Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Just finished watching John Morrison vs Jushin Liger from PWS cause I've been meaning to watch it and just haven't gotten to it until today. Pretty good match, spotted NJexus too but don't know who it was I saw. Just noticed three guys next to each other wearing black and yellow.
I'm having more fun than any person should talking to a Comcast rep. Plus I should go to bed, I gotta be up in 4.5 hours for work.
Don't expect Oscaresque performances or story. It's far from a great movie, but was tons of fun. It was a much needed change of pace for a Superman movie. Most of the reviews I've read complain about the lack of fun (bullshit) and the change of Superman as a character overall. This is certainly a Post Crisis version of Supes. If you enjoyed the late 90's animated version, you might enjoy this.

So Superman doesn't destroy the solar system with a sneeze in the movie? For shame.
Just finished watching John Morrison vs Jushin Liger from PWS cause I've been meaning to watch it and just haven't gotten to it until today. Pretty good match, spotted NJexus too but don't know who it was I saw. Just noticed three guys next to each other wearing black and yellow.

As NorCal said, that's us! I'm the one in an NJX shirt that doesn't look like they went to weightlifting camp for the past month.

As an aside, I did not find that match above average in any way.

Yeah, that match kind of sucked. The best part was when JoMo looked like he killed Liger, but didn't. Other than that it was fairly plain.

Match of the night was the main event. Obviously.
Games which are (not literally of course) time machines. You play for what feels like an hour, you look up, nd the sun is rising on the next day

I did this with a game called Indigo Prophecy on the OG Xbox. Bought it, started playing at 8:30 at night. If you've heard of Heavy Rain, Indigo Prophecy is kind of the spiritual predecessor to it. While I'm playing a few friends stop over and they start watching. Barring smoke breaks of both tobacco and the green stuff variety and a quick trip for snacks, I sat there playing a single player game with 5 friends watching me from 8:30 PM until about 6 AM in the morning when I finished the game.

Yeah, $50 game, beat it in one night, such an awesome game I kept it even though I could have taken it back and got a new game.
Funny cause I was about to ask if the New Jack match is worth watching or not.

I liked Morrison vs Liger personally. Though it could have been much better if they did more high flying or even fast paced stuff instead of so much rest holds.
The main event was the New Jack match, wasn't it?

Oh yes, it had to be last, not just because of the fact that it as New Jack's retirement match, but also because of the physical damage they did to the area. I'm pretty sure there's still Nerco blood on that artifical turf.

Yeah, $50 game, beat it in one night, such an awesome game I kept it even though I could have taken it back and got a new game.

That's what I'm probably going to do with The Last of Us. I could probably sell it and make a pretty tidy profit on it, but instead I am going to save it to maybe play again, play with a friend, or try out the multiplayer.
Hmm the last "time machine" game i can remember playing is Deux Ex Human revolution and that was more then a year ago and Vanquish before that. Ive really got to play those games again.

I don't remember Uncharted 1 being bad at all, but it's been a while since i played it and it probably hasn't aged well lately. The last hour of Uncharted 3 was a bit of a let down, the rest of the game was brilliant though and the graphics absolutely stunning at some points.

Ive played a few minutes of Heavy rain, instantly reminds me of Fahrenheit for the the Ps2, bloody good game that.

Currently playing Deadly Premonition on the Xbox 360, it's unlike anything ive ever played before, anyone here ever played it? Much crazier then anything suda 51 has ever made.

I.....I don't even......

What makes it worse is the title of the video. Clearly someone decided "you know what, I'll just become a serial killer in Skyrim".
Anybody that says The Avengers is soulless and holds up the Batman films as films that have soul is overflowing with shit.

It's because they're dark man, all superhero films should be dark and broody. I am not a fan of comparing the two, but at the end of Batman I was like "good film, would watch again." At the end of the Avengers I contemplated buying another ticket on the spot. So yeah, if it comes to which film has more 'soul' Avengers wins hands down. Plus anything 'deep and introspective (lol)' about Batman is negated by;


Saw this is the end last night, really hands down the funniest movie of the year.

Caught some bits and pieces of Man of Steel due to a friend wanting to sneak in to multiple theaters. The action scenes toward the end looked good but the rest I'm not sure. Either way the Avengers is still the best Superhero movie of all time.

Still got a soft spot for Superman 1 and I think Superman may be the dullest Superhero to ever get a franchise. That said, Avengers tops it.

Fanboys hate everything, people were bitching about the suit before the movie even came out because "They took away his red underwear". That's the point where fanboys need to just fuck off & stop being such stupid fucking ******s.

I've seen people critique Game Of Thrones because of a few re-writes. Same with Lord Of The Rings. Try and point out that these re-writes made the source material MUCH better and they won't have it.

So my ex who got fired from here needs money. Well my buddies found her on an escort site or something. I didn't look too much into it. Dodge a bullet there fellas. High fives!

That's horrendous. My inner white knight could never laugh that off.

I.....I don't even......

What makes it worse is the title of the video. Clearly someone decided "you know what, I'll just become a serial killer in Skyrim".

Yeah, that's pretty fucked up, but also kind of interesting. I guess you really can be just about anything you want to be in Skyrim.

Oh yeah isn't New Jacks match where Norcal grabs a chair and defends NJexus just in case he came over? :lmao:

It was more like he was grabbing a weapon and imploring New Jack didn't come over to our area.
Had a rather entertaining night last night.

Started in our normal haunt where we played some darts with a few beers, only for that to be interrupted by the arrival of an acquaintance who was completely wrecked. We then went on a small pub crawl with the drunk late comer spending his time in the second bar shouting "sillage" at the top of his voice for no reason and then having his photograph taken with a deaf dog multiple times. He then proceeded to pass out in the third bar, where we left him.

We then returned to the first bar where I managed to win enough money out of a games machine so that I actually came home in profit. Then we met a group of girls that included the girlfriend of one of our group. Needless to say the drink was flying but more importantly so was the cutting Northern Ireland banter.

Unfortunately, one of the girls (didn't know her at all) could not handle it at all and took the banter as a personal attack and started to sling the old, tired remarks about her being smarter and more mature than those who were talking to her and the like. She got even worse when one of our group called her on being a dick. Seeing that things were getting out of hand and the worse for wear with the drink, my best mate came out with the great, undiplomatic line right in her face...

"Well then, I'll tell you what you can do... eat shit and die."

Needless to say she stormed off in tears. It was hilarious.
That's horrendous. My inner white knight could never laugh that off.

We want to schedule an "appointment" just to see her face when she realizes that it is us. She put it on herself really. She broke up with me and then her life just spiraled downward. I felt bad at first, trying to get her back and shit, but after seeing just how her life is going it makes me sad, yet completely ok with it as it is all her doing really.
We want to schedule an "appointment" just to see her face when she realizes that it is us. She put it on herself really. She broke up with me and then her life just spiraled downward. I felt bad at first, trying to get her back and shit, but after seeing just how her life is going it makes me sad, yet completely ok with it as it is all her doing really.

Is this the girl that you... we'll say satisfied, five times in one night, then left you to try & get back together with her ex?

That's fucking awesome. Question is, could even Norcal handle New Jack?

I was just thinking that. I'd say yes, but New Jack did have a Wolverine claw at one point in the night, and that would obviously make it much more challenging for NorCal. I assume he has received some sort of martial arts training in the armed forces, but I could be wrong.

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