General Hall of Fame: Worthy? Discussion Thread


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Hall of Fame: Worthy?

With each passing year, Wrestlemania typically brings with it the Hall of Fame. It's generally around the time of right after No Way Out, but I would imagine in honour of this year's 25th anniversary, things have apparently started a month early. What that means is, we could likely see double the inductee's this year.

While I wouldn't stand out and believe any of them would cast a relative shadow to the first announcement of Steve Austin, it is highly likely we'll get several more big(ish) names to go along with him in this year's induction class of 2009. So, in this journey I've collected a list of some potential big named Superstars from the W.W.F. era. that I'll begin giving individual threads to. Obviously some likely won't make it, if any, and some may not ever make it. But this is your opportunity as a Wrestling fan to acknowledge to anyone that might be looking in, that they should or shouldn't be given a thought about joining.

This is the general Hall of Fame: Worthy? Discussion thread. In this thread, you're free to discuss anything and everything that is the Hall of Fame. Be it members that are already in, whether they deserve it or not. Currently selected inductee's (at this time, just Steve Austin) and whether he deserves it or not, and any random individuals you believe should be worthy, especially if they aren't listed in their own thread.

Please keep an open mind and give your opinion on the situation in great detail. Don't simply say you believe they should or shouldn't be in, without giving a good enough and detailed enough reason why. Thank you, and let the Hall of Fame discussion begin.
Good thread idea. I'm going to talk about some of the people who are in the Hall of Fame and shouldn't be.

Pete Rose and William "The Refridgerator" Perry

There's little to be said about these two, other than the fact that they are not wrestlers, nor are they in the wrestling industry, and their very presence serves to make a mockery of the whole hall of fame. The fact that they are in it has made actual wrestlers like Bruno Sammartino decide that they don't want to be in it.

Eddie Guerrero

I know this will be a controversial choice, especially as people rate him so highly and he died whilst with the company. However, Guerrero won the title in an era of frequent changes and as a result, you have to consider that his acheivements pale into insignificance compared to some of the other people in the hall. His accomplishments and popularity are comparable to lots of people currently on the roster, including some quite dubious people (JBL, Mysterio, Kane) , and if you let him in, then logically they deserve to be in too, which removes some of the prestige of the hall.

As for people who should be there there are a few obvious suggestions, as far as I can see.

Bruno Sammartino

I know he's refused, and frankly I don't know that much about him and his relationship with Vince. What I do know is that he is the longest reigning champion, which should be reason enough, given that he would have been carrying the promotion for 8 years. I know he's turned it down, but the point of the thread is to discuss who should be there not to speculate why they aren't.

Bob Backlund

Another long term champion, who returned in his mid forties to the promotion and managed to win the title as well as set a record in the Royal Rumble. Backlund had two strong runs in the WWF and should be rewarded for doing so.

Randy Savage

Whatever the problems between him and McMahon, Savage was an integral cog in wrestling's transition into the mainstream. He was a hugely over, charismatic and interesting character both as a face and a heel, and should be rewarded. He won the title twice, as well as the WCW title on several occaisions, and as acheivements outside the WWE seem to be increasingly acknowledged, Savage definitely deserves to be in.

Eric Bischoff

My other suggestions have been fairly obvious, so I decided to go with something a bit more left field for my final suggestion. As I stated before, acheivements outside WWE are being taken into consideration more and more frequently, and Bischoff acheived a hell of a lot in WCW. He was the catalyst for the massive boom in popularity of wrestling in the mid nineties with the nWo etc, and responsible for wrestling's transition into being adult orientated. His influence indirectly improved the WWF, and so I believe that he deserves a spot in the hall of fame. More than Pete Rose, anyway.
I love the concept of this forum :thumbsup:

I think the problem some of these guys will have is they were great wrestlers, with great careers, but didn't necessarily have a great, or even good, WWE career (Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk). I'm not sure who else you had thought of adding, but a few guys that may be "tweeners" in my mind are:

Razor Ramon: He was big in his WWE tenure, and was a part of a few big feuds, and held the two major titles at the time. The ladder match with HBK is up there as one of the best in WWE history.

Diesel: See Razor Ramon. He held the titles. He had the feuds. Neither will ever get in because of their success in WCW, and Nash's success in TNA.

