Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Is this the girl that you... we'll say satisfied, five times in one night, then left you to try & get back together with her ex?


Then she left me for her ex, broke up with him, moved in with her best friend, got fired from here for drugs in her system that she didn't have a prescription for, totaled her car, is now escorting, and may be facing jail time for a prior arrest.

To think I thought she was cleaning up her life (and it seemed that way while we were together) and then boom, shit hit the fan. In the meantime it seems I have a poor taste in women. The girl I tried to hook up with before her ending up being a heroin addict and started prostituting after leaving rehab and the girl I tried getting together with after my ex is psychotic and seemingly has drug issues as well. Clearly if Theo likes a girl, there is some serious issue with her.
Damn. I tried to find the full match but all I could find was the beginning and the ending with the post match retirement speech.

The retirement speech was hilarious, if not a little fucked up at times.


Then she left me for her ex, broke up with him, moved in with her best friend, got fired from here for drugs in her system that she didn't have a prescription for, totaled her car, is now escorting, and may be facing jail time for a prior arrest.

To think I thought she was cleaning up her life (and it seemed that way while we were together) and then boom, shit hit the fan. In the meantime it seems I have a poor taste in women. The girl I tried to hook up with before her ending up being a heroin addict and started prostituting after leaving rehab and the girl I tried getting together with after my ex is psychotic and seemingly has drug issues as well. Clearly if Theo likes a girl, there is some serious issue with her.

I have a similar problem where I'm generally only attracted to girls that are bad for me, but I don't think I've ever been attracted to a drug addict/future escort.
Saw This Is The End, & while it was funny & gave me a few good laughs, I expected it to be funnier based on everything I had heard.
I saw that Friday, I enjoyed it. I would have liked to have seen more celebrities instead of just the guys who are usually in Seth Rogan movies.

Especially in Danny McBride's roving gang on cannibals, but Channing Tatum was fucking hilarious. I love that man.

I also saw The Purge during my trip. Not bad, could have been much better.
Saw This Is The End, & while it was funny & gave me a few good laughs, I expected it to be funnier based on everything I had heard.

Really? It actually surpassed my expectations. I was a little worried going into it that it would reek of ego, but I thought the actors in it did a good job putting their egos aside for the sake of comedy, especially Craig Robinson who I thought was absolutely delightful.

I saw that Friday, I enjoyed it. I would have liked to have seen more celebrities instead of just the guys who are usually in Seth Rogan movies.

Especially in Danny McBride's roving gang on cannibals, but Channing Tatum was fucking hilarious. I love that man.

Harthan and I were talking about how the party scene at the beginning of the movie could have been 10 minutes longer and it would have been cool to see more of Mindy Kaling and Jason Segal and maybe a few other actors, but it was still excellent.
Good lord I missed this place.

You seen Mud yet? I needed a break from summer blockbusters and couldn't find a screening of The East. It was... something that I watched. Came away with a new enthusiasm for canned goods though.
Good lord I missed this place.

You seen Mud yet? I needed a break from summer blockbusters and couldn't find a screening of The East. It was... something that I watched. Came away with a new enthusiasm for canned goods though.

I have not yet seen Mud, though I have been advised by several friends that it's worth checking out. It's a scary world we live in when someone tells me to watch a Matthew McConaughey movie thinking I will enjoy it.
Help me out here J or others.

I was playing the Last of Us earlier and I was stuck on a part in which I had to take down all the hunters in this one building (I know it's not a good description but stick with me here) and I used a malotov to take out two, run over and smash down two others leaving like six left. I'm always able to take down one stealth style before getting seen by the one with the sniper and dying in a matter of five seconds. Any suggestions?
Help me out here J or others.

I was playing the Last of Us earlier and I was stuck on a part in which I had to take down all the hunters in this one building (I know it's not a good description but stick with me here) and I used a malotov to take out two, run over and smash down two others leaving like six left. I'm always able to take down one stealth style before getting seen by the one with the sniper and dying in a matter of five seconds. Any suggestions?
Call 1-800-FELLA.
Help me out here J or others.

I was playing the Last of Us earlier and I was stuck on a part in which I had to take down all the hunters in this one building (I know it's not a good description but stick with me here) and I used a malotov to take out two, run over and smash down two others leaving like six left. I'm always able to take down one stealth style before getting seen by the one with the sniper and dying in a matter of five seconds. Any suggestions?

Can't really help you with that description, but I find patience is the answer to most of your problems in the game. Either wait for the guys to let their guard down and go back to stealth, or try to separate them by luring them away with bricks and bottles.
In situations like that I try to stealth kill as many baddies as possible before exposing myself, as soon as I'm expose I generally moving around & hiding as much as possible, especially if I'm running low on ammo.
After having several games going at the same time - Fifa 13, SMACX, M2TW and Pokemon Black - I have gradually retreated to just Pokemon. Having all new pokemon throughout the major part of the story is such a simple but effective ploy.

