General WrestleMania XXIV Discussion

if this is titled wm24 thread, why are we talking about wm23?
Why the hell is this called the WM24 thread when its mixed with guys talking about WM23?
somebody post some predictions for wm24. i know its like a year until it but still, its fun to see what ppl think. im not gonna predict cuz i hate it aand i can never think of anything to put
money in the bank match outside? where is the case gonna hang from, the sky? i was more thinking like a TLC match, where of course its a pin to win, not climb and get the case
Wrestlemania 24 Match Card (I am going to attend and i did attend Wrestlemania 23 in Detroit and decided to write what i think is the best card for 24, so no one is dissappointed)

WWE Championship: Mr. Kennedy vs. John Cena (Kennedy cashes in on WWE championship and jumps to raw in late 2007)

World Championship: Triple H vs. Batista (Triple H wins Rumble and jumps to Smackdown, Taker loses the title mid 2007 and Batista eventually gets it back because Vince thinks he is something special)

Intercontinental Championship: Shawn Michaels vs. Umaga (Umaga keeps IC for a year because its never very active and who can be Umaga thats not a Heavyweight contender?)

ECW Championship: Bobby Lashley vs. Mark Henry vs. Snitzky (Mark Henry returns to WWE soon and will go to ECW because they are lacking talent, and Snitzky is getting a big push)

Cruiserweight Championship: Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Gregory Helms (Mysterio returns and goes for cruiserweight because that is where he needs to be...not heavyweight)

Womens Championship: Mickie James vs. Victoria (The two most talented women in wrestling, they need to be in this match because Melina vs. Ashley SUCKED)

WWE Tag Team Championships: (Elimination Tornado Tag) Undertaker & Kane vs. Hardy Boyz vs. London & Kendrick (Three fan favorite tag teams, Hardy's lose world tag titles and jump to smackdown because matt hardy is on the roster, this will also be Undertakers first match that isn't 1 on 1 at wrestlemania)

Money in the Bank: Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Edge vs. MVP vs. Masters vs. Carlito vs. Sabu vs. Kenny (Jericho will return to WWE in november hopefully, and hopefully sabu will still be around. In the case that one of those two are gone and RVD or CM Punk are still there, they will take the place of the missing wrestler)

I Quit Match: Mick Foley vs. Shane Mcmahon (This match would be a Classic and quite possibly steal the show)

Flair vs. Orton (Flair will be a hall of famer and this will be his last mania, so who better to face then the legend killer himself)

Booker T & Finlay vs. CM Punk & RVD (This match is a HUGE maybe because i dont find it necessary or having any story but these guys need to be at mania. Of course Flair didnt have a match. He was only in the dark match, so maybe thats where they will be, you decide)

Dark Match: Over the Top Rope Battle Royal: whoever i did not name. Kahli would most likley win.
Wrestlemania 24 Match Card (I am going to attend and i did attend Wrestlemania 23 in Detroit and decided to write what i think is the best card for 24, so no one is dissappointed)

WWE Championship: Mr. Kennedy vs. John Cena (Kennedy cashes in on WWE championship and jumps to raw in late 2007)

World Championship: Triple H vs. Batista (Triple H wins Rumble and jumps to Smackdown, Taker loses the title mid 2007 and Batista eventually gets it back because Vince thinks he is something special)

Intercontinental Championship: Shawn Michaels vs. Umaga (Umaga keeps IC for a year because its never very active and who can be Umaga thats not a Heavyweight contender?)

ECW Championship: Bobby Lashley vs. Mark Henry vs. Snitzky (Mark Henry returns to WWE soon and will go to ECW because they are lacking talent, and Snitzky is getting a big push)

Cruiserweight Championship: Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Gregory Helms (Mysterio returns and goes for cruiserweight because that is where he needs to be...not heavyweight)

Womens Championship: Mickie James vs. Victoria (The two most talented women in wrestling, they need to be in this match because Melina vs. Ashley SUCKED)

WWE Tag Team Championships: (Elimination Tornado Tag) Undertaker & Kane vs. Hardy Boyz vs. London & Kendrick (Three fan favorite tag teams, Hardy's lose world tag titles and jump to smackdown because matt hardy is on the roster, this will also be Undertakers first match that isn't 1 on 1 at wrestlemania)

Money in the Bank: Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Edge vs. MVP vs. Masters vs. Carlito vs. Sabu vs. Kenny (Jericho will return to WWE in november hopefully, and hopefully sabu will still be around. In the case that one of those two are gone and RVD or CM Punk are still there, they will take the place of the missing wrestler)

I Quit Match: Mick Foley vs. Shane Mcmahon (This match would be a Classic and quite possibly steal the show)

Flair vs. Orton (Flair will be a hall of famer and this will be his last mania, so who better to face then the legend killer himself)

Booker T & Finlay vs. CM Punk & RVD (This match is a HUGE maybe because i dont find it necessary or having any story but these guys need to be at mania. Of course Flair didnt have a match. He was only in the dark match, so maybe thats where they will be, you decide)

Dark Match: Over the Top Rope Battle Royal: whoever i did not name. Kahli would most likley win.

again, this is outside, where will the briefcase for the mitb match hang from??? and why is the undertaker not on your card?
Nice card you've got there Tank, not sure about the tag team match though. The world title matches would more likely be HHH vs Cena and Batista vs. Kennedy. Your MITB looks great though, I'd love to see a match like that.

