Goldberg is overrated

FOTH 3:16

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Lets be honest people.Goldberg was an overrated wrestler.He just could not wrestle.His matches went like this:punch,kick,Jackhammer,Spear,win.He did not know how to wrestle and did not put on many good matches.Just like WM 20.They hyped Lesnar vs. Goldberg up real big and it couldn't live up to the hype because Bill could not wrestle well enough.

What do you guys think of Goldberg.
Lets be honest people.Goldberg was an overrated wrestler.He just could not wrestle.His matches went like this:punch,kick,Jackhammer,Spear,win.He did not know how to wrestle and did not put on many good matches.Just like WM 20.They hyped Lesnar vs. Goldberg up real big and it couldn't live up to the hype because Bill could not wrestle well enough.

What do you guys think of Goldberg.

LOL, yeah thats why that match sucked.

Goldberg shot up quikcer than anyone before him because he was booked to be dominant and his look made it believeable. The fans were dying for a superhero like character to take on the NWO and any other heels that were dominating WCW's faces at the time. Goldberg was everything they could have hopped for. People always talk about William Regal making him look like a fool and how he couldn't wrestle properly, but he got a lot farther than Regal and most of WCW's technical masters.

The only reason I don't like Goldberg is he seems to think he is a huge star, when his impact on the business was non existent.
I think that you probably never watched to many matches with Bill Goldberg. If you think all of his matches went like that, then you obviously didn't watch many. Let's not kid ourselves. Goldberg, in his prime, was inexperienced. But, he was good. Damn good. He played his character wonderfully, he brought an intensity to matches not seen since The Ultimate Warrior, and his ability to make his offense look believable (while still looking incredible) was amazing.

Here's what I suggest. Watch his match vs. DDP at Halloween Havoc '98. Watch that, and then tell me he couldn't work.
It had nothing to do with how well Goldberg could wrestle. He was booked to be ridiculously powerful and squash people, and he did it very well. He might not have had a bunch of five star matches, but he played his role extremely well, better than most. That's all Goldberg was, an extremely entertaining wrestler who became a threat to the NWO, so we liked him. His WWE run was very uneventful, but you could argue his character was poorly utilized. But he really did have some very entertaining matches, the aforementioned DDP match, and I always thought the match with Scott Steiner at Fall Brawl 2000 was pretty damn good.
Goldberg wasn't bad. He could put on a good match with most. I'll never forget the match with him and Hogan where Hogan dropped the belt. It was truly a magical moment. Then you've got Goldberg vs. Sting on Nitro when Sting was in the wolfpac. That match is severely underrated. I actually feel let down that we never got to see a good Goldberg/Sting fued.

His match with Diamond Dallas Page at Halloween Havoc as Slyfox stated was damn good. It had me on edge. I was a Goldberg mark. I believed the hype that surrounded him. You know why??? Because he always backed that hype up....Well at least in WCW.

I will tell you whats overrated though. Smarks saying a guy is overrated because he only knows five moves. That is overrated. "Really, he can only do five moves?" That may be true but he can put on more of an entertaining match than Brian Danielson.
Goldberg was the master of the squash match, in a match that actually involved competition it soon became clear just how boring he really was. . . . not a terribly bad wrestler, just extremely boring (some would argue that that is one and the same)
Watch his match vs. DDP at Halloween Havoc '98.

Yes, that was a great match. His match against Raven on Nitro when Goldberg won the US Title was really good too, and the night when the Four Horsemen reunited, he had a fantastic match against the red and black Sting as well. Those two matches, along with the one Sly mentioned, showed that Goldberg was capable of putting on a show when he wanted to.

Though I was personally never a big fan of his, it was easy to tell why fans loved him: his intensity. It was unmatched at that time. If you have intensity in pro wrestling, you will ALWAYS get over to a certain extent. I always credited intensity as to why Austin got over. Yeah, his promos and shit were entertaining, but his matches were good because of his intensity. Had Austin and Goldberg just gone out to the ring and hit there big moves without showing any emotion, neither of those motherfuckers would've gotten over. But because they were smart enough to show intensity, and had enough charisma for it to come off as believable instead of cheesey (if you want to see cheesy intensity, watch a HHH match), they were able to become two of the most over wrestlers at the time. Taz had that quality in ECW, too.
I agree with jmt225. Intensity is what Goldberg was all about. If he didnt have that and hype he wouldnt have been shit. Like I said before I was a Goldberg mark. He was THE MAN. But if you take a look at all the matches that have been stated. Raven vs. Goldberg, Sting vs. Goldberg, Hogan vs. Goldberg, DDP vs. Goldberg. All these matches were good because of two things. The people he was working with made him look like a million bucks, and his intensity in those match-ups.

