Goldberg close to signing with WWE?

I'd like to address a few of the topics that have come up.

1) Like many others I'm not a big fan of Goldberg Vs Ryback. If Goldberg is only gonna do a one off appearance to promote DVD sales then using that one appearance to put over Ryback would just hurt DVD sales, WWE knows thats bad for business and won't do it. The only way I see this working is having Goldberg come in as a shocking suprise opponent for Ryback on Raw, pining Ryback with a Jackhammer which would instantly boost DVD sales. Then in the next couple of months build a story line where Ryback continues to dominate but now has a chip on his shoulder due to the Goldberg loss. He starts calling him out every night, until one week Goldberg shows up and accepts a rematch at Survivor Series where Ryback goes over. This way they cash in on the DVD, they get a "huge Mid-Card match" to help buy rates for one of their top PPV's, and in turn get a huge push for a new rising star on that major PPV. Its a win-win for Goldberg, Ryback, and the company.

2) Goldberg Vs. Undertaker at next years Mania would be more enjoyable in my eyes than Lesnar but I doubt WWE sees it that way. Lesnar and Takers have traded jabs via the internet over the last two years so theres all ready a jumping off point, plus Lesnar is a bigger draw at the moment. One of my many major regrets towards WWE in mid 2000's is that they didn't book this feud when they had both men on the roster, it seemed like a no brainer and would have been a huge PPV main event.

3) I don't know how many people agree with me on this next one or not but I'd still love to see the Dream Match of Goldberg Vs. Stone Cold. They were top guys with a different gimmick but similar look and dominated their individual brands when they were at each others throats, ten years ago this would have been just as big as Hulk Vs. Rock. It obviously wouldn't have nearly as much impact now and i'm guessing the match itself would be poorly worked due to age and ring absence but from a nostalgic stand point would be way more entertaining then these gimmick battle royals or legend killer things we've seen with Y2J,Orton,and Rhodes in the last few years. On a side note I'd like to say that Heath Slater jobbing to the legends was more entertaining than watching the other three beat up old guys, kudos to the one man rock band.
Instead of fueding with Ryback like a lot of other are suggesting, it would be more beneficial to see them work together at first. Have a story where Goldberg has always wanted to train someone to be as dominant as he was and have him be Rybacks manager/trainer/whatever. Have Goldberg teach him the ways of the force and how to keep his streak going. Eventually Ryback starts to become a bad student and falls out with Berg. Teacher vs Student at WM29. Ryback wins. Ryback now monster heel, Goldberg finds a new student in Mason Ryan. Etc Etc leading to a Ryback vs Mason Ryan streak vs streak match at WM30. Winner goes onto WM31 to have their streak broken by the Undertaker! (or a returning Funaki)
I'm thinking that if Goldberg signs, he'll eventually have a retirement match. Who it'll be against is anyone's guess. Of course, it's already been confirmed that WWE is planning a Goldberg DVD project in 2013. I was a big Goldberg fan back in the WCW days and always thought WWE failed to use him correctly by trying to turn him into something he wasn't. You don't take a squash match guy and try to stick him into longer matches, as it just will not work. Send him in matches, have him squash, and leave. Simple formula that always worked well for Berg in WCW. Once they took him outta that element in WWE he was doomed to fail. This much I do know, I don't wanna see Berg/Lesnar II. If Goldberg has another match it should be a big money dream match like Austin/Goldberg or Taker/Goldberg. Something that should've been done his first time in WWE.

The sad truth is it'll probably just be a return to do a Goldberg DVD project and nothing else aside from Goldberg being included in WWE video games. If there is even a remotely small chance of another big money dream match, I'd be all for it. That would cement a brief but great career in wrestling and put an exclaimation point to end it. Just the way he should go out.
Bret started as a DVD deal... the relationship grew from there. Goldberg may have some sense of "he f***ed up" in WWE and want to make it right. Maybe the "last match" would be the long awaited battle with Chris Jericho (after all there is enough history to make it work) or maybe it'll be a simple case of Goldberg rocks up on RAW every now and then to spear someone (now Edge doesn't anymore).

Either way, it's a better position for both parties and the fans than the last 8 years!
From a business standpoint it would be a good for both parties(WWE/Goldberg). I'm kind of in a wait and see mode with Goldberg. Don't see him in any feuds with mid card wrestlers like Ryback. Think some of you need to understand what a Legends contract is. With that said I feel he will be involved strictly with the top tier stars if he's put in a storyline. Much like when we see Piper, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and some of the other Legends. They make occasional appearances.
That's sort of roundabout the reason people hated their match.