And for those wondering about the briefcase, there,ll probably be some scaffold that it's hanging from.
again, this is outside, where will the briefcase for the mitb match hang from??? and why is the undertaker not on your card?

I put the Undertaker in the tag team championship match which i doubt but i didnt really have anything else for him. They will build some sort of contraption because something is gonna have to hold up all the lights too. Look at a picture of the last episode of Nitro outdoors. Itll be something like that i think.
money in the bank match outside? where is the case gonna hang from, the sky? i was more thinking like a TLC match, where of course its a pin to win, not climb and get the case

they will get a helicopter to hover above the ring, and then have the breifcase hung from a cable from the bottem of the helicopter, that or thay'll use all the steel structure crap they use to hang lights and do something with that, kinda like the post above me says

right now I can't think of to many predictions, since we don't know what new comers will come in and who will leave the company or be out with injuries, but a few matches I would predict would be:

Kennedy vs. Flair (supposedly it will be Flairs last WM, and I think Kennedy wuld be a good oppenent to put him with, Flair could help build the future talent ofthis business, and would have an oppenent that would give him a resectibal match to go out on)

Undertaker & Kane vs. Umaga & Khali in a HITC match

MITB match- Carlito vs. Mysterio vs. Nitro vs. Punk vs. Burke vs. Dyksra vs. Helms vs. Benoit
Dream Wrestlemania 24 [* = winner, (c) = champion] WWE & TNA Stars included ** 7 hours **

In Madison Square Garden:

Main Events:

1. World Heavyweight Championship "Battle of the Streaks": Undertaker*w\Paul Bearer vs. Edge(c)

2. WWE championship: Triple H(c) vs. Randy Orton* vs. Kane

3. 8 Man "Elimination" "ECW\Hardcore\FTW Unification World Championship" "Extreme Rules": Raven (ecw) vs. Mick Foley (hardcore) vs. Taz (ftw) vs. Tommy Dreamer* vs. The Sandman vs. C.M. Punk vs. Rhyno vs. Abyss

Upper Card:

4. "WWE Dream Match #1": The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels*

5 "WWE Dream Match #2": "Stone Cold" Steve Austin* vs. "The Immortal" Hulk
Hogan (special guest referee: Vince Mcmahon)

6. "First Ever" 4 Team Money in the Bank (winning team can cash it in anytime, anyplace, anywhere): The Hardys vs. RVD and Sabu* vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. The Outsiders

7. Triple Threat "Top Brand Mid Champion" Submission Match: Bret Hart (Raw Intercontinental)* vs. Chris Benoit (Smackdown U.S.) vs. Kurt Angle (ECW TV Title)

Middle Card:-

8. Last Man Standing "Loser Gets Fired”: John Cena* vs. Batista

9. 10 Tag-Team Gauntlet "Over the Top Rope"(Last Team Standing) Battle Royal : LAX(tna champs) vs. F.B.I. w\Trinity vs. MNM vs. New Harlem Heat(Booker T and MVP)(smackdown champs) vs. William Regal and Dave Taylor vs. New Hart Foundation(raw champs) vs. Marcus Cor Von and Elijah Burke(ecw champs)* vs. Americas Most Wanted vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Cryme Tyme

10. "TLC" match: Lashley vs. Chris Jericho*

11. "Ric Flair Retirement" match: Ric Flair* vs. Mr. Kennedy

Lower Middle Card:

12. Barroom Brawl (special rule: throw them off the entranceway to win the match) match : J.B.L.* vs. Finlay

13. "Past, Present, Future" match: Sting (past) vs. Christian (present) vs. Samoa Joe (future)*

14. The "Wrestlemania xx Rematch": Brock Lesnar* vs. Goldberg (special guest" referee: Shane Mcmahon)

15. "Winner Gets Ashleys Contract" "Steel Cage" match: Paul London vs. Brian Kendrick (special guest referee: Ashley)

--Low Card (the cruiserweights talents are incredible nontheless):-----------

15."World's Largest Men" Match : Viscera vs. The Great Khali vs. Umaga vs. Balls Mahooney vs. Mark Henry vs. The Big Show*

