Chris Benoit Hall Of Fame?

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Should Elvis have gone into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame if he murdered his wife and child? No.

How about Babe Ruth into the Baseball Hall Of Fame? Or if Walter Peyton commited suicide after a double homicide upon his own family? Same No answer.

Chris Benoit was an entertainer. There is no reason to glorify his achievements anymore than that. Yes he contributed a lot to wrestling, that part is a given. But to place him on a pedestal as one of the greats is just bad for business. What he did was inexcusable, and I am sure he wasn't thinking about the Hall Of Fame when he did what he did.

I might draw in some heat in this, because I see a lot of people think he deserves it. But as a human being I cannot agree. He killed his own wife and child. You can't simplify that anymore than that, and you can't brush that cold hard fact off. He. Killed. His. Family. Than. Himself. No one deserves recognition after that.
I think anybody who has ever watched benoit wrestle agrees he certainly deserves to be in the hall of fame but it will never happen. Benoits death was a big enough black eye for the wwe that they wouldnt risk the media backlash by inducting him. Its a shame but I understand it and I cant blame the wwe for it. Maybe one day years from now he'l get in but most likely it wont ever happen
If it was a WRESTLING HALL OF FAME & not jus politics then HELL YES. To me what you do with your personal life is your business. I was raised on Benoit & he was 1 of my all time favs ever since ECW, so i'm a lil biased. IMO all entertainers/performers have questionable personal live, but that doesn't erase their legacy. None of us truly knows what was goin on in Benoit's melon anyhow, so give the man his burn and induct em!
no just no although he was a great wrestler murdering his wife and child cancels out his career puting him in the hall of fame would glorify a murderer
Some times people don't "read" what the thread is about. There is a difference between deserves and should. Pete Rose and Shoeless Joe deserve to be in the Baseball HOF, bit shouldn't be because of their actions. Yes, Benoit deserves to be in the hall of fame, he was over and one of the most popular wrestlers ever,see thrilla11's comment. WCW gave him the title in a hope to keep him. Should be is a totally other question, and the answer is Hell No, but mental illness is a problem that is rarely diagnosed before something happens, and maybe pro wrestling should have psychiatric screenings. So in conclusion, no he should not be in the HOF.
Several very surprising things for me in this thread.

First of all, I cannot believe there is another thread debating this topic. Jesus, how many threads have there already been debating whether or not Benoit belongs in the Hall of Fame? Sure I'm a hypocrite for complaining about this fact and then posting here anyway, but Jesus, it seems like every couple of weeks, this topic is debated in these forums.

I 100% agree with you! There is nothing to debate. A murderer will never be recognized for their achievements in any sport or entertainment industry. The backlash WWE would get for inducting him would cause their company value to drop to rediculous lows and garners so much bad reputation that they'd never ever recover.
I can respect chris Benoit as a wrestler but not as a man.But since it is the WWE hall of fame yes it shoudnt be based on his personal life but i highly doubt it will ever happen
Wow im stunned this is even a debate, surely when considering HOF worthiness you can't just looked blinkeredly at what someone has achieved on camera. Their behaviour off camera and how this impacts their legacy and the wrestling business as a whole must also be considered. Anything Chris Benoit achieved in his career was tarnished forever when he murdered his family.

How anyone would be comfortable announcing his name as an inductee, giving a speech on his behalf or even applauding him is beyond me. It would be totally disrespectful to the memory of his wife and son and their friends and family left behind.
Hell no the guy strangled his child while he slept after he bond and strangled his wife. That erases everything he ever accomplished in wrestling. Yes he would of no doubt been a hall of famer if he hadn't, but I can't for the life of me imagine why anyone would want to honor a baby killer. WWE will never mention him again and they shouldn't. No one would want to induct him his closest friends are deeply disturbed by what he did as is anyone with a family.
There is no Chris Benoit. Get over it, he is a complete fuckwit. He deserves to rot, not to be celebrated. It's like if Manson played Golf real well and him being inducted into a hall of fame.
I think Chris Benoit should be inducted into the Hall of Fame because look at all the Von Eric family all committed suicide all of them are in the hall of fame, so what if Benoit had took some bad pills to make him crazy it wont be the first time someone has done it and it wont be the the last. "BENOIT FOR THE HALL OF FAME"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look people lets put it like this way with Tiger woods. He did something wrong in his personal life not in his profesion. Also OJ he killed his wife and stole stuff he was still a pretty good football player. I believe the same is for Beniot. Sure it might me more dramatic then the 2 but it still has the same purpose. People in the ring,field,court,etc. are probably different on the outside.

