General DX/Legacy discussion


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I'm making this because I know there will be many a therad made about this.

At raw Trips said he was going after Legacy so then he could get Orton, he challenged them to a match next with Trips not being in the title picture at Summerslam and HBK being due back would it be logical to have Legacy v DX at SummerSlam?
I totally think so for two big reasons:

1) It would be a HUGE ratings grab for the WWE and USA Network
2) It would make all the WWE fans happy, that one of the greatest tag teams of all time is reuniting.

This totally reminds me of the last big time DX reunited when HHH had that feud with Spirit Squad. HHH was outnumbered by Spirit Squad and HBK saved him and the fans went NUTS. Its deja vu.
It's setting it up pretty well.

As long as they don't do some stupid swerve, it looks like that's what we'll see, and I'm not sad about it. I want HBK back, and if he comes back with HHH, it just makes it that much better.
I think it is safe to say that HBK is going to come back on HHH's side when its looking dire next monday night. That would be spectacular. Then HHH will go after Orton after Summerslam and with HBK watching his back he'll take the belt.
I think it is safe to say that HBK is going to come back on HHH's side when its looking dire next monday night. That would be spectacular. Then HHH will go after Orton after Summerslam and with HBK watching his back he'll take the belt.

I doubt that that would be the case. I think that the WWE Title match will still be Orton/Cena, but Legacy/DX would be a major draw as a midcard fight.
ya it became so obviouse when HHH made that match that DX would come back at summerslam.

although....quick idea. what if shawn michaels screwed HHH and joined legacy. this could lead into a HBK v HHH wrestlemania match very nicely.

and it would help get legacy away from the maineventers and getting their ass kicked all the time. i mean when was the last time either one of them won a match
ya it became so obviouse when HHH made that match that DX would come back at summerslam.

although....quick idea. what if shawn michaels screwed HHH and joined legacy. this could lead into a HBK v HHH wrestlemania match very nicely.

and it would help get legacy away from the maineventers and getting their ass kicked all the time. i mean when was the last time either one of them won a match

HBK joining Legacy isn't going to happen, makes no sense at all. Legacy is a second generation or third generation stable, the only reason they extended the hand to Batista is two fold..

1. Orton was in the midst of having to face off against him for the WWE Championship, and if he could get the big man on his side, it'd make his life a hell of a lot easier.

2. Because they need muscle, and they still do. Batista would have been the perfect enforcer for the Legacy stable, much in the same way he was for Evolution as well.

HBK wouldn't provide muscle for the stable, he could fill a mangerial type role, but that too wouldn't make sense as he is still going to be competing.

I really really hope against hope that DX is NOT going to reunite, again. They totally destroy the legacy(no pun intended) of the group, I don't want to remember them for their PG-Rated, Vince McMahon style humour. I want to remember them for the rebellious and raunchy humour that they displayed.
I see DX coming back and I like the idea my question is does anyone see the fued carrying over past SS? If not what is that going to do to Legacy? (Because you know they aren't going to win) Especially since I don't see Orton leaving with the belt he probably has some time off coming anyways, so if they get crushed how can or will they get back into the picture?
Ive always believed that HHH and HBK have always worked better as a team than against eachother.

I think its because its no sercret these two are close real life freinds. So whenever they fued against eachother it doesnt feel believeable. Because like I said, they're real friends.

Sure, Id like to see HHH and HBK get together at least once more. And a little fued against Rhodes and Dibiase would be good. Its serves Michaels a good reason/purpose to jump back in action.

Although, WWE has been trying to stay away from predictability, if creative hear's fans rumoring and assuming too much about at DX reunion against Legacy, they might just turn everything around and give us something totally unexpected.
Ive always believed that HHH and HBK have always worked better as a team than against eachother.

What are you smoking man? Some of the most spectacular matches in WWE history have been between these two. I have always enjoyed the humor aspect of DX, but they aren't that complimentary of eachother like E&C, Miz and Morrison, The Hardyz, etc.
Oh, if DX does come back to face Legacy, SummerSlam would be the perfect place for it. The drawing power of the Black and Green is incredible, regardless of what year it is.

Now here’s the twist. What if DX put Legacy over?? Can you imagine, somehow, some way, Legacy beating DX in a Tag match at one of the Big 4 PPVs?? That would be huge and would almost erase all the Jobs the American Million Dollar Dream did in the past year. I’m not going to use the words “Instant Credibility”, but it seems to fit just right. I don’t know, it’s just an idea. This could lead to HBK vs. HHH. Neither one of these Icons need to turn Heel, rather just kind of bicker at each other for losing to Legacy. One match with “DX Explodes”, make up at the end and everyone goes home happy.

Here’s another idea. Let’s see, maybe at the Survivor Series, I see a “Finger Poke of Doom” and maybe both can turn Heel. We haven’t seen a Heel DX in a while and Legacy could then turn Face, ala Hart Foundation / DX. Just a straight switch in sides.
What are you smoking man? Some of the most spectacular matches in WWE history have been between these two. I have always enjoyed the humor aspect of DX, but they aren't that complimentary of eachother like E&C, Miz and Morrison, The Hardyz, etc.

Im not smoking anything.

Instead of you debating a point you just have to go and disagree just like that.

I made a clear point why the HHH and HBK fueds get stale.

Sure they put on some good matches. Because that is what they do. They're professionals and care to put on a good show.

