Finishers that should be brought back

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I would love to see Goldberg's Jackhammer to comeback. That was just a great move and whenever you saw it done, you instantly knew the match was over.
Like everyone else the Super Kick for JoMo.

I miss two finishers done by Gregory Helms being the Shining Wizard and Nightmare on Helms Street.I can see CM Punk using the Shining Wizard or JoMo as a Variation to his Running Knee to the face thing.For the Nightmare on Helms Street I can see Heath Slater use it or Maybe Ziggler.
Wrist clutch exploder suplex or a half nelson suplex... would love to see them used by a big man to win matches again. And a Tiger Driver is a spectacular move when done right.
Wrist clutch exploder suplex or a half nelson suplex... would love to see them used by a big man to win matches again. And a Tiger Driver is a spectacular move when done right.

It maybe wouldn't work as a finisher all the time, but the talk of suplexes makes me think of whenever a technical guy would hit a german or northern lights suplex and bridge into a pin. Such a great thing to see when it's done correctly because as soon as the opponent hits the mat they're stunned and the pin count starts. Can't think of many technical type guys who it would suit at the moment though, maybe Ziggler instead of his Zig-Zag?
It maybe wouldn't work as a finisher all the time, but the talk of suplexes makes me think of whenever a technical guy would hit a german or northern lights suplex and bridge into a pin. Such a great thing to see when it's done correctly because as soon as the opponent hits the mat they're stunned and the pin count starts. Can't think of many technical type guys who it would suit at the moment though, maybe Ziggler instead of his Zig-Zag?

Not so sure about that, Ziggler looks like Billy Gunn and Kurt Hennig's bastard offspring as it is. Giving him a finisher that resembles the Perfect-Plex wouldn't be a great move for the lad, I mean, come on, he already does the Fame-Asser.

I've always liked Nash's lazy action powerbomb, I like the snap up and lazy drop, looks nasty. Especially when he dropped a giant on his head.
Not so sure about that, Ziggler looks like Billy Gunn and Kurt Hennig's bastard offspring as it is. Giving him a finisher that resembles the Perfect-Plex wouldn't be a great move for the lad, I mean, come on, he already does the Fame-Asser.

I've always liked Nash's lazy action powerbomb, I like the snap up and lazy drop, looks nasty. Especially when he dropped a giant on his head.

Fair point, wasn't really thinking about that to be honest! He was the most technical type guy I could think of off the top of my head and not really keen on the Zig-Zag personally. Now you mention Hennig, what's McGillicutty's finisher just now? Reckon it would be a nice reference to his pops to use a variation of the Perfect Plex?
Fair point, wasn't really thinking about that to be honest! He was the most technical type guy I could think of off the top of my head and not really keen on the Zig-Zag personally. Now you mention Hennig, what's McGillicutty's finisher just now? Reckon it would be a nice reference to his pops to use a variation of the Perfect Plex?

Y'know I'm not sure I've even seen McGillistupidname's finisher yet! I'm not even sure what he uses, but it would be pretty cool for him to bring the 'Plex back.
Y'know I'm not sure I've even seen McGillistupidname's finisher yet! I'm not even sure what he uses, but it would be pretty cool for him to bring the 'Plex back.

I agree, WWE seem quite high on mentioning their wrestler's fathers right now with DiBiase, Rhodes etc regularly being referred to as the offspring of legends, so I would like to see McGillicutty using some sort of Perfect-Plex variation. It was a good move and noone else uses it right now, so why not? The old school fans would love it anyway, and the younger fans could get an education, and would like it anyway as its an impressive move thats damm hard to kick out off.

Also, for the love of all that is holy, change the guys name back to Joe Henning, Michael McGillicutty is one of the most ridiculous ring names of the last decade, and even more stupid when the guys father is CURT HENNIG! FFS Vince, sort it out man!
Agreed with the above post, they should take him off TV for a while and re-package him to Joe Hennig and he should have the Perfect Plex as a signature atleast. Hennig Jr is a good wrestler, but his moveset isn't all there yet. Swinging Neckbreaker is ok, but not that good.