The Quebecers: Legendary heel tag team. Existed during the height of the tag division, and drew about as much heat as Vickie. They were top tier heels, but maybe not a top tier tag team.

Chyna: First women to hold the IC belt. Had a good feud with Jericho, and was the first woman (I believe) to enter the Rumble. She did it twice. Her life after WWE will probably interfere in consideration even happening, but she'd be a borderline compared to other women.

Since you are running this sub-forum, I must request a point of clarification. A lot of people are saying that some of the individuals you listed aren't Hall of Fame worthy because of their scant contributions to WWE as wrestlers, whereas their contributions to other companies were much more important. However, with WWE's purchase of WCW's and ECW's archives, do you feel it is now their responsibility to recognize those of significance in these companies?

For example, surely Ricky Steamboat's contributions to WCW would warrant his induction into this aforementioned company's Hall of Fame were it still in existence. However, given that WCW doesn't exist, and what remains of it in terms of archival footage is owned by WWE, should WWE now bear the responsibility of recognizing those in WCW's and ECW's histories that, for all intents and purposes, can't be recognized by WCW and ECW?
I think that this has been a fantastic idea so far will. With the Hall of fame, it brings a lot of controversy along with it. Why is so and so in the hall, and this person not. The thing about Hall of Fames, is that it is mostly subjective almost everywhere you go.

What gets you into a Hall of Fame? Is it the raw numbers. Baseball tends to sit on a high pedistal that their numbers are legendary and can be comparable to generation after generation. They believe that their players get in based on numbers. I happen to call bullshit on that one, as I believe Baseballs hall of fame to be the Hall of fame of large market players. How a player like Daryl Strawberry is in the Hall, and someone like Davey Concepcion isn't is beyond me. Anyways, end tangent.

If a wrestler makes it into the hall of fame based on his ability, then what about his gimmick? Can a truly great gimmick make a wrestler hall of fame member if their are no championship to add to his merit? And then what about the content of character? Does a person that battles drug or domestic problems outside of the ring counter the productivity of what he has done in the ring? There are so many ways to go, it's ridiculous.

Now as a friendly suggestion, you already have a good baseline of wrestlers in this thing, my advice, slow it down to maybe an entry a day, or a few a week. This is a great subforum, but when you get too many wrestlers, it gets hard to keep up with all of the posting.
Now as a friendly suggestion, you already have a good baseline of wrestlers in this thing, my advice, slow it down to maybe an entry a day, or a few a week. This is a great subforum, but when you get too many wrestlers, it gets hard to keep up with all of the posting.

First and foremost I wanted to say Thank You to everyone who's taken the time to read through these, as well as post. It means a great deal that any idea I've had has come to mean anything to this forum.

Secondly, as Shocky hinted at this is the new approach I was planning on taking. Within the span of two days, this sub-forum section already hit two pages worth of Wrestlers to discuss. Because of this, and because I want to keep discussion alive in this section leading all the way up to the actual Hall of Fame.. I'm going to now limit doing anymore to once a week.

I may still add anywhere from 5-10, but likely only on Monday's.. and there may be some weeks that less get added, depending on the current amount of discussion going on. I don't wish for any threads to be overshadowed, or get lost in the mix.

I think regardless from whether it's Randy Savage & Eddie Guerrero, or if it's Wendy Richter and Hacksaw Jim Duggan, each thread deserves it's own amount of respect. I fully intend to give them all that.

So once again, thank you to everyone.

Hall of Fame: Worthy? Note: Just to clearify, I'm not holding anyone back. This section is to discuss possible choices to be entered into the W.W.E. Hall of Fame, but it's not to limit those who've competed in W.C.W., or E.C.W.. as W.W.E. owns the rights to both companies now.. I believe sooner or later, it may come to a point of adding former greats from each company.

So, some names may not have had anything, or very little to do with the W.W.E., but that doesn't disqualify them from being eligible for entry. Afterall, this entire section is for you, the poster, to decide whether they deserve to be in or not.
Im gonna go out on a limb and say a man that has done so much stuff for WWE that... well i cant think of a good metaphor right now give me a second.

anywho, he did a lot for the company, put his body on the line basicly everytime he came to the ring. and even though he may have ben released on semi-bad terms, he still is One of a kine

you know im talking about RVD. now while this may be a contraversial choice, i think that he deservese it, he did a lot to put ecw on the map, he brought a new type of wrestling to WWE that they had never seen before, and he has taken part in one of the best tag-teams ever (RVD+Kane=Amazing)

This thought recently popped into my head (Royal Rumble) and altough we may have not seen the best that he can do( he defenitly still has alot to offer) he has done enough to get the HOF nod

and while were on the topic, can someone make me a sig with RVD FOR HOF(and something with "one of a kind")or something. that would be nice

anyway. RVD belongs in the WWE hall of fame

:robvandam: one of a kine!
The Quebecers: Legendary heel tag team. Existed during the height of the tag division, and drew about as much heat as Vickie. They were top tier heels, but maybe not a top tier tag team.

