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From TNA to WWE??


Dark Match Jobber
Hi People,

this is my first thread so bare with me and i hope its in the right forum!

My question to you is this, given that there have been many jumping to TNA or rather signing with TNA rather than the WWE in the recent months (and prior to Hogan era), who do you legitmately see going the other way as being wanted by WWE and being able to sustain themselves?

TNA Have taken on board recently, Anderson, RVD, Pope, Hardy, Flair, Kendrick and prior to that they got Foley, Angle, Tazz, Lashley, Booker T and pipped WWE to Wolfe.

The WWE have taken Christian & Golddust who were previous workers of theirs but i cant from memory think of anyone they have taken straight from the TNA.

If the WWE could take Hardy back im sure they would for the merchandise alone but after "the verbal" agreement to return didnt materialise is Vince ever likely to welcome Hardy back again?

Food for thought.
Honestly, I don't see anybody that WWE wants to "steal" so to speak. Now, if someone that got over huge in TNA that WWE let go(which is about 80% of the roster) became available and went fishing for offers, then WWE would most certainly bite on them. Here are some examples of some of the talent they would probably consider.

Pope- Vince didn't have anything for him, so he went to TNA and struck gold with his gimmick. WWE would change it up a bit obviously, but would definately capitalize on someone with a fanbase that works good matches and seems to be very sturdy in terms of health.

Samoa Joe- Vince loves his big guys, and Joe is big. He could come in and be a game changer on Smackdown. Only issue I see with him is that his mic skills are marginal. He would have to take some lessons on the stick, but otherwise I'm sure they would welcome him.

Robert Roode- Money on the mic, solid technical wrestler that can get into a brawling style match and be ok as well. Good look and fits the build type for Vince. Would obviously love the money WWE would throw his way.

Matt Morgan- I know WWE had him and did nothing, but honestly he was terrible in the "E". His mic work was AWFUL and his work in the ring was sloppy at best. I give credit to him though as he busted his ass to become very good on the mic when he wants to be and is a good worker in the ring for a guy his size now. With him being as young as he is, when his TNA contract is up I could see him testing the FA market and WWE making an offer that TNA can't match. Not sure when his contract is up though.

Those are just a few that come to mind. Probably are some more that I'm thinking of, but I know AJ/Daniels wouldn't be possible. Vince doens't work with smaller guys like that. And he won't throw out TONS of money for them. Plain and simple.
Well you seem to have forgotten Chris Harris and Vance Archer went to WWE. Archer was actually doing pretty well up until the end of ECW.

As for people that could make the jump now, I would have to say Hernandez would easily be the guy WWE would take from TNA. I mean think about it, this guy is big, strong, fast, and very intelligent. He would fit in perfect with the main event scene, and for once, I think WWE would have no choice but to push him.
i agree with wwe manster03..... i think the wwe doesnt want to steal anyone so to speak right now......they really dont "need" anyone in tna...
but the wwe always i think makes offers just in case when the contracts are up
but i think personally the wwe should be interested in kurt and sting.... they are attraction wrestlers......you only get to see them on raw or sd and in ppvs.... they always have good matches but their ages and nagging injuries doesnt allow them to wrestle that much
Surprisingly, (or not) I would say Kurt Angle.

It seems like although he was the front of the company for so long, he seems to have fallen into the backdrop recently. Not to say that his feud with Mr Kenn...I mean Mr Anderson wasn't great, it was. But with everything going on over in TNA it seems like he is being lost in the melee of incoming talent. Also throw into that the fact that Kurt has never spoken a bad word against the WWE since his decision to leave the company, it is quite a possibility at this point. His work schedule would have to be greatly downgraded but I think for the sake of ratings Vince would allow it.

Robert Roode is also a good pick for the 'E'. He's got the look, and the talk to be a WWE superstar, although considering what happened with Chris Harris and Monty Brown, it could look like career suicide for any TNA talent to go to the 'E'.
I can only think of 2 people that have went from TNA to WWE without ever having worked for them before, the first being Chris Harris, who was renamed and went nowhere FAST on ECW, The other being Low-Ki/Senshi in TNA now being called Kaval and in WWE's FCW developmental.

Now, let's talk who could go to work for Vince and possibly avoid "best in future endevours" fate.

Beer Money Inc- Good team good ring and mic skills that are well on their way to becoming a great tag team.Would be a huge booster to a near dead WWE tag team division.

Hernandez- One of the best big men i've seen in years, Great physique and good ring skills. Would be a great addition to the IC/Us division before his eventual main event run.

Eric Young- Great ring skills and his mic work has came a long way since his days of cowering when the pyro would go off.

Petey Williams- Even though he has been gone from TNA for quite a while now, he could be a great acquisition for Vince, His ring skills are top shelf, his mic skills need some work. He has the best finisher i've seen in my 30 plus years of following the business.
When I think about this topic, there is only one name that comes to mind. And, that is none other than Kurt Angle. WWE is the wrestling orgrization that created him, and as far as ratings goes, because we all know that's what Vince cares about a lot, it would help push them to strive for better ratings. Not only, would they get better ratings, but they might also gain some of the viewers that they have lost a long the way back, because The "American Hero" came back, and is now right back where he started from, in the first place.
Angle is a definite no-brainer here as probably one of the best overall talents today. Personal preferenes for me would be MCMG (if Vince ever started caring about tag teams again) ... Robert Roode (i would SOOOO mark out) ... Chris Daniels (completely underrated talent who deserves a LOT more exposure then he gets).
Would any of these happen? Probably not ...

As far as Harris and Brown go ... last i heard, Brown apparently took time to deal with family issues and had no real time in WWE anyways, and Harris (even after time in the minors "conditioning") showed up looking like he could care less about getting to the WWE. Sounds more like 1 guy destroying his own career, and 1 guy taking care of RL first.
My name or two names that come to mind is Hernandez and Big Rob Terry and for obvious reasons.
Hernandez- excellent all rounder awesome in-ring work for his skills could have a great gimmick run if he did something similar to LAx but in a independent fashion could feud with rey.
Rob Terry- just shearly for his size man is this guy huge he has looked awesome in TNA recently and i think WWE will soon take notice of the welshman. Tha Wolfpac
fact of the matter is i dont think WWE need to poach any wrestlers from TNA they have an amazing schooling system in place which means they can build their own monsters as it were and with the addition of NXT to the programming they just dont need to buy in some TNA hype which clearly hasn't really worked for them so far when they can just groom their own talent. After all that's where most of their great stars have come from lately with the exception of the couple of stars from ROH. However, should they actually go after a TNA star that wasn't their own originally, it'd have to be AJ Styles or Desmond Wolf other than those two, most of the big names already had time in WWE and either blew it or left for a lesser schedule.

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