Also I think the move that Crimson used called "Code Red" should be brought back, as TNA have scrapped that move because of how little impact it brought on Jesse Neal. Who do I think should use it? Skip Sheffield perhaps, as his Lariat has gotten pretty generic. John Morrison should bring back his Super Kick, that he used briefly as Nitro because firstly, he sucks when it comes to Starship Pain and secondly, we want more moves that can come out of nowhere. The only finishers that do that are Orton's RKO, Tatsu and Punk's kick, Khali's chop, and the Spear which nobody uses. Perhaps Christian could use the Spear now too.
Agreed with the above post, they should take him off TV for a while and re-package him to Joe Hennig and he should have the Perfect Plex as a signature atleast. Hennig Jr is a good wrestler, but his moveset isn't all there yet. Swinging Neckbreaker is ok, but not that good.

To be honest, if Punk's leaving means the breakup of the Nexus then I don't think they would even have to take him off TV to repackage him. Maybe a week or two after the Nexus dissipate, have him come out and just say it's time to start again and that he's done pretending to be something he isn't, he's Joe Henning and he wants to make a name for himself following his dad's footsteps. Or something.

Was there ever a reason given why he couldn't use his own name out of interest? Only thing I can think of that would confuse the issue is Mr Ziggler having 'Perfection' in his theme and as Karilas says the similar look, so maybe that would confuse the audience.
I agree, WWE seem quite high on mentioning their wrestler's fathers right now with DiBiase, Rhodes etc regularly being referred to as the offspring of legends, so I would like to see McGillicutty using some sort of Perfect-Plex variation. It was a good move and noone else uses it right now, so why not? The old school fans would love it anyway, and the younger fans could get an education, and would like it anyway as its an impressive move thats damm hard to kick out off.

Also, for the love of all that is holy, change the guys name back to Joe Henning, Michael McGillicutty is one of the most ridiculous ring names of the last decade, and even more stupid when the guys father is CURT HENNIG! FFS Vince, sort it out man!


To be honest, if Punk's leaving means the breakup of the Nexus then I don't think they would even have to take him off TV to repackage him. Maybe a week or two after the Nexus dissipate, have him come out and just say it's time to start again and that he's done pretending to be something he isn't, he's Joe Henning and he wants to make a name for himself following his dad's footsteps. Or something.

Was there ever a reason given why he couldn't use his own name out of interest? Only thing I can think of that would confuse the issue is Mr Ziggler having 'Perfection' in his theme and as Karilas says the similar look, so maybe that would confuse the audience.

I think the main reason he isn't using his own name is because the WWE will probably never allow a young talent to own their own identity ever again. Simple evil business fact. Don't care how sensible it is for the company, it's still a cunt's trick. As if the WWE doesn't have enough of a monopoly over pro-wrestling as it is, now they want to limit all their performers future earning potential too!
One move id like to see back is the buzzsaw kick, I mean when Tajiri used it, it looked gold and like he could take their head off
Well I would love to see the Frog Splash return, maybe a Corkscrew FrogSplash of sorts. Always that it was a great impact move and loved almost everyones' version (even D-Lo's, though hated Christian's).

But one move I'd love to see come back would be the Pearl River Plunge. I don't care if they give it to Ahmed's bastard called Big Zeke coz that was an amazing move.
Well I would love to see the Frog Splash return, maybe a Corkscrew FrogSplash of sorts. Always that it was a great impact move and loved almost everyones' version (even D-Lo's, though hated Christian's).

But one move I'd love to see come back would be the Pearl River Plunge. I don't care if they give it to Ahmed's bastard called Big Zeke coz that was an amazing move.

That just gave me flashbacks to playing WWF Warzone and the crowd chants of "PRP! PRP!" See I was watching WCW at the time, pretty much completely missed out on Ahmed Johnson.
One word: POUNCE

I can see big Zeke using this. It would fit him perfectly. He needs something to go along with the torture rack and the Uranage isn't doing it IMO

Other possibilities:

Dragon Sleeper
Impaler DDT
Elevated Powerbomb (Like a last ride)
But the Pounce only really worked in the 6 sided ring.

