Forget Reigns.... Give it to Ambrose

What does this even mean? They had the exact same match in about 3 different live shows leading up to SummerSlam. I don't see "Face of the Company" in Reigns. He may have a run with the title, he may even be the one to take out the one who...well you get it, but I don't think he has the entire package to carry the company.

A Live Show match doesn't compare to a PPV Singles match, especially a PPV Singles at SummerSlam(which is the second biggest show in WWE).

As for whether Reigns is a FotC or not....that is entirely a matter of opinion.
Here's how I view it:
Reigns will be the "star" from SummerSlam 2014-Wrestlemania 33
Rollins will be the "star" from Wrestlemania 33-SummerSlam 2016
Ambrose will be the "star" from SummerSlam 2016-Wrestlemania 34
At which point, I'd like to imagine they all stay relevant and about the same level.

Reigns will have the IWC hating him within a year of him getting the title, and each week he'll get more boos :shrugs:
Rollins will win the title but I just don't think he has enough staying power to be the "top" guy for long
Ambrose comes in but by then the WWE has built up enough guys to be The Guy his reign on top alone is shortened.

Then you have: Cena(just a bit), Orton(a bit), Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Cesaro, Bray, Sheamus and some other once in a while guys in the main event.

I don't see why we care who gets the push first, just so long as we see our guy at the top at some point

I'd actually be all for having more than one guy at the top as time goes on,tbh.

As I posted a while ago, WWE has quite a few guys that can be built to be future ME talents, and there really shouldn't just be One Guy in this day and age who is always on top and centre of attention.
The simple fact if the matter is, while WWE is indeed all about storytelling, and that storytelling may well involve stories of triumphant underdogs, there still has to be some plausibility behind the story being told. Look, I would assume that there's not a single guy on these forums who believes the product is real; we all appreciate the concept of kayfabe. But kayfabe generally doesn't work if it stretches believability too far. And for me, seeing Brock Lesnar decimate John Cena unlike he's ever been beaten before, then lose to someone as small as Bryan or Ambrose, I simply can't buy it, not even for guys as skilled as those two. And please don't bring Khali into the discussion, that's silly, as he wouldn't be plausible either, the dude can barely walk.
fully agreed. If it was 100 percent storytelling then we may as well watch a movie. It's still a simulated sport so has to have some form of credibility. Brock was booked to end the streak because he was probably the only guy on the roster who could credibly beat the Undertaker in real life. It would be stupid to see a smaller guy get a clean win over Brock.
A Live Show match doesn't compare to a PPV Singles match, especially a PPV Singles at SummerSlam(which is the second biggest show in WWE).

As for whether Reigns is a FotC or not....that is entirely a matter of opinion.

Hence the "I don't think he can carry the company". No one one here puts out facts, just opinions. You stated as if it was Roman Reigns first singles match ever and I wanted to make sure you know that it's not even his first match against Randy Orton. SS or not, his rhythm and timing in the ring are not where they need to be. That comes with experience for sure, but everyone in the front office wants him to already be there and he just isn't right now. (another opinion)
Hence the "I don't think he can carry the company". No one one here puts out facts, just opinions. You stated as if it was Roman Reigns first singles match ever and I wanted to make sure you know that it's not even his first match against Randy Orton. SS or not, his rhythm and timing in the ring are not where they need to be. That comes with experience for sure, but everyone in the front office wants him to already be there and he just isn't right now. (another opinion)

Again, a LIVE show match and a PPV Singles Match at SummerSlam(which was his first ever PPV Singles since he debuted I believe) are two different things.

As for him not being ready...even I accept that he is still very much a WIP and needs to be handled carefully. However, being a fan, I am not amongst those who have decided to condemn him to the trash heap after a couple of months as a Singles guy.
IF, and it's a BIG if, they plan on going with Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania, then he needs ultra protection. He needs to be made to look powerful enough, he needs some moves added, and he needs nothing but giant wins over the Authority between now and then.

Otherwise, he won't be able to make it under the pressure.
IF, and it's a BIG if, they plan on going with Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania, then he needs ultra protection. He needs to be made to look powerful enough, he needs some moves added, and he needs nothing but giant wins over the Authority between now and then.

Otherwise, he won't be able to make it under the pressure.

I do hope that next week he moves onto pursuing Rollins with Ambrose reportedly off to film a movie.

Whilst a win over Orton was big, I can't say that Reigns feuding with Orton or Kane has been of much interest,tbh.