Out of all the great tag teams that aren't in the Hall of Fame you pick the Quebecers. They were a solid team, but they were no where near Hall of Fame worthy. If they get in then maybe the Headshrinkers should get in to. Why not throw the Smoking Gunns in there as well.

The WWE does however, need some more tag teams in the Hall of Fame and they should start with the Legion of Doom. LOD is one of the greatest tag teams of all time. They dominated in NWA as well as WWE and a number of teams have tried to impersonate, but never have duplicated them.
This years Hall of Fame will most likely include The announced Stone Cold Steve Austin, im going to say Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk, and hopefully Ted DiBiase as the major guys...

whos deserving of WWE HOF( NOT IN ANY ORDER)

1.Macho Man Randy Savage- WCW & WWE Champion, IC Champ, good worker... wont get in for awhile due to Vince

2.Owen Hart-multiple time, IC, Euro, Tag Team Champion, and one hell of a worker

3.British Bulldog- multiple time, IC, Euro, Tag, Hardcore Champion, and again one hell of a worker

4. The Road Warriors (Hawk, and Animal)- One of the best, if not the best tag team in wrestling

5. Sting- Do i really need to write anything here come on

6. Rock- Again do i really need to write anything here come on

7. Eric Bishoff- Great Promoter, and beat out WWE with WCW

8. Scott Hall- if he can show up sober, he was simply one of the best, Multiple time WWE IC Champ,WCW US Champion, WCW Tag Team Champion,(original member of nWo)

9. Tazz- Great Worker when with ECW, Multiple ECW Champion, WWE Hardcore & Tag Champion

10. Mick Foley- Great Worker with WWE, WCW, & ECW, Multiple time WWE Champion, Hardcore Champion, Tag Team Champion, and just on hell of a worker with no re guard for his own body

11. Yokozuna- Revolutionized the Big man in the WWE Besides Andre, Multiple time WWE Champion, Royal Rumble Winner, and Tag Champion with Owen

12. Kevin Nash- Great Big Man, multiple time WWE Champion, WCW Champion, WWE IC Champion, WCW Tag Team Champion, WWE Tag Team Champion (Original Member of nWo)

13. Paul Heyman- With his budget, taking ECW to heights never imagined

14. Goldberg- No Comment needed

15. Jake Roberts- If and when Sober will be in 100%

16. Sid- Great Fueds, with Hogan, Michaels, Hart, WWE Champion, WCW Champion, and good big man
wwe will only put deserving and available people in the hof so until he leaves tna, sting wont be in it. until bridges are mended people like savage wont be in it either

just a couple of people not mentioned who i think are deserving are:

PAUL HEYMAN -the man who made vince sit up and take notice,

steve lombardi - loyal company man and the most famous jobber wwf had.
shawn michaels - it would be a great gimmick to have a hof as an active wrestler
the free birds - one of the greatest tag teams ever

i also dont believe owen is worthy of hof, contravesial i know but as tragic as his death was it should not be the reason for his entry, he had some great matches and feuds but until his death his career was the same as many others who will never get in the hof.

the hof is a legacy, in the grand scheme of things owen has not left that much of a legacy based on wrestling, he is more remembered for that tragic accident

benoit has left behind a wrestling legacy but its the events outside the ring that will mean his exclusion
Ok I'd like to see the following inducted

Yokozuna- When I first got into Wrestling in the 90's Yokozuna became the top heel in wwe. He was a big man yet used the ropes unlike most other big men. He took the strap off my personal faverouite superstar Bret Hart and he ended Hulkamania in the wwe (for 9 years). Im really surprised he has been overlooked so far

Macho Man Randy Savage- I dont know why Vince hates him so much (rumour is he shagged a 14 year old Stephanie) but Randy savage belongs in H.O.F. A 2 time wwe champion and I beleive 4 time WCW champion. Ask any current wwe superstar there faverouite match and most will say Savage v Steamboat at wrestlemania. Macho Man was the inspiration for many high flying superstars over the years had a great feud with Ric Flair and was arguably one of the most skilled wrestlers and talkers of his generation. Vince put your differences aside and just give Macho Man Randy Savage the honour he deserves.

