Former WWE Creative Member Joins TNA Management


Former WWE producer and creative writer Bruce Prichard has reportedly signed with TNA Wrestling. Prichard worked with the WWE for almost 20 years but recently parted ways with the company. As little as two months ago, Bruce Prichard wasn't all that high on TNA during an interview on the Monday Night Mayhem radio show. Prichard said that, in his opinion, they "need a lot of help" and that they "need to make drastic changes". Here are a few other comments from Prichard's interview:

"I don't know if they would be willing to make those changes or not, but if they were willing to make those changes, then it may be a good fit. It has to be a good fit for them and for me," he said. "To say I would/yes, I can't say that. To say I would say no, can't say that either. I would have to listen to what they had in mind and go from there.

"But at this point, I think the show's a mess, and I'm not saying anything here that I wouldn't say to them. You need help, you need some direction, some kind of stability, or some kind of direction to get the rutter in the water and moving forward. Right now, they are bailing; they are just trying to get water out of the boat."

TNA hasn't made any sort of major change in their direction or programming since Prichard gave that interview in August, so I have a hard time believing that Prichard's opinion has changed so dramatically. I have a feeling that he's there mostly just to collect a paycheck more than anything else.
Yeah, in my opinion, I mean no disrespect to Mr. Prichard, but I think he just wants the money. He doesn't care about making TNA any better, he cares about covering his own ass and keeping food on his table. I don't fault him for that, but I do find it very hypocritical to say all that negative stuff about TNA in an interview in August and then to just join their management team a few months later.

Also, I'm stunned that TNA would hire someone who spoke ill of the company. I think this reflects poorly on them as an organization. If they're willing to hire him, who basically left them high and dry, then how desperate are they? TNA must be feeling really bad about the company to hire him. Again, that doesn't say anything about Bruce Prichard as a man, who did a damn good job in his time in the WWE and to tell the truth, is a solid addition to TNA management, it just says a lot about the times TNA has hit recently.
Maybe he's there to help with some of the changes that need to be made within TNA...

This week is expected to be HUGE for TNA and there are supposed to be major changes in the direction of the product...

Maybe this will be a step in the right direction and he will help get the storylines and the overal product tightened up...

Sounds like a good thing to me that they hired someone with those views on the product...
Heyman has ripped on TNA many times and it didnt stop them chasing him. I dont know how much influence Pritchard could have but this is a coup for TNA. His comments are not anything new. Hell, we all know TNA need help. This guy definitely has the experience and he must be decent if he was in the McMahon circle of trust.
Fact is, this is a guy who was in McMahon's inner circle for 20 years. That's a LOT of experience. If he learned anything from Vince about what it takes to make your organization more legit, he can help. The guy knows what he's talking about. TNA does need help with their shows. I still enjoy Impact far more than any WWE programming, but it can be a lot better. And a guy who has that amount of experience can help a lot.
I only hope they he may guide the programming in a steady direction instead of all over the place with sensless programs.
I'm assuming he is one of the changes, because he is more than likely taking over creative. So we should see more logical storylines with starts and finishes.
Question. Was Prichard fired from WWE recently? Was he fired a long time ago? Did he leave recently or did he leave a long time ago?

I'm asking because I want to know what happened to him in WWE, to know if he's in TNA just for a paycheck. Why would he walk away from WWE which dish out the big bucks? People said Hogan and Bischoff are there just for a paycheck and... well suck it.

Prichard is correct. I wouldn't call the shows a mess but they seem very chaotic and it's not flowing right. But TNA doesn't need guys who absolutely LOVE the product. They need guys who see the wrong in it but are willing to work their ass off to fix those wrongs. Constructive criticism it's what it's all about. Heyman did it, Prichard does it. Let's hope that he'll go after correcting what is wrong.
I think that anyone with this amount of experience could be very helpful, the man has been in the business for a long time. This man was Very close to Vince and anyone in Vince's inner circle must be doing something right. I think that Prichard could really help TNA's current and give it some direction. Prichard bashing the Show doesn't bother me because I rather a guy like him sign that sees Flaws in the current Product that wants to fix it and improve, then someone that is in love with the product and sees no need to change or improve. I think this is a good signing and hopefully he can help improve the TNA product.
Well another WWE flunky in TNA . Brother Love was let go (Fired) for not being on the same page as Mrs. Stephaine in late 2008. He was a agent alongside Patterson during Vince Russo's run as head writer . Russo dose not get along with him. So this hiring to me is just a case of throwing crap against the wall and seeing where it sticks..

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