As for his moveset, I have seen videos which clearly show that the guy does know how to do more than he is showing. I just wonder what the powers are thinking by having him do the same stuff over and over whilst not expecting that to hurt him going forward.

Even his scripted promos have sucked big time as he still seems to be finding himself in that aspect.

Nevertheless, Roman has now entered Swim/Sink mode and has roughly 6 months to do either.
Whilst a win over Orton was big, I can't say that Reigns feuding with Orton or Kane has been of much interest,tbh.

As for his moveset, I have seen videos which clearly show that the guy does know how to do more than he is showing. I just wonder what the powers are thinking by having him do the same stuff over and over whilst not expecting that to hurt him going forward.

This actually happens quite often for some reason. Usually though it is based on whether they're a heel or a face. So heel-Cesaro isn't going to do the Swing or heel-Rollins won't dive over the top rope as much, because they might get face pops in the process. However, I also remember hearing that Hogan was better than people realized, but he was instructed to purely do 'big man' moves. Maybe that's what they're telling Reigns?
This actually happens quite often for some reason. Usually though it is based on whether they're a heel or a face. So heel-Cesaro isn't going to do the Swing or heel-Rollins won't dive over the top rope as much, because they might get face pops in the process. However, I also remember hearing that Hogan was better than people realized, but he was instructed to purely do 'big man' moves. Maybe that's what they're telling Reigns?

Indeed, I have no doubt he is under instruction from creative...but it is pretty clear that such an instruction is hindering his growth big-time, as in addition to being called out for having only 3/4 moves, his mic work is also clearly a WIP also....

Maybe, having him show some more ability/moves(besides Strikes and Signature moves) in the ring, like doing the Vertical Suplex(did one vs Ryback in the Handicap match v Rybaxel recently) or the DDT(did one vs Kane in the LMS match) more often would clearly get the growing Anti-Reigns brigade off his back as he works on his weaker aspects gradually.
Seems like Summerslam would be the perfect time to dish all of that stuff out. Instead, the higher points were based around Orton. It's POSSIBLE they did that in order to soften Randy's loss. If Randy had the most impressive spots, then he can recover losing to Reigns. If Reigns had the best moments AND won, it might have made Randy look bad. Reigns already has dominated all of their confrontations except when Randy Randy already kind of looks bad.
Ambrose is one of the most over guys on the roster right now. He has been since the Money In The Bank pay per view. Fans just identify with his passion and intensity, and not to mention his match quality is very high as well. He is easily one of the most entertaining stars they have... And I agree, I think long term he will out perform Reigns, despite Roman likely getting the super Cena push. Ambrose makes a fake sport appear as real, which is something we haven't seen in years.
LMFAO... is this a joke? Lesnar vs Ambrose? Really? The guy that beat the crap out of a 15-time world champion, will face... a guy that probably hasn't beaten a single main-eventer yet, and is in his first singles main-event feud... of which he has so far been on the losing end... You want Brock to defend against this guy??? He isn't remotely believable as a potential threat. His 1004 indy moves (although he too mostly does punches and kicks) or superior mic skills won't put him in a better position against The Beast. What are his chances of connecting Lesnar with a Dirty Deeds? Lesnar will crush him within 5 minutes.

Reigns, on the other hand, has proven himself as one of the toughest guys in the roster right now, and most likely the future face of the company. His spear has laid out guys like Kane, Del Rio, Batista, Triple-H, Randy Orton and John Cena. His finishers don't require him to grapple or lift up Lesnar, and can come out of nowhere. Reigns is many times more credible than Ambrose as a challenger to Lesnar.