The Big Bossman- A top heel in the wwe (never a paticually good babyface). The Big Bossman knew how to make a crowd hate him whether it be a feud with Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin or the Undertaker. Or by just being Vinces lapdog! What 90's wrestling fan doesn't remember the Big Bossman?

Bob Backlund- 90's and 2000's fans will remember Mr Backlund the goofy heel. The old guy who dropped the belt to Diesel in 7 seconds. But Bob Backlund is more than a crazy old guy. He was wwe champion for I beleive it was 4/5 years? He was wwe's top guy and a very skilled wrestler. I dont know why he isnt already in the hall of fame!

The British Bulldogs- Davey Boy Smith had a long run as a singles star, a former tag team, Intercontinental and hardcore champion as well as the original and longest reigning European champion. A legend to English wrestling fans. The dynamite kid was the inspiration for the late Chris Benoit and a number of other superstars. 1 of the most talented British wrestlers ever.

Money Inc- Both Ted Diabiase and Irwin R Sychster deserve to be inducted. Diabiase is arguably THE greatest heel in wwe history and its a shock he never got a singles run. IRS is not just Diabiase's tie wearing tag team partner he is also a former tag team partner of Barry Windham and was involved in the 1st ever Wrestlemania title change as he and Windham dropped the tag team belts.

Howard Finkle- Over 30 years service to the wwe both on and off screen. Long time ring announcer and surprisingly entertaining (his feud with Harvey Wippleman for example).

Lex Luger- I am not just suggesting Lex because of his recent misfortunes. Personal problems aside Lex was a big star for wwe and wcw in the 90's
There are going to be a lot of guys many of us have a fondness for that never make it into the Hall of Fame. Guys we watched when we were younger, and whose matches we can watch now and think, "Wow, he was freaking awesome back then."

But does that make them Hall of Fame worthy? Obviously, not all of them. And with the politics that go into selecting a Hall of Fame like the WWE, most of them won't be because Pro Wrestling is a very personal, grudge ridden business. Guys who jumped ship on Vince (Like Hall and Nash) I doubt EVER get into the Hall of Fame. I don't particularly think those two are really deserving, but just as an example. Maybe a better example is Mick Foley. Sure, Foley is a very important figure in wrestling, but his disagreements with Vince that led to him jumping to TNA will probably prevent him from getting into the Hall of Fame anytime soon.

Guys who made their name in WCW, like Sting and Goldberg, aren't getting in. That's just easy to see. Vince isn't going to tip his cap to a pure WCW wrestler.

Guys who have disentegrated into tragic figures, like Jake Roberts, aren't getting in. At least, and this is sad to say, not while he's alive. Same goes for the British Bulldogs. Not because of Davey, I would say mostly because of Dynamite.

There are a number of worthy candidates, most of which have been outlined or at least mentioned. Guys like Ted DiBiase, who was the best and most consistant heel in the WWE for years, are very deserving. Guys like Owen Hart, who had a fantastic career that was cut tragically short. Tag Teams like The Road Warriors/Legion of Doom. And I would throw in a big man like Vader, who never gets mentioned,
Hello everyone i was jus thinkin of superstars that arent in the Hall of Fame yet that realy deserve it and i want to know if you have anybody in mind..(i dont think thiers a post like this i looked pretty far back so sorry if thier is)

My thoughts are:

Mach Man Randy savage: former Champ one of the most carismatic superstars ever he deserves it deffinitly...

British Bulldog: one of the greats of the 90s, an all out great wrestler with many awsome matches in his career, saddly passed away a few years ago deffinitly deserves it..

Owen Hart: WWE/F killed this man after hegave them everything he had to give (he literally gave his life) awsome matches great worker couple tag championship reigns and intercontinental reigns this man deffinitly deserves it..

thier just some people that came to my mind
If they could pay Bret Hart enough, I'm sure he would show up to induct Owen. DH could induct his pops, and then join or be recruited by Legacy that night. Bulldog is in the upcoming video game, so that definetly makes sense and coincides nicely.

