

Getting Noticed By Management
So this girl I know who I've actually never spoken to, we'll call her Nichole (Since that's her name), starts talking to me on msn. I've spoken to her lots of times on msn because she seems to think I'm the go to guy when it comes to problems, despite us never having a conversation in person. Anyway, we talk for a while and we come on the subject of golf. I say how I suck at golf, and she says she does too. She then says "Hey, we should go golfing sometime! We'll suck together!". Before I can think of a good response, I say I'll think about it. My plan at this point is to just block her off msn then not talk to her 'till September (she goes to a different High School, we met in Elementary). Anyway, I then realize that my neighbour at my new house I'm moving into in a week is none other than her BEST FRIEND. So looks like my plan of avoiding this girl is impossible considering she'll be next door to me most of the summer. Now this girl is certainly unattractive, she's whiny, and she's annoying, she's not good to talk to... in short, I don't want to go golfing with her, but I already pretty much said I would. In shorter... fml. Though I am slightly enticed by the "We'll suck together!" comment...
Ugly chicks need lovin too.

Seriously though, there's all sorts of possibilities here. Maybe your neighbor hangs out at Nichole's house all the time instead of the other way around, or you could just never get around to it and she'll always bug you like, "hey weren't we supposed to go golfing together?" and you can just ignore that bitch. Believe me there's this annoying bitch who always bothers me to hang out and I always tell her maybe or I'll think about it, but never do. She bothers me about it, but ignoring her works out just fine.
What happened to the vampire girl you liked? Derf, is that you?

Sigh. Things happened. But actually, that's getting better. See, she told me she still liked her ex (who's a tool, of course), but she told me a couple days ago that she was over him and now she's being flirtatious. Of course, the douchebag that I am I'm not being a jerk to her. Serves her right.
Have you seen her lately? Do you know for sure that she is still unattractive.

And, if you know for sure, and don't want to go golfing with her, just tell her. Don't string this poor girl along. She has enough problems in life being ugly without you bringing her up just to crash down again.
Ahhh, I remember being 14. It's sad that I got ten times as many chicks when I was that age then I do these days. Not much room for pickin' up women between work, writing, and volunteer work. Plus WZ, and the occasional joint or five. Shit, I think the last time I went to a bar was like a month ago. Scary.

It's pretty simple, actually. You see, often times when you make a friend you need to be capable of communicating with them, and possibly hanging out with them. If you talk to them multiple times, and develop this relationship of constantly talking - someone might mistake that as you trying to befriend them. Insane logic, I know, right?

Last I knew, you were playing being a boy this month - right? Or are you back to having no penis again? I lose track so often. :p

Someone (Harthan, I think) said she was Ugly. We truly need a photo to prove this logic, but I'm also pretty sure I didn't see you describing her in your opening post. So how does Harthan know she's ugly? And on that note, even if she is ugly - IT'S JUST A FRIENDSHIP! I have tons of ugly friends, you need them to make yourself look better. :lmao:

Are you planning on fucking this girl? You're 14, right? How old is she?

Honestly, I think you're looking way beyond a possible friendship. If you don't wanna talk, just tell her you're a dick and she deserves better. Be blunt, be honest. It's what I do - and it's worked so far.
I concur with Will, i thinks its the hormones but once you get past the age of 16 you'll realise you don't have to date, or even be interesting in poking every girl you meet. Hang out with her, you never know she could be really fun, and she could have some hot mates that she tells how cool and sensitive you are. If she's ugly and makes your penis shrivel, then tell her you just want to be friends, it'll be a welcome change from what you may hear a bit in later life.
Um, well since you said her best friend is moving next door and she's not attractive. Is the best friend hot? I mean, it seems like all hot chicks have awful looking best friends. Fuck the best friend. That'll get her to move on.
The important logic to remember here is what she said, and what he thinks she said.

She Said: "We can suck together!" (meaning, at Golf. You know, the subject you were talking about)

He THINKS She Said: "Oh Pat, I wanna suck your dick so bad. My life is incomplete without having it in my mouth."
I think he said in the first post that she was "certainly not attractive."

There have been some decent suggestions on how to handle that here, and some terrible ones, but they have all come from an adult perspective. If she's 14 too, odds are she's already forgotten the conversation. seem to remember having a pretty short memory at that age. Course, that might have had something to do with my, um, extracurricular activities at the time.

My advice...forget the conversation ever happened. Assume she does too. Then, at worst, when she brings it up you can honestly say you forgot, and then mention how you can't do it now...or something to that effect.

The other option is...in the dark, everyone's beautiful...
Oh, and I forgot. Before tossing around the word unattractive and shit. You better make sure you're in a higher league than her. Cause if not, lol @ you.
The important logic to remember here is what she said, and what he thinks she said.

She Said: "We can suck together!" (meaning, at Golf. You know, the subject you were talking about)

He THINKS She Said: "Oh Pat, I wanna suck your dick so bad. My life is incomplete without having it in my mouth."

Yeah, Will makes a good point. If you don't want to be her friend, don't act like one. She might ask you for advice all the time, but that doesn't mean you have to give it. I realize this doesn't help you with your situation this summer, but if you don't want to be friends with her and were going to block her on MSN anyway, it shouldn't matter. Just ignore this chick until she gets the message, or if you can't wait that long, tell her what you think of her, that will send a quick, albeit extremely mean message.
The other option is...in the dark, everyone's beautiful...

NEVER understood this saying. I'm sorry, it might be dark - but just because the light switch flips off, doesn't mean my memory of what she looked like about 5 seconds prior goes with it.

And low lighting might make ugly people better looking for short memory's, but that logic fails with fat people. Unless you have a very wild imagination and believe you're wading through jello.

Oh, and I forgot. Before tossing around the word unattractive and shit. You better make sure you're in a higher league than her. Cause if not, lol @ you.

She's quite heavy, odd face, her hair is blue, she's extremely boring and most of our conversations revolve around her shopping, she's annoying, etc. I think I just have to tell her I don't like her that way, but I'm worried it would backfire and she would say she had no intention of it going further. It's a good thing she doesn't go to my school, though. Then this would be more complicated. This way I can still barricade my and block her. And I've seen recent pictures of her on Facebook. She hasn't changed.
If she's fat and has blue hair, I'm pretty sure she'll do the really, reeeeallllly freaky stuff for you dude. I say tap that.

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