Chris Benoit Hall Of Fame?

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you can believe what the media tells you all you want, they hold your life in their hands, its funny how word spreads about what "Chris Benoit did to his family and himself" but yet really no proof points towards it, look at the facts people, He was halfway across the country, and drove all the way down to Georgia just to kill his family cause he was roid raging? really?? youre honestly going to tell me that makes any sense?? if he were "roid raging" like the media, and everyone else likes to believe, he wouldnt have gone all the way back home to kill his family, who he indeed loved with all of his heart, he showed it many many times, and any real Benoit fan would know that, no he wouldnt have he would have taken it out on whoever was near, im pretty sure there were guys in the back who he couldnt stand, id put my money on it...Prior to all that was "done" remember his wife was going to leave him for her ex, going to get a divorce from Benoit, and take their son, but decided to remain with Benoit, so jealous ex husband goes on a rampage, Benoit hears there is trouble at home, rushes back to find his wife and kid dead, in rage kills himself, To me sounds a whole of a lot more logical than him roid raging all the way to Georgia to kill his guys are media drones and believe EVERYTHING you hear...there is ALWAYS two sides to a story, but sadly we will never know the truth...with that being said, Chris Benoit deserves highly to be in the Hall of Fame, and in my eyes the WWE is lightening up on the situation and will indeed induct him, maybe not soon, but he will be in.
Wow. Can't believe you made that post. I really hope you don't believe that. Because I feel sorry for you if you do. I bet you think 9/11 was an inside job, and that the moon landing never happened.

Chris Benoit doesn't deserve to be in any hall of fame. What he did was disgusting and completely negated everything he did prior to those few days. He was a good wrestler, but the simple fact is he murdered his own wife and child, then killed himself.
I have to repeat after Layorz: WOW.

Moving on...
Sure, he was a great wrestler. He was dedicated. He won titles. But he also was taking steroids which violated the wellness policy. Yes, it was WWE's fault for not testing regularly or taking it serious but either way he was "breaking the rules" in a sense. For all we know he'd have been fired with the strict rules of todays WWE. So he sure as hell wouldn't be in the hall of fame then anyway.
Like everyone has said, he won't be inducted into the WWE hall of fame. But I feel like he does deserve to be in A hall of fame somewhere. He was a great performer and a great wrestler. And according to all accounts, a great guy. It's just one incident that seperates him from the hall of fame. And I'm sure if there is an afterlife he would be seeing all of you people honouring him and it would make him proud.
Benoit was my favorite wrestler ever. His body was cut out of granite. He did not speak on the mic... he spoke in the ring! His chops left opponents chests bruised. Wrestling is "fake" but Benoit's chops had to hurt as bad as Ric Flair's chops!

Seeing Benoit and Flair, or Benoit and Kevin Sullivan, chop the hell out of each others chests was a brutal, yet cool, thing to witness. Benoit left real bruises when he chopped! I feel he really wanted to hurt people and he wanted to be hurt too!

Benoit's technical skill were awesome. His suplexes were the best ever.

Bottom line.. the WWE has cut him off because he became a MURDERER! His killed woman and his son Daniel. He will not be in the HOF because of the slayings.
as a wrestler hell yeah he should he was one my favorites be in but after what he did as vince's theme says no chance in hell he should not be in what he did is unforgivable

look at this way say you were working for example in a supermarket and they had employee of the month and one month one employee who was one the nicest guys you have met worked his arse off and was a sure fire to win but half way in the last week he kills his wife child and then himself would you be happy if he still got employee of the month? hell no you wouldn't he wouldn't deserve it
I've got that WWE encyclopaedia and Benoit is mentioned in there. It doesn't give much info about him but it mentions him and what he did in wrestling. No praise, just a few facts. To me, that's about a fair way to go with things. Benoit was an amazing wrestler but he lost all rights to HOF with the very public and horrid way his life ended.

So, as someone else said, he should be acknowledged but not celebrated and I think the WWE have done all they'll ever do to mention him.