If only Goldberg actually had a love for the business. Man, then he would go down as one of the best of all time. He did become overrated in WWE, but in WCW he was the fucking man. All thanks to the booking, his intensity, and the quality of his opposition. He was missing two of those three things in WWE and that is why he is now looked at as overrated.
Goldberg has put on some great matches. Just look at the ones everyone has stated to prove that point. And the WWE pretty much killed Goldberg. And they gave us the view today that he is "overrated". But the way WCW portrayed him as the biggest threat to the heels was great and it put him over instantly. I think Goldberg is rated just fine and he was great in his prime while in WCW and very average in the WWE.
The match at Halloween Havoc was extremely good. Even in WWE, I am pretty sure that Goldberg was the only one to really overcome Evolution in any way really. But he was way better in WCW. Nobody is saying that he was great or anything, but he was good and is certainly not overrated.
Meh, Goldberg was crap that happened to roll into the occasionally good match when he was paired with the right guy. Goldberg was lucky to look like Steve Austin the time he was getting hot.

Goldberg is most compared to the Warrior, which is a fair assessment because you're talking about another guy that was all hype and little substance. Match quality was generally crap except for once or twice a year. Goldberg was good for the fan that had little to no attention span, but that's it.
Goldberg can't be overrated when opinion is split on him. If this thread had a poll it would be split right down the middle. Just like Hogan, HHH and others aren't overrated, because of the total split of opinion. Whereas somebody like Undertaker & Flair have to be overrated. Nobody can live up to the hype those two recieve.

I can't say I'm a Goldberg fan. But I don't dislike him. He's given me one of my favorite matches after all. I'd liken him to a more charismatic verison of Batista. By no means great. But with certain guys capable of having great matches, but also capable of looking like a clumsy oaf.

His squash matches are better than anybodys. LOD ain't got nothing on him. Goldberg could well be the reason that squash matches by like likes of Vladimir Kozlov struggle to get a reaction.
Goldberg isn't a more charismatic Batista, he is a less charismatic Stone Cold Steve Austin wannabe. He was nothing but a Stone Cold ripoff, because Eric Bischoff was trying to amend for his colossal blunder of telling Austin that there was no way he could market a wrestler in black trunks, and then fired him over the telephone while Austin was injured. Austin then goes to ECW, then the WWF as the Ringmaster, transforms into Stone Cold, and Bischoff then tries to capitalize on it, by inventing Goldberg. A wrestler who wears black trunks. Bald head? check. goatee? check. Black trunks? check. Unfortunately for Bischoff, while Austin never needed the audience reaction to be piped in through the speakers, Goldberg cannot say the same. Goldberg was incredibly overrated.
I will tell you whats overrated though. Smarks saying a guy is overrated because he only knows five moves. That is overrated. "Really, he can only do five moves?" That may be true but he can put on more of an entertaining match than Brian Danielson.

I gotta disagree, i would rather watch a pure wrestling match with on edge take downs and technical holds, then a five move squash match. Sure i don't mind watching Goldberg, was never that fussed on him but he isn't more entertaining to watch WRESTLE, sure in a squash match fine...cause it's believeable.

Danielson will always be that much better then Goldberg in wrestling terms and will always put on a better WRESTLING match.
I gotta disagree, i would rather watch a pure wrestling match with on edge take downs and technical holds, then a five move squash match. Sure i don't mind watching Goldberg, was never that fussed on him but he isn't more entertaining to watch WRESTLE, sure in a squash match fine...cause it's believeable.

Danielson will always be that much better then Goldberg in wrestling terms and will always put on a better WRESTLING match.

While technical matches are always good once in awhile, you have to remember that this isnt wrestling anymore. Its Sports entertainment. Danielson is not a sports entertainer he is a wrestler. "Wrestling" has not been wrestling since the early 80's it has been sports entertainment. This is why Goldberg got super over. This is why Danielson will never get over in the WWE. Goldberg had intensity and a certain level of charisma to him. Something that Danielson does not.

