. To put this in even more perspective Shawn Michaels was 43 in 2008 when he feuded with Jericho over the WHC and Jericho himself was 37 at the time. To go even further when Goldberg won the title in 2003 he was 36 and Benoit was also 36 in 2004. Not everyone can be a young guy in his 20's like Randy Orton was many of them are in their late 30's or early 40's. So if ADR who is not even a little bit over with the crowd can hold it and RVD who is almost the same age can challenge for it I say that if Goldust has it in him why not I'd actually like to see it.
I have always been a fan of the Goldust Character and I have always though Dustin is a far better in the ring then what a lot of people give him credit for, But at the end of the day Dustins time has come and gone and even if he was ten or fifteen years younger, I don't really see the Goldust Character ever being a believable World Champion. When Dustin Debuted in WWF back in 1990 I thought dustin had a great look and I believed that Dustin had all the abilitie to go on and be just as good as his dad was, But when he finally returned to the company in 1995 it was as goldust and not as the Natural Dustin rhodes, which is a character that I could of actully seen becoming a world champion at somepoint down the road. Don't get me wrong I still think Dustin/Goldust still has a lot to offer and after seeing him wrestle Orton on Raw last week, It is clear to see that Dustin is in great shape and still able to go, I just think the best Dustin could hope for know is a run as either IC or US champion or a run as one half of the tag champions with his brother Cody.
Goldust is in his 40s, has been around for over 22 years, and has NEVER been a main event guy.

That's the thing. I never thought he was in "danger" of winning the world title back in his heyday, so why would management think he would draw now? When he first came around, he was a novelty act, albeit one who really knew how to work a match rather than simply hit a few spots and go home.

For that reason, he's been useful in the past working as a trainer for WWE, particularly with the divas. At this point in his career, I can see him working in some out-of-ring capacity....while occasionally getting involved in a few mini-programs, especially when a smooth worker is needed to put over young talent.
I think it's a great idea for a couple of reasons, but first I should say to those freaking out about him not being a top guy the WHC is like today's equivalent of the IC title, so it's really not that big of a deal. With said, the reasons why it works are this:

1.) It gives you options. You can have him feud Del Rio, win the title and have him get cashed in on. Fun for the fans, makes Damien the ultimate heel.


2.) If you want to set up Goldust vs Cody, now you have several ways to do it. Cody gets jealous, turns heel and attacks him to set up a match for the WHC. Or maybe when Damien tries to cash in Cody attacks Damien on his way to the ring and stops the cash in, then Goldust can say something along the lines of "I've been wrestling since you were in diapers, I don't need your help, I'm the WHC for a reason" etc. let Goldust turn, and that starts the fued.

Either way, it's money.

If there's anyone on here honestly trying to make the argument Goldust isn't worthy of the WHC, think of all these other tenured guys that you probably felt the same way about: Christian, Msysterio, Henry, JBL, etc. they've all gotten to hold it. Hell, even Khali has had it. Did that damage the status of the belt forever? Being a "top guy" is a perception, one that WWE could give Goldust quite easily if they wanted to.
I think it's a great idea for a couple of reasons, but first I should say to those freaking out about him not being a top guy the WHC is like today's equivalent of the IC title, so it's really not that big of a deal. With said, the reasons why it works are this:

1.) It gives you options. You can have him feud Del Rio, win the title and have him get cashed in on. Fun for the fans, makes Damien the ultimate heel.


2.) If you want to set up Goldust vs Cody, now you have several ways to do it. Cody gets jealous, turns heel and attacks him to set up a match for the WHC. Or maybe when Damien tries to cash in Cody attacks Damien on his way to the ring and stops the cash in, then Goldust can say something along the lines of "I've been wrestling since you were in diapers, I don't need your help, I'm the WHC for a reason" etc. let Goldust turn, and that starts the fued.

Either way, it's money.

If there's anyone on here honestly trying to make the argument Goldust isn't worthy of the WHC, think of all these other tenured guys that you probably felt the same way about: Christian, Msysterio, Henry, JBL, etc. they've all gotten to hold it. Hell, even Khali has had it. Did that damage the status of the belt forever? Being a "top guy" is a perception, one that WWE could give Goldust quite easily if they wanted to.

Seeing the WHC contenders I will say why not Having Goldust winning the WHC would help build on the Rhodes Dynasty angle as they can say Dusty is a HoFer, Goldust is/was the WHC and Cody is next in line to build on the Rhodes Legacy.

Having Goldust hold it for a month then have him lose it with Sandow cashing in can help continue the Rhodes/Sandow fued only this time it's for the title.

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