Sadly this also means when the Randy Orton career DVD is finally released you know it wont show his first title win too
Moving on...
Sure, he was a great wrestler. He was dedicated. He won titles. But he also was taking steroids which violated the wellness policy. Yes, it was WWE's fault for not testing regularly or taking it serious but either way he was "breaking the rules" in a sense. For all we know he'd have been fired with the strict rules of todays WWE. So he sure as hell wouldn't be in the hall of fame then anyway.

you can not blame wwe for what he did yes they may of not be testing regularly but that a little slip but you look at him and listen to what all the superstars said about him no one knew he was capable of doing this only him he did it not wwe didn't know what was going on in his mind he lost his mind one that day wwe has no fault in this it all Benoit
I personally think benoit should be in but I am 100% sure it will not happen because he was to big of a wrestler and had such a large fanbase he would have to be the headlining hall of famed like ric flair and Austin, unless they do it next year with the wcw hall of fame thing cause then Goldberg could overshadow him.
Shit made lots of mistakes above what I meant to say Was how could wwe promote him or make a video about his life, it would be extremely hard. It would be like the Eddie Guerrero one but instead of heart attack it would be killed his wife and son then himself, how do you promote that!
He was one of the best ever, would have loved to see him and ricky the dragon steamboat get it on in rickys prime. He is one of only a handful of wrestlers that have ever lived that was a wrestling technician legend, man had mad skills even better that Bret himself
you can believe what the media tells you all you want, they hold your life in their hands, its funny how word spreads about what "Chris Benoit did to his family and himself" but yet really no proof points towards it, look at the facts people, He was halfway across the country, and drove all the way down to Georgia just to kill his family cause he was roid raging? really?? youre honestly going to tell me that makes any sense?? if he were "roid raging" like the media, and everyone else likes to believe, he wouldnt have gone all the way back home to kill his family, who he indeed loved with all of his heart, he showed it many many times, and any real Benoit fan would know that, no he wouldnt have he would have taken it out on whoever was near, im pretty sure there were guys in the back who he couldnt stand, id put my money on it...Prior to all that was "done" remember his wife was going to leave him for her ex, going to get a divorce from Benoit, and take their son, but decided to remain with Benoit, so jealous ex husband goes on a rampage, Benoit hears there is trouble at home, rushes back to find his wife and kid dead, in rage kills himself, To me sounds a whole of a lot more logical than him roid raging all the way to Georgia to kill his guys are media drones and believe EVERYTHING you hear...there is ALWAYS two sides to a story, but sadly we will never know the truth...with that being said, Chris Benoit deserves highly to be in the Hall of Fame, and in my eyes the WWE is lightening up on the situation and will indeed induct him, maybe not soon, but he will be in.

You say alot about how it does not make sense that Benoit goes home and commits these acts but you do not offer a theory of your own. Tell me this do you have a degree in criminal forensics or any experience working with any local police district investigating homicides? No? Guessing No? I'm gonna say no. Well the police and DA investigating ruled that Chris Benoit was responsible for both murderers. No one else was named in the investigation officially. What more proof do you need? As another replier to the ridiculous response said, I'm pretty sure your one of those 9/11 conspiracy theory believers.
I'm going to say it, because somebody has to...

Give me a break. You're going to say it because you THINK it. Not because someone "has to"

Even without the murders, Chris Benoit was never HOF material. He was a great technical wrestler, but he had no charisma at all. There are lots of wrestlers with amateur backgrounds and they are great wrestlers, but that alone is not enough to be in the HOF.

Benoit had no Charisma? Really? So all that emotion he showed after winning all the titles he has won, looking into the camera and saying "Chris Benoit is 4 real", coming out as a horsemen when he looked like a stone cold killer (absolutely NO pun intended, simply saying he looked like it back in the WCW horsemen days)

Being a good wrestler without charisma or mic skills just makes you a half-decent wrestler. Let's face it, Chris Benoit was boring. He simply wasn't over, which is probably why they stuck him on the ECW brand in the first place.

His Charisma has NOTHING to do with his wrestling ability. Maybe you should learn your history first before you post on these forums. And WWE stuck him on ECW because if an up and comer could beat Chris Benoit that's a BIG deal. Benoit wasn't afraid to put younger talent over! And last I checked the later version of WWECW when Benoit was around was essentially young talent. NEW BREED, ring a bell yet?