If you want to see a good wrestling match. Turn on sportscenter and watch the NCAA tournaments. Its good stuff.
Just because Sports Entertainment is pretty much what two companies offer, because it gets over with the kiddies. Doesn't mean it dictates what a good wrestling match is...and if you think a good match is what would get over in the WWE then you are mistaken, get your Misawa matches, your Kobashi matches, they wont get over in the WWE but still are awesome wrestling.

You can't say it's all Sports Entertainment now, cause Danielson wrestles for ROH and if you saw him going heel in wXw he days have alot of Charisma and can really get the fans to hate them even to a point where they chanted "Die Danielson Die".
Goldberg isn't a more charismatic Batista, he is a less charismatic Stone Cold Steve Austin wannabe. He was nothing but a Stone Cold ripoff, because Eric Bischoff was trying to amend for his colossal blunder of telling Austin that there was no way he could market a wrestler in black trunks, and then fired him over the telephone while Austin was injured. Austin then goes to ECW, then the WWF as the Ringmaster, transforms into Stone Cold, and Bischoff then tries to capitalize on it, by inventing Goldberg. A wrestler who wears black trunks. Bald head? check. goatee? check. Black trunks? check. Unfortunately for Bischoff, while Austin never needed the audience reaction to be piped in through the speakers, Goldberg cannot say the same. Goldberg was incredibly overrated.

I don't see how he's a Stone Cold rip off. Austin didn't invent the bald head and goatee look. The bald head is down to a receding hairline. The goatee was a late 90's fashion. That's the reason. Goldberg didn't go out of his way to look like Austin.

Austin also wasn't the innovator of black trunks. I'm guessing that it was somebody from several decades before that invented that look.

Their characters also weren't anything alike, nor were their wrestling styles. The only real similarity is that they were top of their respective companies.

I also don't get how Goldberg got a reaction through speakers. As when he was top dog WCW was behind WWE, yet still doing great buisness.
goldberg was overated guys lets face it. but thats only cause he spent most of his wcw tenure squashing al green and ernest miller. he did put on decent matches against sting, flair, and ddp but those guys carried alot matches back then. if anything goldbergs gimmick was extremely misused and he wasnt matched up properly for the most part. but lets call a spade a spade he wasnt ricky steamboat in the ring come on.
LMAOOOO at people saying goldbergs over-rated. NO-ONE ever made him out to be a great technical wrestler or the new ric flair. he was made out to be this guy that would kick your ass!

he'd come out with this big build to get you hyped up for him, slam you, slam you again, spear you, jackhammer and then get out of there. and it worked better than anyone could have imagined it. its why people went NUTS for him. if he'd come out, had a 20-min technical wrestling match theres NO WAAAAAY he'd ever been as over as he was.

so people, stop trying to pretend that goldberg was over-rated. back then, people were DYYYYYING for something that was different from/save wcw from the nWo. thats why we all loved him!
Goldberg was entertaining, in his prime. Was he a good technical wrestler? No. But that's not all that matters in the sport of professionla wrestling. A lot of people have the misconception that if a wrestler does not wrestle like Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels or Kurt Angle, then tht person is not a good wrestler. Which is not neccisarily true.

Goldberg was entertaining to watch in WCW in 1997 and 1998. Its as simple as that. Who cares if he didn't have 5-star classics? He was WAY fucking over, and he made a shit load of money. He got people interested in him and WCW, and that's what matters.

Now, after 1998 or maybe early 1999, Goldberh lost his luster. I'm a big Goldberg fan for his 1998 year, but other than that, I don't really care to watch him.
Bill Goldberg was a very good wrestler. He may not have been at the level of Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit and Bret Hart, but he was certainly better than wrestlers such as Triple H, John Cena, and the majority of WWE's current roster.
Proof that Goldberg was a good wrestler can be seen by watching matches such as the SummerSlam 2003 Eliminiation Chamber, his matches with Bret Hart, William Regal, and DDP.
Lets be honest people.Goldberg was an overrated wrestler.He just could not wrestle.His matches went like this:punch,kick,Jackhammer,Spear,win.He did not know how to wrestle and did not put on many good matches.Just like WM 20.They hyped Lesnar vs. Goldberg up real big and it couldn't live up to the hype because Bill could not wrestle well enough.