The qualifications to get in the Hall of Fame seem to be blurry, so maybe Hacksaw Jim Duggan? I personally hate the bum, but he's apparently a Legend of Wrestlemania, so I guess he fits the bill.

Maybe Sid? He's main evented two Wrestlemania's against two Legends of the WWE, and a former WWE champion. He should definetly be considered.
Inducting Owen would be as hard as inducting Bret. I really dont know how WWE will get around inducting Owen anytime considering the unfortunate events.

Im not too good with my WWE history considering I only started watching wrestling in 1998 but, doesnt Macho Man have some sort of problems with Vince?

I know I might get flamed for this, but Chris Benoit, the wrestler would be a great addition to the HOF. (im not afraid to say his name lol) One of the best technical wrestlers of our time!
Most everyone got my ideas already...but I would definately add:
The Legion of Doom: Hawk and Animal were easily one of the best tag teams of all time.
"The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase: Along with the Macho Man, why has DiBiase not yet been inducted? He was easily one of the best heels in the 80s.
Chyna: The first woman to ever win a major men's title should easily have a spot in the HoF.
Miss Elizabeth: One of the best woman manager's this business has ever seen.
Mr. T: The WWE does have a "celebrety wing" where they already have William Perry and Pete Rose...why not the man who was in 2 WrestleManias...the first Main Event and a boxing match against Rowdy Roddy Piper at WM2...c'mon WWE...I pity da foo who won't induct Mr. T!
Chris Benoit

It won't happen, but it damn well should. Everyone forget his last few days, and remember how amazing this man was at his craft. He was arguably the best technical wrestler ever, up there with Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero & Bret Hart. Had had some amazing matches, and some memorable fueds. He wasn't used as well as he could have been, namely his run with the World Heavyweight Championship, but if he was used right there then he really could have been an amazing champion. A legend of this industry.
Bret is in and Jimmy Hart is in.. but NO ANVIL?!?!?!

also, the TEAM of the British Bulldogs NEED to be in

SUNNY NEEDS TO BE IN! shes the ONLY manager in HISTORY to guide THREE CONSECUTIVE TEAMS TO THE WWF TAG TEAM TITLES! not even lou albano can say that!

also, i would give the nod to LUNA VACHON.. besides the fact that she is part of one of the GREATEST families in wrestling, luna pretty much held the womens division together for YEARS... she came in at wrestlemania 9 and ignited a feud with sherri which basically set the stage for the women's division to return, and she challenged BOTH sable AND alundra (****e) blayze for the title.. even tho their title reigns were separated by YEARS! luna performed for vince when there werent many other women in the company and she earned the spot for sure.

i'd also give the nod to the MALENKO FAMILY, and to VELVET MCINTYRE as well.. velvet is one of the FEW women to wear BOTH the wwf womens tag titles AND the wwf womens world title.. the others being LEI LANI KAI and WENDI RICHTER.

oh yeh, and WENDI should be in there too!

jake roberts should be in as well.. and of course owen and benoit.. and yokozuna too!

theres SO many to name, it would take me FOREVER to get them all down!
Bret is in and Jimmy Hart is in.. but NO ANVIL?!?!?!

also, the TEAM of the British Bulldogs NEED to be in

SUNNY NEEDS TO BE IN! shes the ONLY manager in HISTORY to guide THREE CONSECUTIVE TEAMS TO THE WWF TAG TEAM TITLES! not even lou albano can say that!

also, i would give the nod to LUNA VACHON.. besides the fact that she is part of one of the GREATEST families in wrestling, luna pretty much held the womens division together for YEARS... she came in at wrestlemania 9 and ignited a feud with sherri which basically set the stage for the women's division to return, and she challenged BOTH sable AND alundra (****e) blayze for the title.. even tho their title reigns were separated by YEARS! luna performed for vince when there werent many other women in the company and she earned the spot for sure.

i'd also give the nod to the MALENKO FAMILY, and to VELVET MCINTYRE as well.. velvet is one of the FEW women to wear BOTH the wwf womens tag titles AND the wwf womens world title.. the others being LEI LANI KAI and WENDI RICHTER.

oh yeh, and WENDI should be in there too!

jake roberts should be in as well.. and of course owen and benoit.. and yokozuna too!

theres SO many to name, it would take me FOREVER to get them all down!
Here is my wishlist for next year

Bruno Samartino- Won't happen anytime with his grudge with McMahon, but he deserves it...

