General One Night Stand Thread

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

1st June 2008

Hmm intresting poster. Kane's a world champion you know. Can't imagine his brother doing the same publicity shot.

I like One Night Stand. It's pointless, but I like it. Maybe they should get rid of Judgment Day instead. It doesn't serve much of a purpose.

This concept is so much better than Lockdown. At least at One Night Stand we'll probably only get one cage match. Or possibly not, as HHH 7 Orton are in one at JD. I can describe hom stupid I think Lockdown is.
Idk, i have never personally liked the one night stand concept. I just don't see why they cant have gimmick matches on other pay per views and ECW.

Nonetheless this could end up being a good PPV if done well. Kane deserves a good title push, but Chavo just isn't the person he needs to be feuding with right now. Why not have him feud with Shelton Benjamin? It seems like they will have him feud with Bam, but unless he's got some talent(so far I've only seen him punch, kick, and use a Full nelson slam) I see the match as a sleeper. they could liven it up a little since it is ONS but idk.

The Smackdown side seems to be heading for a good match, Undertaker vs Edge for the "vacant" WHC, I like the idea being thrown around of a TLC match but if it ends with Taker not getting the title back(at least eventually) I think this will be a waste and a stupid way to end a title reign that most fans were enjoying.
Idk what will happen on the raw side but i really can't stand to see another Orton vs HHH match, just let it end at Judgement day and have HHH feud with Regal already.
I don't mind Taker having a TLC match with Edge. On paper it doesn't look like it would suit Taker. But that would add another dimension to the match. He's been in a ladder match. But that was Jeff Hardy bumping for him. Edge probably would have to do the same. The story could possibly be how innovative Edge is with all the weapons.

I expect Kane to face Chavo and his bodyguard in some sort of Street Fight. I can't see it being a main event. Kane vs. Chavo would be really anticlimatic. But it would be more intresting that their other matches.
Now that i think of it i could see HHH vs JBL for the belt. Jbl says he wants to fight Cena and Cena's gimmick is that he'll face anyone in a match. I can see them fighting for the #1 contendership spot at Judgement Day. JBL will most likely win uncleanly, which would keep Cena out of the title race but still able to join it at seemingly any time. HHH will go over (probably with the sledgehammer) but I see it drawing a lot of buys, especially since their first match was interrupted.
I'd prefer another JBL/Cena I Quit match. If both of them always had matches of that quality there would never be anything negative said about either. It worked once, I don't see why it shouldn't again. The last one happened 3 years ago. So it's not like it's been done a few months ago and WWE are now passing it off as something new **cough**Orton vs. HHH**cough**.
I'd prefer another JBL/Cena I Quit match. If both of them always had matches of that quality there would never be anything negative said about either. It worked once, I don't see why it shouldn't again. The last one happened 3 years ago. So it's not like it's been done a few months ago and WWE are now passing it off as something new **cough**Orton vs. HHH**cough**.

I agree. I found their last I Quit match enjoyable. It could be done well. The only problem I see is that that match was pre-back injury on JBL's part, so it might not be of as good quality.

Nevertheless it will draw and so thats good enough for WWE, and it could always be for the #1 contendership.

I don't want to see another HHH cena match, but the one at Wrestlemania was good, and I don't want ANOTHER Orton vs HHH match, so I might as well settle for it.
Agreed on scrapping judgement day for ONS. ONS defineatley has a niche, and is an entertaining show. what is judgement day??? Nothing, just another filler PPV. Its one of the very few that has nothing special about it now, alongside No Mercy. everything else has a gimmick, or is blowoff from another one of the big 3.
Possible One Night Stand Matches:

W.W.E. Championship: Texas Bullrope Match: Triple H. v. J.B.L.: I doubt J.B.L.'s feud with John Cena goes beyond Judgment Day, especially if J.B.L. only wants to fight him then get a title shot. Cena wouldn't logically win, if the winner were to receive a Championship match because the idea of H.H.H. v. Cena is a big 4 Pay Per View quality match.. which leaves you with the logical idea of Triple H. v. J.B.L., in J.B.L.'s type of match.

Its how he won his only World Championship to begin with.. so it seems fitting that he'd get this shot.