What do you guys think of Goldberg.

I pretty much agree with all of this. Goldberg was pretty much all gimmick, and not by any fault of his own. WCW creative made him out to be a beast that squashed every person he had a match against, and since he was a former football player with a large physique it wasn't too much of a stretch considering some of his opposition at the time. Frankly I don't think he's overrated because one never hears Bill Goldberg's name on any lists of great wrestlers of all time or anything, but he definitely could've been given more depth whether it be with his character or at least establish him as a wrestler who could do more than just spear and jackhammer in every match.
Anyone who believes Goldberg was anything great is out of their mind. I think they believed the hype almost as much as W.C.W. did.

The truth is, Goldberg was good for what he was used for.. 1-2 minutes matches, of pure stiff, impactful dominating power. The guy wouldn't know what skill was, if he took a course in college.

They claim he was one of the quickest learners in the Power Plant. Then magically enough, the Power Plant shut down. Maybe because it had to push out its last group of wrestlers due to the fact that they ended up training people half assed? (my opinion) Goldberg couldn't possibly of had talent of any kind. The guy never did anything other than a couple press slams, body slams, and his finisher was a spear then a suplex.

Lets not kid ourselves here. The Jackhammer? So a suplex into a pin is suddenly dominating? Of course it is, when its being done by a guy who looks jacked to the moon. But if I recall, Billy Gunn also did the Jackhammer.. and it didn't even get him a two count, so how much talent does it take to perform the move?

Goldberg was a product of right place, right time for W.C.W. He fell into his own hype and ran his mouth claiming to be bigger than the W.W.E. as a result, he jobbed more than he did in W.C.W., and was made to look foolish, which is exactly what hes always been.

Rumors had Goldberg going to T.N.A.. and other rumors claiming he wants an absurd amount of money from T.N.A. to do a couple shows. If I were them, I'd tell him he doesn't have any leg to stand on. Its them or nothing. Because W.W.E. won't take him back, and he can't cut it anywhere else.
I agree 100% with TheOneBigWill. Goldberg was never a great "wrestler". He may have been an overhyped egomaniac, but a great wrestler? No way. Even Hogan knew how to sell moves better than Goldberg did. With Bill Goldberg, you had a guy who knew 4 moves, who, if you take away the Jackhammer, wouldn't know how to wrestle his way out of a wet paper bag. He was strong, so WCW played that up. Okay, no problem. Not the first time a wrestling organization has had a powerhouse with limited wrestling skill. He had limited mic skills, okay, in and of itself, not a big deal either. There are lots of guys who aren't Ric Flair on the microphone. The problem was, Goldberg was both. He was strong, but couldn't wrestle, and had almost zero mic skills. Strongmen don't last as being "the guy". They get popular for a little while, and then, the fans get sick of them, because they can only tolerate seeing the same 2 minute match only so many times. It got so bad that once the WCW crowds started booing Goldberg, WCW actually piped in fake "GOLDBERG!" chants throughout the arena. All Bill Goldberg will be remembered for in twenty years, if he is remembered much at all, is that he was a strong guy who had a brief string of success during the 1990s. Bill Goldberg was just a rehashed, albeit a more successful version of what WCW tried to do with Bill Kazmaier half a decade before. Shoot, you could argue that he was simply a non-face painted ripoff of what the WWF tried to with the Ultimate Warrior, only without any of the charisma.
Lets not kid ourselves here. The Jackhammer? So a suplex into a pin is suddenly dominating? Of course it is, when its being done by a guy who looks jacked to the moon. But if I recall, Billy Gunn also did the Jackhammer.. and it didn't even get him a two count, so how much talent does it take to perform the move?.

I know Goldberg wasn't the best wreslter out there but he knew how to enertain and was good at what he did which is dominate someone and it looked believable because of his physique. But you can't say that just because his finisher was a suplex that it wasn't a good finisher. He made it look good and powerful and that is what makes a good finisher. I mean look at Y2J's new finisher the CodeBreaker! That thing absolutely sux! It doesn't ever make you believe that a wrestler can get knocked out with that move. So in conclusion, Goldberg dominated and made people believe in his character and wanted to see him kick Hogan's ass and take the title from him and the NWO!

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