Macho Man Randy Savage- See comment for Bruno

Owen Hart- Would have been a multiple time WWE World Champ, no doubt about it...

Chris Benoit- Even though his death but a massive stain over his wrestling career, he was still one of the greatest techincal wrestlers of all time...

The Undertaker- He's a legend who is still having top quality matches. He should be inducted the night before his final WWE match...

Vince McMahon- Without McMahon, pro wrestling would have never reached its current heights. McMahon deserves this, even though I'll probably get killed for saying that...
Chris Benoit will never be in the WWE Hall of Fame.Bruno Samartino goes on ever show he can bad mouthing Vince.Bruno will be in when he passes away.Sorry but true.Savage has a WWE video coming out this year.So maybe things are better with him and Vince.Owen should go in and will at some point.
There aren't going to be a lot of "Great" names going in this year, remember you have just 1 great entry and the rest are old legends. Macho should be in but since he popped steph's cherry! that'll never happen. Owen hands down, he died for them don't that count? Taker will be inducted the following year after he retires. Yoko never! Why not Luger, the man is practically a vegetable! There are lots of names that deserve if but that is Vince's baby and he'll never do what's right only what he wants. I'd put all the above in plus Rock, Angle, Bullldog, Sunny, and tons of others I could take all day to write, but Savage will never be in the hall of fame as long its the WWE HOF.
Savage definitely deserves to be in the HOF... that's a no-brainer. It remains to be seen if the fences can totally be mended with Vince. Who knows with a Savage dvd coming out towards the end of the year maybe Vince can remove the rather large stick from his ass and can tie the whole thing into a 2010 HOF induction at WM26. Foreshadowing? I doubt it but hey it's something.

Ted DiBiase - I could give you a "million" reasons...
Road Warriors
Demolition - only as a tag-team because I feel that the Repo-Man doesn't really qualify for such a prestigious honor (denote sarcasm)

and you have to take a good look at Arn Anderson as well.
1. Owen Hart- As stated before, this man gave everything he had for the company that literally killed him. His technical and mic skills were hard to match, gaining him the right to be in the hall of fame. I mean, they wasted absolutely no time putting Eddie Guerreo in the hall of fame, but still have not put Owen in. As far as i'm concerned, the WWE hall of fame is not legit until Owen is inducted. what the hell are they waiting for?

2. Bulldog- He has delivered countless classic matches (summerslam '92 in particular), and was part of one of the best stables (hart foundation) and tag teams (owen/bulldog) in history. Put him in there. I don't understand how guys like The Blackjacks could be put in and they overlook the Harts.

3. Benoit- Best technical wrestler ever, next to Bret Hart. Clearly it'll never happen

4. Savage- no explanation necessary

5. Ron Simmons- First african american world champion, great stable and tag team history
Here are some that haven't been mentioned yet:

Sting - Never was in WWE, but neither was Verne Gagne. He was the best of the early 90's from start to finish.
Demolition - Absolutely dominant in the WWF during the Road Warriors run in the NWA/WCW. Good way to introduce Smash's son to the wrestling world too (Dakota Darsow in FCW).
Barry Windham - Never reached the top of the game in the WWE but was great there when he was young, one of the best workers the NWA/WCW ever saw and could cut a great promo.
The Freebirds (Hayes, Rose, Gordy) - Invented Tag Team wrestling as we know it. Not WWF or WWE guys except Hayes and a brief time with Gordy (executioner in 90s) but helped WCCW survive with the Von Erichs (greatest fued ever).
Bob Backlund - Great champion, a little crazy, was a true wrestler and held the title in the early 80's for quite a while.
The Steiner Brothers - Even though Scott is a crazy roid raging idiot, him and Rick were a great tag team of actual collegiant wrestlers. Held every title you could think of that was worth anything while they were there.
Tommy Dreamer - When he retires. He has more loyal fans and maybe the most loyal employee in the wrestling industry today or that has ever been. Never a major star but was a big part in revolutionizing wrestling in the 90s. He is ECW and he should be a part of the WWE hall of fame for making McMahon all the money he made in the late 90's. He is a true hall of famer as a wrestler and a person (not a Hulk Hogan).

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