I would also like to see a Diving Elbow drop used as a finisher again and by someone who isnt Curt Hawkins.

Thinking about it ADR needs a Impact Finisher and a German Suplex with a bridge would be suit him.
Well I would love to see the Frog Splash return, maybe a Corkscrew FrogSplash of sorts. Always that it was a great impact move and loved almost everyones' version (even D-Lo's, though hated Christian's).

I really do not like Christian's Frog Splash either, he never looks comfortable doing it, and sometimes it looks like he lands on his knees first, then places his body down onto his opponent. He also does not really extend his arms much when he is doing it, so its nowhere near as spectacular as when someone like RVD performs it.

Another move it would like to see come back is the Asai DDT, that Ultimo Dragon used as his finisher when he was in the WWE. Something like that would be great for a smaller wrestler like Sin Cara or Evan Bourne to use. I think it would suit Bourne really well, as he has not got an impact finisher, and relies on only a top rope move right now.

This is the move I am talking about...

I really do not like Christian's Frog Splash either, he never looks comfortable doing it, and sometimes it looks like he lands on his knees first, then places his body down onto his opponent. He also does not really extend his arms much when he is doing it, so its nowhere near as spectacular as when someone like RVD performs it.

Another move it would like to see come back is the Asai DDT, that Ultimo Dragon used as his finisher when he was in the WWE. Something like that would be great for a smaller wrestler like Sin Cara or Evan Bourne to use. I think it would suit Bourne really well, as he has not got an impact finisher, and relies on only a top rope move right now.

This is the move I am talking about...


Now that's the kind of move I'd like to see Dolph use instead of the Zig-Zag! Targets the same part on the body too.

Interesting idea to have Bourne use it, but as he's quite small and light looking it'd maybe work as a setup for the SSP than a finisher itself as I dunno if I could buy that if he hit that on someone like Jack Swagger for example that it'd keep him down for the pin.
Now that's the kind of move I'd like to see Dolph use instead of the Zig-Zag! Targets the same part on the body too.

Interesting idea to have Bourne use it, but as he's quite small and light looking it'd maybe work as a setup for the SSP than a finisher itself as I dunno if I could buy that if he hit that on someone like Jack Swagger for example that it'd keep him down for the pin.

Interesting thought. It could be used as a match-ender on someone smaller and then as you say, could be a set up move for Air Bourne, when he hits it on a larger opponent like Swagger. I would be perfectly happy for it to go down that way.

Another move that I think could make a comeback is a "Twist-Of-Fate" spinning cutter. With both Hardyz gone from WWE, with little chance or returning in the near future, a move like this (which was always popular with the fans) could be re-introduced. Again, someone like Ziggler or perhaps even Kofi Kingston or John Morrsion could use a move like that?

Another move that I think could make a comeback is a "Twist-Of-Fate" spinning cutter. With both Hardyz gone from WWE, with little chance or returning in the near future, a move like this (which was always popular with the fans) could be re-introduced. Again, someone like Ziggler or perhaps even Kofi Kingston or John Morrsion could use a move like that?


REY MYSTERIO.Haha sorry I just remember when Rey did the Twist of Fate against Matt Hardy and it looked pretty effective.

I want to see a Fishermans Suplex comeback.And give it to Joe Hennig.Hell give him a Spinning one to make it flashier.
I would really like to see a good Lariat as a finisher.

Also, I would really like it if someone used a good running powerslam.

I think those are my two favorite finishers. Both are kind of simple, but are awesome if used with good force behind them.
I know this is not very creative but I want to see someone use the F-5 again. I think it's a perfect move for a big guy to use and I've always been partial to it. One thing, though. People will recognize that Brock Lesnar used it, and it will associate that guy with him.
I loved the F-5. To me it is one of the best finishers in WWE history. However, the problem with bringing it back is that no one can do it as good as Brock Lesnar. It takes a lot of power, speed, and agility to do a great F-5.
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