Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Not seen it, seems to get pretty rubbish reviews, although most of the blame is heaped on the writing and Scott getting pretentious in his old age, which happens to most people unfortunately
Err, G.I Jane and Prometheus?

Robin Hood
A Good Year
Kingdom of Heaven (including the directors cut, Barbosa, NorCal, Justin, and other dorks that swear by the Directors Cut)

And this shit...

What about that Counselor thing, was that as bad as I heard?

No, but I was pretty sure it was going to blow when I saw the trailers, and the critics confirmed my beliefs.

Then again, I've disagreed with the critics again, so I should probably give it a watch.

LOL, I'm very tempted to get this
Robin Hood
A Good Year
Kingdom of Heaven (including the directors cut, Barbosa, NorCal, Justin, and other dorks that swear by the Directors Cut)

Those are all good to decent films, the two or three that I've seen. if I am honest the only reason I dont like Prometheus is that I was expecting an Alien prequel. And GI Jane was enjoyable. Ridley Scott is good.

And this shit...

No, but I was pretty sure it was going to blow when I saw the trailers, and the critics confirmed my beliefs.

Then again, I've disagreed with the critics again, so I should probably give it a watch.

I've never trusted critics (particularly American ones) since most were too stupid to appreciate and enjoy Last Action Hero.
Those are all good to decent films, the two or three that I've seen. if I am honest the only reason I dont like Prometheus is that I was expecting an Alien prequel. And GI Jane was enjoyable. Ridley Scott is good.

I've never trusted critics (particularly American ones) since most were too stupid to appreciate and enjoy Last Action Hero.

Different sensibilities I suppose. You and I can still be friends, we just can't be best friends.

I feel like I've said that before, and in similar context.
For quite a while, I was pretty sure Cameron Diaz and the sports car was going to be the funniest thing I saw and the cinema this year. Thank goodness for The Wolf Of Wall Street. Two words: Cerebral palsy.

I touched CM Punk's hand this weekend. I got butterflies. I think he felt it too.
For quite a while, I was pretty sure Cameron Diaz and the sports car was going to be the funniest thing I saw and the cinema this year. Thank goodness for The Wolf Of Wall Street. Two words: Cerebral palsy.

I came to the conclusion last night that Wolf of Wall Street was everything American Hustle could have been if David O. Russell was willing to take more risks artistically.

I touched CM Punk's hand this weekend. I got butterflies. I think he felt it too.

Are you the real reason CM Punk wasn't on Raw last night?
I came to the conclusion last night that Wolf of Wall Street was everything American Hustle could have been if David O. Russell was willing to take more risks artistically.
After seeing American Hustle, I read a review that said "Nobody does Scorsese like Scorsese." I'm not sure if that's wildly profound or the emptiest thing I've ever read, but it's got to apply here.

Are you the real reason CM Punk wasn't on Raw last night?
Punk was on Raw last night. He flubbed one of his lines. Then he had a match where Ambrose was extra crazy and Rollins blew at least two spots.

Cena wasn't on Raw last night though. Because he was in Toronto. I'll gladly accept the blame for that.
After seeing American Hustle, I read a review that said "Nobody does Scorsese like Scorsese." I'm not sure if that's wildly profound or the emptiest thing I've ever read, but it's got to apply here.

I've been really appreciating the value of tautologies ever since I rewatched Zero Dark Thirty, so I'll allow this.

Punk was on Raw last night. He flubbed one of his lines. Then he had a match where Ambrose was extra crazy and Rollins blew at least two spots.

Cena wasn't on Raw last night though. Because he was in Toronto. I'll gladly accept the blame for that.

I missed that. I gotta admit though, hearing that Rollins messed up does make me a little giddy after all those Wrestling Spam Zone dorks praised name.

Punk flipping off Ambrose in that match was pretty great though.

Shame about the rest.

Here's one of those dorks now!
Leave Ambrose's bad overracting alone!

He's a professional wrestler. Do we really have a right to expect better?

I missed that. I gotta admit though, hearing that Rollins messed up does make me a little giddy after all those Wrestling Spam Zone dorks praised name.

Here's one of those dorks now!
I'm pretty sure I was ahead of the dorks on this one. Ask NorCal. Or don't. It's really not important.

I'm an honest man though. I'll call a blown spot when I see one.
Leave Ambrose's bad overracting alone!

He's a professional wrestler. Do we really have a right to expect better?

He's just upset that the popular consensus is that Ambrose is better than Rollins.

I'm pretty sure I was ahead of the dorks on this one. Ask NorCal. Or don't. It's really not important.

I'm an honest man though. I'll call a blown spot when I see one.

Yeah? I have nothing against Rollins of course: he's a fine performer. I just like Ambrose better, and Reigns better still.
I like Amrbose better as well.

I reckon this is just a case where my low expectations for Rollins and Reigns have greatly aided my perception of both. Rollins in particular surprises me regularly with what a fine performer he's become.

I remember Tyler Black on top of ROH. He wasn't always this good.
I just don't like people using his awful facial expressions as "brilliant in ring character". Almost ruined Shield vs Ryback/Hell No for me when I was watching it earlier today.

But that match is too fun to hate.

None of it matters anyway, Langston/Reigns is the new Cena/Batista.
I just don't like people using his awful facial expressions as "brilliant in ring character". Almost ruined Shield vs Ryback/Hell No for me when I was watching it earlier today.
Shame on you.

None of it matters anyway, Langston/Reigns is the new Cena/Batista.
Cena-Batista was an accident because Orton didn't pan out as planned. Langston-Reigns is clearly the plan at this point, but it's far too soon to say how either man pans out.

The new Cena-Batista? Hardly.
I think it's safe to say various things they've currently tried haven't exactly panned out, which has led them to Langston/Reigns.

They may flop as well but I'm too much of an optimist not to hope for the best. If not you move on to the next batch of hopefuls.
I think it's safe to say various things they've currently tried haven't exactly panned out, which has led them to Langston/Reigns.

They may flop as well but I'm too much of an optimist not to hope for the best. If not you move on to the next batch of hopefuls.

Who the heck is there to look to as the next big guys after Langston/Reigns?

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