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You know what really grinds my gears...

when someone decides to break down every little thing that I said and tries to retort to it, without reading it in its entirety. If you would have read, it was meant to be an insult. I'm not pinpointing it on you, you have not broken any rules and thats fun, cudos to you, but all the other fuckheads from SES that come here and spam up the threads or do something and get caught, they bitch about it. They won't accept no for an answer, most of the time, they just get banned for having an alternate account, which results in a ban. Most come here and just spam, but get banned for the alt. account. If your friend was really trying to make peace, he would have thought to change his sig before posting. He should have known what the result would be. Honestly, read the fucking rules... read at how stupid you sound. Throwing petty insults about being like Benoit is childish, if I really wanted to murder anyone, it damn sure wouldn't be over a ****** from the internet.

SES is a wrestling forum and you have plenty to discuss. OK... then go fucking discuss it on your forum...

I'll take the blame for this and they can say I'm stepping over my bounds, but I'm tired of the SES shit... I'm tired of you guys... and I'm tired of everything, if I get demodded I get demodded. If I get banned, I get banned, if you come back, you come back, but for now... if I come back, and you Bobby Lashley have replied to this, I will ban you... no more fucking talking... SES leaves this forum, for good...
You know what really grinds my gears...

when someone decides to break down every little thing that I said and tries to retort to it, without reading it in its entirety. If you would have read, it was meant to be an insult. I'm not pinpointing it on you, you have not broken any rules and thats fun, cudos to you, but all the other fuckheads from SES that come here and spam up the threads or do something and get caught, they bitch about it. They won't accept no for an answer, most of the time, they just get banned for having an alternate account, which results in a ban. Most come here and just spam, but get banned for the alt. account. If your friend was really trying to make peace, he would have thought to change his sig before posting. He should have known what the result would be. Honestly, read the fucking rules... read at how stupid you sound. Throwing petty insults about being like Benoit is childish, if I really wanted to murder anyone, it damn sure wouldn't be over a ****** from the internet.

SES is a wrestling forum and you have plenty to discuss. OK... then go fucking discuss it on your forum...

I'll take the blame for this and they can say I'm stepping over my bounds, but I'm tired of the SES shit... I'm tired of you guys... and I'm tired of everything, if I get demodded I get demodded. If I get banned, I get banned, if you come back, you come back, but for now... if I come back, and you Bobby Lashley have replied to this, I will ban you... no more fucking talking... SES leaves this forum, for good...

I won't brake it up, seeing as it grinds your gears, but I did understand it was an insult. I just wasn't letting you get the better of me and the forum I come from.

You're right, the Benoit thing was childish. I only made the joke because you said your physical address, which is what Benoit said in all of your text messages. My apologies if you were offended.

Here is a hint. If you want SES gone, don't have a forum called SeScoops tribute section.

Ban me if you want, but that won't accoplish anything, except to piss people off. I haven't done anything wrong, but I won't back down. I regret nothing and fear less. Word Life. (Hey, this place is pro Cena til Tuesday, right?) Make your judgement DC.
Hope you werent sarcastically having a go at Cena there fucka?? You better not, or this holy man of Cena will get annoyed.

Your banning will piss who of pretell??? You and... who else??

I think the Admins have a small right to call a forum anything they like, if you stayed where you 'come from' then you wouldnt know would you?? So you dont like it I have two words for you, put them in any order you wish, OFF Fuck.
Woah, don't get mad. I wasn't jabbing at Cena.

On a more serious note. Banning me will piss off SES, and this thing will never end.

No need to get mad at me. No need at all. I am not trying to fuel this fire. Do I come across as that? If so, I apologize.
does it really matter... A forum is a forum none the less. Shit the more two forums throw mud at each other it's like free advertising. Nobody is going to really belive that another forum is shit till they try it, then make their judgment. That is if they even care at all. I'm with Xfearbefore that we should ALL just drop the whole damn thing. If it's not dropped, it's not,but for those who don't want to deal with it, don't hit reply, People on other forums that are reading this you don't have to "defend your forum" it's the damn internet likewise for here...
Haha dont take a joke well Lashley?? I couldnt care if your jabbing Cena... but it is Cena appreciation week!