World Heavyweight Championship: T.L.C.: Undertaker v. Edge: If they go through Judgment Day without crowning a new World Heavyweight Champion, or if they start a tournament that goes through to One Night Stand.. I can see the "undetermined" Champion being crowned through a ladder match.

Edge v. Taker in a T.L.C. match is about as highly thought of and wished for as Matt Hardy v. M.V.P. in a regular ladder match was. Which almost means we might not get it.

E.C.W. Championship: Street Fight: Kane v. Mark Henry: If Chavo, or Bam Neely either one are still feuding with Kane by this point I will flip the f*ck out. Its too long for them to still be working a program, and Kane would've needed to move on. The only down point is wasn't Kane v. Henry, last years O.N.S. Street Fight?
So in 4 weeks i severly doubt shelton goes from being kofis stepping stone to kane's opponent. Chavo and Bam I think will lose again at Judgment Day. So I'm going to take a very weird shot at who is facing Kane and go with Mike Knox. I know very weird right but I could see it. Kane goes over Chavo at Judgment day, and then on ECW during another match Knox comes out and attacks. I think they are prepping him to go after Kane by making him seem crazy and dominant, although over Dreamer. This all could be wrong after Tuesday if they make him job in the extreme rules match instead of having him play a total psycho which would then lead to this scenario. Those two in some sort of no rules match would be entertaining imo, because if Knox is allowed to show the skills he has, he is a very good worker.
As for WWE title I agree its gonna be JBL/HHH in some form of a bullrope match. Unless WWE goes nuts again and gives the belt back to Orton which on some level with how they have been booking and Vince's alleged weird moods as of late is very plausible.
As for the WHC I think Vickie sets up some tournament where Edge walks to the finals, and at ONS whoever they have go through against him ends up winning the belt due to Taker interferring. I really don't get why they would strip him of the belt it just doesn't make sense for the future storylines just yet.
Some other matches I think might be on here would be a Michaels/Batista/Jericho triple threat which would be good
Shelton and someone v Kofi and someone
Also I could see this being the PPV Punk uses the MITB if he isnt booked in a match and being as this Chuck Palumbo thing won't go anywhere what is he going to do a month from now.
Predictions, totally out of the blue, since we don't even know the full card for Judgment Day yet, but....

WWE Championship - Triple H versus (JBL or Randy Orton)
--I wouldn't put it past the WWE to shoehorn ANOTHER Orton/HHH match, but I really hope not. That's not to say I think JBL is the slightest bit entertaining in the ring, cause I don't. Either way, Triple H retains. He'll be losing the title at either Summerslam or Survivor Series, most likely.

World Heavyweight Championship - Undertaker versus Edge
--I don't see them doing a TLC match like everyone seems to be predicting. The most likely of the options is either a Last Man Standing match or Hell in a Cell (to keep Ryder, Hawkins, etc out of the way). HIAC might not happen, though, since Judgment Day has a cage match, for some reason.

Mr. Kennedy versus Regal
--I can see Regal and Kennedy having a match at Judgment Day, with Regal cheating to win, so Kennedy calls him out on it and requests one of the gimmicks. Submission match, maybe? Too soon to tell.

Extreme Rules - Kane versus ???
--I think they'll just cop out and put this as an "Extreme Rules" match. Trouble I'm having with this, though, is I have no clue who could challenge Kane next, and I sure as hell don't want it to be Chavo or Neely, as I've been sick of them for months. Kane goes over here anyway.

--This will probably be something stupid with a long name to it (ala "KY Jelly Extravaganza Yadda Yadda Yadda") but will just equal a 5 minute segment of a couple of hot chicks botching moves and sliding all over the place.

I can't really think of a solid card, here. There are some things that I just don't see happening yet, such as Matt Hardy having a title defense. I don't think he'll have a solid and interesting feud to ask for it, so he'll probably only defend on Smackdown until Night of Champions. The HBK/Jericho/Batista thing has no clear cut direction as of right now...Cena and Hardy have no spot on this prediction of mine but the WWE will want them somewhere, probably Big Show too...idk.
If they are adament on having hhh, orton, jbl and cena in the wwe title picture then I would like to see another armageddon 4 or 6 man hell in a cell. If its a 6 man have either y2j, hbk, hardy as the other guys this could see cm punk cashing in afterwards. Also would involve a few seperate fueds, hbk/y2j cena/jbl orton/hhh.