For the majority of his career, he was a mid-carder.

And that's HIS fault that he was never BOOKED properly? Maybe you should learn about the major f-ups of Hogan, Bischoff, Nash and Dusty Rhodes as bookers and backstage influence.

Sure, he won a title or too, but so did the Honkey Tonk Man. Should he be in the hall of fame? And in the generation of multiple world titles, who hasn't been the world champion at one time another?
Owen Hart
Razor Ramon/Scott Hall
Mr. Perfect
Ted DiBiase
Ted DiBiase JR
Cody Rhodes
Kofi Kingston
Evan Bourne
The Miz
Roddy Piper
British Bulldog
Jake the Snake Roberts
Scotty 2 Hotty
Brian Christopher
Rick Rude
Kevin Thorne
Elijah Burke
Matt Stryker
Marcus Cor Von (Monty Brown)
Honky Tonk Man
Arn Anderson
John Morrison
Billy Gunn
Road Dogg
Ron Simmons (never held the WWE Championship and probably could have during the nation angle)
TAZZ (again never held the WWE Championship)
Kane...I don't even consider that 24 hr title reign a title reign..

I even went back a bit and found some older names that didn't get the nod. That sufficient enough for you?

Should Sheamus be in the HOF too?

If Sheamus runs a solid 20 year career where he holds multiple titles, wins a rumble, entertains essentially BILLIONS/TRILLIONS of people, absolutely. So ask this again in 20 years.

If he were still alive, he would be just another WWE Superstar. It was his death that made him most famous, just like when Tupac and Kurt Cobain died.

Oh so you think it was his death that made him famous? So then why did his hometown have Chris Benoit Day when Benoit came back after winning the WHC for the first time? Why did he get a BIG ECW send off (original ECW) where everyone in the arena was standing applauding his tremendous abilities and dedication? As many of you know ECW fans are some of the truest fans in the world. If you don't deserve their praise they WON'T fake it. Yet they gave Benoit by what I recall a 10-15min standing ovation where they were chanting him and Eddie's name.

Both of them were popular when they were alive, but their deaths are what made them infamous.

Really? Thanks for that insight. I thought it was his 18+ Years of dedication that helped him earn his respect/status. I thought it was his work overseas in Japan that helped him establish his legacy. I thought it was battling back from a serious neck injury that gained him the respect/legacy. And i don't understand you at all. You claim he wasn't that good, yet you say he was popular... INTERESTING.

If Chris Benoit were still alive, he probably would've been cut from the roster years ago.

You think so? If WWE cut him from the roster TNA would have scooped him up right away. Benoit was far too valuable for the WWE to get rid of. After he finished wrestling I can almost assure you he would have have some sort of backstage role, whether it be working with the talent or simply being a road agent/new talent scouter.

Anyone who thinks Benoit should be in the HOF should be ashamed of themselves. Why not induct O.J. Simpson while you're at it.

Because OJ did nothing for sports entertainment/ Pro Wrestling. Benoit put on some of the most adrenaline rushing, heart stopping, high flying, eye popping matches in HISTORY.