Glad that I changed out my Carracosta (he was pretty shit to be honest) for Druddigon in the run up to the Opelucid dragon gym. It might not be the strongest dragon - it cannot fly for gods sake - but despite being under-leveled compared to the trainers in the gym and the leader, my Druddigon's Dragon Claw was enough to deal with the majority. And when he was finally defeated, somewhat surprisingly, my Sawk took out the rest rather easily with Double Kick.

Actually been quite surprised at the continued usefulness and power of Sawk. He is perfect to deal with whatever Team Plasma has thrown at me so far, he levels up reasonably quickly, and has now proven himself capable of dealing with dragons. Of course, he has the pretty dire weaknesses that all Fighting types have so I will have to pick his battles.

Think I still need to find a replacement for Zebstrika for while he is rather fast, he lacks power.
Барбоса;4506487 said:
After having several games going at the same time - Fifa 13, SMACX, M2TW and Pokemon Black - I have gradually retreated to just Pokemon. Having all new pokemon throughout the major part of the story is such a simple but effective ploy.

Glad that I changed out my Carracosta (he was pretty shit to be honest) for Druddigon in the run up to the Opelucid dragon gym. It might not be the strongest dragon - it cannot fly for gods sake - but despite being under-leveled compared to the trainers in the gym and the leader, my Druddigon's Dragon Claw was enough to deal with the majority. And when he was finally defeated, somewhat surprisingly, my Sawk took out the rest rather easily with Double Kick.

Actually been quite surprised at the continued usefulness and power of Sawk. He is perfect to deal with whatever Team Plasma has thrown at me so far, he levels up reasonably quickly, and has now proven himself capable of dealing with dragons. Of course, he has the pretty dire weaknesses that all Fighting types have so I will have to pick his battles.

Think I still need to find a replacement for Zebstrika for while he is rather fast, he lacks power.

I had to look up all of those Pokemon to find out who they were. So this is what growing up feels like? Lame.

I'm not surprised you dropped the water/rock type dude, as that's one of the worst combos I can think of. You gain one resistance, but in turn you gain two weaknesses, and both of the new weaknesses (fighting and ground) are far more common and dangerous than the resistance you gained (poison).

And after taking a gander at Sawk's stats, I can't help but feel like there's probably a better fighting type Pokemon out there. From what I understand, Scrafty is where it's at.

See Sam? I do pay attention to you.
No doubt there are stronger fighters than Sawk but I have grown somewhat attached to him. Think I originally added him just to fill out my squad for an early Gym battle and yet he has managed to be more than useful. I don't use him any more than the rest of my squad but he is 4 or 5 levels above everyone else - that probably explained his ability to massacre several strong dragons. Could probably do with finding some other TMs for him to learn to vary his attacks though.

As for Scrafty, can't remember if I caught a Scraggy early on or not.
Барбоса;4506487 said:
After having several games going at the same time - Fifa 13, SMACX, M2TW and Pokemon Black - I have gradually retreated to just Pokemon. Having all new pokemon throughout the major part of the story is such a simple but effective ploy.

Glad that I changed out my Carracosta (he was pretty shit to be honest) for Druddigon in the run up to the Opelucid dragon gym. It might not be the strongest dragon - it cannot fly for gods sake - but despite being under-leveled compared to the trainers in the gym and the leader, my Druddigon's Dragon Claw was enough to deal with the majority. And when he was finally defeated, somewhat surprisingly, my Sawk took out the rest rather easily with Double Kick.

Actually been quite surprised at the continued usefulness and power of Sawk. He is perfect to deal with whatever Team Plasma has thrown at me so far, he levels up reasonably quickly, and has now proven himself capable of dealing with dragons. Of course, he has the pretty dire weaknesses that all Fighting types have so I will have to pick his battles.

Think I still need to find a replacement for Zebstrika for while he is rather fast, he lacks power.

Sawk isn't a bad choice. Fighting types are hit or miss for me, but you could do worse.

If you're looking for a new Electric type, Chargestone Cave is where you need to go. You can find Klink, which is Steel but learns a few Electric moves, Tynamo, which has Levitate as its ability so it has no weaknesses but only learns moves in its middle evolution, and Joltik, an Electric bug that is fast and has a nice signature move in Electroweb.
I think I have caught all of those Electric types and I did notice Tynamo's Levitate. Not sure I want to go back and train up anything that is that weak though, although I suppose I could use Exp. Share to level them up more quickly.

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