I also would like to see a buried alive match where taker either burys edge and vickie, taker burys vickie after edge uses her as a shield or edge burys vickie, they might save this for summerslam tho.
Meh, I kind of like this PPV now. A hell of alot better than Judgement Day. What confuses me is why the fuck would you put HHH vs Orton in a Cage, 2 weeks before ONS? Makes no sense.

As far as matches. Edge vs Undertaker in a TLC is pretty likely. Taker will have to defeat Khali without his chokehold at Judgment Day, to get a title shot, then Edge will try to screw him over more by suggesting a TLC. Makes for a great storyline.

Mr Kennedy vs Regal in some sort of street fight. Regal will win and be pushed to face HHH, thanks to Triple H's brown nosing behind the scenes.

Jeff Hardy will be back, so I can see a possible Hardy vs Orton match here. After all, where the fuck is Orton suppose to go after his feud with Hunter Holddown Helmsley?

John Cena vs JBL will continue. I'm with Jake, I'd love to see another "I Quit" match here but JBL may go heelish and get the choice to select Texas Bullrope.

As for the rest of the card, I really don't give a shit. I'd like to see a 12 diva's bra and panties tag match. That would so own, but very unlikely. I'll be ordering this over Judgment Day, as it will be complete shit.
1. Triple "Haitch" vs Randy Orton (WWE Title Hell In A Cell Match) whats one level up from a cage? hell in a cell, and after a disputed finish at JD, i can see Regal using his power to make this a Hell In A Cell, possibly trying to hurt both of his future concerns.

2. The Undertaker vs Edge (WHC Coffin Match) Maybe Vickie gets hurt before this pay per view, and assistant gm Teddy Long takes over and calls for this match for the vacant heavyweight championship, holla holla holla

3. Kane vs Big Daddy V (ECW Title Street Fight) a returning BDV comes back and desimates Kane before the pay per view, and the two bohemoths try to take each others heads off, and Kane hopefully wins, building him to be a stronger champ, hopefully watchable, HOPEFULLY

4. Matt Hardy+CM Punk+Kofi "Jamiacan Me Crazy" Kingston vs MVP+Chuck "You Read That Right" Palumbo+Shelton Benjamin (Elimination Tables Match) Throw 3 pointless fueds together, and throw some tables in there, and there you go, a match that is worth watching, and im not saying that the Matt Hardy/MVP fued is pointless, but clearly Matt Hardy has won the turmoil, so hopefully its on to bigger and better things for MVP

5. Batista vs HBK (Last Man Standing Match) Batista finds out that HBK was faking his injury to pick up the win, obviously setting up a match that could possibly steal the show

6. "The Glamazon" Beth Phoenix vs Mickie James (Woman's Title No-DQ Match) Simple Extreme Rule Match, but still gonna be better than Kane/BDV lol

7. Chris Jericho vs Jeff Hardy vs Umaga (IC Title Ladder Match) A returning Jeff Hardy, and Y2J pick up where they left off, and throw in a ladder, and a samoan and you have a classic match, why do u ask that i throw Umaga in this match, because he beats up democrats, need i say more

8. John Cena vs JBL (Texas Bullrope Match) What is a PPV without Superman? Something I'm not to interested in, and as big of a fan as i am of John Cena, i cant stand to watch another HHH vs Cena match, better yet, i cant stand to see HHH as champion, and hopefully JBL picks this win up, picks up some steam and beats HHH for the title
As JD isn't set yet, this becomes a little tricky to foresee. Here are a few I could see happening:

1. Batista vs Y2J vs HBK (Street Fight)
This seems to be the way it's going I guess. Jericho has been attempting to get into it for a while and has harassed both, and Batista doesn't seem to be over it. I'm guessing HBK/Batista have a rematch at JD, which Jericho maybe turns heel on and costs Michaels while also pissing off Batista, setting up this.

2. Kane vs ANYONE BUT CHAVO/NEELY (ECW Championship)
I'm sorry, but Chavo is just not a main eventer and never will be. No matter how hard he tries, he will never be Eddie. So have Kane end this god awful thing at JD. That leaves a bit of a whole as far as who Kane could feud with. Well, what could be done is some sort of extreme rules battle royal of some sort, maybe even an elimination match for the ECW title. Could feature Morrison, Miz (whom I hate), Shelton, Kofi, Mike Knox, Dreamer, Colin, and CM Punk. Comes down to Kane and Morrison where Kane goes over, starting a feud with those two...OR we get treated to the very welcome return of...Rob Van Dam! Who wins the title of course.

