Funny Rep Thread

Ohh come on I had some funny one's a month ago now only a few.

Pedro's Pizza= Im Jewish, not Mexican. Thanks for the grey rep too. (Red)

Mongoose McQueen = some green for once.. Make the new name "Jenks Daddy" (green)

klunderbunker = I'd hardly call them real celebrities. (Green)

Luther_Hull =Just seeing if my rep can turn yours green. Don't take this as a compliment in any way.(Green ha)

Sound Of Madness =Dumb child.(Red)

A Pimp Named Angel= fjalk;fjaskdl;jfaskdl;fjaskdl;fhsakld;fjadksl;fjlk ;jdsk;fljsadklf;dasjfdkls;fjskdal;fjksdal;fjkdsal; fjkdsl;jfksdl;fjksdal;fjdksal;fjkdsal;jfheiwlo;ujf oashdios;bhalkbndslkb;nvadslk;vjdasl;kjfuladhvdl kndaklfjdsklvjdsakl bfakls;djfdksl;jfasldk;bhjlkad; (Red Polish fucker)
Got a nice grey one from Wide Cheeks up there saying: What a terrible post

A red one from Crock because I insulted Keanu Reeves or some equally shitty actor: You fucking suck!
Snickering over this one as I type this

You're the fucking idiot who drops a barbell on his face. I'm the one that's married, and I'M the raging ******? I dont think so. You may want to check again, buddy. If you dont like me, put me on ignore. Now go fuck yourself

What a raging ******.

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