Also people persume he killed his wife and his son. So in a way we don't know what really happened. Sure he could have had a case of roid rage, however Chris Beniot was a very religious man regardless so why would he commit suicid let alone kill anyone?
Several very surprising things for me in this thread.

First of all, I cannot believe there is another thread debating this topic. Jesus, how many threads have there already been debating whether or not Benoit belongs in the Hall of Fame? Sure I'm a hypocrite for complaining about this fact and then posting here anyway, but Jesus, it seems like every couple of weeks, this topic is debated in these forums.

Secondly, I cannot believe people are actually suggesting that this man could ever be considered for the WWE Hall of Fame. I don't care how accomplished the man was in the ring (which really is not even up for debate), nor do I care about why he did what he did (ie, whether or not it was his fault, or whether it was because of brain damage, "roid rage," or whatever other excuses are making the rounds). The man murdered his wife, murdered his son, and committed suicide. End of discussion. Absolutely no consideration for any Hall of Fame in any capacity at ant time. You cannot celebrate a man's accomplishments, no matter how impressive they were, after what he did, his actions of that fateful night supercede everything else and invalidate everything. He should never be mentioned again, or seen again, or referenced again, by the WWE in any capacity.

The third and most surprising thing is that for the first time ever, I think, I am in disagreement with Mr. Hammer. I am actually shocked that you feel he is worthy of the WWE Hall of Fame, and that you would be OK with him being inducted. Shocked. I almost always see a consistent logic in your posts which I am almost always in agreement with (especially when discussion the Monday Night Whimpers). But I cannot agree with you here. Benoit didn't committ some minor indiscretion, this was about as heinous as it gets. While he may not have been fully responsible, that's not even the point. You cannot laud the accomplishments of a double murderer whose in-ring accomplishments were boosted by a confirmed history of steroid abuse. Don't get me wrong, I loved Chris Benoit the wrestler and was a huge fan. But after the night of infamy, everything changed, and all of his accomplishments were forever tarnished as well. It cannot be celebrated, in fact it needs to be buried.

I'd give you positive rep if the forum would allow me too, but it doesn't so all I can do is say I agree completely with what your saying here, sometimes a career can be blown away by 1 act which is what happened here. It is baffling that people still think that this guy is HOF worthy. This isn't one of the times you seperate career from life like with Eddie Guerrero. What Benoit if anything was put a dark cloud over the WWE and wrestling in general by putting the negative effects of steroid use and the wrestling lifestyle (constantly going night to night doing dangerous moves with no offseason) on centerstage. I know people want to move on from what happened that night in June but you can't just push away double homicide and suicide.
Look people lets put it like this way with Tiger woods. He did something wrong in his personal life not in his profesion. Also OJ he killed his wife and stole stuff he was still a pretty good football player. I believe the same is for Beniot. Sure it might me more dramatic then the 2 but it still has the same purpose. People in the ring,field,court,etc. are probably different on the outside.

Also people persume he killed his wife and his son. So in a way we don't know what really happened. Sure he could have had a case of roid rage, however Chris Beniot was a very religious man regardless so why would he commit suicid let alone kill anyone?

WOW, no offense man but I respectfully disagree with you on basically every point you provided, first off just because you are good at your profession does not mean that as spectators or fans we should be forced to put on blinders to what you do once the cameras are off. People may have talked about OJ's career when he got done playing (I'm not sure I was too young for his career) but the second the murder stories began his career was an after thought. Tiger Woods really shouldn't be involved with any discussion about murderers, we're not talking about a situation of adultery, we're talking about a person who was accused of double homicide. Third- people who have been thought of as religious still have the capability to snap if psychologically they are off in the head, I mean this point may be stretching the bounds of my argument, but think about people who commit suicide bombings in the name of Muslim religion. Yes bit of a stretch but thats the only example I can consider.
Chris Benoit in the WWE Hall of Fame isn't going to happen. The moment that the police said Benoit killed his family before killing himself, the WWE pretty much denied his very existence. While his tenure as a wrestler was nothing short of phenomenal, there's just no way Vince or anyone in the WWE would say he exists and let him into the Hall of Fame.
As much as I like to see Chris Benoit get inducted into the HoF,the chances of that happening are very slim to nil. No offence but we have a higher chance of seeing both Barry Horowitz and the Brooklyn Brawler getting inducted into the HoF instead of Benoit. Even right now, there are barely any mention of Benoit at all in the WWE. If he's not getting any recognition now, the chances of him getting inducted into the HoF are virtually impossible. However I feel that he should get some recognition at the very least because as a wrestler he had a hall of fame worthy career. The way he died, and his actions prior to his death has tarnished his legacy for good. In other words, as a wrestler he should be recognized no matter what he did to end his life.
Benoit never will be or SHOULD be in the Hall of Fame.