It wasn't because both men intended to leave the company, it's because the match sucked. Now, the match sucked because there was no passion from either men, just two guys who wanted to not exert any effort or take any chances on their way out the door.

So people hated the match because it was bad, but it was bad because, since they intended to leave the company, both men phoned it in.

Their match was decent to me at the very least. I couldn't even tell that they didn't have passion when they tried putting up a clinic at WrestleMania. Weren't both men's reactions enough when they realized that hitting their signature moves on each other couldn't finish their match? Goldberg kicking out of Lesnar's F5 and Lesnar kicking out of Goldberg's Spear prompting both men to react in disbelief seemed believable to me when I first watched it in 2004.

And as for your last sentence (highlighted in bold), you're saying that people think that the match was bad because it was, but it was also bad because Goldberg and Lesnar intended to leave the company too?! :icon_confused: That's exactly what I was saying: People hated their match because they DID intend to leave the company. You seem to be contradicting yourself and agreeing with me at the same time, which destroys your whole argument altogether.
I would actually be surprised if Goldberg wrestled at all, and if he does it won't be to put over Ryback. I was a huge Goldberg fan during the streak, but he was not a guy that was known to want to give back to wrestling. I also was not a fan of his time in WWE. He was booked particularly well, but even if he was by that time the Goldberg ship had sailed for me. What I hope we get from this is a DVD with a lot of WCW footage on it, and a few appearances. Not really into seeing him in the ring at this point in his life.
Why would anyone not want to see Goldberg for 1 more match? Perhaps he isn't or never has been brilliant in the ring, but the sheer presence of Bill Goldberg would be enough to get everyone excited no? The beating drums entrance music, the smoke and sparks around him as he appears on stage.

I'd love to see him in 1 more match, and even if the match is crap, i would imagine WWE would build and hype up a good story and a lot of emotion around it. They did the same with Rock vs Cena at WM28. The match itself was ordinary to say the least, but the build and storytelling going into and during the match was fantastic.

If he were to come back for 1 more, i would like to see him face Cena or Brock Lesnar. As i said the match itself doesn't have to be good, but i can see a really good build and storyline for a match with either of those 2.
Their match was decent to me at the very least. I couldn't even tell that they didn't have passion when they tried putting up a clinic at WrestleMania. Weren't both men's reactions enough when they realized that hitting their signature moves on each other couldn't finish their match? Goldberg kicking out of Lesnar's F5 and Lesnar kicking out of Goldberg's Spear prompting both men to react in disbelief seemed believable to me when I first watched it in 2004.

And as for your last sentence (highlighted in bold), you're saying that people think that the match was bad because it was, but it was also bad because Goldberg and Lesnar intended to leave the company too?! :icon_confused: That's exactly what I was saying: People hated their match because they DID intend to leave the company. You seem to be contradicting yourself and agreeing with me at the same time, which destroys your whole argument altogether.

His last sentence reads perfectly clear to be honest. It states that people thought the match was bad. Why? Well because it was.
Why was it bad? Because Lesnar and Goldberg were leaving the company and didn't want to injure themselves by taking many risks and as such didn't really care about the match quality, just about getting out uninjured.

Now onto the topic at hand. Goldberg making a return.
I didn't watch WCW as a child all I watched was WWF and as such had no idea who the hell Bill Goldberg was. Infact had DX not tried to invade WCW I probably wouldn't have even known who WCW was. That being said I did go back and watch some of Goldbergs old stuff as I got older and I can see why people liked him. He was a big dude with a load of powermoves who legit looked like he would tear your head off and he was booked as such.
WCW gave him a fake streak to run with, and although he did beat many opponents the number that was claimed was entirely untrue lol Chris Jericho will attest to this ;)
I wouldn't mind seeing Goldberg return, he would get a decent enough pop if WWE made some video packages of him so people knew who he was back in the day, as I doubt any of the kids watching have even heard of this guy as he has been out of the business so long.
His music and entrance are great and his spear always looked devistating on his opponent. I don't think I would like him back in the ring too much he was never particularly safe as a worker and he never really wanted to put anyone over. WWE doesn't need him but it would be nice to hear his music and see him come out to the ring. They can release a dvd of his and maybe have him spear and jackhammer someone just for the pop but I don't think he needs to wrestle anyone really.
His last sentence reads perfectly clear to be honest.

