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Why isn't Goldberg hated as much?

I own a set of balls

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You see typical idiots hating on Cena, Batista, HHH (not to say I am a fan of them), ranting how their ludicrous title reigns and actions have gotten them overrated fame one can ever dream with, however, I have literally never heard much criticizing on Goldberg about HIM being the superman eventually after his controversial match with Lesnar at WM XX.

Now why is that? Why is a man who won 89 televised matches in a row with around 5 main moves (similar to Cena), Similar size to Batista, and definitely some what of a superman? For love's sake the man eliminated 3 guys with spear, jackhammer and a modified chokehold with a front powerslam in Summerslam 2003.

And yet, arguments about his styles and abilities seem to die down with only few on the internet criticizing his ways of wrestling.

Now I ask you, what is it that makes Goldberg some what appeal to the public that many chants his name with pride and even says he rocks.

Is it his physical physique?


Entrance and getting bombarded by pyros?

Or what? The man's clearly on a lack of mic skills, so what is it that makes him some what appeal to people?
I think Goldbergs liked so much because of the fear he brings to people down to his whole physique and the whole way he punishes people in the ring i was really dissapointed with the lesnar match at Wrestlemania XX like cmon that was the match everybody wanted to see and it ended up being the match everyone was dissapointed with
I think it is mainly because he isn't around anymore. Cena, Batista, and HHH are still wrestling and probably will be for years to come. If John Cena retired tomorrow, I can guarantee you that within a few years, people on these boards who hate him now, would be begging for him to come back.

The Rock is a perfect example of this. When he was at his peak, people said the same things about him that they do now about Cena. People's Elbow = 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Now, people are always talking about The Rock coming back for one more match.

I think it is just the fact that he isn't shoved down everyone's throats anymore and never really wore out his welcome.
Mostly i think it's because Goldberg did what little he did very well. From a lot of people's standpoint at the time he was the first to have an undefeated streak like that and he also had a tendancy to hide his weaknesses and expliot his strengths.

I was never a fan of his but it seemed like everyone was caught up in the hype of "WHO'S NEXT?"

So-so mic skills? keep it short.
Limited move set? Have your opponent work you over then bust out with your 4 moves.
Nobody knows who you are at first? Come out like they should know who you are.
It`s because he is not around anymore like someone mentioned above. I don`t like Cena but it`s not like I`m gonna care when he no longer wrestle. (but I`m never begging for him to come back...I actually skip his matches now). I have never been a fan Goldberg...specially in his WWE run. He did not do anything memorable in his 1 year run (except his debut). Besides I can`t understand how he can say WWE tried to hurt his legacy. They gave a guy under 1 year contract a world title reign while other much more talented never even got a shot.

If there`s something good about him...i`d say entrance.
I agree with your assement of people hating Cena/Batista/HHH they are in the most part idiots.

Goldberg was never anything special as a wrestler however he had great booking, and storylines which enabled him to rise to a main event level superstar. Like it or not he was a draw, not a huge draw but a decent enough draw, in fact it he pretty much kept WCW afloat and semi-crediable (although thats arguable I spose) for a period of time.
I never liked Goldberg -- he was just a bald version of Ultimate Warrior wasn't he? He just had a better moveset and marginally better in-ring ability.

I agree with the general sentiment of the OP that it's a bit pretentious diss Cena while bigging up Goldberg. But I'd like to think a proper smark (like me), can see both for the mediocre cheap heat machines they are.

The Rock, however, is an entirely different case. He was decent in the ring and put on some good matches, but he was also one of the best people to have hold a mic in Wrestling. In fact the only people approaching his promo skills are Ric Flair, Ted DiBiase, Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and Bobby Heenan. The Rock was an exceptional talent.

And Triple H is a wrestling man through and through. Great all round ability in and out of the ring. So it would be a mistake to put him in there with the Warriors, Goldbergs, Cenas and any other rubbish faces of that nature.
I can't stand HHH but I have to admit he can work, he has wrestling ability. He does have merit as a wrestler. Cena appeals to many because of the image he portays. He appeals to the general American masses of what they want to be. Simply put they find him cool, but is quite phoney and rubbish in the ring. The Rock was so irritating I'm glad to see him gone, But he could he could cut good promos and had ring ability, even though he made little effort to make it look real. But then that's what most wrestlers today are guilty of, lack of selling and psychology.

Now we come to Goldberg one of the biggest rejects in Wrestling history. Only one who comes close to Goldberg is Ultimate Warrior, But Warrior does have one thing in his favour. He didn't end anyone's carrer. Goldberg had an impressive physique, but the price of having it was high for WCW and WWE. He couldn't work a straw. He couldn't cut a decent promo even if he had the benefit of cue cards. This is the man who was so careless that he hurt Haku who was tough enough to eat nails and ask for seconds. Still not having learned from that experience, He hurt Bret Hart's career. And not claiming any responsibility for it. Not to mention how many others he's hurt.