16. Women’s Championship "One Last Time" match: Trish Stratus vs. Lita*

17.Cruiserweight\X-Division Unification Championship (vacant)"Battle Royal" : Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Christopher Daniels vs. A.J. Styles* vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Mistico vs. Gregory Helms vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Kenny Dykstra vs. Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin vs. Jerry Lynn

--Dark Match--------------------------------------------------------------

18. "Over the Top Rope" Battle Royal: anyone who doesn’t have a match that night


*Hall of Fame Class of 2008:
-"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
-Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
-"Macho Man" Randy Savage
-L.O.D. Animal & Hawk (R.I.P.)
-Ron Simmons
-3 more Legends

*Match Promos

by the way OKCW_Tank, Undertaker has been in a match at Wrestlemania that isnt 1 on 1, he was in a handicap match that was suppose to be a tag team match with Nathan Jones, but he got taken out on HEAT by their opponents, The Big Show and A-Train at WM 19
Good card, I think you made the best out of whatever is currently available in the WWE. Just a quick question though... why are Batista and Kane and Elijah and Lashley teaming with each other? And why is Batista in the main event AND the opener? lol. Also, I don't think that the Undertaker could go 60 minutes, nor do I think that an Iron Man match with him would be very good. Nevermind that he would have to go 60 minutes without being pinned. Otherwise that would ruin his gimmick.

I like the card, but I would have Batista and Lashley further up, because in all truth, they do draw better than a lot of people in WWE.

But good job.
i wish kane would be in a main event at wrestlemania, but its never gonna happen with his in ring skills deterioeating along with his monster gimmick...
yeah whoops didnt mean to have Batista in 2 matches on the same card well then scratch the tag match and have this instead
World Heavyweight Championship Match
Triple H(c) vs Mr Kennedy vs Batista vs Bobby Lashley
again, this is outside, where will the briefcase for the mitb match hang from??? and why is the undertaker not on your card?

Well actually the briefcase doesnt always hang from the ceiling, like for example at WM22 it was hanging on a wire that went from side to side.
Does anyone know how long you have to wait to get respectable 24 tickets? I'm not talking about frong row, but somewhere good.

I just wanna see Kennedy finally win the World Championship, I don't care which one it is.
Well looks like we can probably write two matches in the books.

Mr. Kennedy wins the Royal Rumble after losing his MITB and coming back from a serious injury. He faces non other then the man that took him down in May and took his MITB opportunity. Edge vs. Mr. Kennedy for the WHC.

Which leads us too.
Cena vs. Triple H: WM 24 Main Event.
So instead of putting a good match that many would want to see in the main event, Edge v. Kennedy, Triple H pulls out his stroke card and bumps a god awful John Cena into yet another piss poor WM main Event. Many of us will think that Cena will drop the belt, only to be fooled once again.

So we know pretty much two matches for next year, I'll guarantee these two are on the books right now.
They'll probably kill off ECW by next WM and divide the talent up between Raw and Smackdown since they're loosing a lot of the top dogs
Well looks like we can probably write two matches in the books.

Mr. Kennedy wins the Royal Rumble after losing his MITB and coming back from a serious injury. He faces non other then the man that took him down in May and took his MITB opportunity. Edge vs. Mr. Kennedy for the WHC.

Which leads us too.
Cena vs. Triple H: WM 24 Main Event.
So instead of putting a good match that many would want to see in the main event, Edge v. Kennedy, Triple H pulls out his stroke card and bumps a god awful John Cena into yet another piss poor WM main Event. Many of us will think that Cena will drop the belt, only to be fooled once again.

So we know pretty much two matches for next year, I'll guarantee these two are on the books right now.

while these matches are highly likely i extremely doubt that cena would come out with the title...lets not forget hhh is above cena within the wwe and no doubt hhh would get that title because vince even knows hhh sells more then cena does....while edge and kennedy would b a good match there is no way in hell vince would put kennedy into a main event position at wrestlemania when very few who work there asses off for years get to main event at wrestlemania..there is no doubt hhh vs cena as the main event would draw more then seeing edge vs kennedy as the main event...
I hope the main event isn't HHH vs. Cena, its so stupid to have a repeat match at Wrestlemaia because the first one sucked anyway and the wrong person won. I can understand they are trying to build him as the next big thing, but now it's just getting too unrealistic with nowadays wrestling fans. I would much rather see(if Cena is in the main event AGAIN) it would be:

1. Randy Orton vs. John Cena (John Cena winning with the FU, only to lose a month later to somebody more deserving)

2. Undertaker vs. Cena ( Undertaker winning the WWE Championship after moving to Raw and getting his first real title reign, while contining his 15-0 streak to 16-0 in a match that will have Cena fans crying)

3. John Cena vs. Batista (the crowd would take a gigantic shit on both of them, but Cena will win because his time is now and Batista always stunk)

4. John Cena vs. HHH vs. Kennedy (HHH will win this one, as Kennedy has to earn his way up the mountain to become a champion first, just like everybody else)

5. John Cena vs. Kane (maybe not a Wrestlemania event level match, with Kane getting worse and Cena getting booed.I truly think though that Kane should win the title at the big one, and become a great champ,one last time. Or he will put over Cena and the crowd leaves disgusted with a 4th straight title defense.)