Exactly why he is perfect... because he is the one who a win would be the most "out there" but make the most sense in many ways... he's so unorthodox in his approach that he outthinks Brock rather than tries a power battle... imagine his win being a total stunner, like the aborted Jericho win over Trips all those years ago... when it happened it was a "Holy Shit" moment, sure Jericho had "lost it" by the end of the night but it was shown that he could deliver... and the rub was given... Ambrose going over Brock in this way, only to be taken out by him/cashed in on is perfect use of the case and creating 2 new main event stars in one hit without diminishing Brock at all. He can still go on rampage/face Rock and when Reigns picks up the title at Mania, he is the defacto #1 contender but the other 2 will be former champions and "at that level" to cover for guys like Cena, Bryan and Punk's absences if needed. There is literally no way Reigns is more credible right now because Ambrose has the shock factor... he comes back from this "injury" and dethrones Brock the first night... loses immediately...carries on the movie if needed but Reigns wins the Rumble and Ambrose then manages to invoke his "rematch" at Mania. It's the way that both Vince and Trips can win out in their little dispute... Rock v Brock doesn't need the belt but all 3 Shield guys in the Mania for the belt is money too alongside it.
I absolutely buy Ambrose vs Lesner, and Lesner destroying Ambrose, but he keeps getting up, keeps getting up, keeps getting up. Not in this "OMG CENA KICKED OUT AT 2! CENA KICKED OUT AT 2!" kind of way. More in a being thrown threw the top of a cage onto the mat below, and then getting up off the stretcher and coming back for more kind of way. Lesner getting cocky, just toying with him, and somehow Ambrose steals the win, doesn't even have to be clean. If it was still allowed, i'd say the ref gets taken out and Ambrose lays into his head about 15 times with a steal chair. This sounds much more exciting then "REIGNS KICKS OUT AT 2! REIGNS KICKS OUT AT 2! SUPERMAN PUNCH! SPEAR! 1....2...3!!!!!"
The laziness and just pure lack of imagination in this thread is mind boggling. It wouldn't be plausible for a guy like Ambrose to beat Lesnar? Are you 12? First of all, it wouldn't nor should it be a clean win if it happens. My thought was to have Ambrose win some sort of multi-man match or even a (ugh) tournament of some sort to get the shot at the Royal Rumble. The match happens and Dean puts up a fight but ultimately, Brock just destroys him. As Brock is toying with him, Cena, hopefully returning for the first time since NoC where Lesnar put him out of action, pops up and costs Lesnar the match ala Eddie Guerrero in 2003.

100% plausible, sets up for Brock vs. Cena at Mania in some sort of gimmick match where Cena gets his win (as he should since Brock's contract is up at WM31) and if you wanted to, Reigns wins the Rumble, Rollins decides to cash in at Mania, and you have a Shield main event at Mania for the title.

But no. Brock big, Ambrose small. That's as far as you guys are willing to look into it.
The laziness and just pure lack of imagination in this thread is mind boggling. It wouldn't be plausible for a guy like Ambrose to beat Lesnar? Are you 12? First of all, it wouldn't nor should it be a clean win if it happens. My thought was to have Ambrose win some sort of multi-man match or even a (ugh) tournament of some sort to get the shot at the Royal Rumble. The match happens and Dean puts up a fight but ultimately, Brock just destroys him. As Brock is toying with him, Cena, hopefully returning for the first time since NoC where Lesnar put him out of action, pops up and costs Lesnar the match ala Eddie Guerrero in 2003.

100% plausible, sets up for Brock vs. Cena at Mania in some sort of gimmick match where Cena gets his win (as he should since Brock's contract is up at WM31) and if you wanted to, Reigns wins the Rumble, Rollins decides to cash in at Mania, and you have a Shield main event at Mania for the title.

But no. Brock big, Ambrose small. That's as far as you guys are willing to look into it.

Exactly. I can already picture it all going down. Have Ambrose win the rumble. Have him be a thorn in Brock's side for months up until wrestlemania. Have him harass Heyman, kidnap him, hurt him, embarrass. This would be the best thing done since Austin vs Vince. Have Lesner going into the match caring more about hurting Ambrose then just simply "SUPLEX, REPEAT! SUPLEX, REPEAT! SUPLEX, REPEAT!" and winning. And this is why he makes a mistake and loses. And it can't be clean, have Ambrose win dirty.

Keep Cena far, far away from this though. Ambrose is the new star that should be made here, not Reigns, and he has to do it on his own. I'd even go so far as to have Reigns pull a heel turn shortly after, and become a suit wearing corporate heel. I think he could pull of the cocky "i'm better then you" heel role, personally i find his face character boring already. For this reason i think Ambrose should have kept the coming through the crowd entrance, suits his character much more. They have their next mega star, if they turn him into it remains to be seen.
Dean Ambrose is 6'4". Probably around 230. Not a small man by any means. Actually around the same size as Edge was back in the day. To lump him in with a smaller wrestler like Bryan is just idiotic. At this point in time there isn't a person on the roster who is believable against Lesnar. That's why the build up to Lesnars next feud is so important. It will probably be a returning Cena or god forbid HHH. In all honesty I don't want Ambrose anywhere near Lesnar. They need to keep building him the way they are.
So everyone always talks about how they want the wwe to be mainstream again and be "cool" again but you want wwe to push the most uncool looking guys ever. Ambrose looks and sounds like he got picked on in school. Reigns is 100% the better choice because he has a look that would be accepted within mainstream media. The more we push for guys like DB and Ambrose, the further the wwe will get away from ever being cool again. Just saying
So everyone always talks about how they want the wwe to be mainstream again and be "cool" again but you want wwe to push the most uncool looking guys ever. Ambrose looks and sounds like he got picked on in school. Reigns is 100% the better choice because he has a look that would be accepted within mainstream media. The more we push for guys like DB and Ambrose, the further the wwe will get away from ever being cool again. Just saying