Now that I have commented on the uneducated. IMO Benoit does deserve to be in the HoF and the only people that would disagree are those that look at his behavior outside of the ring. Benoit's in ring work and work for wrestling establish him as a CREDIBLE candidate for the HoF. I think in the next 5-10 years we'll see Benoit get inducted. I personally think it'll be once Vince is gone from WWE. HHH has a tremendous respect for Benoit and I could see him & Stephanie inducting Benoit to create a stir in the media. Any publicity is good publicity for wrestling. Can you imagine how many different television stations would send cameras to see if Benoit really did get inducted? I don't think any of his family members would be allowed to SPEAK, I personally think it would be one of those.. "And Our Next Inductee... Chris Benoit"...."MOVING ON". But I DO, I repeat, I DO believe Benoit will be in the HoF later on. Just give it time, give it time.
I truly believe that Chris Benoit deserves to be in the HOF, but not just yet, with the incident still fresh in everyone's minds, people are so quick to judge a wrestler if they don't fit the profile as an all-round perfect person, except maybe Mr.Perfect himself, but I truly believe he is one of the all-time greats, I respected him both as an in-ring performer and as a human being, I still do, just not as much as I use to, what happened outside the ring should not determine whether or not someone gets inducted into the HOF, he truly deserves it, just look at so me of his matches with Triple H, HBK, Randy Orton, etc, and at his accolades, in my mind no one who hasn't already been inducted into the HOF deserves it more, other then TripleH, HBK,Undertaker, sure their are others, but Benoit stands out in my mind, people need to just let go of the past, its stupid to hold someone responsible for something they did right before they died years ago, let the dead rest
This is a topic that's been brought up a million times before, and for the life of me I can't understand why anyone thinks this is even a remote possibility, or that WWE would making the right decision in doing so. You can't just say, "Oh, but besides the murders..." The murders are there, people. That's a huge black stain on his likeness that's never coming off. WWE would be putting themselves through hell with the media to induct someone who murdered a seven year old boy who probably idolized and looked up to him. There are plenty of other talented wrestlers that deserve to go in before Benoit. I'd put guys like Chavo and Mark Henry in before Benoit. Why? Because they didn't murder their families, and because the media wouldn't give me shit for it.
I haven't really spoken to much about Benoit, truly, since the ''incident''.

I, like most of us, or at least those around 19-30 years old, or older, Watched Benoit for his entire career. From Japan, To Ecw, To wcw, to Wwf/E. And he was one of the greatest in the world, ever. It wasn't something that is uncommon to say as a fan. We all knew what he was about.

He WAS wrestling.

He wasn't a catch phrase (Though they tried with the ''4 real'' thing)

The fact that people say he didn't have charisma is beyond me. He put on intense promos, they didn't need to make you laugh. And with that, take a look at his time with Kurt and tell me that wasn't entertaining.


About the incident.

I don't know what happened, specifically, so I cannot and WILL not speak negatively on him for what he did. The news foamed at the mouth to trash the wrestling business when this happened. It was disgusting.

Now, about the way that Wwe has handled this. I blame the media, for painting them into a corner and shedding such a shadow on him, what could Vince and the wwe do after that?

Completely neglect him, Take him out of the picture as a whole.

It is business and they felt the need to do so.

As a fan, I did feel betrayed that he did what he did. But in reality, he didn't owe anything to me, or us as fans. His performance was never lacking in the ring. He was meant to entertain us. Not truly be a role model, unless we allowed it.

I re-watched a lot of the Owen/Eddie/Benoit tribute speeches from the night after of each. And I came across Benoit's about Eddie. I believe that we saw the emotion destruction of a man on film. He, I assume, was never the same after that. And that may have been the straw that broke the camels back. And he lost it. I'm not giving him an excuse, I am still trying to fathom why, and I ask that every time I watch wrestling.

It took me a long while to come to this conclusion, Should he be in the Hall. I can say No. But he should NOT be ignored in history.
What is with all the Benoit threads. I truly think it is infantile and selfish to want Benoit in the Hall of Fame personally. His actions superceeded everything he achieved in his career. Thats just from a moral aspect.

From a practical aspect it would just too uncomfortable for everyone involved.
Chris Benoit being inducted into the Hall of Fame would be one of the best moments in WWE....hell, WRESTLING history.

After what Chris Benoit gave his entire life, to every company he was in, to everybody he wrestled, to every event he turned up for and every pair of boots he laced up...the LEAST WWE could do is induct him into the Hall of Fame.

Sadly...I don't think the WWE will induct him. They've cut all relation and contact with Benoit completely. Everybody makes mistakes in life, and Benoit was one of those people. It was his time.

But now, I think I can speak on behalf of everybody saying that Chris Benoit should have been inducted into the Hall of Fame many years ago.

The same with Owen Hart.

(R.I.P to the both of these brave and courageous Warriors.)
In a word: NO. You can be the absolute best at something, but once you commit a double murder-suicide (one victim being a child), that pretty much takes you out of the picture, as far as people a company wants to honor and represent their name. Killing your young son with a submission hold is not what Vince McMahon wants people to remember and associate with WWE, especially in an intentionally kid-friendly era. Maybe editing him out of all the past DVDS is a bit much, but putting him up there as one of the best people your company has produced? Beyond foolish.
Should Chris Benoit be in the Hall Of Fame? Yes, he most likely should be in the Hall Of Fame.