6. John Cena vs. Kennedy (everybody thinks Kennedy will be in the main event at WM24 and win the title,blah,blah, blah. Two Words.Not yet. Kennedy needs to earn himself that sacred spot at WM that 10 year long workers dream about still. Cena should win with the STFU, but only after Kennedy kicks out of the first FU to build him up as the next big thing)

7. John Cena vs. Chris Jericho vs. Mr. Kennedy (Cena will win, but only for the greater good that is Kennedy vs. Jericho in an amazing feud, or even have a completely different match with Cena and have singles Jericho vs. Kennedy)

8. John Cena vs. Chris Benoit (Benoit should win, but again, Cena will go over as the biggest thing since Austin, even if he does get the crap booed outta him. Cena wins by FU, just don't have Benoit tap out again, would make me cry)

-The reason I listed so many triple threats was because they usually have one every other year and it makes the match more exciting.

If Cena is NOT in the main event,than it could be:

1. HHH vs. Edge ( I want to see this match so bad, as theyre both just that damn good to steal the show, with either one of them coming out as champion would make me happy, as HHH has jobbed 3 straight WM's, and Edge has never main evented one)

2. Undertaker vs. Edge (Battle of the streaks, if you don't count WM23 for Edge, and one hell of a main event that would be worth my money. I don't care if Taker is getting older, he is still one of the true legends of this business, and can outwrestle more than half of the WWE roster. This match would just be the icing on the cake of a new 16-0 Wrestlemania streak and new WWE champion)

3. Chris Jericho vs. Kennedy (im not sure who would win but i wouldn't really care after seeing this match on pay per view)

4. HHH vs. Randy Orton (unfinished feud between the two, and with Randy being an established face, this match could be pretty awesome. It could go either way)

5. HHH vs. Randy Orton vs. Kane (Kane needs to be in a main event, and a triple threat or fatal fourway would cover up his decreasing ring skill perfectly. Orton should win this one as a heel, but only if he gets his act togethor by then to carry the company on his back. We don't want another RVD-like incident happening again)

6. Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker (two legends going at it for championship gold at the grandest stage of them all; Wrestlemania. Taker should win this after a grueling 30 minute match that lives up to its hype. Kicking out of each other's finisher's woud make it that much better. Couldn't ask for a better main event.)

7. HHH vs. Shawn Michaels ( DX imploding, thus causing the bajillionth time these to have gone against each other. A match a Wrestlemaia one on one between the two should loosen up any nooks or cranny's in one of the greatest feuds ever seen. Not sure who should win, but after the match they should shake hands and hug, giving a moment to be remembered for years to come.)

Well that covers the WWE Championship, only like 7 more more championship matches to go.
Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Early top candidates for WrestleMania 24 main events include a rematch of WrestleMania 24, Triple H vs. John Cena, Undertaker vs. Edge, and Shawn Michaels getting revenge on Randy Orton.

This is usually about the time of year that we hear the rumor mill turning on the Main event of Wrestlemania, and usually, they are spot on. It was around this time last year that we got Batista vs. Undertaker leaked online. I believe Cena Triple H came around this time as well. Brock/Angle was a september release. So these early rumors are usually spot on as far as main event goes.

Triple H vs. John Cena: Honestly, this was the main event this year if triple H does leave his quad lying in the ring again. Triple H is getting his way in the main event one way or another.

Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels: Didn't see this one coming actually. This would mean that either one of these guys will be getting a title reign, or are at least in consideration for a title reign this year. Actually not a bad idea.

Undertaker vs. Edge: Obviously out of the three, this looks to be the best choice of the bunch. The problem would be, Taker would win the title two years in a row, or the Streak ends to Edge, either choice, I'm fine with.

The only thing that I'm somewhat disappointed with would be the lack of Mr. Kennedy in the main event scene. This means the WWE isn't high on him quite yet to pull of this level of match, (even though Cena isn't, but i digress), or they are saving him for WM 25, which I think would be appropriate to start off a new era.

Like I said, usually at this time of year, one of these three are likely to happen, but there is a ton of time between now and then.

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