Fromthesouth's advice column

Should I move country next year, away from my friends and family for work and a woman?

I admit... I'm still going to make my own mind up, but I'm curious as to your views

Well, here's the thing...

As much nas people call others selfish for moving away, it's more burning bridges that it is actual contempt. I think all of your friends and family would be happy for you if you are moving up the ladder in life, and those that aren't, well, how close are they really?

I think you should do what makes you most happy. If this new job and new woman is what you are waiting on to get out of some rut in your life, then yes.

If there is a problem where you are now, then ask yourself why you are running away from it. Even if you are running, it still might be worth it.

This would be a good time to do a cost benefit anaysis. Sure, you might be leaving friends and family, but will the new job provide you with the security to live a happier life? Will this woman be the one you spend the rest of your life with? Is there a family issue at home that requires more attention than you can give from your destination?

The answers you give to these questions should provide more insight into the situation than any question you can ask me, but I'm still glad to help!
What would you say to a guy who's just found out his girl was a guy?

DEADMN killed himself.

I can't advise you here because you aren't alive to heed my advice.

All I can say is that when people say that you shouldn't dwell on the past, perhaps they are wrong, and learning from your mistakes might prevent some midnight mishaps.

And now you can post in Gunnz stories thread with the grownups. Not too much though, because, you know, I like it there.
I enjoy yogurt. Does this take way from the manliness of having a beard?

Yogurt is both a delicious snack and a healthy alternative to sugary snacks, such as candy bars and ice cream. As a breakfast food, it provides the taste of something sugary that a HEALTHY cereal could not reproduce.

As far as it taking away from the manliness of the beard, I would say no. What is not manly about loading up on calcium and protein early in the day. It helps repair damaged muscle and bone. Try this! Stir some blueberry yogurt into a bowl of Corn Flakes and milk. MMMM mmmm, tasty and nutritious. That sir, is the epitome of manliness.
Good point. My yogurt is fat free however, and this is what I worry about. The commercials for my yogurt typically have members of the opposite sex enjoying this snack.
Good point. My yogurt is fat free however, and this is what I worry about. The commercials for my yogurt typically have members of the opposite sex enjoying this snack.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying the same little pleasures as attractive memebers of the opposite sex. Would you make fun of Mr. T if he were taking a bubble bath?
Here's a doozy for you.

Last Sunday my father colapassed, And was rushed to hospital, We found out he had kidney stones, Wasnt life threatening , But still very painful. The doctor's keep him over night to observe him, He passed out again, After another CT revealed one of the stone's, Had lodged in his kidney, Which was ready to burst. He went down and had an emergency op on it, And then was left on the ward for two day's, And then came home yesterday.

The stress made me start smoking, For the first time ever.

Then, Thursday night my uncle (who is more like a brother, 6 year's between us), Tried to commit suicide, He had been low because in the last month, He had lost his girlfriend in a silly argument, Then he was arrested for drink-driving (actually wasnt, But the key's were in the ignition, Because he wanted to keep warm, Police didnt buy it, And carted him off.), Then my dad took ill, Then he lost his job, He opened his heart to me, And told me everything going on inside his head, So I took him to the GP to get some help, Which they did, They set up a couple of counselling session's, And gave him anti-depressant's, Which he took in one go, Around 50 tablets, And now he's in hospital.

So now i'm extremely stressed out all of the time, I cant relax, I cant sleep, And with me being the only family member that can drive, Mean's that I cant have a drink, And everyone's depending on me to drive them everywhere, Which in turn is making me phsyically exausted.
Here's a doozy for you.

Last Sunday my father colapassed, And was rushed to hospital, We found out he had kidney stones, Wasnt life threatening , But still very painful. The doctor's keep him over night to observe him, He passed out again, After another CT revealed one of the stone's, Had lodged in his kidney, Which was ready to burst. He went down and had an emergency op on it, And then was left on the ward for two day's, And then came home yesterday.

I have an ill father, and everytime he goes south, my mom is a wreck, so it is my job to hold the family together. The best advice I can give here is to keep your head as clear as you can. I would recommend getting out for a little while, and taking some time for yourself. You will go crazy otherwise. Cell phones are the best invention since the car, in that times of emergency are far less panicked when people can get in touch with you.
The stress made me start smoking, For the first time ever.