So why isn't Goldberg hated more then he is, I don't know. But he's up there with the toilet of pro wrestling.
Comparing him to Cena is ridiculous. Goldberg was actually an athlete, not a muscle in high tops. He also wasn't a wannabe Wigger from West Newbury, Mass(quite possibly the Whiteest of all white places on earth) - and to those of you who think the John Cena 'character' is just that: a character----think again. What you see on TV is actually what he is and has always been like in real life. There's a reason he isn't cheered in the Northeast: too many people from around here know him personally.

Goldberg didn't beg for attention and support like Cena. He went out, didn't say a word, and destroyed people (whether his opponants were face or heel).

Cena is cheered by infants and women. That's it. I realize that, unfortunately, that is what WWE is pulling toward nowadays, but it's the simplest answer to your question. Long time wrasslin fans know that Cena is a bad wrestler, has VERY limited athletic ability and he really is NOT good on the mic. Long story short: Cena tries way too hard to win back the adult males that are watching and most of the time its embarrasing.
Stormwind: you can't stand HHH or the Rock.....so much that you're GLAD he's gone??? Yeah, you're wrestling opinion matters. People seem to so quickly forget that after Austin and Rock left, HHH almost literally carried not only WWE, but the entire Wrestling Industry on his back. Who helped him? Booker T? haha, please.

Funny that so many people "hate" Triple H, yet when he tried to be a heel, he got cheered by everyone in every building for over a year until they finally realized he has to turn face. HHH's love for this business will never be matched- not even by Vince McMahon. Fact is, wrestling fans OWE HHH. If not for him, there's a solid chance WWE could have crumbled after the loss of Rock and Austin (Taker was hurt, Michaels was still hurt, etc). Who would have carried Raw for those 3 or 4 years? Booker? Mysterio? Kevin Nash? haha please. There's a reason WCW went out of business.
Goldberg was a lot better than people give him credit for. If you watch most of his early matches, he used a lot of MMA style moves and other wrestling holds. Only when he started to get over more did his move set decrease. I guess the bookers said that the power moves are getting you over...only use those. His power move set was one of the best I have ever seen. The press slam into the spine buster or power slam. The move he did to Lesnar at Wrestlemania was sick. He was the best at the spear...especially the one to Nunzio at the Royal Rumble. His mic skills are what they should have been for his gimmick. Quick and to the point. He got over by destroying people, not talking. I was a fan of Goldberg and I an not ashamed to admit it. People just need to start hating and start appreciating what the wrestlers do good. By the way everyone has the "limited move set" curse in the WWE. HHH has the pedigree, spinebuster, high knee, and face buster. HBK has sweet chin music, elbow drop, reverse atomic drop, skin the cat. So just because you think your guy is so much better, just step back and look at the bigger picture...ALL WWE WRESTLERS DO THE SAME THING!!! Stop hatting on Goldberg, he was who he was and it worked for the time he was in the game.
why cant you idiots are the net get over Triple H? Damn so what he is slamming the boss's daughter, its definetly a step up from Chyna in the look department, and think of it this way....what if him dating/marrying Steph caused Mcmahon to hate trips? then what? its definetly a possiblity no? I mean pritective father hating the new son in law or the guy dating his daughter....anyways point in case get off HHH's back because he DID carry WWE when austin/rock left and he deserved to bc of his love for the business and his passion towards wrestling...its unmatched so piss off....

back to the topic of thread....GOLDBERG!...man i hate this guy...he beat jobbers and went like 967-0 whoppie doo!...you all seem to forget you big-time wrestling fans that his character of being undefeated is something WWE used long time ago....need a hint?....yeyeyeyeyye YE YE YE YE....lol...TATANKA! he went undefeated for (I believe) over a year....he at least but a half decent match on and when he went heel had kick ass promos!....he was nothing more than a midcarder but leaps and bounds above gillberg errrrrrrrGoldberg....man he sucks...4 moves and your next as his mic skills.....spraying fireworks...who the heck cares....he sucked in wcw and wwe im glad the idiot is gone.....he cant act and he cant wrestle....

im wasting my time here bc you idiot goldberg fans are going to make this go back and forth and i dont have the time in my life to explain more than i have why goldberg sucks and HHH is WWE with or without Steph....
I think with Goldberg it's exactly the same as Cena, HHH, Batista, etc. He was awesome for awhile, but once we had seen him over and over, we turned on him. People get tired of the same stuff over and over. Hell it even happened with Hogan, the biggest star of all time. Goldberg was no exception. We saw him do his thing, we got tired of it, we booed.
Goldberg is an icon in the wrestling business. He is one of the few talent that was able to make a name himself in WCW. He beat out Hogan clean infront of over 60'000 people at the Georgiadome on live TV. I believe he was the innovator of the spear, correct me if Im wrong. So what if he only did power moves hes a powerhouse thats his style. People can say Goldberg, Nash, Sid, Batista, Warrior all being bad wrestlers but you cant deny that all of them have had success.
I think with Goldberg it's exactly the same as Cena, HHH, Batista, etc.

I think it's really silly and wrong to put Trips in that category. Come on, he's a wrestler's wrestler. I'd replace him in that list with any of the following: Warrior, Sid, Lex Luger, and anyone else who gets over/ pushed because of their physique rather than their ability (except Andre and Big Show, for obvious reasons).

