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Basically, both sides are setting up bait to get the other to talk shit. And this is exactly what is happening yet again. I'm sick of it... I can't be on a moderating team full of hypocrites... Prax goes over to SES and spams... he's made G-Mod and has the the balls to sit there and say that my banning of someone was "unjust." I banned him for the same reason everyone else on WZ banned someone from SES. Was I not being a "team player?" Was I not being a "solider?"

No, I was making a statement, this shit needs to fucking stop, and if that meant banning Lashley, then thats what it meant. I fucking told him I would ban him if he responded. The shit needs to stop. Prax is prolonging this situation by allowing shit like this to keep going. I banned him to stop the fucking talking. So lift the fucking ban for all I care... but next time you go to SES and fucking spam up the forum, I'm not sitting back and keeping my fucking mouth shut about it...
If this doesn't intrest you then dont get involved. It appears as though this thread is getting more of a rise out of WZ memeber. Which amuses me more than if it was SES.

I dont have a problem with there forum, I wouldn't even have known about it had it not been for this site. But now that I have found it, I'm going to continue to take the piss, when I feel the urge.
Then Jake, take me off of the moderating team. I'm not going to be a part of something thats sole purpose is to just get a rise out of people... Ban me if you so wish, but, I refuse to take part in your scam.
I hope people pay attention to this as well. I fucking stood up. I don't need the respect, and I don't need pity. Its a fucking wrestling forum. WZ is no better then SES, and SES is no better then WZ. Both sides need to grow the fuck up. I won't take part in this anymore, I suggest everyone else take a fucking lesson from this.
Wow I cant believe some of the emotions this has brought out in some people, really its not that serious people.
No, it is serious... because the shit needs to fucking stop. People that prolong are only looking to get a rise out of people. Its fucking petty, pathetic, and especially idiotic. This SES bullshit is just going to keep on going. I'm the only fucking person that has balls to say that this is bullshit. Everyone else gives me a pat on the back and sends me rep, and for what? A post that makes a point. I wasn't doing it to rally the troops. I was doing it to fucking stop it all. Jake feels the need to carry it all out just because he wants to take the piss on people, then thats fine. I want no part in that then, and I refuse to allow myself to represent his name when I sign on to this forum if he wishes to do such things.

Jakes a great guy. But honestly man, enough is enough. No one is laughing anymore.
Actually no its not real serious at all, as has been said you dont like the thread then dont go in there.

Seems to me at least some people who were orignally behind some of the discord are know trying to take the high ground on the subject...

I have nothing against u DC, i think your cool (want some free tickets to that movie) and if you wanna make a stand on this then that of course is your call and i respect that.
Its not the fucking thread dude... honestly, its the entire situation. The entire thing pisses me off. I'm not taking a stand against this thread. It just happens that all this shit is going down in this thread. I stood by for a long time now. I don't know how many times I was asked by other Mods to go and spam on SES. I said nothing because I had no quarrel with them. Now, its just getting to the point where, WZ mods and members of SES have to take pot shots at each other, just to spice things up.

I'm not representing that anymore. I was demodded, I can't say I like the way I went out, but that was my choice. I just hope someone sees the reason why it happened.
Before I put an end to this shit, let me just point out a few things...

1. I never went over and spammed their Forums, I got banned for going over and explaining my actions over the whole SFW thing and I have not registered there again (although I could).

2. For the WZ Posters that think that we have had something to do with this reiginition of the feud... well we didn't. They were still pulling the whole "Post shit here and then complain about it when they get banned over there" so some posters took that as an Insult and started this.

But that doesn't matter. Any SEScoops member that has not already been banned will not be banned just for being a SEScoops member, they are to be treated like the rest of the Members here and only warned if they break specific rules. I am also pretty sick and tired of this and it seems I'm the only one that can put an end to it...
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