Nirvana's In Utero album kind of sucks ass. I've been on a Nirvana kick lately and after 4 straight days of playing Nevermind, I finally put it in to see what it's like. The singles, Dumb, Rape Me, Heart Shaped Box, All Apologies, and Pennyroyal Tea are all at least okay and Serve the Servants is decent, but the rest of the album is a fucking chore to sit through. So I guess half the album sucks.
No idea why I put this here, just had to get it off my chest.
In Utero is indeed inferior to Nevermind, but it's hard to beat the best album of the 1990s anyway. I agree, at least half of In Utero is hard to sit through, but All Apologies, Heart Shaped Box, and Rape Me are amazing songs, so it somewhat makes up for it I suppose.