Again I dont see how people being pissed off at that other forum, will make anyone give a fat rats toss over here.

Well perhaps dont come over here all high and mighty when you dont know the facts on why some people were banned. You dont like how this forum is run, what things are posted or called, then leave no one is stopping you.
Computer sucks at picking up sarcasm/jokes. I usually assume people are serious because if I am wrong, they don't get as mad.

I am here for three reasons:

1. First was to voice my opinion on this issue. And no, I wouldn't make fun of someone from this forum if they said it because I actually have a relative that killed themself.

2. See others opinions on what they think about wrestling. Xfear is doing that with our site.

3. Trying to smooth out the differences between are sites. There is no need for this feud to continue, but for the most part, I have been ridiculed.

I do know the facts, and like you guys said earlier about Omais, I won't change my beliefs without evidence. You said you were too lazy to look, but I won't change my opinion til I see a link.
Too lazy to look, perhaps but a lot of the posts have since been deleted to clear things up. Yes I know they are true because I banned a couple of guys from your forums for spamming and advertising.. one could of just been Omais to..... no could it was. PLus id like to know what how power you are to question mods here to provide you with evidence on why someone was banned?? Havent you already admitted that some had 'forgotten' to change his sig that advertised?

Well a lot of people know someone who has killed themselves. If your thinking of doing t, get some help. Dont post it on a wrestling forum looking for some sympathy. I think thats been the general consensus from a lot of people here. If you do post it dont whinge and cry when someone thinks about how pathetic that is. Because its just a big cry for attention.

Everyones got problems in life, no one has a perfect life. But you dont see others on your forum or ours complaining about ti and saying they want or wanted to kill themselves.
No Prax i actually am enjoying reading it but i really dont know what the hell is going on because since this war has been going i wasnt around but i think it is very stupid that anyone would say they were thinking about suicide on a fucking wrestling site come on now thats just stupid
Too lazy to look, perhaps but a lot of the posts have since been deleted to clear things up. Yes I know they are true because I banned a couple of guys from your forums for spamming and advertising.. one could of just been Omais to..... no could it was. PLus id like to know what how power you are to question mods here to provide you with evidence on why someone was banned?? Havent you already admitted that some had 'forgotten' to change his sig that advertised?

I don't think I have a power. I would just like to see so that I can help myself sleep at night.

wotdoiput said:
Well a lot of people know someone who has killed themselves. If your thinking of doing t, get some help. Dont post it on a wrestling forum looking for some sympathy. I think thats been the general consensus from a lot of people here. If you do post it dont whinge and cry when someone thinks about how pathetic that is. Because its just a big cry for attention.

Everyones got problems in life, no one has a perfect life. But you dont see others on your forum or ours complaining about ti and saying they want or wanted to kill themselves.

If you think its a cry for attention, don't respond to it. I didn't on SES. I just came here because I don't agree with what you are saying.
eh, I warned him with an Auto Ban before I banned him... checked the box... my bad... but anyway... fuck off... I told you I would asshole...
If you need that to help you sleep well at night... see a doctor!

It is a cry for attention and I can respond to this thread if I like, who are you to stop me from doing it? You dont like what im saying, then dont respond to it... 2 way street my friend.
THANK GOD... LASHLEY IS BANNED... I think 7lb 8oz little baby Jesus for that.. and whatever admin pulled the trigger on that.
I thought we said we wouldn't ban anyone unless they broke the rules. No rules have been broken, Bobby Lashley's ban has been lifted.
This is fucking pathetic.

Grown men are acting like sorry sons of bitches on a WRESTLING FORUM? Is there any farther definition of having NO LIVES?

Seriously, this is actually more annoying than anything. Bobby Lashley shouldn't be banned. He should just shut the fuck up.

WZ should be blamed too. The SES Tribute Section? Surely, you weren't forced to use that name.

This whole 'Forum War' is bullshit, filled with spelling mistakes, quotes from wrestlers, and spam. And guess what? All you're doing is wasting your time. Forum Wars are lame. Winning or losing. At the end of the day, WZ will always get members, thanks to Ryan Clark. SES should leave us alone, and we should leave them alone.