If the MLB won't put Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame because of gambling, there is no way WWE can put someone in the Hall of Fame after he Murdered his entire family then took his own life.

He was a great wrestler, there is no doubt about that but what he did was unspeakable. I don't care how big of a name the wrestler was. No person should ever be honored for what he did.
We all know that how Chris ended his life was horrible but the fact is that he was not in his right mind. That is why I say that he deserves to be in the WWE Hall of Fame. He has worked hard to get there. He was one of the best wrestlers, we should remember what he did in the ring and not his last days.
I think that WWE should not pretend the guy never existed. He's had some legendary matches including what might be the greatest triple threat match in WWE history. HOWEVER... being a murderer and all seems to put a much deserved damper on his career so no he does not deserve to be in the hall of fame.

Benoit needs to be acknowledged but not celebrated.
OK I agree that Benoit was a hell of a wrestler and could put on some tremendous matches. He has NO place in the HOF though. Had Benoit been inducted before the incident, I wouldn't be surprised to see WWE remove him from the HOF. As it is, a person's life weighs heavily into their career. Someone mentioned Pete Rose. He was a phenomenal ball player but kept out of the Baseball Hall of Fame for gambling. Sure he was gambling on baseball but never against his own team and a lot of the time he was the coach. He was done playing for most of it. And this is just gambling. I fail to see how gambling is worse than murder. And as far as the Von Ericks go, they killed themselves, not each other. They wouldn't have been in the HOF if they had killed their families. Had Benoit one day put a gun to his brain and pulled the trigger, it would be tragic, there would have been a memorial on RAW and he would be a certainty for the HOF in a few years. I am really surprised this is up for debate at all.
I cant even begin to try to understand how some people want this MURDERER to be given one of wrestling's highest achievements. Keep on dreaming because it will never happen. This guy killed his wife, that cared for him, and if that wasnt enough, his INNOCENT LITTLE BOY who loved his father very much.

Excluding the last days of Benoit's life, yes, give him the highest prize there is. But he destroyed his 20 year legacy in a mere 72 hours. I dont feel the least bit sorry for him. He had many ways out, and he chose the cowardly one. He could have got divorced, or seek medical or psychological help.

Dream on boys, HOF for Benoit? Aint happening.
Oh my god you Internet Wrestling Dorks are idiots and borderline sociopaths. So the fuck what if Benoit put on some great choreographed matches and all the other technical wrestler shit u morons *********e to, the man is a total, utter piece of shit and i hope is burning in hell. really glad you all think the murder of a 7 year old boy is ok because benoit was a great technical wrestler who knew the crossface and sharpshooter. come on dorks its fake all his moves and reversals and all that are planned out and carefully choreographed i mean come on that shit is fake. you know murdering his son wasnt like the ultimate heel turn. benoit is a ********er and should never ever be included in anything by WWE. God yall make me sick i guess its cause i got nieces and nephews and am having a kid but what benoit did was horrible and his technical fake fighting dont redeem him.
CHRIS of the greatest technical wrestlers of all of the best in ring performers.....i personally was not a big of submission maneuver's but whenever benoit locked in the crossface it was it....his legendary matches with eddie guerrero,kurt angle,edge and MVP where just the example of how great he was in the ring....his final match in the WCW was controversial when in won the world heavyweight championship for the first time but had to relinquish it....he then joined the WWE and do we need to say what he did.....his match with HHH ns HBK at MANIA XX was one the best matches i have ever was a battle....a had emotion when benoit finally one the world championship...I had immense respect for him but untill his disgraceful act

never ever expected him to ever do that...that was inhuman and in my or i think every wrestling fans opinion NO...benoit does not deserve to be in the hall of fame
Hall of Fame is about showing respect to those who had a positive input into the industry, the double murder/suicide was one of the biggest negative hit on the wrestling industry ever. So I say a big NO.
I hate to add to the nay-sayers but I don't think he deserves to be in the HOF either. There has to be a certain amount of personal integrity involved in the selection of the HOF. I mean, seriously, don't you think the NFL would love to be able to take O.J. Simpson's HOF trophy away and kick him out??
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