However, the question of whether he will ne in entirely another matter. I have been watching wrestling consistently for 12 years and I must admit the Chris Benoit is probably one of the best pure wrestlers that I have ever seen step into a WWE ring. His talent for wrestling for utterly amazing and he knew exactly how to work a match. If he was in the WWE right now, there is no saying how successful he could have been because he had every attribute needed to take him to the top of the pile. When he won the World Heavyweight Championship, it showed that enough people had enough faith in him to give him that opportunity and must have been on a similar thought level to myself as I type this. His mic work was brilliant and he could just pull off the angry guy roll with distinction and really did set the heather light in the WWE.

The problem exists when you consider what he did outside of the ring. Without being too detailed, what he did was utterly heinous. It was disgusting and I will never forgive him for what he did to his wife and his young child. If I am correct, the WWE will never look past this. The fact of the matter is that the WWE doesn’t need to induct Chris Benoit. Their will never be a huge demand for Chris Benoit to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame, like there is for someone like Owen Hart. The public will never forgive him and you will never hear a very vocal demand for his name to be in up lights. History will tell you that people who have done wrong have been inducted before but that was a different time.

The WWE, now in a PG Era will never, ever condone a murderer of an innocent child and by inducting him into the Hall Of Fame, they are bringing down a shit storm upon themselves and it is completely unneeded. As I have said, no one will ask for him to be inducted and thus, the WWE don’t need to consider putting him in.
no just plain no, just because a guy is good at his job and earns them lots of money does not mean he deserves credtif for it if he brutally kills someone.
Put your self in the relatives of his wifes shoes, or any of his family or friends. If ure family was brutally killed by some crazy person, who had mental problems, would you want a picture of him on the wall of where he worked. No u wouldnt just because he was good in the ring and won many championships does nto mean he deserves at place in the HOF. If david beckham snapped killed his wife and kids no one would be sayin he deserves credit because he was a good passer of the ball etc. Just think of this from someone who knew him or his family before u post guys.
no just plain no, just because a guy is good at his job and earns them lots of money does not mean he deserves credtif for it if he brutally kills someone.
Put your self in the relatives of his wifes shoes, or any of his family or friends. If ure family was brutally killed by some crazy person, who had mental problems, would you want a picture of him on the wall of where he worked. No u wouldnt just because he was good in the ring and won many championships does nto mean he deserves at place in the HOF. If david beckham snapped killed his wife and kids no one would be sayin he deserves credit because he was a good passer of the ball etc. Just think of this from someone who knew him or his family before u post guys.

It's the WWE Hall of Fame, not the Great and Outstanding Person Hall of Fame. I appreciate the accomplishments Benoit did INSIDE the squared circle and he gave everything he had for the business which possibly resulted in what happened that weekend. I don't think of Benoit any less as a wrestler because that's what I will remember him as- a wrestler. Benoit should be in the Hall of Fame but likely won't get in for a long time.
There's a better chance of the Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and Kurt Angle all coming back to the WWE tommorow and being put in the main event, then there is of Benoit being in the Hall of Fame. What you do in the ring is second when you go off and kill your wife, son, and yourself. That provided too much of a black eye to a business that has already been looked down by the media. No way in hell does Benoit ever get inducted.
No way. I used to love Benoit, had his DVD and his t-shirts etc. I could never wear one of those t-shirts after what he did and have never picked up his DVD again. No matter how many 5 star matches you have had, it does not even come close to comparing with what he did. I know people said he wasnt himself etc but it was ultimately his choice to take drugs, and the amounts he took were ridiculous.

The WWE Hall of Fame is one of the only sacred things in this business. It is regarded as a huge honour. How much would it would be tarnished if this were to happen? I think the wrestling business cannot really be blamed too much for what happened, but to glorify and honour him after it would be unforgivable and i dont think there is any recovering from that if it were to happen. Not that it would because the WWE are acting as if he never existed thankfully.
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