Obviously, those nutsacks don't know when to shut up. They trash us when they hear we trash them. I suppose that's fair, but really, will one Forum be mature and LET IT GO?

It's fucking pointless already. WZ should leave THEM alone, if we think that we're the 'bigger' Forum. It's not even amusing to pick on them.

Hopefully, you can smarten up and just let it go. The rants are all pathetic.

^ shit Ace, something along the lines of a pot and a kettle and the colour black is springing into my head as we speak. Wasnt it yourelf who had a lot to do with the forum wars ignition??

Im just having fun and getting a boring day of work to fly by, so I think its Very Nice!
Your damn right I had something to do with it. I'd admit any day, but this has just gotten out of control. It's the same pattern every week or two.

1.SES posts stupid shit about WZ.

2. Jake laughs and makes a thread about it.

3. an SES member goes to WZ and complains about it.

4. The SES member gets banned and complains about it on SES.

That just starts it all over. Jake, I know you have a dark sense of humor, but seriously, try keeping that shit to yourself. Or just PM someone about it. There's no need to waste everyone's time to make a thread about some bullshitter saying he's going to commit suicide. It makes no fucking sense.

You should just laugh out loud. Don't make a thread, it just keeps it going.

I feel that I started this shit in the first place. It's true Wot, but I'm not the one who keeps adding fire to the whole damn thing.

Bottomline, SES should stop making fun of WZ, and WZ should do the same. Maybe we could actually get somewhere....
Well at least you have always been man enough to stand up and say that you had a hand in it Ace.

Yeah it can get a little sickening, but everyone just takes it way too seriously. To me I dont care about a little fun poking, at least it makes my days at work go a bit quicker if i can have a bit of a chuckle to myself.

It might no make sense, but contreversy creates cash or in this instance forum viewers.
Ok here is my take on Bobby Lashley...

He hasn't done anything wrong and when Ace said he should just "shut the fuck up" I agree. He also does take things out of context that me a wot have said. He is doing what all the other SES people do and getting a rasie out of us but he is doing it in constructive manner and one within the rules.. Yes it is annoyng but I guess we have to let it go. I for one am done dealing with him.. He should go work for Bill O'Reilly becasue anything someone says he spins it in such a manner to make somone look bad.
I fucking banned him because all this is becoming is a fucking mockery. No one is right, ok. Deal with it people. All he is going to do is insult you in your posts. All he is going to do is defend the actions of his forum. All there is ever going to be is people calling each other *****es and making idol threats over the internet.

No rules were broken my fucking ass, if you want a fucking reason, how bout flaming? How bout advertising? Honestly, who really gives a flying fuck... Obviously, no one fucking cares to say something. No one bothers to try to defend the actions of others. I won't defend the moderators that went and posted spam on SEScoops. The fact that I kept my mouth shut about it makes me sick, because in a way I felt like I owed it to someone to tell them who it was.

Every single fucking admin and moderator that went to SEScoops and posted spam, that posted in this thread saying SEScoops is ******ed is a hypocrite. Because you did the same fucking thing. The same outcome happened on SES that happens here. When they come here and spam, we ban them. This isn't a fucking competition people.

There will never be a truce to this. There will never be a just reason for any action taken against someone. At least, I said, I wanted the shit to fucking stop. I told Lashley if he responded to my fucking post, I was going to ban him. And thats exactly what I fucking did. I'm sick of ridicule and I'm sick of the defense on both sides. It needs to stop.

Don't fucking reply to this. Don't encourage this. Just fucking stop posting. IF Lashley responds to this fucking post, I'll ban his ass again. I don't care if it gets reversed. Everyone, shut the fuck up about SEScoops, SEScoops shut the fuck up about WZ.
That just starts it all over. Jake, I know you have a dark sense of humor, but seriously, try keeping that shit to yourself. Or just PM someone about it. There's no need to waste everyone's time to make a thread about some bullshitter saying he's going to commit suicide. It makes no fucking sense.

You should just laugh out loud. Don't make a thread, it just keeps it going.

If you dont want to hear about it then dont read the thread. Simple.

On a side not I'm not actually going to read all of that shit, cant be bothered.
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