Sorry guys but lumping in HHH with the likes of Cena and Goldberg seems like total ignorance to me.
I think it is mainly because he isn't around anymore. Cena, Batista, and HHH are still wrestling and probably will be for years to come. If John Cena retired tomorrow, I can guarantee you that within a few years, people on these boards who hate him now, would be begging for him to come back.

The Rock is a perfect example of this. When he was at his peak, people said the same things about him that they do now about Cena. People's Elbow = 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Now, people are always talking about The Rock coming back for one more match.

I strongly disagree with you, where you compare The Rock to John Cena. You're right about them both having 2 dum moves (aka 5 knuckle and peep's elbow) But The Rock didn't get a mixed reaction everywhere he went. For the most part, the people LOOOVED The Rock for his un-parallel charisma. During 99-02, people couldn't get enough of The Rock's promos and catchphrases, the crowd went NUTS over him.

John Cena on the other hand, you never can predict what the crowd will do. He's been cheered, booed, and usually both during his matches/interviews. Since early 2006, fans have voiced their opinions of John Cena. Nothing has changed, he still gets mixed reactions from the fans. Thats 3 years he's had, and there still aren't enough fans to consider him a legit fan favorite
Because he was entertaining!!! Everyone forgets it's the entertainment industry. He looked tough, he was strong, and it was easy (WCW wise) for everyone to get behind him. He didn't tie up the major belts, he held the US title up for most of his streak. When he went to WWF, that's when he was exposed by them limiting his moves to what they thought was entertaining.
Umm from what I have seen on this board Goldberg get's bashed all the time, that is when his name is mentioned which isn't alot so that's why it doesn't seem like.

In all honesty I don't see why they would bash Goldberg. The man was one of the few new guys in WCW who were able to make it to the mainevent. He was insanely over with the crowd(even without the added effects). He was seen as a solid competitor to guys like Sting, Flair, and even Hogan which is no small feat.

His streak was exciting in the WCW at the time and it's one of the last time a "streak" has been exciting and over with the fans. Goldberg really shouldn't get bashed for being over, popular, and doing his job. If anything he should be bashed for his shitty run in the WWE(although it wasn't exactly his fault)and for his match with Lesnar at Mania where both guys clearly didn't care and didn't have enough love/respect for the fans to give it their A games.
wait did i miss something? smarks want goldberg back? news to me. i was always under the impression that he was regarded as a stiff worker that was an ego maniac that started to believe his own hype and was thus disliked by net fans. im sure there are the casual late 90's fan that would want him back, as undeniably he was a huge draw in wcw. unfortunately he had the feud with the rock in wwe and never really capitalised on that momentum. sure, he had a whc reign and decent feud with HHH, but not the super feud dream match it should've been. and as far as people hating cena he doesnt deserve the heat he gets from smarks, he is charasmatic, an above average worker and is good on the mic and truly ignites a crowd when he appears. his value to the roster is completely undeniable.
Goldberg wasn't hated because he was in a pre-internet era. Internet fans hate the pushed face approach, and in the modern era, Goldberg probably would be hated in the same way Batista and Cena are for being physical and over as a face.

Face it, Goldberg went ages without being beaten, let alone losing a belt. Goldberg did what he did, he used what he was good at - the big power game - and he got over by doing it. He'd be hated. He got lucky in that he was the last real power wrestler of the pre-Internet fan era
I actually think Goldberg is very hated, not for only beheading Bret Hart, but because he was an actually very generic wrestler.

He came out, and did the same things over and over, and after the initial shock, he was just like every other wrestler. When he was off the TV for a while, such as when WCW shut down and he was not into the WWE again, there was a want to see him again, but that died down again once he came back and did the same thing.

Goldberg did bring some intensity to the ring, moreso than Batista does, though Batista does try and work hard at it. Goldberg is a little bit more of character you can believe to be a superman, moreso than Cena. But ranked beside Triple H, Triple H does a lot more to be liked then Goldberg ever did.
Goldberg was one of the most overrated wrestlers that I have ever seen honestly I really can't beleive he got to be so over and liked. The only thing I will ever remember about Goldberg's career is the fact that he ended one of my favorite wreslters and THE BEST THERE EVER WAS career in BRET HART. The guy is a newer version of The Ultimate Warrior he doesn't care about who's he in the ring with hes just dangerous and wrestlers didn't want to work with him. When WWE brought him in I could careless I knew he was going to be a let down. The match with Rock at summerslam was decent but any other match that he did was terrible.. the elmination chamber matchs he was in was terrible and noone will ever forget his Wrestlemania match with lesnar where both of them basically just stared at each other the whole match and eventually would do like a hammerlock and then spear match over terrible. Goldberg just sucks.
I think KlunderBunker hit the nail right on the head with his assesment. Oversaturation of anything is never good and smarks tend to be the most fickle when it comes to who we like or dislike.
I liked Goldberg, but I always kind of thought he was trying to resmeble Austin. Even though the two are worlds apart, they looked very similiar.

Jim Ross once said Goldberg was the only success WCW had on its own during the MNW. Any truth to that?

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