Should Chris Benoit be inducted into the hall of fame?

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Should Chris Benoit Be in the HOF?

  • Yes, he is a great wrestler and should be based only on that!

  • NO! The HOF is for people to be idolized, after what he did, benoit should be banned forever!

  • Yes, but quietly in a few years

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Look at American Football, OJ Simpson is in the NFL Hall of Fame and he killed his wife apparently so you can have controversial personal lives and still be in the Hall.

With regards to OJ Simpson, keep in mind that in the eyes of the law. He's innocent of those crimes even though we know he got away with murder. With Benoit, even though he wasn't tried, his actions until proven otherwise by the medical examiner, paints him as a guilty person. WWE for the sake of the company and share prices have no choice but to distance themselves from him.
I agree with Bilo ... Wrestling is all about entertainment and the show as a whole ... Benoit will do more bad to WWE if in the HOF than he would good. HOF is about contributions to pro wrestling, and his actions have damaged it more than his excellent matches ever helped it
I look at it like this, after how WWE is doing everything to dissociate themselves with Benoit (recalling toys, dvd's, cloths, etc) there's no way he gets into the HOF.

But for the sake of debate:

I read a lot of people talking about how a great a wrestler he was and how technical he wrestled and what he did for wrestling. Which is all true the guy was great in the ring, and until this tragedy, never heard anything bad about him outside the ring. BUT, the actions he did commit with his son and his wife, by far out weigh anything he has ever done in the ring. When I would hear Benoit's name, I'd think of the great best of 7 series against Booker T in WCW. Now when I hear his name I think of this tragedy.
Alot of wrestlers have died from drug use alcohol abuse and steriods use in the past. and they were put in the hall of fame just because they died.

it is very sad that the WWE are now not reconizing Chris Benoit as one of their own in the WWE family. and that's a shame. I'm not saying that what Benoit did is ok, I'm saying that there might be more to case than we know and we are so jumping the gun on all this. benoit was a great wrestler. and in a few years should be mentioned for the HOF. but I the WWE aren't going to to consider him for it.
Pete Rose.
See, Pete Rose isn't in the Hall of Fame. He, almost deliberately, compromised the game, and his legacy, by what he did.
If you are ALREADY in the Hall of Fame, that's different. The Hall of Fame is no revolving door. Once you're in Heaven, you're in.
That's part of the reason people don't just get in while they are wrestling. You need to reflect on the wrestler, his impact, and the man behind the star, to make a sound judgement.
He made a decision, not out of Rage, or steroids, a cold-blooded, let me take out a life insurance policy out for my ex-wife and her kids decision to kill 3 people, over 3 days.
He not only ruined his legacy, but damaged the company probably more than any one man ever has.
You can't reward him after that. The Hall of Fame is for the truly great.
Benoit turned his back on his profession, and his family. This was not an accident.
Benoit showed his true colors, and now, I have to turn my back on you.
You can't go from the Hall of Shame to the Hall of Fame without redeeming yourself.
He can't redeem himself.
Because the WWE is all about money, Benoit will probably never be inducted into the HOF. The media would be all over it. But benoit does deserve to be in the HOF for what he has done well in the ring not what he has done wrong outside of it. He has made mid-carders great and made main eventers even better. For that it would be a disgrace to leave him out
Disgrace? How about it would be a disgrace if they let him in? It's not about money, it's about morals. I like many others enjoyed Benoit's career and even today can still look back fondly on some of the moments, but this man in no way what so ever can be remembered as "Just the wrestler". That's stupid, and very very VERY ignorant. I'd know those are traits many wrestling fans pocess, but I'd like to hope WWE is smart enough not to.

It's not just about how WWE looks to the media, it's about what Benoit did. Alot of us may love to remember his career, but his wikipedia page isn't flooded with 7 million hits a day to read about his feud with Chris Jericho, it's because he is now one of the most famous murderers in history. Just think about for a moment. It's not like we're debating if Benoit should get in because he commited suicide, or debating the issue because he gambled like Pete Rose, or because he jumped ship another company and threw a title in the trash. This man murdered a woman, and he murdered a 7 year old child. We may respect what he did as wrestling fans, but you wouldn't expect to see OJ get elected into the football hall of fame would you? Whether he was our hero or not, Chris Benoit was a disgusting human being, and if he was ever elected into the hall of fame, it would be the end of the WWE.
I don’t really think Benoit is going to be inducted; this murder situation is beyond the limits.... If He had only committed suicide, maybe we could see Benoit in the HoF in a few years, but frankly, I don’t think the WWE wants to be associated with Benoit's name anymore.
I think he absolutely deserves it but he doesn't have a chance in the short term. It would appear evident that he did commit these acts, but i am 90% sure that he was not thinking straight when he did it or that he was not mentally well. Can he be condemned totally if he genuinely was ill? From what i've seen he TOTALLY worshipped his son and he had a lot of grief in his life from Eddie and his two other friends and i just think that all of this culminated in one shock moment. He was undeniabley an incredible wrestler and gave EVERYTHING he had every night for us, risked his health to entertain us and the the very least he deserves human decency and respect and gratitude. As no-one but the three of them know what happened or why so all we can do is remember who he was for 99.9% of his life

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