3. John Cena vs JBL (Texas Bullrope Match)
It looked like this is where the JBL/Jericho angle was headed with all the uses of rope by JBL, but they just didn't have the chemistry to work together. IF and I mean IF JBL can actually perform decently, he and Cena used to work well together such as in the I Quit match 3 years ago. I could see Cena win this and set up HHH vs Cena at Summerslam with lots of build and maybe a tag match with Cena/HHH together if Trips is still face or on opposite sides if he is a heel at the Great American Bash. That leaves for a 2 month build for a big time match with arguably the 2 biggest draws in the company.

4. Undertaker vs Edge (WHC - TLC Match)
Taker wins some kinda handicap match or something at JD to get a title shot. I hope to God something happens to get Vicky off tv once and for all, maybe Taker puts the gogoplata on her or something. Then GM power goes to Edge as per her orders, and he makes this match. Teddy Long comes out and says Vicky can't just pass GM duties, so the board has stripped her of the title and reappointed Teddy, but he does agree with the match. The match heavily favors Edge who takes the brute of big bumps, but I think to surprise, Taker takes a big one or two off the ladder and through a table. In the end, Taker regains the gold.

5. HHH vs Orton (WWE title)
Now this is hard. I'm not sure what they'd do after having just done a cage match 2-3 weeks earlier. I really don't think it's enough time to build a match with HHH/JBL, so they have this in seemingly the only match that these two haven't faced off in...the Hell in a Cell. HHH goes over in a 30 minute blood bath to end this rivalry (for now) and goes on to the SS program with Cena. And Orton maybe goes with a returning Jeff Hardy or something.
As far as matches. Edge vs Undertaker in a TLC is pretty likely. Taker will have to defeat Khali without his chokehold at Judgment Day, to get a title shot, then Edge will try to screw him over more by suggesting a TLC. Makes for a great storyline.

Yes it does but if it happened , 'Taker would most likely pick up the win and although i'm a huge Edge fan, I don't want 'Taker to lose his title so soon (I don't count the current vacant thing as a loss).

What's more, I really don't want to see Edge lose another TLC, cause if he does it would end his being able to use it as his last defence (much like 'Taker and HIAC & buried alive to a lesser extent).

Since he lost, in his home town, as the defending champ, in his speciality match type, undefeated in the match type, the clear crowd favourite against John Cena, I never want to see him lose a TLC again, that was one of the biggest disgraces in recent wrestling history!

As such I feel that this match-up, though probably phenomenal, with 2 great wrestlers would be angering, whatever way it ended.
I read on WZ news site that the PPV has been changed to all extreme rules??? Which would be SO fuckin stupid. A large portion of the value in this PPV, at least last year, was variety. You got to see a lot of sdifferent stuff, different gimmicks. And now they are just gonna have a bunch of hardcore matches?? How fucking stupid and monotonous would that be??? I really hope this is another case of the news site half-reporting and it stays how it was last year. It makes the build much more fun seeing what every superstar chooses as the gimmick they want to challenege an opponet to, gives the show a much "bigger " feel than it will have with just a bunch of extreme rules matches.
Heres the card I want to see

HHH vs JBL Texas Bullrope Match
Like the idea
Undertaker vs Edge TLC
Also like the idea
Y2J vs Jeff Hardy vs HBK vs Mr Kennedy in a 4 way ladder match for the ITC title
Have all these guys in a match who have had success in ladder matches. Have Kennedy win to give him a good push or have HBK win in the match that he made famous and let him have one last long title reign.
Elijah Burke vs Shelton Benjamin vs Kane in ECW Extreme Rules match for the ECW Title
Should start giving these more of a push
Big Show vs Batista Steel Cage for NO 1 Contender to WHC
They're not really doing much at the moment. Just being wasted. Why not?
London and Kendrick vs Miz and Morrison
Give Londrick the World tag team titles and have the two best and most exciting tag teams have a match to get interest back in the tag team division
I read on WZ news site that the PPV has been changed to all extreme rules??? Which would be SO fuckin stupid. A large portion of the value in this PPV, at least last year, was variety. You got to see a lot of sdifferent stuff, different gimmicks. And now they are just gonna have a bunch of hardcore matches?? How fucking stupid and monotonous would that be??? I really hope this is another case of the news site half-reporting and it stays how it was last year. It makes the build much more fun seeing what every superstar chooses as the gimmick they want to challenege an opponet to, gives the show a much "bigger " feel than it will have with just a bunch of extreme rules matches.