And that is all that Reigns has to offer. A look. This is what bothers me about todays fans. It's all style, no substance. But then again we have a generation of fans who grew up with Cena so I am not shocked by this. :shrug:
So everyone always talks about how they want the wwe to be mainstream again and be "cool" again but you want wwe to push the most uncool looking guys ever. Ambrose looks and sounds like he got picked on in school. Reigns is 100% the better choice because he has a look that would be accepted within mainstream media. The more we push for guys like DB and Ambrose, the further the wwe will get away from ever being cool again. Just saying

Just sitting and looking at a man might be some peoples idea of a good time. I'd rather watch one that is actually entertaining.
And that is all that Reigns has to offer. A look. This is what bothers me about todays fans. It's all style, no substance. But then again we have a generation of fans who grew up with Cena so I am not shocked by this. :shrug:
a generation that grew up on Cena? um what about Rock, Austin, HBK, Bret Hart, Razor Ramon, Lex Luger, and Diesel? Does any of those guys look like your average everyday nerd of the school? Which one of these guys sounds like a nerd? This happened way before Cena came, you can't blame everything on Cena. Personally I don't like any of the Shield members that much. Rollins is probably the best. Reigns is simply a look. And Ambrose because of his look, will never be on top.

I don't care about a look but it is important to a successful tv show. People want to see good looking people...u can't change the world.
But no. Brock big, Ambrose small. That's as far as you guys are willing to look into it.

He isn't big just in size, mind you. He is both the Streak-conqueror and the Cena-conqueror. He made these two legends look like tyros. He is also a mixed martial artist and a legitimate tough guy that looks like he can kill someone without much sweat. He is billed as the most dominant superstar ever, and is a multiple-time world champion. Since his return, he doesn't simply pin his opponents, he hurts his opponents. His track record also includes beating wrestlers like The Rock, Big Show (back when he was dangerous), Biker Taker, Kurt Angle and Triple-H. This is Lesnar's qualification. This is why he is "big".

You yourself pretty much admitted in your post that Ambrose will require help from Cena in order to beat Lesnar... It simply wouldn't be believable otherwise. And this isn't just because Ambrose is smaller than Lesnar in size. Who is Ambrose? What are his qualifications? Zero-time world champion;Defeated zero main-eventers till date; Longest reigning United States champion by virtue of almost never defending the title; Known for losing his temper and taking stupid decisions; crowd loves him (that's a plus)... What else? Ambrose isn't "small"; he is tiny compared to Lesnar... again, not in terms of size.

Ambrose isn't at June-2013 Daniel Bryan's level either. By then, Daniel was already a former MITB winner, a former World Champion, a former tag team champion, challenged for the WWE Championship once before, and was easily the most over guy in the roster.

By the way, your very mature and highly imaginative idea (since the rest of us are 12 year olds with lack of imagination that made lazy posts) of building Ambrose as a guy that "puts up a fight" against Lesnar (something even Cena couldn't do) is via a multi-man match or a tournament of some sort? I don't even have words to respond to this.
Also, if he wins with Cena's help and goes to Wrestlemania as champion, first of all, the Brock vs Cena feud will be bigger than this, a feud bigger than the title and the new champion- not a good thing for the champion and his challenger(s); secondly, Ambrose will be known as the guy who won only because Cena interfered (unlike Bryan); thirdly, when Reigns beats Ambrose for the title at WM31, the former doesn't get that massive rub from beating The Beast, but only will have beaten an accidental champion... Overall, your idea might not do anyone any harm, but it doesn't do any good for anyone either. In fact, your idea negates the chances of someone (Roman Reigns) getting Taker's torch indirectly and reaching the moon on the grandest stage.
He isn't big just in size, mind you. He is both the Streak-conqueror and the Cena-conqueror. He made these two legends look like tyros. He is also a mixed martial artist and a legitimate tough guy that looks like he can kill someone without much sweat. He is billed as the most dominant superstar ever, and is a multiple-time world champion. Since his return, he doesn't simply pin his opponents, he hurts his opponents. His track record also includes beating wrestlers like The Rock, Big Show (back when he was dangerous), Biker Taker, Kurt Angle and Triple-H. This is Lesnar's qualification. This is why he is "big".