If you think you need a crutch, then lean on it. This is a stressful time, and adding withdraw is not going to help. While I would never recommend smoking, even though I do it too, I would not recommend adding the stress of not smoking right now. Once everything gets straightened out, quit, but for now, moderation is key.
Then, Thursday night my uncle (who is more like a brother, 6 year's between us), Tried to commit suicide, He had been low because in the last month, He had lost his girlfriend in a silly argument, Then he was arrested for drink-driving (actually wasnt, But the key's were in the ignition, Because he wanted to keep warm, Police didnt buy it, And carted him off.),
Thankfully, most people, after a failed suicide attempt are less likely to try again. When man is faced with his own mortality, often time, he strengthens despite the peril around him. That being said, keep in contact, and if he repeats the behaviors leading up to the attempt, get him professional help.
Then my dad took ill, Then he lost his job, He opened his heart to me, And told me everything going on inside his head, So I took him to the GP to get some help, Which they did, They set up a couple of counselling session's, And gave him anti-depressant's, Which he took in one go, Around 50 tablets, And now he's in hospital.

We just got my sister's husband home from the same kind of deal. He took too many of his anti-depressants and lost consciousness. The best thing to do is continue to counseling, minus the drugs. There is a lot of stress around the man, and you don't want to leave things that he can hurt himself with in a moment of weakness.
So now i'm extremely stressed out all of the time, I cant relax, I cant sleep, And with me being the only family member that can drive, Mean's that I cant have a drink, And everyone's depending on me to drive them everywhere, Which in turn is making me phsyically exausted.

Alcohol is not the solution to this problem. Alcohol depresses motor skills and judgment, and since you are the one who has to make the split second decisions, inhibiting these abilities is not a good idea.

I know it is stressful to be your family's taxi service, but that is what family is for. Understand that you are temporarily the man of the family, and embrace this opportunity to show your personal growth. Do not let your family see the effects of their needs. They will draw strength from you. Your ability to cope is what is keeping your family together. At this juncture, the best thing you can do is keep your mouth shut. Thankfully it seems as if the worst is over, and you are now dealing with the aftermath. Once your father and uncle have stabilized, you will be able to sleep. That problem will take care of itself.

You might also be stressed in that you have faced your own mortality. Seeing an ill father makes a son change his lifestyle as well. Making these changes for the better, will prepare you for adulthood. For some people this time comes earlier. Learn from everything around you so that you don't make the same choices.

Finally, my advise is merely from experience. I am not a professional, so if this doesn't work for you, seek some counseling on your own. Often times, therapists will help family members for little or no expense in situations such as this.

And pray. I don't know if you believe in God or not, but how would it hurt to open your heart to God. If he's there, he can help, if not, all you did work through the problems in your head, which helps as well.
I guess after that I should add the disclaimer that I am not trained in psychology beyond 12 hours to complete a minor. I thought about going into human resources, so I dd some psych. work.

I am just here to offer guidance based on some fucked up life experiences.
I want to make a thread about my stable O.G.D.S. but I am afraid it will be closed. What should I do?
They made an entire sub forum to contain your spam filled e-fed. You should post it there and hope KB doesn't close it out of pure spite.
Just make a meaningful post. I know that this is a spam zone, but when you have a reputation, you need to do something to get past it. A few good posts, even in the bar room, should help.
Is it possible for customers to pick up their servers at restaurants? I've seen a lot of cute servers in my life, but I've been told by a few people that they never date customers. Any tips would be much appreciated!
The fear that the waitress has is that if she goes out with you and fucks, you won't come in and tip her again. Or if she goes out and doesn't sleep with you, you won't come in and tip her again. Her best bet is to lead you on so she can continue to get your tips, which will inevitably raise every time.

the best way to counteract this is to have a specific event in mind when asking her. Don't lead with, "Wanna go out sometime?" Instead, lead with, "I have tickets to go see (insert band here, insert monster truck rally, insert private screening of a movie) and I would love it if you would come too." Something in public is always better. Remember, right now, to her, you are the guy that doesn't like tomatoes who hits on her.

Secondly, you need to do something to stand out. Odds are, if this server is that cute, you are not the only person that hits on her. If she is taking 10-12 tables a night, and working four nights a week there are numerous other people hitting on her. Most of them are probably trying to tell her what they can give her. It may take several trips, but over time you can distinguish yourself with light hearted banter. You are very intelligent and well read. Throw out a few literary references, and if she catches on, you have broken the ice, and have a much better idea of what the plan is for the big night. If she doesn't catch on, don't clue her in. You will make her feel stupid. Change the references from books to TV to movies to sports to find common ground.

Do not ask her out until you have been a couple of times, and found a connection. If she picks up on the book references, smile and leave. Come back the next time with a plan and spring it on her.

If she is a Hooters girl, ignore this plan and tell her you have a lot of money and a big dick. That is what works on those ladies.
If you're betrayed you usually leave the wrestlezone forums forever.

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