Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

I want to see the Iceman, however it's not in any theaters around here right now. Probably gonna have to wait till it's either on VOD, or DVD.
You should. My latest thread - You Owe Daniel Bryan An Apology, AKA Sam Was Right:

Wow, you predicted Daniel Bryan would get over as a serious wrestler. You must be clairvoyant.

Saw this is the end last night, really hands down the funniest movie of the year.

I see it as this year's 21 Jump Street, except everyone was expecting this movie to be a top comedy, and I'm not sure you can say that of 21 Jump Street. Either way, they both have Channing Tatum in it, and he's hilarious.

Caught some bits and pieces of Man of Steel due to a friend wanting to sneak in to multiple theaters. The action scenes toward the end looked good but the rest I'm not sure. Either way the Avengers is still the best Superhero movie of all time.

I like The Dark Knight.

I still got a ways to go, give me about a month give or take.

You disappoint me.

Fanboys hate everything, people were bitching about the suit before the movie even came out because "They took away his red underwear". That's the point where fanboys need to just fuck off & stop being such stupid fucking ******s.

I was just talking to someone the other day about fanboys (maybe Harthan?), and how I don't think I'm a fanboy of anything despite my many allegiances. I guess I could be a Marvel fanboy, but I don't even buy comics anymore so that puts a pretty big dent in that theory.

I just got back from Man of Steel, excellent movie. People who are shitting on this movie have either not seen it, or have stupid fucking high expectations. Micheal Shannon does a fucking amazing job as Zod, his performance alone is worth seeing this movie for.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'm seeing it tonight and I am very excited, despite Sam and Haiku's attempts to bring me down.
Wow, you predicted Daniel Bryan would get over as a serious wrestler. You must be clairvoyant.

Well, that's rather the point, isn't it? It was obvious, but people still thought I was wrong.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'm seeing it tonight and I am very excited, despite Sam and Haiku's attempts to bring me down.

I hear the action scenes make it seem like a (proper) live action Dragon Ball Z would be viable, so that should be something to take away at the very least.
Well, that's rather the point, isn't it? It was obvious, but people still thought I was wrong.

I guess so, and that dude does seem to be a few sandwiches short of a picnic, for what it's worth.

I hear the action scenes make it seem like a (proper) live action Dragon Ball Z would be viable, so that should be something to take away at the very least.

I still don't understand why Dragon Ball Z is so popular in America.

Icelandic musician in 'optimistic song' shocker.

The fact that you seemed ready to post that at a moment's notice has me confused.
The answers are twofold -

1 - I too am optimistic for Man of Steel, despite the reviews from the WZ faithful so far.

2 - I like that song and haven't listened to it properly for a while. Plus, it's rare that someone will drop "Glosoli", "Hoppipolla" or "Tunglio" into conversation so that I can share some Icelandic tune-age. Even "play dead" is quite hard to cram in.
You disappoint me.

Yeah, damn me for having a job & shit...

I will tell you this (and I put it in spoiler tags just in case, though I don't really think it's much of a spoiler)

Ellie needs to learn how to cut a fucking rope faster, and Clickers are really starting to get on my fucking nerves

I was just talking to someone the other day about fanboys (maybe Harthan?), and how I don't think I'm a fanboy of anything despite my many allegiances. I guess I could be a Marvel fanboy, but I don't even buy comics anymore so that puts a pretty big dent in that theory.

I've said it before, the greatest thing about fanboys is also the worst thing about fanboys & that is their undying, unwavering loyalty to source material, it's great that they have that great passion & love for something, unfortunately it makes it almost impossible for them to enjoy anything, cause they're constantly finding flaws & shit to bitch about.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'm seeing it tonight and I am very excited, despite Sam and Haiku's attempts to bring me down.

I'm sure you'll find plenty of your flaws, as they do exist. The only thing about seeing this movie that I found unejoyable was the little kid sitting behind me kicking my seat & being restless, though I blame his stupid mother more than anything, why the fuck would you bring a 3 or 4 yr. old to a 2 1/2 hr. movie?!
The answers are twofold -

1 - I too am optimistic for Man of Steel, despite the reviews from the WZ faithful so far.