I've never disputed any of this.

You yourself pretty much admitted in your post that Ambrose will require help from Cena in order to beat Lesnar... It simply wouldn't be believable otherwise. And this isn't just because Ambrose is smaller than Lesnar in size. Who is Ambrose? What are his qualifications? Zero-time world champion;Defeated zero main-eventers till date; Longest reigning United States champion by virtue of almost never defending the title; Known for losing his temper and taking stupid decisions; crowd loves him (that's a plus)... What else? Ambrose isn't "small"; he is tiny compared to Lesnar... again, not in terms of size.


Ambrose isn't at June-2013 Daniel Bryan's level either. By then, Daniel was already a former MITB winner, a former World Champion, a former tag team champion, challenged for the WWE Championship once before, and was easily the most over guy in the roster.

Absolutely none of those titles accomplishments meant anything in Daniel's build to WM30. It only mattered that he was the most over guy on the roster. Is Ambrose to that point yet? I wouldn't say so but I'm not saying give him the title tomorrow, I said the Rumble.

By the way, your very mature and highly imaginative idea (since the rest of us are 12 year olds with lack of imagination that made lazy posts) of building Ambrose as a guy that "puts up a fight" against Lesnar (something even Cena couldn't do) is via a multi-man match or a tournament of some sort?

I think Ambrose would put up a fight because A) He's not stupid, he won't try to match power like dummy Cena did and B) It would have to be a No Dq match. I have a much broader storyline in mind when I say build him up, I'm just not one to bloviate. I realize that most people here don't want to sit and read someone's convoluted booking ideas so I wasn't going to waste time typing it out. A condensed version: After NoC Brock tells Triple H that he won't be back until the Rumble. Triple H realizes that he allowed someone to be champion that he can't control so he sets out to find someone who can beat Brock Lesnar in a huge tournament. To his chagrin, Ambrose wins the tournament and gets the title shot at the Rumble. Then you can follow the rest of the steps like I said prior.

That's still a very condensed version. I'm not saying it isn't flawed but I at least thought about it for half a second.

I don't even have words to respond to this.

I find that hard to believe.

Also, if he wins with Cena's help and goes to Wrestlemania as champion, first of all, the Brock vs Cena feud will be bigger than this, a feud bigger than the title and the new champion- not a good thing for the champion and his challenger(s);

No it wouldn't. By then, it will be the 4th time these guys have faced off. It isn't going to be some dream match scenario, it's going to blow off a feud that everyone will be tired of.

secondly, Ambrose will be known as the guy who won only because Cena interfered (unlike Bryan);


Have you ever heard anyone say that Eddie was a weak champion? No, because contrary to popular belief on the internet, no one really gives a shit about clean wins when it comes to faces.

thirdly, when Reigns beats Ambrose for the title at WM31,

I never said that has to happen. Rollins or Ambrose could win as well.

the former doesn't get that massive rub from beating The Beast, but only will have beaten an accidental champion...

So? Ambrose will get the rub from beating Lesnar. It doesn't matter how it happened. You seriously need to break free of this typical "smark" mindset.

Overall, your idea might not do anyone any harm, but it doesn't do any good for anyone either. In fact, your idea negates the chances of someone (Roman Reigns) getting Taker's torch indirectly and reaching the moon on the grandest stage.


Whoever beats Lesnar is going to get that rub. It won't matter if it's clean because nobody actually gives a shit about that. It's IWC mythology.
The hell is all this talk of "believability"? This is pro wrestling. They haven't booked based on which guy can "believably" beat another in at least 25 years. That's stupid. It's ALL about storytelling. Small guys beat big guys, unathletic guys beat world class athletes, and everything in between.

Ambrose is OVER. Ambrose does, in fact, look cool. Look at Ambrose then look at Reigns, then look at people 15-25. Which one looks more like the younger crowd? It's not the guy with long hair and a Swat vest. Ambrose appeals to misfits and a lot of wrestling fans grow up misfits because pro wrestling is and always (yes, even during the attitude era) been a sort of side culture.

