Funniest Wrestler in History?

Funniest Wrestler/Personality of All Time?

  • The Rock

  • Ric Flair

  • Booker T

  • Scott Steiner

  • Ultimate Warrior

  • Bobby Heenan

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • Chris Jericho

  • John Cena

  • Other

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One of the best sources of humor in the wrestling business used to come from something that has all but disappeared now, and that is the manager. Bobby "the Brain" Heenan has already been mentioned numerous occasions in this thread, and rightfully so, therefore I won't go into anything else about him. Suffice it to say that Heenan was truly one of the most comical promo cutters I ever heard.
Among other wrestling managers that were a complete riot to watch and listen to in either promos or in the ring was none other than "the guiding light", the late, great Capt. Lou Albano. First of all, just looking at the guy used to make me laugh out loud, from the elastics hanging from his face, to the garish, loud shirts he would wear. His body language and the way he walked around the outside of the ring waving his arms around, while carrying on a nonstop chatter with ringside fans and himself used to just crack me up. The Capt. could also cut a ridiculous promo that would leave me in stitches, regardless of who or what it was about. One of his greatest lines was " If you put the brain of (insert face wrestler's name here) in the head of a bird, the bird would fly backwards". Things like this (and better) used to come out of Albano's mouth on a regular basis. Albano's talk of tag team "conginuity" was also another gem of gibberish that he was very, very good at delivering.
Why hasn't Mick Foley even been mentioned?

To me he is the funniest. When Vince was in the hospital and Foley showed up with Mr. Socko and a clown, hilarious. Dude Love and that ridiculous dance he did. He even looks funny, he is probably very wealthy, yet still wears shirts older than me and the smelliest looking sweat pants in existence.

The Rock's funniest segments to me were ones with Mick Foley. The Rock and Sock Connection, This is Your Life, the list goes on.

To me Foley is comedy gold and I am extremely disappointed in this forum that A) He wasn't in the poll and B) It took the 52nd poster to even mention him.

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