2 - I like that song and haven't listened to it properly for a while. Plus, it's rare that someone will drop "Glosoli", "Hoppipolla" or "Tunglio" into conversation so that I can share some Icelandic tune-age. Even "play dead" is quite hard to cram in.

Maybe if somebody talks about the new tricks they are teaching their dog? But in any event, happy I could help you with this.

Yeah, damn me for having a job & shit...

I will tell you this (and I put it in spoiler tags just in case, though I don't really think it's much of a spoiler)

Ellie needs to learn how to cut a fucking rope faster, and Clickers are really starting to get on my fucking nerves

She gets pretty bad ass, but Clickers always suck. That part of the game was particularly challenging, though.

I'm sure you'll find plenty of your flaws, as they do exist. The only thing about seeing this movie that I found unejoyable was the little kid sitting behind me kicking my seat & being restless, though I blame his stupid mother more than anything, why the fuck would you bring a 3 or 4 yr. old to a 2 1/2 hr. movie?!

As long as it's not HORRIBLE like Uncharted was.

Just kidding, Uncharted wasn't horrible by any stretch of the imagination. I just wasn't as enamored with it as I suspected I'd be.
You know you got a good game when you can play for 5 hrs. & it only feels like you've been playing for 20 mins.

Time for a Last Of Us break, so I can watch GM. 2 & eat some nachos!
I've started playing X-Com: Enemy Unknown, and DAMN this is an addicting game! The turn based combat is really exciting despite being so rooted in strategy, and I'm always eager to go on another mission so I can upgrade my weapons and level up my squad so we can kick even more ass!

Uncharted the videogame?


You know you got a good game when you can play for 5 hrs. & it only feels like you've been playing for 20 mins.

Time for a Last Of Us break, so I can watch GM. 2 & eat some nachos!

It is good, isn't it?

Go Hawks.
I just made a delicious Chipotle Alfredo pasta with steak, pepperoni, peppers, and tomatoes. Really proud of it as it was a make shift meal and I haven't really been making meals lately, we've been going out. Good to know I can still make a kick ass meal.

Now I'm watching the hockey game. That's right, me watching a hockey game. That's two in a row.
Uncharted the videogame?

My expectations just went up. Marginally.

Don't expect Oscaresque performances or story. It's far from a great movie, but was tons of fun. It was a much needed change of pace for a Superman movie. Most of the reviews I've read complain about the lack of fun (bullshit) and the change of Superman as a character overall. This is certainly a Post Crisis version of Supes. If you enjoyed the late 90's animated version, you might enjoy this.
So my ex who got fired from here needs money. Well my buddies found her on an escort site or something. I didn't look too much into it. Dodge a bullet there fellas. High fives!
This Is The End is pretty much everything you said it would be, JGlass. I just read a review that suggests The Bling Ring works as a fantastic companion piece. For this, and Emma Watson, I would very much like to see it.
Just got back from Man of Steel. It was very good. It wasn't great, but it was very good, even if some of the CGI was below standards.

This Is The End is pretty much everything you said it would be, JGlass. I just read a review that suggests The Bling Ring works as a fantastic companion piece. For this, and Emma Watson, I would very much like to see it.

That is very interesting. Maybe I'll check that out next weekend.

So my ex who got fired from here needs money. Well my buddies found her on an escort site or something. I didn't look too much into it. Dodge a bullet there fellas. High fives!

Congratulations Theo, you taught her the skills she needed for her current occupation.

Fucking time machine games

Time machine game?
Just got back from Man of Steel. It was very good. It wasn't great, but it was very good, even if some of the CGI was below standards.

That is very interesting. Maybe I'll check that out next weekend.

Congratulations Theo, you taught her the skills she needed for her current occupation.

Time machine game?

Games which are (not literally of course) time machines. You play for what feels like an hour, you look up, nd the sun is rising on the next day
There is a fly in my house... I feel like Walter White in that one episode of Breaking Bad trying to kill this annoying little fucker.

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