Ive read many times here and elsewhere that fueds between these two start to drag in a short period of time. Im not the only one saying this.
If that is the case with HBK returning next week at Raw and thus DX is back, Do you think a third member will join to even odds up further?
Bring DX back only if they intend to put Legacy over.

I personally do not want to see DX reunite, because the last run they had went on for far to long, and got old and boring really quickly. Two 40 year old guys making jr high potty jokes is no longer funny to me, but I guess when youre trying to impress 12 years olds and younger it works.

I also don't want to see two younger future stars fall victum to Triple H and HBK buring them as a tag team, like they did to the Miz and Morrison. Its bad enough Ted and Cody have done the job to almost every face in the WWE in solo action, and that they lose on a regular basis in tag action. They need time to shine, and hopefully if they feud with DX they'll get that exposure.
i think they will have a series of matches until years end maybe the last being at hiac ppv to end it all, it will be cool if they put them over, but only if it goes 3 months sort of the like the spirit squad
If that is the case with HBK returning next week at Raw and thus DX is back, Do you think a third member will join to even odds up further?

That’s interesting. Who would fit better in the mix?? I assume the choices are Cena or Batista. Are we going to go with DX and Cena, or Evolution X, with the return of Ric Flair as the manager?? Are there any other choices out there that would fit, or are we going to use the “V. K. M. Logic” (now there’s an oxymoron).
This all setting up for the hell in a cell ppv. Look at it. You have triple h challenging Legacy to a match next week. In which he most likely will dominate for a bit, then the numbers game starts to go in effect. Thus Hbk returns to help his friend DX is back. They challenge Legacy at summerslam, and win. Meanwhile Cena takes the belt from Orton so that you have title involved since Trips "doesn't care about it." Leading to a HIAC at HIAC between Orton and Triple h. What Cena does? don't know but I think that he will maybe face hbk... so yeah there you go...
Look I like DX and their comedy skits and all I understand they are a mega draw and will make Summerslam a very profitable show. BUT I don't like that they will inevitably bury Legacy they formed in what December ? and when April rolled around they were still jobbing out pathetically yo everyone they came across. Ric Flair and Shane Mcmahon just to name a few. At that point I said to myself "OK this is how most groups start they will get better soon".

I even defended them saying a push would come for Rhodes and Dibiase in the near future but now with them most likely facing DX at Summerslam. I guarantee the next two PPV's at least it looks like they will be jobbing out for damn near a year which is just inexcusable.

Maybe we are all over rating Legacy and the young talent in the WWE and that's why they never get pushed or in Legacy's case out of the job squad.
You know, as soon as I saw HHH turn his attention to Legacy, my first thought was HBK. Even if it's not this upcoming Monday or even Summerslam, the match will happen. As someone said previously, HHH will be outnumbered and out will come HBK to make the save wich will set up a DX vs Legacy feud which is going to be great to see. I can't wait for HBK to come back and to see him reunite with HHH will be even better. A little DX reunion is never bad for business.
Now, I'm not one for another HHH and Shawn Michaels DX reunion yet again but I suppose if it could help Rhodes and Dibiase get over then I am for it. I think they need to work a full on program (like that proposed) with established stars such as Trips and HBK that is independent of Randy Orton.

I don't know about anyone else but I think that both Rhodes and Dibiase are more than capable of holding their own when they are not attached to Orton's hips....hopefully working a program with two veteran opponents would do these guys careers' the world of good.

And seeing there is speculation that HBK will return by Summerslam, the possibility of DX v Legacy is a real possibility and one which I would like to see come to fruition. Only thing is though, it would most likely be Michaels' return match meaning it would almost be a certainity that Legacy would lose...however, I would like to see Trips and HBK lay down for the younger stars if the match were to occur but it is unlikely...maybe in future matches after Summerslam?
DX! DX! DX! DX! It's time to retire the group by putting over Legacy at Hell in a Cell PPV in a Hell in a Cell Match where if Legacy wins, DX must disband forever. It would be a great way to permanently retire the group. Triple H and HBK are way to good as singles competitors and I don't remember them ever winning the Tag Team titles together. DX will, however, forever be one of, if not the best Tag Teams ever.
I'm making this because I know there will be many a therad made about this.

At raw Trips said he was going after Legacy so then he could get Orton, he challenged them to a match next with Trips not being in the title picture at Summerslam and HBK being due back would it be logical to have Legacy v DX at SummerSlam?

I like this idea and think it could work out great as long as it is only a short term feud. I do not think wrestling fans like us would like this long term. DX back for Summerslam would be great.DX one more time would be good.
I'll be the first to say I loved the original DX, and even the other versions, with Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, and X-Pac. They were fun to watch, and were great heels. But the last time we had DX, with HBK and Trips pulling all of the immature jokes they did, it just wasn't funny. Whatsoever. Now, in the PG WWE, the jokes would probably be even worse. Don't get me wrong, I love HBK, and I'm alright with Trips, but at this stage in their careers, they're so much better alone. But can I see HBK returning next week, definitely. I hope he does soon, but not to have anything to do with a Trips storyline. It just doesn't interest me anymore.
I'd rather see Triple H and Shawn Michael join together as just themselves rather than DX. They don't need to be DX to take on Legacy. They are just two well-documented friends who are helping each other out. They can do some of their DX antics while the match goes on and maybe even leading up to it but they don't need to be full blown DX.

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