I agree, seeing back to back extreme rules matches would be monotonous and would get boring very fast.

Unless this goes on an uphill scale from OK spots to great spots I don't see this working out to well.

The Pay-per-view needs to be varied, and from a business standpoint I don't know how they can take the variation away from it... unless they are trying to kill this PPV of course.

Where on the main site did you read that? Do you have a link?
It was all Extreme Rules last year too, this is nothing different!

My opinion on the whole matter is, why even bother? I mean, the PPV buys for last years show was abissmal, they only have two weeks to build it up after J-Day. What are the possibly going to do? It's mostly going to be rematches from J-Day, and have matches from other programs or feuds going on, that may not neccesarily make it to J-Day. I just don't see how this PPV serves any point. The WWE's definition of "Extreme Rules", is pretty much equal to the "Hardcore Division", in the "Attitude Era", which I never had a problem with it. But these days, and I don't know if I'm in the minority or not, but it does nothing for me.

The WWE I thought was really smart to get rid of "NYR" in January, as it didn't serve much of a purpose other than leading us into the "Rumble", this will basically be a "Judgement Day" fall out, and a lead into "Night of Champions", if anything, WWE should've gotten rid of this, and focuse on "NOC".
Maybe they don't mean specifically just "no-DQ" as in Extreme Rules, but instead, this is their way of wording that all matches won't have disqualifications. IE, steel cage matches have no disqualifications, but they aren't simply "no-DQ" matches. Last Man Standing matches don't have a DQ, etc.

At least, I hope that's the case. I sure as hell don't want to see just 8 or 9 flat out no-DQ matches with nothing else on the side. It doesn't matter if they just call it a "Belfast Brawl", a "Street Fight", a "Susquehanna Shuffle" or whatever, its still the same.
World Heavyweight Championship
Casket Match or Tables, Ladders and Chairs:
The Undertaker vs. Edge

I dont think a new champion will be crowned at Judgment Day, i think the match will end in controversy. Only because ONS is only 2 weeks after Judgment Day and i dont think thats enough time to set-up another World Title fued. This will be the 4 and final, Taker vs. Edge match for a while. With Undertaker winning the Championship.

WWE Championship
Last Man Standing:
Triple H(c) vs. Randy Orton

Now, im not sure if these too guys will vs. again. It might be HHH vs. JBL, but if they do have another match, i can see it being Last Man Standing as this is the same match that Orton won the WWE Championship in. Either way Triple H retains.

6 Man Tables Match
Kane, Cm Punk and Kofi Kingston vs. John Morrison, The Miz and Shelton Benjamin

Since i think Cm Punk and Kane will win the Tag Titles at Judgment Day, i can definatley see a rematch happening here. Punk, Kane and Kingston win.

Winner recieves WWE Title Shot
Street Fight:
John Bradshaw Layfield vs. John Cena

Again, this match will only happen if JBL isnt in the WWE Title match. Cena will pick up the win at Judgment Day, but JBL will take the win here. Then moving onto a fued with Triple H.

Cant think of any other matches. Maybe Big Show vs. Batista. Something involving Jericho and HBK. Probley another Divas pudding match.
OK What I thinks going to happen is:

Match 1: 6 Man Tag Elimination Tables Match: Kane, CM Punk & Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz, John Morrison & Shelton Benjamin.
I agree with Montel_Vontavious_Porter on this one.

Match 2: Melina vs. Mickie James (Pudding Match).
WWE always puts this sort of crap on this type of PPV.

Match 3: JBL vs. John Cena: Bullrope Match
What do you do with two wrestlers that can't wrestle? You put them in a gimmicked match.

Match 4: Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho vs. Batista: Triple Threat match
Batista discovers the knee injury is fake and loses the plot.