Believability to beat someone goes out the window when a guy can work, talk, take a beating, has credibility as a tough guy, is believably crazy, and is over.

Imagine the story. Ambrose takes all the punishment and keeps coming in his demented way that everyone loves. Rebound lariats that he'll throw as hard as he can because he's old school. Ambrose is one of the few guys I honestly do think would be a legitimate badass. Look at his indy career. The guy has no fear.
Reigns, on the other hand, has proven himself as one of the toughest guys in the roster right now, and most likely the future face of the company. His spear has laid out guys like Kane, Del Rio, Batista, Triple-H, Randy Orton and John Cena. His finishers don't require him to grapple or lift up Lesnar, and can come out of nowhere. Reigns is many times more credible than Ambrose as a challenger to Lesnar.

Another big guy who does a Spear? Yawn. I really don't get the appeal here with the exception of doofus marks who love big guys who do Spears.

Plus, you know this stuff is scripted, right? So on one side, you're pushing for Reigns because he's been loved by the guys in charge (other doofus marks who love big guys who do Spears) and protected somewhat from his obvious short-comings as a true top star in the making (can't talk, can't move, zero charisma) and on the other you're dismissing a guy who has a more varied skill set, more experience, and a better ability to communicate and connect with a crowd because he's lost the first few matches in a predetermined feud. You know that babyfaces lose a bit, especially when they are starting out, right? Like, OMG, how could anyone accept Sting as on the level with Flair, he totally lost against him. Ha.

WWE sure loves to cater to the mouth-breather crowd, but wonders why the Network isn't making any money.
DirtyJosé;4973005 said:
Another big guy who does a Spear? Yawn.
As long it serves the purpose, looks great, and draws great, it's not a problem.
Also, not to mention, his spear is the best-looking amongst all the spears done by WWE superstars in the last decade or so.

I really don't get the appeal here with the exception of doofus marks who love big guys who do Spears.
I really don't get the hate towards the spear (or anything else Reigns does) from a section of internet fans... generally. But you are an evergreen dumbfuck, so I'm not astonished at all.

Plus, you know this stuff is scripted, right?
Usually such questions from you are followed by an incredibly stupid remark. Let's see...

So on one side, you're pushing for Reigns because he's been loved by the guys in charge (other doofus marks who love big guys who do Spears)
Aha! Didn't let me down.
No, I'm pushing for Reigns because he is a better candidate than Ambrose against Lesnar. Simple as that.
Oh, and those "other doofus marks"' daily excreta contain more wrestling knowledge and sense than your brain ever did and ever will.
As soon as I saw "Unread 1", I was sure it must be you quoting one of my posts and typing something idiotic as usual. Thankfully, I only visit once in a while these days, so I don't have to witness more of your facepalm-inducing comments.

and protected somewhat from his obvious short-comings as a true top star in the making (can't talk, can't move, zero charisma)
Stop bitching, you clown. First of all, his character doesn't require him to talk much; Masked Kane, Undertaker, even Lesnar didn't need to "talk" to get over. Their characters did the work. Secondly, he is very agile for a heavyweight wrestler. Finally, it seems like you don't even know what charisma means... this isn't surprising either.

and on the other you're dismissing a guy who has a more varied skill set, more experience, and a better ability to communicate and connect with a crowd because he's lost the first few matches in a predetermined feud.
By this delusional logic, R-Truth can also defeat Lesnar for the WWE Championship and it'll be perfectly fine, because he has more moves, more experience, and can get everyone to say "What's up?".
Ambrose's "skill set" is basically punches, kicks, rebound from the ropes, Dirty Deeds. Reigns wins.
Prior indy experience doesn't matter. Kayfabe-wise, they have pretty much the same experience. In fact, Ambrose wasn't even on NXT I think. Reigns wins.
Communicating and connecting with the crowd isn't only about mic skills. Or else, all masked wrestlers would be nothing. Draw.
Your godfather Ambrose probably won't even be able to lift Lesnar for a suplex, even with the latter jumping.

You know that babyfaces lose a bit, especially when they are starting out, right? Like, OMG, how could anyone accept Sting as on the level with Flair, he totally lost against him. Ha.
You know that those zero-time world champion faces don't go from losing most of their matches, to beating the top heel of the company, the world champion, the man that ended an era, that owned the face of the company, and is in the form of his life- beating that guy- within 8 months. Ha. ******.

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