It wasn't because both men intended to leave the company, it's because the match sucked... So people hated the match because it was bad, but it was bad because, since they intended to leave the company, both men phoned it in.

Tell me, Teddy Irving, how is jai151's last sentence "perfectly" clear when he initially stated that "the match was bad because they intended to leave", a phrase he clearly denied in the first place (e.g. "it wasn't because both men intended to leave the company")? Seems to me that he was contradicting himself in the very least man.

You guys have every right to say that "their match sucked because it did" because that's your opinion, but I also have every right to say that I think that their match was at least decent and that the people hated their match because they were too bummed after knowing that Goldberg and Lesnar were leaving. I can respect jai151 saying what you're agreeing with him, but when he contradicts his own position, he needs to explain himself further whether he did, in fact, thought that the match was horrible, or he just made a typo.

We're all entitled to our opinions, so let's just leave it at that.
How can anyone say Goldberg is coming back to put people over? That is stupid. And I am not even saying that because Goldberg won't do it (because I don't know what he would do), but that character doesn't work if he is losing matches.

What good is Goldberg if he doesn't come out and have short matches where he dominates with a truckload of intensity?

There is no money in Goldberg losing. However there is no long term investment with a past his prime Goldberg destroying your roster.
How can anyone say Goldberg is coming back to put people over? That is stupid. And I am not even saying that because Goldberg won't do it (because I don't know what he would do), but that character doesn't work if he is losing matches.

What good is Goldberg if he doesn't come out and have short matches where he dominates with a truckload of intensity?

There is no money in Goldberg losing. However, there is no long-term investment with a past-his-prime Goldberg destroying your roster.

Exactly! Goldberg's known for his 173-0 Streak for Christ sakes. I don't even think that he's gonna put over younger talent not just because I think that he doesn't want to, but also because of his build. There's no way in hell that he's gonna put over skinny guys like Dolph Ziggler or Cody Rhodes - and this comes from a guy who currently has Cody in his Fave Five.

However, I also agree with MB1025 that Goldberg destroying the WWE Roster wouldn't be a good investment in the long-run. Still, Goldberg as a WWE Legend sounds pretty sweet, even though he's only gonna be with them part-time.
I think it's a good idea for wwe to sign Goldberg to a legends contract. As long as it's for promotional purposes dvd's,games,special raw or smackdown appearances etc.I never want to see him in a ring again wrestling.First off he can not do long matches,he is very unsafe in the ring,he doesn't know a headlock from an armlock,he seems selfish in terms of putting people over and in general i don't think he really cares about the business that made him millions.I also don't think Lesnar cares bout the fans or business and they brought him back,so who really knows what they will do?
Tell me, Teddy Irving, how is jai151's last sentence "perfectly" clear when he initially stated that "the match was bad because they intended to leave", a phrase he clearly denied in the first place (e.g. "it wasn't because both men intended to leave the company")? Seems to me that he was contradicting himself in the very least man.

You guys have every right to say that "their match sucked because it did" because that's your opinion, but I also have every right to say that I think that their match was at least decent and that the people hated their match because they were too bummed after knowing that Goldberg and Lesnar were leaving. I can respect jai151 saying what you're agreeing with him, but when he contradicts his own position, he needs to explain himself further whether he did, in fact, thought that the match was horrible, or he just made a typo.

We're all entitled to our opinions, so let's just leave it at that.

His point, and mine, is that people didn't think the match was bad just because they were going to leave, but the match was in fact bad because the 2 guys didn't care whether it was good or not, and because they didn't care about the match it didn't end up being good.
The match wasn't seen as bad as people had a bitter taste in their mouths because these 2 were leaving, it was seen as bad because it was and the reason for that is that these 2 didn't care about it as much because they were leaving to do other things.

I am not trying to change your mind here because as you said we are all entitled to our own opinions, I am just trying to highlight the way I am looking at it and the way I think jai151 is looking at it.

However I don't think the match could ever have lived up to the hype people had for it. These 2 guys were both animals, kayfabe, and because of this they both work as near unbeatable in there matches and dominate their opponents. But since they both do this, when they meet each other who works as the dominating person and who works as the person getting beaten down all the time.
how is jai151's last sentence "perfectly" clear when he initially stated that "the match was bad because they intended to leave", a phrase he clearly denied in the first place (e.g. "it wasn't because both men intended to leave the company")? Seems to me that he was contradicting himself in the very least man.