Match 5: William Regal vs. Mr. Kennedy: Brass Nucks on the Poll.
They haven't rolled this one out in a while so this could be likely

Match 6: Undertaker vs. Edge: Ladder Match
I don't see a conclusion to the rivalry yet.

Match 7: Triple H vs. Randy Orton: Street Fight
The end of there solo rivalry

Winners: Match 1: Kane, CM Punk & Kingston
Match 2: Who cares
Match 3: JBL
Match 4: Batista
Match 5: Regal
Match 6: Edge
Match 7: Triple H
Updated Predictions

WWE Title: Triple H vs. JBL
--One ppv only. Triple H wins.

World Heavyweight Championship: Undertaker vs. Edge
--I wouldn't be surprised if the Judgment Day match ended with no champion and they made this a Last Man Standing or Casket Match. Undertaker wins.

Triple Threat: Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho vs. Batista
--Unfortunately, I think this is going to happen, if not just because they seem to have nothing for Batista, Michaels, and Jericho to do yet.

Women's Championship: Mickie James vs. Melina
--I originally thought the triple threat would take place here, but they bumped it up to Judgment Day. This will probably be something stupid like a "bikini on a pole" match or "pudding match" or something.

Unknown Participants for Matches
--Cena, Hardy, Regal, Kennedy, Kane, Orton, CM Punk....I don't know where these guys would fit in yet. They'll probably give us something incredibly boring like Cena/Orton, Kane/Mark Henry, etc...but I really hope not.
Predictions now that Judgment day has passed.


World Heavyweight : Undertaker vs. Edge for one last time. They obviously won't end the fued with a vacant belt.

WWE : Triple H vs. Cena. I know :disappointed: . Look, I am prety sure that the Cena vs. JBL was originally weiner... I mean winner gets a title shot. But they unbooked that. Then again because they did unbook it, this may not be the case. There will obviously some other factor in here.

ECW : Who the hell knows. Kane vs. Punk or Morrison. Can't say either option would be good. Both Punk's and Morrison's finisher wouldn't work well on Kane. This will probably be some random match. I'm not confident with who Kane will be versing.

US : Matt vs. Shelton. They are in a fued I guess? Why not add this. Doubt it will happen though. That would be saved for NOC because they may want all the title defended or the close to important ones anyway.

IC : Won't be.

Grudge : Mark/ Show : They are in a fued, we can't avoid the match unfortunately.
Well with Judgement Day gone, here are my predictions for One Night Stand

WWE Championship:
Triple H Vs JBL or Regal

Im not too sure who will face Triple H, but it will be out of JBL or Regal. But since JBL lost to Cena, im not quite certain he will face HHH, so im favouring towards Regal, but then again, Regal has Kennedy to face with. Anyway it will be out of this two cause its to early to have Cena Vs Triple H. So it will be HHH Vs JBL with Kennedy Vs Regal or Regal Vs HHH with JBL facing John Cena in a Rematch

World Championship:
Edge Vs Undertaker in a speciality match or a multi man match

Im not too sure about this either but i think they might have Edge Vs Taker one more time but in a TLC Match or they will have a 6 man or fatal 4 way match with Edge taking the gold. I Just cant see though them having Taker Vs Edge for the 4th time in a row though?

Batista Vs HBK Vs Jericho

This is evident the way things are panning out. Batista will want revenge on HBK and Jericho will still be involved in this, should be no DQ or Extreme Rules.

Possible Match***
Regal Vs Kennedy

Explained Above.

John Cena Vs Orton Or JBL

Orton has to move on and Cena wants to get his hands on Orton from injuring him and this feud comes ahead at the ppv. Other option is JBL gets his rematch with Cena.

Big Show Vs Henry

The way things are going on Smackdown, this is bound to happen and i hope they have a extreme rules match so at least it will be half decent.

ECW Chmpionship
Kane Vs Morrison

The way Morrision has been getting pushed i will not be suprised if he gets a ECW title match with Kane and it should be good, lets see what Morrison has got against someone as big as Kane

Womens Championship
Mickie Vs Beth - Melina Special Ref

Since Mickie pinned Melina at JD, i see Beth getting a one on one rematch with Mickie, but Melina is not done with Beth so she is special ref. Shoudl be interesting if it does happen.

Thats all i can thing of at the moment, and i just cant see Jeff, Matt, MVP, Finlay or anyone else like that on the card. Should be a decent ppv though.

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