Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Been up all night playing me some Oblivion. An inferior game to Skyrim in just about every way I can tell so far, but still damn good, especially if you're an ES lore fan like I am. I find it to be getting a little tedious, especially when it comes to closing Oblivion Gates.

The impressive part of my Oblivion quasi-all-nighter? I did it without any caffeine or energy drinks! Just a full 10 hour night sleep the previous night.

I still haven't seen that movie, or Silver Linings.

Both were very good movies, I think I gave them both 4 stars.

Bizarre that Affleck won best director everywhere else and the Oscars didn't even nominate him. Like whatsupwitdat?

I don't know whatsupwitdat. I guess the Oscars just aren't ready to give Affleck another Oscar after he won one for Good Will Hunting.

More like Lukewarm Bodies!

Gene Shallot called, he says hi.
I didn't watch the Oscars last night, because I find award shows to typically be boring as fuck, but I am glad to see Argo won Best Picture, as it was probably my favorite film of last year.
Anybody think there's a chance Ryback could just buy into the ol' mantra of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em", turn heel & join the Shield tonight, & screw Cena?
Anybody think there's a chance Ryback could just buy into the ol' mantra of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em", turn heel & join the Shield tonight, & screw Cena?

It seems like they are building toward a heel turn for him, but for some reason, I can't see it being with The Shield. I'd rather see him and Sheamus lose in another 6 man tag and have Ryback blame Sheamus and turn on him.
I'm not a big 'Taker fan (pretty bored of his yearly appearances, truth be told), but I think a match with he and Punk would kick ass. Other than Cena, I don't really see the appeal of 'Taker facing anybody else on the roster anyway.
I'm not a big 'Taker fan (pretty bored of his yearly appearances, truth be told), but I think a match with he and Punk would kick ass. Other than Cena, I don't really see the appeal of 'Taker facing anybody else on the roster anyway.

Their matches in the past don't make me feel confident that they'd be any good.
Yeah, I don't think a match of theirs at WrestleMania will only get 9 minutes, or whatever it was -- I'm not too worried. Punk's been pretty damn awesome and it seems like 'Taker hasn't had a bad WrestleMania match in years. I'm optimistic and actually kind of excited.
Барбоса;4347391 said:
I tend to think this way too.

That is until the gong sounds at Wrestlemania

Oh yeah. Although, come WrestleMania, I'm basically getting excited at everything -- it's the only show of the year where I really get into it.
Their matches in the past don't make me feel confident that they'd be any good.

I think Taker really didn't want to work with Punk when those past matches took place, he didn't think Punk was good enough then & didn't deserve that spot or something, but supposedly since then Punk has earned Taker's respect. I just find it hard to beleive that Punk could ever be a legit threat to Taker, especially at WM.

I'd much rather see Taker/Brock & Punk/Rock/Cena personally.
I'm super excited that I get to see Taker at Mania, and I'm with the "Taker costs Punk the match" crowd.

I didn't watch the Oscars last night, because I find award shows to typically be boring as fuck, but I am glad to see Argo won Best Picture, as it was probably my favorite film of last year.

I was happy to see Argo win too as I was pretty sure Lincoln was going to run roughshod through the Oscars.

Oh, and I didn't watch either. No interest in sitting through an entire awards show.
Same here J. I can't wait for Taker. And a slight piece of me wants me to see him lose cause my one friend is a super Taker mark and it would ruin his Mania were Taker to lose. Plus he hates Punk, so it would fit hand in hand.
I actually find this only wrestle at mania thing to make it less special. The idea was he would rise to the occasion but now you can't elevate your game if you haven't had any for a year. Punk Taker would be interesting but a little less so if they have to jump start the story illogically.
Wish there was a bit more time to get a storyline in place for Punk\Taker. Likely it will be an interference situation & Punk vows revenge (which is silly because he wont win, hence no revenge gained). Hopefully they make some sort of sense with it. We shall see.

He better grow his damn hair out & start training the day after WM. He will likely face Cena at WM 30 & im sure people would rather see him look in better condition for his last match. This tubby Uncle Fester thing is just strange & not very intimidating.

If this was a few years ago, I would love to see him & Brock again, but at this stage with his recent health issues- Taker would get broken.
I actually find this only wrestle at mania thing to make it less special. The idea was he would rise to the occasion but now you can't elevate your game if you haven't had any for a year. Punk Taker would be interesting but a little less so if they have to jump start the story illogically.

Of course. I mean, birthdays are only special because you have them once a week, and I doubt Christmas would be as big as it is if we didn't have it once a month.
I've turned a corner with Taker. I used to hate him. But then I considered that there's a fair handful of matches he's in that I love. I've even started watching old matches solely to see him. Unusual stuff for me.

I'm ready to see him tonight.
I've always liked Taker. His entrance alone gets me pretty psyched, and the character, while ridiculous, is entertaining too. I must be a really shitty smark, because I've always been a fan of Taker.

Yeah, the build to Mania has been extremely predictable this year, and it seems like it will continue to be predictable with the HHH/Lesnar brawl to start the show and the poorly kept secret about Taker's impending return. Still, it's going to be an exciting card.

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