The sentence is perfectly clear if you actually read it. It only appears unclear if you selectively bold portions of it and ignore the rest. He is quite clearly stating that the match wasn't seen as bad simply because both men were leaving, the match was seen as bad because it was quantatively bad, and the reason it was quantitively bad is that, due to their impending departures, neither man cared to put any effort it. Only your artificial manipulation makes it appear as if there is anything contradictory in his sentence.

As for the concept of Goldberg returning to the ring, I have no interest in it. He's certainly capable (or was in the past, his current ring condition is unknown) of putting on good matches if he has a talented enough partner, but his own ring skills are mediocre at best. Goldberg is one of the most overrated wrestlers of all time. He was the beneficiary of good time and amazing hype, there was nothing special about him.

If he were to return to the ring, the only benefit I could see would be using what star power he has left to put over a younger talent. Ryback would be fine if they decide to do monster vs. monster. I don't have any interest in Lesnar vs. Goldberg, another part timer vs. part timer match is a big sack of meh as far as I'm concerned. It would also be nice to see Goldberg used to put over one of the physically smaller up and comers to help cement the fact that these men can take down larger competition. But, really, I hope this is just a deal for his DVD, and I don't have much if any interest in that either.
i think if goldberg would return it will be a 4 way battle with him vs tripleH vs the rock vs lesnar that right there would be awesome but i do think soon that lesnar will be wwe champion so it could be lesnar vs goldberg for the championship however like i said before lesnar vs bigshow for the championship at WM and maybe golberg as a guest referee
I hope Goldberg steps into the ring again, I fear he won't.

Goldberg is what I call a kind ego-maniac. I don't see him putting anyone over in an actual match, they would have to give him something twice as big as penance. I imagine if Goldberg took a loss from Cena, he would have to be granted losses from two other top tier performers.

I see him taking a Hall of Fame spot and maybe helping hype a Ryback match. I would love to see how he would work out an in-ring fued with someone, but I don't see Goldberg risking his reputation with one.

At most, I expect him to be a surprise Royal Rumble entrant and be thrown out by Ryback.

Posted from App for Android
The only good use to Goldberg returning is too put over Ryback as a major threat. The comparisons are there with Goldberg coming out looking better

But there's no way Goldberg would accept that loss.
I really dont want to see Goldberg in the WWE nor did I want to see Brock come back either. I didnt care for Goldberg that much after the whole NWO thing. It was good for a little then they just dragged on and on. He cant talk nor can he wrestle.
I really don't want to see him wrestle Bock Lesnar again , their match at WMXX was just terrible, I really don't know why you guys want to see that again.

A match with Ryback or The Rock will be awesome in my opinion.
I now it is highly unlikely. but if they get him signed up this week he could take cenas place at the PPV and have a short feud with Punk. The added bonus to a Goldberg/Punk feud is that it could lead to a feud with Lesner somewhere down the line.
At most, I expect him to be a surprise Royal Rumble entrant and be thrown out by Ryback.

Posted from App for Android

Why would you envision one of the biggest stars of all time who left wrestling on his own terms - hasn't degraded himself away from the ring - to come back in a Royal Rumble to be thrown out by a rookie who has a carbon copy gimmick of his former success?
I think he'll wrestle a tag match at some point (don't care who with, and against), and a singles match at WM.

Singles pick: The Undertaker.

The reasoning for that is I've never seen it, and I think the two can pull of a decently paced match, to where Goldberg and Lesnar played it slow half the match, doing lock ups, test of strength, etc, this will be a quick brawl style with a few slams here and there.

But now for the issue...

Goldberg is known to be kind of reckless in the ring at times, hes ended Bret Harts career, and Kronik's, so I would be scared to see what botch Goldberg could possibly pose on Taker.
Also the fact Taker, nor Goldberg could job to each other. So I doubt Vince will ever make this dream match of mine.
To be fair, that was when Goldberg was very green. He didn't injure anybody in Japan or in the WWE.

He has lost a lot of muscle mass too so some of the raw strength will be reduced.

RE matches, I'd love to see Undertake vs Goldberg too. Maybe Goldberg vs John Cena? Goldberg vs CM Punk?
Goldberg first run in the WWE wasn't good. I dont want to see him make an in ring return.

Legends deal is him being in their video games, selling shirts, dvds, making appearances and probably a hof spot.. It doesn't necessarily mean an in ring return.

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